#use.dta needs to be a data.frame with the columns Sample_Name and Days
#main is the title of the plot is the name of the column in use.dta which indicates the outermost group (i.e. the group which is above the inner group in the hierarchy) or NULL is the name of the column in use.dta which indicates the inner-most group (or only group).
#outer.cols is a named character vector containing the colors to use for each level of the outer group
#colorbrewer.pal needs a string indicating a Rcolorbrewer palatte.
#plot.value is the column name of use.dta corresponding to the (numeric) data to be displayed on the heatmap
#code adapted from the mtvsplot CRAN package:
#outer.cols=c(Flu="black", SARS="brown", Mock="blue") <- function(use.dta, plot.value="Penh",main=plot.value,,, outer.cols=NULL, colorbrewer.pal="PRGn")
if ( == FALSE || ncol(use.dta) < 3 || all(c('Sample_Name', 'Days') %in% colnames(use.dta)) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: use.dta needs to be a data.frame with at least 3 columns, two of which need to be named Sample_Name and Days")
if (length(plot.value) != 1 || is.character(plot.value) == FALSE || plot.value %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || is.numeric(use.dta[,plot.value]) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: plot.value needs to be a character vector of length 1 corresponding to a numeric column in use.dta")
if (missing( || is.null(
use.dta$temp_outer <- factor("temp") <- "temp_outer"
else if (length( != 1 || is.character( == FALSE || %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || (is.character(use.dta[,]) == FALSE && is.factor(use.dta[,]) == FALSE))
stop("ERROR: needs to a character vector of length one corresponding to a character or factor column in use.dta")
else if (is.character(use.dta[,]))
use.dta[,] <- factor(use.dta[,])
if (missing( || is.null(
use.dta$temp_inner <- factor("temp") <- "Sample_Name"
if (length( != 1 || is.character( == FALSE || %in% colnames(use.dta) == FALSE || (is.character(use.dta[,]) == FALSE && is.factor(use.dta[,]) == FALSE))
stop("ERROR: needs to a character vector of length one corresponding to a character or factor column in use.dta")
else if (is.character(use.dta[,]))
use.dta[,] <- factor(use.dta[,])
if ( == "temp_outer")
outer.cols <- c(temp="black")
else if ((length(outer.cols) != nlevels(use.dta[,]) || is.null(names(outer.cols)) || all(names(outer.cols) %in% levels(use.dta[,])) == FALSE || all(outer.cols %in% colors() == FALSE)))
stop("ERROR: outer.cols needs to be a named character vector corresponding to levels in the column containing the names of colors")
if (is.character(colorbrewer.pal) == FALSE || length(colorbrewer.pal) != 1 || colorbrewer.pal %in% rownames( == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: colorbrewer.pal needs to be a single valid RColorBrewer palette.")
#pal.list <- rep(colorbrewer.pal, nlevels(use.dta[,]))
#names(pal.list) <- levels(use.dta[,])
mean.mat <- acast(formula=Days~Sample_Name, data=use.dta, value.var=plot.value)
sample.cross <- use.dta[,c("Sample_Name",,]
sample.cross <- sample.cross[!duplicated(sample.cross),]
rownames(sample.cross) <- as.character(sample.cross$Sample_Name)
sample.cross <- sample.cross[colnames(mean.mat),]
clear.ord <-"order", sample.cross[,c(,])
mean.mat <- mean.mat[,clear.ord]
sample.cross <- sample.cross[clear.ord,] <- sample.cross[,] <- sample.cross[,]
cx <- t(scale(t(mean.mat)))
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(las = 1, cex.axis = 0.6)
cn <- colnames(cx)
nc <- ncol(cx)
utime <- 1:nrow(cx)
use.layout.list <- lapply(seq(from=1, length.out=nlevels(, by=2), function(x)
return (c(rep(x, 6), x+1))
use.layout <-"rbind", use.layout.list)
if (nrow(use.layout) == 1)
use.layout <- rbind(use.layout, use.layout, use.layout)
use.layout <- rbind(use.layout, c(rep((nlevels(*2)+1, 6), (nlevels(*2)+2))
colm.list <- lapply(levels(, function(x)
apply(mean.mat[, == x], 2, boxplot, plot=F)
names(colm.list) <- levels(
right.xlim <- range("cbind", lapply(unlist(colm.list, recursive=F), "[", "stats")), na.rm = TRUE)
#side2 <- max(0.55, max(strwidth(cn, "inches")) + 0.1)
side2 <- max(strwidth(cn, "inches")) + .5
use.heat.colors <- brewer.pal(4, colorbrewer.pal)
for (i in levels(
#c(bottom, left, top, right)
bottom <- .05
if (i == levels([1])
top <- .1
top <- 0
par(mai = c(bottom, side2, top, 0.05)) <- cx[, == i]
image(utime, seq_len(sum( == i)),, col = use.heat.colors, xlim = range(utime),
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "", xlab = "")
#axis(2, at = seq_len(nc), cn)
usrpar <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usrpar[1:2], 0, 1))
cur.inner <-[ == i, drop=T]
group.bounds <- lapply(levels(cur.inner), function(x) end(IRanges(Rle(cur.inner == x))))
names(group.bounds) <- unique(cur.inner)
group.lines <- sort(as.numeric(unlist(group.bounds)))
last.line <- group.lines[length(group.lines)]
group.lines <- group.lines[-length(group.lines)]/length(cur.inner)
if (length(group.lines) > 0)
abline(h = group.lines, lwd = 1, col = 1)
for (j in names(group.bounds)){
for (k in group.bounds[[j]]){
dist.val <- k/(length(cur.inner))
half.dist <- dist.val - min(abs(dist.val - group.lines[group.lines != dist.val]))/2
mtext(text=j, side=2, at=half.dist, las=1, cex=.5, line=.5, col=outer.cols[i])
mtext(text=i, side=2, las=0, line=.5+(ceiling(max(nchar(cn))/2)), col=outer.cols[i])
colm <- colm.list[[i]]
par(mai = c(bottom, .05, top, .1))
if (i == levels([nlevels(])
plot(1:length(colm), type = "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "", xlim = right.xlim)
plot(1:length(colm), type = "n", ylab = "", yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n",
xlab = "", xlim = right.xlim)
usrpar <- par("usr")
par(usr = c(usrpar[1:2], 0, 1))
ypos <- (1:length(colm) - 1/2)/length(colm)
for (cur_el in 1:length(colm))
bxp(colm[[cur_el]], horizontal=T, at=ypos[cur_el],add=T, boxwex=.1, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
#mtext(text=names(colm)[cur_el], side=2, at=ypos[cur_el], cex=.5)
abline(h = group.lines, lwd = 1, col = 1)
all.meds <- sapply(levels(, function(x)
apply(mean.mat[, == x], 1, median, na.rm = TRUE)
bottom.ylim <- range(all.meds, na.rm = TRUE)
par(mai = c(0.6, side2, 0.05, 0.05))
plot(utime, all.meds[,1], type = "l", ylim = bottom.ylim, xaxt = "n",
xlab = "", ylab = "Median", col=outer.cols[colnames(all.meds)[1]])
if (ncol(all.meds) > 1)
for (i in 2:ncol(all.meds))
lines(all.meds[,i], type="l", col=outer.cols[colnames(all.meds)[i]])
par(usr = c(c(0,nrow(all.meds)) , par("usr")[3:4]))
Axis(at=1:nrow(all.meds), labels=rownames(all.meds), side = 1)
mtext("Days", side=1, outer=F, padj=3, cex=.7)
#as the above margins are too large, mainly as a placeholder...
par(mai = c(0.05, 0.05, 0.1, 0.1))
plot(0, 0, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes = FALSE, type = "n")
#maybe make a legend here
#text(0, 0, main)
legend("center", legend=rev(c("Low", "", "", "High")), fill=rev(use.heat.colors), title=main,y.intersp = .75)
#functions to be used in conjunction with the summaryMeasures method <- function(x,
max.response <- function(x,
auc.response <- function(x,
x[,] <- as.numeric(x[,])
ord.days <- x[order(x[,], decreasing=FALSE),]
return(data.frame(auc.response=(1/2)*sum(sapply(1:(nrow(ord.days)-1), function(y) (ord.days[,][y+1]-ord.days[,][y])*(ord.days$Value[y] + ord.days$Value[y+1])))))
mean.response <- function(x,
#maybe make more general eventually and allow adding labels by more than just sample <- function(bux.db, sample.labels)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if ( == FALSE || is.null(names(sample.labels)) || any(names(sample.labels) == "samples") == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: sample.labels needs to be a data.frame with a 'samples' column")
if (all(sample.labels$samples %in% samples(bux.db)) == FALSE)
diff.samps <- setdiff(sample.labels$sample, samples(bux.db))
stop(paste("ERROR: Invalid samples specified:", paste(diff.samps, collapse=",")))
#should be a check to make sure all the phase annotations are valid here: but need to expose that as a method: else if (any(names(sample.labels) == "phase") && )
if (any(
stop("ERROR: There cannot be NAs in sample.labels")
if ((ncol(sample.labels) == 1) || (ncol(sample.labels) == 2 && any(names(sample.labels) == "phase")))
stop("ERROR: There are no label columns specified")
bux.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
#write the data to a temporary table
if ("temp_table" %in% dbListTables(bux.con))
warning("Table 'temp_table' already exists dropping...")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, "DROP TABLE temp_table")
label.cols <- setdiff(names(sample.labels), c("samples", "phase"))
#make sure these label columns don't clash with existing columns
all.db.cols <- unlist(lapply(dbListTables(bux.con), function(x)
dbListFields(bux.con, x)
if (any(label.cols %in% all.db.cols))
stop(paste("ERROR: Column(s):", paste(intersect(all.db.cols, label.cols), collapse=","), "already found in database"))
label.types <- sapply(label.cols, function(x)
col.classes <- class(sample.labels[,x])
if (is.numeric(col.classes))
else if (is.character(col.classes))
else if (is.integer(col.classes))
stop(paste("ERROR: Unexpected datatype for column:", x))
all.labels <- paste(paste(label.cols, label.types), collapse=",")
if (any(names(sample.labels) == "phase"))
basic.col <- c("Sample_Name", "Rec_Exp_date")
basic.col <- "Sample_Name"
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (", paste(paste(basic.col, "TEXT"), collapse=",") ,", ", all.labels,")"))
ins.query <- paste("INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (",paste(paste0(":", basic.col), collapse=",") ,", ",paste(paste0(":", label.cols), collapse=","),")")
names(sample.labels)[names(sample.labels) == "samples"] <- "Sample_Name"
names(sample.labels)[names(sample.labels) == "phase"] <- "Rec_Exp_date", ins.query, sample.labels)
#perform the merging step
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE temp_table_2 AS SELECT ",paste(c(dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db)), label.cols), collapse=",")," FROM Sample NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_table NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE", annoTable(bux.db), "AS SELECT * FROM temp_table_2"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table_2"))
#as this destroys the annotTable, should rebuild the indexes
make.annotation.indexes(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
adjust.labels <- function(bux.db, err.breaks.dta)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if ( == FALSE || all(colnames(err.breaks.dta) %in% c("Sample_Name", "Variable_Name", "Rec_Exp_date", "Break_number", "Break_type_label", "num_entries", "inferred_labs")) == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: The provided err.breaks.dta is not a data.frame with appropriate columns (please use the 'get.err.breaks' function)")
temp.table <- "temp_table"
bux.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
#check to see if this has been done before and stop if it has for now...
if(any(dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db)) == "Break_type_label_orig"))
stop("ERROR: It appears that this operation has been performed before, performing it multiple times is currently not supported")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (Sample_Name TEXT, Variable_Name TEXT, Rec_Exp_date TEXT, Break_number INT, inferred_labs TEXT)")
ins.query <- paste("INSERT INTO temp_table VALUES (:Sample_Name, :Variable_Name, :Rec_Exp_date, :Break_number, :inferred_labs)"), ins.query, err.breaks.dta)
use.cols <- dbListFields(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
which.btl <- which(use.cols == "Break_type_label")
if (length(which.btl) != 1)
stop("ERROR: Cannot find Break_type_label in the list of columns")
use.cols[which.btl] <- paste(use.cols[which.btl], " AS Break_type_label_orig")
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table_2 AS SELECT", paste(use.cols, collapse=","), ", IFNULL(inferred_labs, Break_type_label) AS Break_type_label FROM ",annoTable(bux.db),"NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Sample NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN temp_table"))
#check to make sure the new version is the same size as the old version
same.len <- unlist(as.numeric(dbGetQuery(bux.con, "SELECT COUNT(*) from temp_table_2;"))) == unlist(as.numeric(dbGetQuery(bux.con, paste("SELECT COUNT(*) from", annoTable(bux.db)))))
if (! same.len)
stop("ERROR: The new database is not of equal length to the old database")
#now drop the old annotTable and replace it with the temporary one...
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE", annoTable(bux.db)))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("CREATE TABLE", annoTable(bux.db), "AS SELECT * FROM temp_table_2"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table"))
.run.update.statement(bux.con, paste("DROP TABLE temp_table_2"))
#as this destroys the annotTable, should rebuild the indexes
make.annotation.indexes(bux.con, annoTable(bux.db))
get.err.breaks <- function(bux.db, max.exp.count=150, max.acc.count=900, vary.perc=.1, label.val="ERR")
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be an object of class BuxcoDB")
if (length(max.exp.count) != 1 || is.numeric(max.exp.count) == FALSE || max.exp.count < 1)
stop("ERROR: max.exp.count needs to be a single numeric value > 0")
if (length(max.acc.count) != 1 || is.numeric(max.acc.count) == FALSE || max.acc.count < 1)
stop("ERROR: max.acc.count needs to be a single numeric value > 0")
if (length(vary.perc) != 1 || is.numeric(vary.perc) == FALSE || vary.perc <= 0 || vary.perc >= 1)
stop("ERROR: vary.perc needs to be a single numeric value between 0 and 1")
if (is.character(label.val) == FALSE || length(label.val) > 1 || label.val %in% c("ACC", "EXP") || label.val %in% annoLevels(bux.db)$Break_type_label == FALSE)
stop("ERROR: label.val needs to be a single character and in the Break_type_label column of the annotation table (other than 'ACC' or 'EXP')")
db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
break.count.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, paste0("SELECT Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Rec_Exp_date, Break_number, Break_type_label, COUNT(Time_ID) AS num_entries from Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Additional_labels NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL JOIN Sample WHERE Break_type_label = '",label.val,"' GROUP BY Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Rec_Exp_date, Break_number, Break_type_label"))
#also attempt to determine if the breaks should be labeled otherwise
which.exp <- break.count.dta$num_entries > (max.exp.count - (max.exp.count*vary.perc)) & break.count.dta$num_entries <= max.exp.count
which.acc <- break.count.dta$num_entries > (max.acc.count - (max.acc.count*vary.perc)) & break.count.dta$num_entries <= max.acc.count
break.count.dta$inferred_labs <- break.count.dta$Break_type_label
break.count.dta$inferred_labs[which.exp] <- "EXP"
break.count.dta$inferred_labs[which.acc] <- "ACC"
basic.table.headers <- list("WBPth"=c("f","TVb","MVb","Penh","PAU","Rpef","Comp","PIFb","PEFb","Ti","Te","EF50","Tr","Tbody","Tc","RH","Rinx"))
generate.sample.buxco <- function(break.dta, table.line="Table", table.var.list=basic.table.headers, measure.lines=c("Measurement", "Create measurement", "Waiting for", "Site Acknowledgement Changed"))
baseline.time <- Sys.time()
sim.vec <- as.character(unlist(lapply(split(break.dta, cumsum(break.dta$table_break)), function(x)
#for each table
unlist(lapply(split(x, cumsum(x$measure_break)), function(y)
#for each output chunk
unlist(lapply(1:nrow(y), function(z)
if (y$table_break[z])
#need to allow more than one table...
return(c(paste(table.line, names(table.var.list)[1]), paste0(paste(c("Time","Subject","Phase","Recording", table.var.list[[1]]), collapse=","),",")))
else if (y$measure_break[z])
#need to add in a time stamp, value followed by the appropriate amount of ','
return(paste(format(baseline.time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"), measure.lines, paste(rep(",", 4+length(table.var.list[[1]])-2), collapse=""),sep=","))
#generate baseline timestamp
return(sapply(1:y$count[z], function(w)
dta.vec <- abs(rnorm(length(basic.table.headers[[1]])))
baseline.time <<- baseline.time+2
return(paste0(paste(c(format(baseline.time, "%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p"), y$samples[z], y$phase[z], "original", dta.vec), collapse=","),","))
find.bux.breaks <- function(filename,"Measurement", "Create measurement", "Waiting for", "Site Acknowledgement Changed"), table.delim = "Table")
temp <- readLines(filename)
tables.pos <- plethy:::multi.grep(patterns=table.delim, str.vec=temp)
table.ranges <- plethy:::find.break.ranges.integer(tables.pos, length(temp))
cur.header <- character()
table.ranges <- table.ranges[table.ranges$width > 1,]
all.dta <-"rbind", lapply(1:nrow(table.ranges), function(x)
tab.temp <- temp[table.ranges$start[x]:table.ranges$end[x]]
break.pos <- plethy:::multi.grep(, str.vec=tab.temp)
break.ranges <- plethy:::find.break.ranges.integer(break.pos, length(tab.temp))
cbind(Table_num=x,"rbind", lapply(1:nrow(break.ranges), function(y)
cur.break <- tab.temp[break.ranges$start[y]:break.ranges$end[y]]
if(y == 1)
cur.table <-, header=TRUE)
cur.header <<- names(cur.table)
cur.table <-, header=FALSE)
names(cur.table) <- cur.header
cur.table <- plethy:::fix.time(cur.table) <- split(cur.table, list(cur.table$Subject, cur.table$Phase), drop=TRUE)
cbind(Break.num=y,"rbind", lapply(, function(z)
if ($posix.time)))
ret.dta <- data.frame(Sample=unique(as.character(z$Subject)), Phase=unique(as.character(z$Phase)), Size=nrow(z), min.time=min(z$posix.time), max.time=max(z$posix.time))
#basic sanity checks to ensure the parsing of the Buxco file seemed to be performed correctly
#emits warnings if the resulting database looks outside of parameters and returns the queries as an invisble list of data.frames if the acutal output needs to be inspected.
proc.sanity <- function(bux.db, max.exp.time=300, max.acc.time=1800, max.exp.count=150, max.acc.count=900)
if (class(bux.db) != "BuxcoDB")
stop("ERROR: bux.db needs to be a 'BuxcoDB class'")
if ((is.numeric(max.exp.time) && is.numeric(max.acc.time)) == F)
stop("max.exp.time and max.acc.time need to be numeric values")
if ((is.numeric(max.exp.count) && is.numeric(max.acc.count)) ==F)
stop("max.exp.count and max.acc.count need to be numeric")
db.con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbName(bux.db))
time.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, paste("SELECT Break_type_label, MIN(Break_sec_start) AS min_seconds, MAX(Break_sec_start) AS max_seconds from", annoTable(bux.db), "NATURAL JOIN Chunk_Time GROUP BY Break_type_label;"))
looks.good <- TRUE
if (time.dta$max_seconds[time.dta$Break_type_label == "ACC"] > max.acc.time)
warning("Max ACC values outside of max.acc.time parameter")
if (time.dta$max_seconds[time.dta$Break_type_label == "EXP"] > max.exp.time)
warning("Max EXP values outside of specified max.exp.time parameter")
count.dta <- dbGetQuery(db.con, "SELECT Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Days, Break_type_label, COUNT(Time_ID) AS num_entries from Chunk_Time NATURAL JOIN Additional_labels NATURAL JOIN Variable NATURAL JOIN Sample GROUP BY Sample_Name, Variable_Name, Days, Break_type_label")
if (any(count.dta$num_entries[count.dta$Break_type_label == "ACC"] > max.acc.count))
warning("Number of ACC values outside of specified max.acc.count parameter")
if (any(count.dta$num_entries[count.dta$Break_type_label == "EXP"] > max.exp.count))
warning("Number of EXP values outside of specified max.exp.count parameter")
if (all(annoLevels(bux.db)$Break_type_label %in% c("ACC", "EXP")) == FALSE)
warning("Break_type_labels other than ACC or EXP found")
invisible(list(time=time.dta, count=count.dta))
#assuming Sample_Name column looks like: 15156x1566 f99, subtracts Sample_Name and adds the columns:
#ID as RIX.ID_Mating
fix.sample.ids <- function(bux.dta)
{ <- setdiff(names(bux.dta), "Sample_Name")
split.samp.names <- strsplit(bux.dta$Sample_Name, "\\s+")
bux.dta$Mating <- sapply(split.samp.names, "[", 1)
bux.dta$RIX_ID <- sub("f", "", sapply(split.samp.names, "[", 2))
bux.dta$ID <- paste(bux.dta$Mating, bux.dta$RIX_ID, sep="_")
return(bux.dta[,c("ID", "RIX_ID", "Mating",])
make.db.package <- function(obj, author=NULL,
if (missing(author) || is.null(author) || all(
author <- "Unknown"
if (missing( || is.null( || all(
{ <- ""
if (regexpr("^[A-Za-z0-9\\.]+$", dbName(obj), perl=T) == -1)
stop("ERROR: package names need to only contain letters, numbers and dots")
} <- file.path("temp.package", "inst", "extdata", "package.db") <- file.path(dbName(obj), "inst", "extdata", "plethy_db.RData")
package.desc <- packageDescription("plethy")
syms <- list(PKGNAME=basename(dbName(obj)), VERSION=package.desc$Version, DBTYPE="BuxcoDB", MANUF="Buxco", LIC=package.desc$License,
DB_NAME="package.db", AUTHOR=author,
createPackage(pkgname="temp.package", destinationDir=".", originDir=system.file(file.path("extdata", "plethy.template"), package = "plethy"),
symbolValues=syms, unlink=TRUE, quiet=T)
#the extdata directory doesn't get transferred over probably as it is empty...
if (file.exists(dirname(
dir.create(dirname(, recursive=TRUE)
file.rename(from="temp.package", to=dbName(obj))
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