#' Expand list-columns in a Ranges object
#' @param data A Ranges object
#' @param ... list-column names to expand then unlist
#' @param .drop Should additional list columns be dropped (default = FALSE)?
#' By default `expand_ranges()` will keep other list columns even if they are nested.
#' @param .id A character vector of length equal to number of list columns.
#' If supplied will create new column(s) with name `.id`
#' identifying the index of the list column (default = NULL).
#' @param .keep_empty If a list-like column contains empty elements, should
#' those elements be kept? (default = FALSE)
#' @param .recursive If there are multiple list-columns, should the columns be
#' treated as parallel? If FALSE each column will be unnested recursively,
#' otherwise they are treated as parallel, that is each list column has
#' identical lengths. (deafualt = FALSE)
#' @importFrom S4Vectors expand
#' @return a GRanges object with expanded list columns
#' @examples
#' grng <- as_granges(data.frame(seqnames = "chr1", start = 20:23, width = 1000))
#' grng <- mutate(grng,
#' exon_id = IntegerList(a = 1, b = c(4,5), c = 3, d = c(2,5))
#' )
#' expand_ranges(grng)
#' expand_ranges(grng, .id = "name")
#' # empty list elements are not preserved by default
#' grng <- mutate(grng,
#' exon_id = IntegerList(a = NULL, b = c(4,5), c= 3, d = c(2,5))
#' )
#' expand_ranges(grng)
#' expand_ranges(grng, .keep_empty = TRUE)
#' expand_ranges(grng, .id = "name", .keep_empty = TRUE)
#' @rdname ranges-expand
#' @export
expand_ranges <- function(data, ..., .drop = FALSE, .id = NULL, .keep_empty = FALSE, .recursive = FALSE) {
list_cols <- get_list_cols(data)
which_unnest <- unnest_cols(data, list_cols, ...)
if (.drop) {
list_cols_to_drop <- setdiff(names(list_cols), which_unnest)
if (length(list_cols_to_drop) > 0) {
mcols(data) <- mcols(data)[!(names(mcols(data)) %in% list_cols_to_drop)]
if (ncol(mcols(data)) == length(which_unnest)) {
expand_rng <- S4Vectors::expand(data,
keepEmptyRows = .keep_empty,
recursive = .recursive)
} else {
expand_rng <- S4Vectors::expand(data,
keepEmptyRows = .keep_empty,
recursive = .recursive)
if (!is.null(.id)) {
if (length(.id) != length(which_unnest)) {
stop("`.id` does not have same length as number of list columns.",
call. = FALSE)
values <- lapply(mcols(data)[, which_unnest, drop = FALSE],
.keep_empty = .keep_empty)
names(values) <- .id
values <-"DataFrame", values)
# for some reason if values is single column DF, expand
# returns a List, with expanded values in last element
if (length(.id) == 1) {
expand_values <- expand(values,
keepEmptyRows = .keep_empty,
recursive = .recursive)
expand_values <- expand_values[[.id]]
expand_values <- DataFrame(expand_values)
names(expand_values) <- .id
} else {
expand_values <- S4Vectors::expand(values,
keepEmptyRows = .keep_empty,
recursive = .recursive )
mcols(expand_rng) <- cbind(mcols(expand_rng), expand_values)
get_list_cols <- function(data) {
list_cols_pos <- unlist(Map(function(.) is(., "List"), mcols(data)))
list_cols <- Filter(isTRUE, list_cols_pos)
if (length(list_cols) == 0L) {
stop("No list columns to unnest.", call. = FALSE)
unnest_cols <- function(data, list_cols, ...) {
dots <- set_dots_unnamed(...)
dot_names <- unlist(Map(function(.) quo_name(.), dots))
if (any(!(dot_names %in% colnames(mcols(data))))) {
stop(paste("Input column(s):",
paste0(dot_names, collapse = ","), "not found."),
call. = FALSE)
if (length(dot_names) == 0L) {
which_unnest <- names(list_cols)
} else {
which_unnest <- intersect(dot_names, names(list_cols))
if (length(which_unnest) == 0L) {
stop(paste("Input column(s):",
paste0(dot_names, collapse = ","), "are not list columns."),
call. = FALSE)
extract_index <- function(col, .keep_empty) {
v <- names(col)
if (length(v) == 0) v <- seq_along(col)
l <- lengths(col)
if (.keep_empty) l[l == 0] <- 1
inx <- IRanges::IntegerList(Map(function(i) rep(i, l[i]), seq_along(l)))
IRanges::extractList(v, inx)
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