# Sub-functions for `knntlOptimisation` and `knntlClassification`
createPartitions <- function(markers,
test.size) {
validation.idx <- caret::createDataPartition(markers, times = times, p = test.size)
validation <- lapply(validation.idx, function(z) names(markers[z]))
names(validation) <- paste("validation", 1:times, sep = "")
train.markers <- lapply(validation.idx, function(z) markers[-z])
train <- lapply(validation.idx, function(z) names(markers[-z]))
names(train) <- paste("train", 1:times, sep = "")
xfolds.idx <- lapply(train.markers, function(z)
createFolds(z, xval, returnTrain = FALSE))
train.xfolds <- lapply(1:times,
function(x) lapply(xfolds.idx[[x]], function(z) train[[x]][z]))
names(train.xfolds) <- paste("train", 1:times, sep = "")
ans <- list(validation = validation,
train = train,
train.xfolds = train.xfolds)
## Check partitions have been created properly
.chkPartition <- sapply(1:times, function(z)
length(unique(union(ans$train[[z]], ans$validation[[z]])))==length(markers))
if(!all(.chkPartition)) {stop("Validation U training partitions != markers")}
.chkFolds <- sapply(ans$train.xfolds, function(z) length(unique(unlist(z))))
.chkFolds <- sapply(1:times, function(z) .chkFolds[z]==length(ans$train[[z]]))
if(!all(.chkFolds)) {stop("Xfolds are not generated correctly")}
##' The possible weights to be considered is a sequence from 0 (favour
##' auxiliary data) to 1 (favour primary data). Each possible
##' combination of weights for \code{nclass} classes must be
##' tested. The \code{thetas} function produces a weight \code{matrix}
##' for \code{nclass} columns (one for each class) with all possible
##' weight combinations (number of rows).
##' @title Draw matrix of thetas to test
##' @param nclass Number of marker classes
##' @param by The increment of the weights. One of \code{1},
##' \code{0.5}, \code{0.25}, \code{2}, \code{0.1} or \code{0.05}.
##' @param length.out The desired length of the weight sequence.
##' @param verbose A \code{logical} indicating if the weight sequences
##' should be printed out. Default is \code{TRUE}.
##' @return A matrix with all possible theta weight combinations.
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @examples
##' dim(thetas(4, by = 0.5))
##' dim(thetas(4, by = 0.2))
##' dim(thetas(5, by = 0.2))
##' dim(thetas(5, length.out = 5))
##' dim(thetas(6, by = 0.2))
thetas <- function(nclass,
by = .5,
verbose = TRUE) {
if (missing(length.out)) {
bys <- c(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05)
if (!by %in% bys)
stop("'by' must be one of ",
paste(bys, collapse = ", "))
t <- seq(0, 1, by)
} else {
t <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length.out)
if (verbose)
message("Weigths:\n (", paste(t, collapse = ", "), ")")
gtools::permutations(length(t), nclass, t, repeats.allowed=TRUE)
## getNN function to get va and vp matrices
## include.unknowns = TRUE/FALSE to include unknowns in neighbours
getNN <- function(object, query, labels, k) {
.classes <- levels(factor(labels))
if (missing(query)) {
all <- nrow(object) - 1
## Creat matrix of ALL distances
.nn <- nndist(object, k = all)
} else {
all <- nrow(object)
.nn <- nndist(object, query, k = all)
.indD <- grep(pattern="dist", x = colnames(.nn), = FALSE)
.indNN <- grep(pattern="index", x = colnames(.nn), = FALSE)
.nnDist <- .nn[, .indD]
.nnIndex <- .nn[, .indNN]
nn <- vector("list", nrow(.nnDist))
for (n in 1:nrow(.nnDist)) {
if (.nnDist[n, k]==.nnDist[n, k + 1]) {
tf <- which(.nnDist[n, c((k + 1):all)] != .nnDist[n, k])
index <- tf[1] + k
look <- 1:(index - 1)
nnID <- .nnIndex[n, look]
nn[[n]] <- labels[nnID]
} else {
nnID <- .nnIndex[n, 1:k]
nn[[n]] <- labels[nnID]
v <- sapply(.classes, function(x) sapply(nn, function(z) length(which(z==x))))
rownames(v) <- rownames(.nnDist)
v <- v/rowSums(v)
## Calculates an *individual* vc results given an input known value of theta
vc.res <- function(vp, va, theta) {
if (length(theta) == ncol(va) & length(theta) == ncol(vp) & ncol(vp) == ncol(va)) {
n <- 1:ncol(vp)
.foo <- function(x, y, n) theta[n]*(x) + (1-theta[n])*(y)
.vc <- sapply(n, function(z) mapply(.foo, x=vp[, z], y=va[, z], n=z))
colnames(.vc) <- colnames(vp)
rownames(.vc) <- rownames(vp)
## res <- apply(.vc, 1, function(z) names(which.max(z)))
} else {
stop("Classes differ in input matrices")
## Assign class to instance with highest score, if scores are tied pick one
## at random
getPrediction <- function(matrix, seed) {
if (!missing(seed)) {
seed <- as.integer(seed)
res <- vector("character", length = nrow(matrix))
for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) {
best <- names(which(matrix[i, ] == max(matrix[i, ])))
if (length(best) > 1) {
res[i] <- sample(best, size = 1)
} else {
res[i] <- best
## Function to combine results from splitting theta matrix
combineParams <- function(object) {
if (!inherits(object, "list")) stop("Object must be a list")
## Update algorithm, hyperparams, test.size, design and xval slots
.algorithm <- object[[1]]@algorithm
.k <- object[[1]]@hyperparameters$k
.theta <- lapply(object, function(z) z@hyperparameters$theta)
.theta <-, .theta)
.hyperparams <- list(k = .k,
theta = .theta)
.times <- object[[1]]@design[3] #
.test.size <- object[[1]]@design[2] #
.design <- object[[1]]@design
.xval <- object[[1]]@design[1] #
.predictions <- .cm <- vector("list", .times)
## Combine results and otherWeights over theta splits
.results <- lapply(object, function(z) z@results)
.results <- lapply(1:.times,
function(x), lapply(.results, function(z) z[x, ])))
.otherWeights <- lapply(object, function(z) z@otherWeights)
.otherWeights <- lapply(1:.times,
function(x), lapply(.otherWeights, function(z) z[[x]])))
## Get best theta over thetaSplits, if any multiple best theta
## across the the thetaSplits rbind these to otherWeights
for (i in 1:.times) {
.indMax <- which(.results[[i]][, 1] == max(.results[[i]][, 1]))
if (length(.indMax) > 1) {
.choice <- sample(.indMax, 1)
.otherWeights[[i]] <- rbind(.otherWeights[[i]], .results[[i]][-.choice, -1])
.indMax <- .choice
.results[[i]] <- .results[[i]][.indMax, ]
## Now get assoicated CM matrix and prediction for best theta over splits
.predictions[[i]] <- object[[.indMax]]@predictions[[i]]
.cm[[i]] <- object[[.indMax]]@cmMatrices[[i]]
.results <-, .results)
## Average f1 scores for each theta
.f1Matrices <- lapply(1:.times, function(x), lapply(object, function(z) z@f1Matrices[[x]])))
.names <- paste("times", 1:.times, sep="")
names(.f1Matrices) <- .names
.thNames <- paste("th", 1:nrow(.theta), sep = "")
for (i in 1:.times) {names(.f1Matrices[[i]]) <- .thNames}
## Save folds and data size
.folds <- object[[1]]@testPartitions
.ds <- object[[1]]@datasize
## Update log
if (length(object@log) > 0) {
.log <- vector("list", 2)
names(.log) <- c("warnings", "splits")
.log$warnings <- unlist(lapply(object, function(z) z@log))
.thList <- sapply(object, function(z) nrow(z@hyperparameters$theta))
.log$splits <- paste("Theta matrix was split into ", length(object),
"matrices for optimal parallelisation with nrow = ",
.thList, "for split", 1:length(object))
names(.log[[1]]) <- NULL
} else .log <- list()
ans <- new("ThetaRegRes",
algorithm = .algorithm,
hyperparameters = .hyperparams,
design = .design,
log = .log,
results = .results,
f1Matrices = .f1Matrices,
cmMatrices = .cm,
testPartitions = .folds,
datasize = .ds,
predictions = .predictions,
otherWeights = .otherWeights)
## Internal knntlClassification - modified version, with checks removed,
## no generation of MSnSet output
classify <- function(primary,
k) {
## Get k's
if (missing(k)) {
stop("No k passed to function classify")
} else {
if(!is.numeric(k)) stop("Input k is not of class 'numeric'")
if(!length(k)==2) stop("Input k must be of length 2")
## Generate nearest neighbours for each protein in primary
x <- names(markers[which(markers == "unknown")])
l <- names(markers[which(markers != "unknown")])
mP <- primary[l, ]
mA <- auxiliary[l, ]
uP <- primary[x, ]
uA <- auxiliary[x, ]
labels <- markers[l]
vp <- getNN(mP, uP, labels, k=k[1])
va <- getNN(mA, uA, labels, k=k[2])
## Now select proteins common in both sets
pn <- rownames(vp)
an <- rownames(va)
cmn <- intersect(pn, an)
pn.idx <- match(cmn, pn)
an.idx <- match(cmn, an)
va <- va[an.idx, ]
vp <- vp[pn.idx, ]
## Get vc matrix to vote over
vcMat <- vc.res(vp, va, bestTheta)
res <- getPrediction(vcMat)
names(res) <- rownames(va)
## Now split theta matrix
## Generate thetas to use as input
BUG_splitTh <- function(theta, cores) {
if (cores == 1)
spl <- round(nrow(theta)/cores)
t <- vector("list", cores)
foo <- function(x,y) c(((x-1)*y+1):(x*y))
for (i in 1:cores) {
if (i==cores) {
f <- t[[i-1]][spl]
f <- f+1
t[[i]] <- c(f:nrow(theta))
} else {
t[[i]] <- foo(i, spl)
lapply(t, function(z) theta[z, ])
splitTh <- function(theta, cores) {
.checkSplitTh <- function(idxl, n) {
## idxl: list with indices
## n: nrow(theta)
tmp <- unlist(idxl)
all(sort(tmp) == seq_len(n))
n <- nrow(theta)
ll <- split(1:n, ceiling(seq_len(n)/(n/cores)))
stopifnot(.checkSplitTh(ll, n))
lapply(ll, function(z) theta[z, ])
## Core optimisation function for knntlOptimisation.
tlopt <- function(primary, # matrix
auxiliary, # matrix
xfolds) {
## set warnings
.warnings <- NULL
if (inherits(theta, "numeric"))
theta <- t(as.matrix(theta))
## get markers, classes and initialise objects
.f1Matrices <- vector("list", length = times)
f1Res <- vector("list", xval)
## ---------Outer loop for multiple rounds of xval
for (.times in 1:times) {
train <- xfolds$train[[.times]]
validation <- xfolds$validation[[.times]]
folds <- xfolds$train.xfolds[[.times]]
## ----------Inner loop for xval
for (.xval in 1:xval) {
.foldNames <- folds[[.xval]]
.m <- markers[.foldNames]
trainP <- primary[train, ]
trainA <- auxiliary[train, ]
trainMrk <- as.character(markers)
names(trainMrk) <- names(markers)
trainMrk <- trainMrk[train]
trainMrk[.foldNames] <- "unknown"
llmrk <- levels(as.factor(trainMrk))
llmrk <- llmrk[which(llmrk != "unknown")]
## Classify, get results, calculate confusion matrices and macroF1 scores
f1Res[[.xval]] <- sapply(1:nrow(theta), function(z) {
.r <- classify(primary = trainP,
auxiliary = trainA,
markers = trainMrk,
bestTheta = theta[z, ],
k = k)
## NB: output of classify is only classified unknowns no
## markers are included in the output
.r <- factor(.r, levels = llmrk, ordered = TRUE)
cm <- table(.r, .m, dnn = c("Prediction", "Reference"))
f1 <- MLInterfaces:::.macroF1(MLInterfaces:::.precision(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
MLInterfaces:::.recall(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
naAs0. = TRUE)})
} # -------End inner xval loop
## Store f1 means over each round
.mat <-, f1Res)
.f1Matrices[[.times]] <- apply(.mat, 2, function(z) mean(z)) ## Mean of f1s
## Function to favour primary data when there is multiple best theta weights
favourPrimary <- function(primary, auxiliary, object,
verbose = TRUE) {
stopifnot(inherits(primary, "MSnSet"))
stopifnot(inherits(auxiliary, "MSnSet"))
stopifnot(inherits(object, "ThetaRegRes"))
.other <- sapply(object@otherWeights, rbind)
.chk <- sapply(.other, nrow)
if (all(.chk == 0)) {
warning("No otherWeights in ThetaRegRes, no possible other best weights")
fcol <- object@datasize$fcol
N <- object@design[3]
k <- object@hyperparameters$k
## Initialise new results matrix, otherWeights, confusion matrices
ncl <- length(getMarkerClasses(primary, fcol))
results <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = ncl + 1)
colnames(results) <- colnames(object@results)
cmMatrices <- otherWeights <- vector("list", N)
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0,
max = N,
style = 3)
._k <- 0
for (i in 1:N) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
._k <- ._k + 1
ow <- object@otherWeights[[i]]
if (!is.null(ow)) {
allbest <- rbind(ow, object@results[i, -1])
rs <- rowSums(allbest)
indbest <- which(rs == max(rs))
## If more than one max(rowSums) sample one
if (length(indbest) > 1) {
indbest <- sample(indbest, size = 1)
th <- allbest[indbest, ]
otherWeights[[i]] <- allbest[-indbest, ]
## Apply best to validation to get macroF1
val <- object@testPartitions$validation[[i]]
train <- object@testPartitions$train[[i]]
primary <- markerMSnSet(primary, fcol)
auxiliary <- markerMSnSet(auxiliary, fcol)
auxiliary <- filterZeroCols(auxiliary, verbose = TRUE)
fData(primary)$xxx <-
fData(auxiliary)$xxx <-
as.character(fData(primary)[, fcol])
fData(primary)[val, "xxx"] <-
fData(auxiliary)[val, "xxx"] <-
rep("unknown", length(val))
res <- knntlClassification(primary, auxiliary, fcol = "xxx",
bestTheta = th, k = k)
lev <- names(th)
## Now calculate macroF1 on validation
res.x <- unknownMSnSet(res, "xxx")
r <- factor(getMarkers(res.x, "knntl"),
levels = lev)
m <- factor(getMarkers(res.x, fcol, verbose = FALSE), levels = lev)
cm <- table(r, m, dnn = c("Prediction", "Reference"))
f1 <- MLInterfaces:::.macroF1(MLInterfaces:::.precision(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
MLInterfaces:::.recall(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
naAs0. = TRUE)
results[i, ]<- c(f1, th)
cmMatrices[[i]] <- cm
} else {
results[i, ] <- object@results[i, ]
cmMatrices[[i]] <- object@cmMatrices[[i]]
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
object@otherWeights <- otherWeights
object@results <- results
object@cmMatrices <- cmMatrices
##' theta parameter optimisation
##' Classification parameter optimisation for the KNN implementation
##' of Wu and Dietterich's transfer learning schema
##' \code{knntlOptimisation} implements a variation of Wu and
##' Dietterich's transfer learning schema: P. Wu and
##' T. G. Dietterich. Improving SVM accuracy by training on auxiliary
##' data sources. In Proceedings of the Twenty-First International
##' Conference on Machine Learning, pages 871 - 878. Morgan Kaufmann,
##' 2004. A grid search for the best theta is performed.
##' @param primary An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param auxiliary An instance of class
##' \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param k Numeric vector of length 2, containing the best \code{k}
##' parameters to use for the primary (\code{k[1]}) and auxiliary
##' (\code{k[2]}) datasets. See \code{knnOptimisation} for
##' generating best \code{k}.
##' @param times The number of times cross-validation is
##' performed. Default is 50.
##' @param test.size The size of test (validation) data. Default is
##' 0.2 (20 percent).
##' @param xval The number of rounds of cross-validation to perform.
##' @param by The increment for theta, must be one of \code{c(1, 0.5,
##' 0.25, 0.2, 0.15, 0.1, 0.05)}
##' @param length.out Alternative to using \code{by}
##' parameter. Specifies the desired length of the sequence of
##' theta to test.
##' @param th A matrix of theta values to test for each class as
##' generated from the function \code{\link{thetas}}, the number
##' of columns should be equal to the number of classes contained
##' in \code{fcol}. Note: columns will be ordered according to
##' \code{getMarkerClasses(primary, fcol)}. This argument is only
##' valid if the default method 'Breckels' is used.
##' @param xfolds Option to pass specific folds for the cross
##' validation.
##' @param BPPARAM Required for parallelisation. If not specified
##' selects a default \code{BiocParallelParam}, from global
##' options or, if that fails, the most recently registered()
##' back-end.
##' @param method The k-NN transfer learning method to use. The
##' default is 'Breckels' as described in the Breckels et al
##' (2016). If 'Wu' is specificed then the original method
##' implemented Wu and Dietterich (2004) is implemented.
##' @param log A \code{logical} defining whether logging should be
##' enabled. Default is \code{FALSE}. Note that logging produes
##' considerably bigger objects.
##' @param seed The optional random number generator seed.
##' @return A list of containing the theta combinations tested,
##' associated macro F1 score and accuracy for each combination
##' over each round (specified by times).
##' @seealso \code{\link{knntlClassification}} and example therein.
##' @aliases knntlOptimisation knntlOptimisation
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @references Breckels LM, Holden S, Wonjar D, Mulvey CM,
##' Christoforou A, Groen AJ, Kohlbacher O, Lilley KS, Gatto L.
##' Learning from heterogeneous data sources: an application in
##' spatial proteomics. bioRxiv. doi:
##' Wu P, Dietterich TG. Improving SVM Accuracy by Training on Auxiliary
##' Data Sources. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Machine
##' Learning (ICML); 2004.
knntlOptimisation <- function(primary,
fcol = "markers",
times = 50,
test.size = .2,
xval = 5,
by = .5,
BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(),
method = "Breckels",
log = FALSE,
seed) {
## Set seed (Originally removed for Darwin HPC, and added
## back 22/02/16 to use with SerialParam, unit testing and for
## reproducibility)
if (inherits(BPPARAM, "SerialParam")) {
if (missing(seed)) {
seed <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
.seed <- as.integer(seed)
## Check object validity
if (!inherits(primary, "MSnSet") | !inherits(auxiliary, "MSnSet"))
stop("Primary and auxiliary must both be of class 'MSnSet'")
## check k specified
if (missing(k)) {
stop("No k specified. Generate best k's for primary and auxiliary. See
} else {
if (length(k)!=2 | !is.numeric(k)) {
stop("k must be of class 'numeric' and of length = 2 (one k for each
data source)")
## Check method is valid
if (!(method == "Breckels" | method == "Wu"))
stop("method must be one of 'Breckels' or 'Wu'")
## We don't care about the unlabelled/unknown instances here, and
## want an overlap of marker features. It is not a strict
## requirement to have the same markes; different markers will be
## used for training, not for validation of testing (to be checked
## though).
primary <- markerMSnSet(primary, fcol)
auxiliary <- markerMSnSet(auxiliary, fcol)
## Filter to remove empty columns - to best tested
auxiliary <- filterZeroCols(auxiliary, verbose = TRUE)
classes <- getMarkerClasses(primary, fcol)
nclass <- length(classes)
## From here on don't use MSnSet's, stick to matrices, profiling showed
## code was slow using MSnSet's due to class validity checks etc.
matP <- exprs(primary)
matA <- exprs(auxiliary)
mrkP <- as.character(fData(primary)[, fcol])
mrkA <- as.character(fData(auxiliary)[, fcol])
## Check datasets have some common proteins
if (length(intersect(rownames(matP),
rownames(matA))) == 0)
stop("No common marker proteins in primary and auxilary data")
if (!identical(sort(unique(mrkP)), sort(unique(mrkA))))
stop("Different classes in fcol's between data sources")
## Generate thetas to test
if (missing(th)) {
## Run 'Wu' method, only data source specific not class-specific
if (method == "Wu") {
if (!missing(length.out)) {
th <- matrix(rep(seq(0, 1, length.out = length.out), nclass),
ncol = nclass)
w1 <- seq(0, 1, length.out)
w2 <- 1 - w1
} else {
th <- matrix(rep(seq(0, 1, by = by), nclass),
ncol = nclass)
w1 <- seq(0, 1, length.out)
w2 <- 1 - w1
colnames(th) <- classes
.numTh <- nrow(th)
} else {
## Run 'Breckels' method, generate all possible theta weights
if (!missing(length.out)) {
th <- thetas(nclass, length.out = length.out)
w1 <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length.out)
w2 <- 1 - w1
} else {
th <- thetas(nclass, by)
w1 <- seq(0, 1, by)
w2 <- 1 - w1
colnames(th) <- classes
.numTh <- nrow(th)
} else {
if (method != "Breckels")
stop("Wu's method can not be used with a specific theta matrix,
please run with method = 'Breckels'")
## Check the input matrix
nP <- names(table(fData(primary)[,fcol]))
nA <- names(table(fData(auxiliary)[,fcol]))
if (any(nP == "unknown")) {
nP <- length(nP)-1
nA <- length(nA)-1
} else {
nP <- length(nP)
nA <- length(nA)
if (!is.matrix(th)) stop("thetas is not a matrix")
if (!all(nP == ncol(th)))
stop("thetas has a different number of classes to primary data")
if (!all(nA == ncol(th)))
stop("thetas has a different number of classes to primary data")
if (is.null(colnames(th))) {
message("Note: vector will be ordered according to classes: ",
paste(classes, collpase = ""),
"(as names are not explicitly defined)")
colnames(th) <- classes
} else {
th <- th[, c(match(classes, colnames(th))), drop = FALSE]
.numTh <- nrow(th)
w1 <- unique(as.vector(th))
w2 <- 1-w1
## Now select proteins common in both sets
pn <- rownames(matP)
an <- rownames(matA)
cmn <- intersect(pn, an)
pn.idx <- match(cmn, pn)
an.idx <- match(cmn, an)
matP <- matP[pn.idx, ]
matA <- matA[an.idx, ]
mrkP <- mrkP[pn.idx]
mrkA <- mrkA[an.idx]
names(mrkP) <- rownames(matP)
names(mrkA) <- rownames(mrkA)
markers <- mrkP
## Do subsetting for train/validation partition if not specified in xfolds
if (missing(xfolds)) {
xfolds <- createPartitions(markers, xval, times, test.size)
} else {
if(!inherits(xfolds, "list") | length(xfolds) != 3 |
length(xfolds[[1]]) != times | !inherits(xfolds[[1]][[1]], "character")) {
stop("If 'xfolds' is specified it must be generated using ",
"the function pRoloc::createPartitons")
.workers <- as.numeric(BPPARAM$workers)
if (.numTh < .workers) {
.workers <- .numTh # Is there enough rows in the matrix to split amongst cores
.thetaSubsets <- splitTh(theta = th, cores = .workers)
.res <- bplapply(.thetaSubsets,
function(z) {
tlopt(primary = matP,
auxiliary = matA,
markers = markers,
## fcol = fcol,
xval = xval,
times = times,
k = k,
theta = z,
xfolds = xfolds
## test.size = test.size
.f1Matrices <- sapply(1:times, function(x)
unlist(lapply(.res, function(z) z[[x]])), simplify = FALSE)
## Initialise objects for ThetaRegRes
.thNames <- paste("th", 1:nrow(th), sep = "")
.otherWeights <- .cmMatrices <- .pred <- vector("list", times)
results <- matrix(NA, nrow = times, ncol = nclass + 1)
.warnings <- NULL
for (.times in 1:times) {
names(.f1Matrices[[.times]]) <- .thNames
## Getting the best theta
if (.numTh != 1) {
## Find thetas with highest macroF1
allbest <- which(.f1Matrices[[.times]] == max(.f1Matrices[[.times]]))
## Are there many best thetas?
if (length(allbest) > 0) {
if (log)
.warnings <- c(.warnings,
paste0("For run number ", .times,
" of times there are multiple best thetas, ",
"picking one at random"))
indbest <- sample(1:length(allbest), 1)
indTh <- allbest[indbest]
indOthers <- allbest[-indbest]
.otherWeights[[.times]] <- th[indOthers, ]
} else {
indTh <- allbest
## .otherWeights[[.times]] <- NULL
.best <- th[indTh, ]
} else {
## a matrix with 1 row
.best <- as.numeric(th)
names(.best) <- colnames(th)
## Apply best to validation to get macroF1
val <- xfolds$validation[[.times]]
train <- xfolds$train[[.times]]
P <- primary
A <- auxiliary
fData(P)$xxx <- as.character(fData(P)[, fcol])
fData(A)$xxx <- as.character(fData(A)[, fcol])
fData(P)[val, "xxx"] <- fData(A)[val, "xxx"] <- rep("unknown", length(val))
res <- knntlClassification(P, A, fcol = "xxx",
bestTheta = .best, k = k)
lev <- names(.best)
## Now calculate macroF1 on validation
res.x <- unknownMSnSet(res, "xxx")
.pred[[.times]] <- factor(getMarkers(res.x, "knntl", verbose = FALSE),
levels = lev)
.mark <- factor(getMarkers(res.x, fcol, verbose = FALSE), levels = lev)
cm <- table(.pred[[.times]], .mark, dnn = c("Prediction", "Reference"))
f1 <- MLInterfaces:::.macroF1(MLInterfaces:::.precision(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
MLInterfaces:::.recall(cm, naAs0 = TRUE),
naAs0. = TRUE)
results[.times, ]<- c(f1, .best)
.cmMatrices[[.times]] <- cm
colnames(results) <- c("F1", lev)
## Get datasizes information to pass to ThetaRegRes slot
trainP1 <- markerMSnSet(P, "xxx")
.idxNames <- xfolds$train.xfolds[[times]][[1]]
.idx <- match(.idxNames, featureNames(trainP1))
trainP2 <- trainP1[-.idx, ]
trainA1 <- markerMSnSet(A, "xxx")
.idxA <- match(.idxNames, featureNames(trainA1))
trainA2 <- trainP1[-.idxA, ]
## Store everything else for 'thetaRegRes' instance
.hyperparams <- list(k = k, theta = th)
.design <- c(xval = xval, test.size = test.size, times = times)
.ds <- list(
"primary" = dim(primary),
"train.primary1" = dim(trainP1),
"validation.primary1" = c(length(val), ncol(P)),
"train.primary2" = dim(trainP2),
"validation.primary2" = c(length(.idx), ncol(P)),
"primary.markers" = table(fData(primary)[, fcol]),
"train.primary.markers1" = table(fData(trainP1)[, fcol]),
"train.primary.markers2" = table(fData(trainP2)[, fcol]),
"auxiliary" = dim(auxiliary),
"train.auxiliary1" = dim(trainA1),
"validation.auxiliary1" = c(length(val), ncol(A)),
"train.auxiliary2" = dim(trainA2),
"validation.auxiliary2" = c(length(.idxA), ncol(A)),
"auxiliary.markers" = table(fData(auxiliary)[, fcol]),
"train.auxiliary.markers1" = table(fData(trainA1)[, fcol]),
"train.auxiliary.markers2" = table(fData(trainA2)[, fcol]),
"fcol" = fcol
.xfolds <- xfolds[-3]
## Update log
.log <- list()
if (log) {
.log <- vector("list", 2)
names(.log) <- c("warnings", "splits")
if (is.null(.warnings)) {
.log$warnings <- NA
} else {
.log$warnings <- .warnings
.thList <- sapply(.thetaSubsets, nrow)
.log$splits <- sapply(.thList, function(z)
paste("Theta matrix was split into ", .workers,
"matrices for optimal parallelisation with nrow = ", z))
if (!log)
.f1Matrices <- list()
ans <- new("ThetaRegRes",
algorithm = "theta",
hyperparameters = .hyperparams,
design = .design,
results = results,
f1Matrices = .f1Matrices,
cmMatrices = .cmMatrices,
testPartitions = .xfolds,
datasize = .ds,
otherWeights = .otherWeights,
predictions = .pred,
log = .log)
##' Classification using a variation of the KNN implementation
##' of Wu and Dietterich's transfer learning schema
##' @title knn transfer learning classification
##' @param primary An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param auxiliary An instance of class
##' \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing marker definitions.
##' Default is \code{markers}.
##' @param bestTheta Best theta vector as output from
##' \code{knntlOptimisation}, see \code{knntlOptimisation} for
##' details
##' @param k Numeric vector of length 2, containing the best \code{k}
##' parameters to use for the primary and auxiliary datasets. If k
##' \code{k} is not specified it will be calculated internally.
##' @param scores One of \code{"prediction"}, \code{"all"} or
##' \code{"none"} to report the score for the predicted class
##' only, for all classes or none.
##' @param seed The optional random number generator seed.
##' @return A character vector of the classifications for the unknowns
##' @seealso \code{\link{knntlOptimisation}}
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @examples
##' \donttest{
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(andy2011)
##' data(andy2011goCC)
##' ## reducing calculation time of k by pre-running knnOptimisation
##' x <- c(andy2011, andy2011goCC)
##' k <- lapply(x, function(z)
##' knnOptimisation(z, times=5,
##' fcol = "markers.orig",
##' verbose = FALSE))
##' k <- sapply(k, function(z) getParams(z))
##' k
##' ## reducing parameter search with theta = 1,
##' ## weights of only 1 or 0 will be considered
##' opt <- knntlOptimisation(andy2011, andy2011goCC,
##' fcol = "markers.orig",
##' times = 2,
##' by = 1, k = k)
##' opt
##' th <- getParams(opt)
##' plot(opt)
##' res <- knntlClassification(andy2011, andy2011goCC,
##' fcol = "markers.orig", th, k)
##' res
##' }
knntlClassification <- function(primary,
fcol = "markers",
scores = c("prediction", "all", "none"),
seed) {
## Set seed
if (missing(seed)) {
seed <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
.seed <- as.integer(seed)
scores <- match.arg(scores)
if (!inherits(primary, "MSnSet") | !inherits(auxiliary, "MSnSet"))
stop("Primary and auxiliary must both be of class 'MSnSet'")
markers <- getMarkers(primary, fcol, verbose = FALSE)
classes <- getMarkerClasses(primary, fcol)
if (!any(markers == "unknown"))
stop("No unknown proteins to classify")
## In knntlClassification, we want to have the same unknowns [*],
## not necessarily in the same order. Different markers are not a
## problem (although this should not happen, as not allowed in
## knntlOptimisation, where some overlap in needed). We look at
## the unknowns' nearest neighbours independently. [*] it would
## be possible to have different ones, but we don't bother.
if (!checkSortedFeatureNames(unknownMSnSet(primary, fcol),
unknownMSnSet(auxiliary, fcol)))
stop("Feature names of unknown features don't match exactly.")
if (inherits(bestTheta, "ThetaRegRes")) {
k <- bestTheta@hyperparameters$k
bestTheta <- getParams(bestTheta)
if (length(bestTheta) != length(classes))
stop("Classes in best theta and classes in data do not match")
if (!identical(names(bestTheta), classes))
stop("Classes in data and bestTheta do not match")
## Get k's
if (missing(k)) {
stop("Use the same k as for knntlOptimisation.")
} else {
if (!is.numeric(k)) stop("Input k is not of class 'numeric'")
if (!length(k) == 2) stop("Input k must be of length 2")
## Generate nearest neighbours for each protein in primary
matP <- exprs(primary)
matA <- exprs(auxiliary)
x <- names(markers[which(markers == "unknown")])
l <- names(markers[which(markers != "unknown")])
mP <- matP[l, ]
mA <- matA[l, ]
uP <- matP[x, ]
uA <- matA[x, ]
labels <- markers[l]
vp <- getNN(mP, uP, labels, k=k[1])
va <- getNN(mA, uA, labels, k=k[2])
## Now select proteins common in both sets
pn <- rownames(vp)
an <- rownames(va)
cmn <- intersect(pn, an)
pn.idx <- match(cmn, pn)
an.idx <- match(cmn, an)
va <- va[an.idx, ]
vp <- vp[pn.idx, ]
## Get vc matrix to vote over
vcMat <- vc.res(vp, va, bestTheta)
## Match labelled and unlabelled with original MSnSet indices
L <- match(rownames(mP), featureNames(primary))
X <- match(rownames(uP), featureNames(primary))
## Added as check for LMB (will remove later)
if (all(colnames(vcMat) != classes))
stop("Column names in vote matrix not equal to classes")
if (scores == "all") {
.scoreMat <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(primary),
ncol = length(classes))
colnames(.scoreMat) <- paste0(colnames(vcMat), ".knntl.scores")
for (i in 1:length(classes)) {
.ind <- which(fData(primary)[, fcol] == classes[i])
.mark <- rep(1, length(.ind))
.un <- rep(0, nrow(primary))
.un[.ind] <- .mark
.scoreMat[, i] <- .un
.scoreMat[X, ] <- vcMat
fData(primary)$knntl.all.scores <- .scoreMat
else if (scores == "prediction") {
scores <- apply(vcMat, 1, function(z) max(z))
knntl.scores <- vector("numeric", nrow(primary))
knntl.scores[L] <- rep(1, length(L))
knntl.scores[X] <- scores
fData(primary)$knntl.scores <- knntl.scores
## Get final classification
res <- getPrediction(vcMat)
y <- rep("unknown", nrow(primary))
y[L] <- as.character(fData(primary)[L, fcol])
y[X] <- res
fData(primary)$knntl <- as.factor(y)
## Function to empty slots that are not populated during
## knntlOptimisation(..., log = FALSE).
nologgin <- function(x) {
stopifnot(inherits(x, "ThetaRegRes"))
x@log <- x@f1Matrices <- list()
if (validObject(x)) return(x)
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