##' A function to plot probabiltiy ellipses on marker PCA plots to
##' visualise and assess TAGM models.
##' Note that when running PCA, this function does not scale the data
##' (centring is performed), as opposed to [plot2D()]. Only marker
##' proteins are displayed; the protein of unknown location, that are
##' not used to estimate the MAP parameters, are filtered out.
##' @param object An [`MSnbase::MSnset`] containing quantitative
##' spatial proteomics data.
##' @param params An [`MAPParams`] with the TAGM-MAP parameters, as
##' generated by `tagmMapTrain`.
##' @param dims A `numeric(2)` with the principal components along
##' which to project the data. Default is `c(1, 2)`.
##' @param method The method used. Currently `"MAP"` only.
##' @param ... Additional parameters passed to [plot2D()].
##' @return A PCA plot of the marker data with probability
##' ellipises. The outer ellipse contains 99% of the total
##' probability whilst the middle and inner ellipses contain 95%
##' and 90% of the probability respectively. The centres of the
##' clusters are represented by black circumpunct (circled dot).
##' @seealso [plot2D()] to visualise spatial proteomics data using
##' various dimensionality reduction methods. For details about
##' TAGM models, see [tagmPredict()] and the *pRoloc-bayesian*
##' vignette.
plotEllipse <- function(object,
dims = c(1,2),
method = "MAP",
...) {
## make marker MSnSet
markersubset <- markerMSnSet(object)
markers <- getMarkerClasses(object)
mydata <- exprs(markersubset)
K <- length(markers)
D <- ncol(mydata)
N <- nrow(mydata)
muk <- params@posteriors$mu
sigmak <- params@posteriors$sigma
## scale data correctly and format
sigmaROT <- array(0, c(K, D, D))
pca <- prcomp(mydata, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
plot2D(markersubset, dims = dims, methargs = list(scale = FALSE, center= TRUE), ...)
meanROT <- scale(muk, center = pca$center, scale = pca$scale) %*% pca$rotation
points(meanROT[, dims], pch = 1, cex = 1.4, col = 'black')
points(meanROT[, dims], pch = 19, cex = 0.8, col = 'black')
for (j in 1:K) {
sigmaROT[j, , ] <- scale(sigmak[j, , ], scale=pca$scale, center = FALSE)
for (j in 1:K) {
myCol <- getStockcol()[j]
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j, dims], sigmaROT[j, dims, dims], alpha = .1, npoints = 250, newplot = FALSE, col = myCol)
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j, dims], sigmaROT[j, dims, dims], alpha = .01, npoints = 250, newplot = FALSE, col = myCol)
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j, dims], sigmaROT[j, dims, dims], alpha = .05, npoints = 250, newplot = FALSE, col = myCol)
## This function is not exported and kept for backwards compatibility
## (for instance for the code in the tagm paper). It is not meant to
## be used anymore and will be removed at some point.
plotEllipse_old <- function(object,
components = c(1,2),
mu0 = NULL,
lambda0 = 0.01,
nu0 = NULL,
S0 = NULL,
method = c("MAP", "MCMC"),
...) {
method <- match.arg(method)
## make marker MSnSet
markersubset <- markerMSnSet(object)
marker.names <- getMarkerClasses(object)
mydata <- exprs(markersubset)
K <- length(marker.names)
## create dataset
D <- ncol(mydata)
N <- nrow(mydata)
if (is.null(nu0)) {
nu0 <- D + 2
if (is.null(S0)) {
S0 <- diag( colSums(( mydata - mean( mydata)) ^ 2) / N)/( K ^ (1/D))
mu0 <- colMeans( mydata)
## create storage for posterior parameters
mk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = D)
lambdak <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
nuk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = 1)
sk <- array(0, dim = c(K, D, D))
## create storage for cluster parameters
muk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = D)
sigmak <- array(0, dim = c(K, D, D))
xk <- matrix(0, nrow = K, ncol = D)
## update prior with training data
nk <- tabulate(fData(markersubset)[, "markers"])
for(j in 1:K)
xk[j, ] <- colMeans(mydata[fData(markersubset)[, "markers"] == getMarkerClasses(markersubset)[j], ])
lambdak <- lambda0 + nk
nuk <- nu0 + nk
mk <- (nk * xk + lambda0 * mu0) / lambdak
for(j in 1:K) {
sk[j, , ] <- S0 + t(mydata[fData(markersubset)[,"markers"] == getMarkerClasses(markersubset)[j], ]) %*%
mydata[fData(markersubset)[, "markers"] == getMarkerClasses(markersubset)[j],] +
lambda0 * mu0 %*% t(mu0) - lambdak[j] * mk[j, ] %*% t(mk[j, ])
## initial posterior mode
muk <- mk
if (method == "MAP") {
for (j in 1:K) sigmak[j, , ] <- sk[j, , ] / (nuk[j] + D + 1)
} else { ## method == "MCMC"
for (j in 1:K) sigmak[j, , ] <- sk[j, , ] / (nuk[j] - D - 1)
## scale data correctly and format
sigmaROT <- array(0, c(K, D, D))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
pca <- prcomp(mydata, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
plot2D(markersubset, dims = components, methargs = list(scale = FALSE, center= TRUE),...)
meanROT <- scale(muk, center = pca$center, scale = pca$scale) %*% pca$rotation
points(meanROT[, components], pch=19, col='black')
for (j in 1:K)
sigmaROT[j, , ] <- scale(sigmak[j, , ], scale=pca$scale, center = FALSE)
## ellipses from Mixtools package
for(j in 1:K){
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j,components],sigmaROT[j,components,components], alpha = .1, npoints=250, newplot = FALSE)
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j,components],sigmaROT[j,components,components], alpha = .01, npoints=250, newplot = FALSE)
mixtools::ellipse(meanROT[j,components],sigmaROT[j,components,components], alpha = .05, npoints=250, newplot = FALSE)
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