## ClustDist: this class summarises the algorithm information from
## running the clustDist algorithm. Information such as (i) the number
## of k's tested for the kmeans, (ii) the mean and (iii) normalised,
## pairwise Euclidean distances and (iv) cluster size per numer of
## component clusters tested, for each GO term tested.
representation(k = "numeric",
dist = "list",
term = "character",
id = "character",
nrow = "numeric",
clustsz = "list",
components = "vector",
fcol = "character"))
signature(object = "ClustDist"),
function(object) {
cat("Object of class \"",class(object),"\"\n",sep="")
cat("fcol = ", object@fcol, "\n")
cat(" term = ", object@term, "\n")
cat(" id = ", object@id, "\n")
cat(" nrow = ", object@nrow, "\n")
cat("k's tested:", object@k, "\n")
for (i in 1:length(object@k))
cat(" Size: ",
paste(object@clustsz[[i]], collapse = ", ")
, "\n")
dfr <- getClusterInfo(object)
cat("Clusters info:\n")
## x = Object of "ClustDist"
## y = Object of "MSnSet"
## method = One of "norm" or "mean", the default is "norm", indicating whether
## the mean distance, or mean normalised distance per k clusters
## should be calculated
## p = Normalisation factor. Default is 1/3.
## nchar = Maximum number of characters of GO ID, before their truncation. Default is 40.
setMethod("plot", c("ClustDist", "MSnSet"),
function(x, y,
method = "norm",
p = 1/3,
nchar = 40
) {
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (!(method == "norm" | method == "mean"))
stop("method must be one of 'norm' or 'mean' see ?plotClustDist for details")
if (method == "norm")
clusterdists <- normDist(x, best = FALSE, p = p)
if (method == "mean")
clusterdists <- meanDist(x, best = FALSE)
clusterdists <- signif(clusterdists, 3)
numk <- length(x@k)
if (numk > 3)
par(mfrow = c(floor(sqrt(numk)), ceiling(sqrt(numk))),
oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
par(mfrow = c(1, numk), oma = c(0, 0, 2, 0))
title <- x@id
for (i in 1:length(x@k)) {
fData(y)$.tmp <- "unknown"
components <- x@components[[i]]
fData(y)[names(components), ".tmp"] <- as.character(components)
plot2D(y, ".tmp", main = paste("distance = ", clusterdists[i]))
mtext(title, outer = TRUE, cex = 1, font = 2)
## ClustDistList: container for multiple ClustDist objects.
.ClustDistList <-
slots = c(x = "list",
log = "list"),
contains = "Versioned",
prototype = prototype(
versions = c(ClustDistList = "0.1.0"))),
validity = function(object) {
msg <- validMsg(NULL, NULL)
if (!listOf(object@x, "ClustDist"))
msg <- validMsg(msg, "Not all items are ClustDist objects")
nvals <- sapply(object@x, validObject)
if (!all(nvals))
msg <- validMsg(msg,
"ClustDists are not valid."))
if (is.null(msg)) TRUE
else msg
ClustDistList <-
function(x, log = list(call =
.ClustDistList(x = x, log = log)
setMethod("show", "ClustDistList",
function(object) {
cat("Instance of class '", class(object), "' containig ",
length(object), " objects.\n", sep = "")
setMethod("length", "ClustDistList", function(x) length(x@x))
setMethod("names", "ClustDistList", function(x) names(x@x))
setMethod("[", c("ClustDistList", "ANY", "missing", "missing"),
function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing")
.ClustDistList(x = msnsets(x)[i]))
setMethod("[[", c("ClustDistList", "ANY", "missing"),
function(x, i, j = "missing", drop = "missing") {
if (length(i) != 1)
stop("subscript out of bounds")
setReplaceMethod("names", "ClustDistList",
function(x, value) {
names(x@x) <- value
clustdists <- function(object) object@x
setMethod("lapply", "ClustDistList",
function(X, FUN, ...) {
ans <- lapply(clustdists(X), FUN, ...)
if (listOf(ans, "ClustDist"))
ans <- ClustDistList(ans)
setMethod("sapply", "ClustDistList",
function(X, FUN, ...) {
ans <- sapply(clustdists(X), FUN, ...)
if (listOf(ans, "ClustDist"))
ans <- ClustDistList(ans)
## x = Object of "ClustDistList"
## method = One of "norm" or "mean", the default is "norm", indicating whether
## the mean distance, or mean normalised distance per k clusters
## should be calculated
## p = Normalisation factor. Default is 1/3.
## nchar = Maximum number of characters of GO ID, before their truncation. Default is 40.
## ... = Arguments passed to axis
setMethod("plot", c("ClustDistList", "missing"),
function(x, y,
method = "norm",
p = 1/3,
main = "",
mai = c(5, 1.1, .5, .56),
mar = c(15, 6, 2, 2),
nchar = 40,
) {
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (!(method == "norm" | method == "mean"))
stop("method must be one of 'norm' or 'mean' see ?ClustDistList for details")
if (method == "norm")
clusterdists <- lapply(x, normDist, best = FALSE, p = p)
if (method == "mean")
clusterdists <- lapply(x, meanDist, best = FALSE)
orgnames <- sapply(x, function(z) z@id)
ll <- sapply(orgnames, nchar)
to.shorten <- which(ll > nchar)
if (length(to.shorten) > 0) {
replace.with <- paste0(substr(orgnames[to.shorten], 1, 37), "...")
orgnames[to.shorten] <- replace.with
min.dist <- sapply(clusterdists, min, na.rm = TRUE)
oo <- order(min.dist, decreasing = TRUE)
names(clusterdists) <- orgnames
orgnames <- orgnames[oo]
clusterdists <- clusterdists[oo]
if (method == "norm")
ylab <- "Mean normalised \nEuclidean distance (per k)"
ylab <- "Mean Euclidean \ndistance (per k)"
par(mai = c(5, 1.1, .5, .56), mar = c(15, 6, 2, 2) + 0.1)
boxplot(clusterdists, type = "p", pch = 19, cex = .5,
xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", axt = "n", xlab = NA,
ylab = ylab, main = main, cex.main = .8)
axis(1, at = 1:length(oo), labels = orgnames,
las = 2, cex.axis = .7, ...)
axis(2, at = seq(0, max(unlist(clusterdists), na.rm = TRUE), by = .05),
las = 2, cex.axis = .9)
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