## Sub-function for clustDist: output the Euclidean distance matrix and
## component IDs of each protein for a given k tested
.clusterDistK <- function(k, x, min.size) {
if (k < nrow(x)) {
kmcl <- kmeans(x, centers = k)
comps <- kmcl$cluster
ids <- tapply(comps, comps, names)
ll <- sapply(ids, length)
torm <- names(which(ll < min.size)) ## Remove components where num of prots < min.size
if (length(torm) > 0) {
if (length(ll) != length(torm)) {
indrm <- sapply(torm, function(x) which(names(ids) == x))
ids <- ids[-indrm]
if (length(ll) != length(torm)) {
res <- lapply(ids,
function(z) dist(x[z, ]))
list(res = res,
comps = comps)
} else {
list(res = NA,
comps = NA)
} else {
list(res = NA,
comps = NA)
##' Pairwise Distance Computation for Protein Information Sets
##' This function computes the mean (normalised) pairwise
##' distances for pre-defined sets of proteins.
##' The input to the function is a \code{MSnSet} dataset
##' containing a matrix appended to the feature data slot
##' identifying the membership of protein instances to
##' a pre-defined set(s) e.g. a specific Gene Ontology term etc.
##' For each protein set, the \code{clustDist} function (i)
##' extracts all instances belonging to the set, (ii) using
##' the \code{kmeans} algorithm fits and tests \code{k = c(1:5)}
##' (default) cluster components to each set, (iii) calculates
##' the mean pairwise distance for each \code{k} tested.
##' Note: currently distances are calcualted in Euclidean space,
##' but other distance metrics will be supported in the future).
##' The output is a \code{list} of \code{ClustDist} objects,
##' one per information cluster. The \code{ClustDist}
##' class summarises the algorithm information such as the number of k's
##' tested for the kmeans, and mean and normalised pairwise Euclidean
##' distances per numer of component clusters tested. See \code{?ClustDist}
##' for more details.
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{MSnSet}"}.
##' @param k The number of clusters to try fitting to the protein set.
##' Default is \code{k = 1:5}.
##' @param fcol The feature meta-data containing matrix of protein sets/
##' marker definitions. Default is \code{GOAnnotations}.
##' @param n The minimum number of proteins per set. If protein sets
##' contain less than \code{n} instances they will be ignored.
##' Defualt is 5.
##' @param verbose A logical defining whether a progress bar is displayed.
##' @param seed An optional seed for the random number generator.
##' @return An instance of \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDistList}"} containing
##' a \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDist}"} instance for every protein set, which
##' summarises the algorithm information such as the number of k's tested
##' for the kmeans, and mean and normalised pairwise Euclidean distances
##' per numer of component clusters tested.
##' @seealso For class definitions see \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDistList}"}
##' and \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDist}"}.
##' @author Lisa Breckels
##' @examples
##' library(pRolocdata)
##' data(dunkley2006)
##' par <- setAnnotationParams(inputs =
##' c("Arabidopsis thaliana genes",
##' "Gene stable ID"))
##' ## add protein sets/annotation information
##' xx <- addGoAnnotations(dunkley2006, par)
##' ## filter
##' xx <- filterMinMarkers(xx, n = 50)
##' xx <- filterMaxMarkers(xx, p = .25)
##' ## get distances for protein sets
##' dd <- clustDist(xx)
##' ## plot clusters for first 'ClustDist' object
##' ## in the 'ClustDistList'
##' plot(dd[[1]], xx)
##' ## plot distances for all protein sets
##' plot(dd)
##' ## Extract normalised distances
##' ## Normalise by n^1/3
##' minDist <- getNormDist(dd, p = 1/3)
##' ## Get new order according to lowest distance
##' o <- order(minDist)
##' ## Re-order GOAnnotations
##' fData(xx)$GOAnnotations <- fData(xx)$GOAnnotations[, o]
##' if (interactive()) {
##' pRolocVis(xx, fcol = "GOAnnotations")
##' }
clustDist <- function(object,
k = 1:5,
fcol = "GOAnnotations",
n = 5,
verbose = TRUE,
seed) {
## check min cluster size is not > available GO marker sets
min.cs <- min(colSums(fData(object)[, fcol]))
if (min.cs < n)
stop("There are some columns in fcol = ", fcol, " that have < n proteins.
Please run filterMinMarkers with n = ", n, " or decrease the size of n.")
if (min.cs < 2)
stop("Please run filterMinMarkers. There are some columns in
fcol = ", fcol, " with only 1 protein. Can not create a
cluster with only 1 protein.")
## allow setting of seed to re-produce results
if (missing(seed)) {
seed <- sample(.Machine$integer.max, 1)
.seed <- as.integer(seed)
## Matrix of potential markers
.pm <- fData(object)[, fcol]
## Progress bar
if (verbose) {
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = ncol(.pm), style = 3)
._k <- 0
## For each term i in markers matrix
res <- comps <- vector("list", length = ncol(.pm))
for (i in 1:ncol(.pm)) {
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
._k <- ._k + 1
## Get expression data for term i
data <- exprs(object)[.pm[, i] == 1, ]
## (i) Try fitting k components, for each k tested calculate Euclidean
## distance matrix of each component, (ii) note down number of proteins
## per component. (iii) note down membership of each protein in each
## component
dist.res <- vector("list", length(k))
for (m in 1:length(k)) {
dist.res[[m]] <- .clusterDistK(k = k[m], data, min.cs)
eucl <- lapply(dist.res, function(z) z$res) ## Euclidean dist matrix
comps <- lapply(dist.res, function(z) z$comps) ## component ID
cs <- vector("list", length(k)) ## cluster size
for (.cs in 1:length(cs)) {
.tmp <- sapply(eucl[[.cs]], nrow)
if (is.null(.tmp[[1]]))
cs[[.cs]] <- NA
cs[[.cs]] <- .tmp
## NB: Any k's that can't be fit e.g. if k's to test are k = 1:6 and the
## minimum cluster size is k = 4 then we will have NA's for k = 5:6
## GO term names and IDs
termnames <- colnames(.pm)
if (length(grep("GO:", termnames)) > 0) {
term <- termnames
id <- goIdToTerm(term, names = FALSE, keepNA = FALSE)
if (length(grep("/ ", termnames)) > 0) {
id <- sapply(termnames, function(z)
paste(goIdToTerm(strsplit(z, split = "/ ")[[1]], names = FALSE, keepNA = FALSE),
collapse = "/ "))
names(id) <- NULL
} else {
term <- goTermToId(termnames, names = FALSE, keepNA = FALSE)
id <- termnames
if (length(grep("/ ", termnames)) > 0) {
term <- sapply(termnames, function(z)
paste(goTermToId(strsplit(z, split = "/ ")[[1]], names = FALSE, keepNA = FALSE),
collapse = "/ "))
names(term) <- NULL
## Store results in a ClustDist object
res[[i]] <- new("ClustDist",
k = k, dist = eucl, fcol = fcol,
nrow = nrow(data), clustsz = cs,
components = comps, term = term[i],
id = id[i])
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, ._k)
names(res) <- sapply(res, function(x) x@id)
res <- ClustDistList(res)
## For each k tested get associated distances and take mean distance per k e.g.
## for k = 3, if there are 3 clusters, take Euclidean distance of each cluster
## then calculate the mean of each cluster, then take the mean of all clusters
## for each k
meanDist <- function(object, best = FALSE, k = FALSE) {
## calculate mean(di), i = 1..5
clustinfo <- object@dist
d <- lapply(1:length(object@k),
sapply(clustinfo[[z]], mean))
.indna <-
cc <- sapply(d, length)
cc[.indna] <- NA
dn <- sapply(d, mean)
if (best)
dn <- dn[which.min(dn)]
if (k)
dn <- list(res = dn, k = cc)
## Calculate normalised distances for each k tested.
## Let If n = number of proteins per cluster.
## Then we normalise by n^p. Heuristically we find that
## p = 1/3 works best.
normDist <- function(object, ## ClustDist object
best = FALSE,
k = FALSE,
p = 1/3) {
## calculate mean(mean(di)/sqrt(ni))
clustinfo <- object@dist
d <- lapply(1:length(object@k),
sapply(clustinfo[[z]], mean))
cc <- sapply(d, length)
idx <- sapply(d, names)
.indna <-
cc[.indna] <- idx[.indna] <- NA
ll <- lapply(object@components, table)
ll <- lapply(1:length(object@k), function(z) ll[[z]][idx[[z]]])
dn <- lapply(1:length(object@k),
## now take mean(mean(di)/ni), i = 1..5
dn <- sapply(dn, mean)
if (best)
dn <- dn[which.min(dn)]
if (k)
dn <- list(res = dn, k = cc)
##' Extract Distances from a \code{"ClustDistList"} object
##' This function computes and outputs normalised distances from a
##' \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDistList}"} object.
##' @param object An instance of class \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDistList}"}.
##' @param p The normalisation factor. Default is 1/3.
##' @return An numeric of normalised distances, one per protein set in the
##' \code{ClustDistList}.
##' @seealso \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDistList}"}, \code{"\linkS4class{ClustDist}"},
##' and examples in \code{clustDist}.
##' @author Lisa Breckels
getNormDist <- function(object, ## EucDist class
p = 1/3) {
dists <- sapply(object, normDist, best = TRUE, k = FALSE, p = p)
names(dists) <- sapply(object, function(z) z@id)
## Wrap up results in a data.frame
getClusterInfo <- function(object) {
## mean of distances per component per k
xx <- meanDist(object, k = TRUE)
ks.mean <- xx$k
res.mean <- xx$res
best <- which.min(res.mean)
res.mean <- format(res.mean, digits = 4)
res.mean[best] <- paste0("*", res.mean[best])
## normalise by n^1/3
pp <- normDist(object, k = TRUE, p = 1/3)
ks.norm <- pp$k
res.norm <- pp$res
best <- which.min(res.norm)
res.norm <- format(res.norm, digits = 4)
res.norm[best] <- paste0("*", res.norm[best])
dfr <- data.frame(ks.mean = ks.mean,
mean = res.mean,
ks.norm = ks.norm,
norm = res.norm)
rownames(dfr) <- paste("k =", object@k)
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