# Secondary structure of templates
#' Template Secondary Structures
#' Computes template secondary structures.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param annealing.temperature Temperature [C] at which
#' to compute secondary structures.
#' @param regions List containing the positional intervals for which the template
#' secondary structure should be computed.
#' @param constraints String giving secondary structure constraints.
#' For example \code{xxxxxx...} would forbid folding in the first 6 bases
#' of a template with length 9 and allow folding in its last 3 bases.
#' @return Data frame with info on template secondary structures.
#' @keywords internal
compute.template.secondary.structures <- function(template.df, annealing.temperature,
regions = NULL, constraints = NULL) {
seqs <- template.df$Sequence
if (length(regions) != 0) {
# compute local secondary structures
if (length(regions) != length(seqs)) {
stop("Length of regions does not agree with length of seqs for template secondary structure analysis.")
seqs <- sapply(seq_along(regions), function(x) substring(seqs[x], regions[[x]][1],
regions[[x]][2])) # extract region substrings
struct <- compute.structure.vienna(seqs, annealing.temperature, constraints)
#' Optimization of Template Binding
#' Optimizes template binding regions according to secondary structures.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param annealing.temperature Temperature at which to compute secondary structures.
#' @param primer.lengths Target length of primers that are to be used.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers.
#' @return List with new binding intervals for every template.
#' @keywords internal
optimize.template.binding.regions.single <- function(template.df, annealing.temperature,
primer.lengths, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev")) {
# determine local template regions for secondary structure analysis for fw/rev
# direction
# annealing.temperature: annealing temp for which to compute deltaG
# primer.length: interval of minimal and maximal primer length
# mode.directionality: adjust fw or rev binding region?
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' argument.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (length(annealing.temperature) == 0) {
# no annealing temp available yet choice of temperature shouldn't matter too much
# here, since we compute Delta Delta G only
annealing.temperature <- 50 # set to typical annealing temperature
region.slack <- 40 # how many additional positions (outside the target region) to consider after the target region has ended. ensures 'correct folding'.
if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
sub.s.base <- template.df$Allowed_Start_fw
sub.e.base <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw
sub.e <- template.df$Allowed_End_fw + region.slack
sub.e <- sapply(seq_along(sub.e), function(x) ifelse(sub.e[x] > nchar(template.df$Sequence)[x],
nchar(template.df$Sequence)[x], sub.e[x])) # make sure that we don't overextend
sub.s <- sub.s.base
} else {
sub.s.base <- template.df$Allowed_Start_rev
sub.e.base <- template.df$Allowed_End_rev
sub.s <- template.df$Allowed_Start_rev - region.slack
sub.s <- sapply(seq_along(sub.s), function(x) ifelse(sub.s[x] < 1, 1, sub.s[x])) # make sure that we don't underextend
sub.e <- sub.e.base
if (all(sub.s == 0) || all(sub.e == 0)) {
# nothing to optimize
regions <- lapply(seq_along(sub.s), function(x) c(sub.s[x], sub.e[x])) # regions for secondary structure computation (extended region)
regions.base <- lapply(seq_along(sub.s.base), function(x) c(sub.s.base[x], sub.e.base[x])) # regions for constraining (only the target region)
best.structs <- compute.template.secondary.structures(template.df, annealing.temperature,
regions, NULL) # deltaG of unconstrained structures
best.structs$ID <- template.df$ID
# determine constrained structures in windows 1. create windows determine windows
# for constrained folding
pol.size <- 0 # is it necessary to add some space for polymerase binding without secondary structure in the way?
win.size <- min(primer.lengths) + pol.size # window should at least span the minimal primer size
# very important: assure that all windows have the same size, otherwise there's a
# biasA
# a) individual windows -> problem for plotting
#windows <- lapply(regions.base, function(x) Hmisc::cut2(x[1]:x[2], m = win.size,
#onlycuts = TRUE))
# b) uniform windows
windows <- replicate(length(sub.s.base), seq(min(sub.s.base), max(sub.e.base), win.size), simplify = FALSE)
# 2. create constraint strings for selected region
constraints <- vector("list", length(windows))
for (i in seq_along(windows)) {
win <- windows[[i]]
win.pos <- win - min(win) + 1
base.condition <- rep(".", max(regions[[i]]) - min(regions[[i]]) + 1) # dot indicates no constraints on binding, base.condition is for the extended target region
# message(length(base.condition))
cons <- rep(NA, length(win) - 1) # constraints for each window into current seq
for (j in seq_along(win[-length(win)])) {
# don't create windows after the target region
condition <- base.condition
s <- win.pos[j]
max.pos <- sub.e.base[i] - sub.s.base[i] + 1
if (s > length(condition) || s > max.pos) {
if (win[j+1] > sub.e.base[i]) {
# always extend the last window until the end
#e <- win.pos[j+1]
e <- sub.e.base[i] - sub.s.base[i] + 1
} else {
e <- win.pos[j+1] - 1
# adjust end to the end of the target region if it exceeds it
if (e > max.pos) {
e <- max.pos
condition[s:e] <- "x" # x indicates constraints on binding
cons[j] <- paste(condition, collapse = "")
if (length(cons) == 0) {
# window is a single position
base.condition[win[1]] <- "x"
cons <- paste(base.condition, collapse = "")
constraints[[i]] <- cons
# 3. compute constrained structures deltaG
constrained.foldings <- NULL
max.nbr.intervals <- max(sapply(windows, function(x) length(x) - 1))
if (max.nbr.intervals == 0) {
for (i in seq_len(max.nbr.intervals)) {
cur.constraints <- sapply(constraints, function(x) x[i]) # constraints for all seqs
sel <- which(!
if (length(sel) == 0) {
con.structs <- compute.template.secondary.structures(template.df[sel, ], annealing.temperature,
regions[sel], cur.constraints[sel]) # deltaG of constrained structures
con.structs$Constraint <- cur.constraints[sel]
con.structs$Constraint_Idx <- i # the i-th window of constraints on the secondary structure
con.structs$Constraint_Region_Start <- sapply(windows[sel], function(x) x[i])
# determine the window ends
if (i == max.nbr.intervals) {
con.structs$Constraint_Region_End <- sapply(windows[sel], function(x) x[i + 1])
} else {
con.structs$Constraint_Region_End <- sapply(windows[sel], function(x) x[i + 1] - 1)
# compute effective region length (the constrained region)
con.structs$Length <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(cur.constraints[sel], split = ""), function(x) length(which(x == "x"))))
con.structs$Constraint_Region_Actual_End <- sapply(seq_along(sel), function(x) windows[sel][[x]][i] + con.structs$Length[x] - 1)
con.structs$ID <- template.df[sel, "ID"]
constrained.foldings <- rbind(constrained.foldings, con.structs)
colnames(constrained.foldings)[colnames(constrained.foldings) == "deltaG"] <- "DeltaG_constrained"
colnames(constrained.foldings)[colnames(constrained.foldings) == "Structure"] <- "Structure_constrained"
constrained.foldings$Structure_best <- best.structs$Structure[match(constrained.foldings$ID,
constrained.foldings$DeltaG_best <- best.structs$deltaG[match(constrained.foldings$ID,
# Delta Delta G: the difference between the constrained and unconstrained folding: the smaller Delta Delta G, the better (in this case there is little benefit of folding with secondary structure in the current region)
constrained.foldings$Delta_Delta_G <- constrained.foldings$DeltaG_constrained -
# annotate with geneGroups
constrained.foldings$Group <- template.df$Group[match(constrained.foldings$ID,
# plot.Delta.DeltaG(constrained.foldings, stratify = TRUE)
# my_ggsave(file.path(results.loc,
# 'template_secondary_structure_delta_delta_G.pdf')) 4. select windows: a)
# determine standard deviation of Delta Delta G for each template
deviations <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(template.df)), function(x)
sd(constrained.foldings$Delta_Delta_G[constrained.foldings$ID == template.df[x, "ID"]]))
myfun <- function(len, deltaG, win.size) {
return(deltaG[which(len >= win.size)])
# don't select windows that are too short for defining the minDeltaG
minG.per.template <- ddply(constrained.foldings, c("ID", "Group"), here(summarize),
MinG = myfun(substitute(Length), substitute(Delta_Delta_G), win.size))
m <- match(template.df$ID, minG.per.template$ID)
minG.per.template <- minG.per.template[m,]
# determine the maximal DeltaDeltaG of the optimized regions:
maxG.per.template <- minG.per.template$MinG + deviations
# b) retrieve windows in each template with DeltaDeltaG <= maxG.per.template <- lapply(seq_along(template.df$ID), function(x) { <- constrained.foldings[constrained.foldings$ID == template.df$ID[x], ]
allowed.deltaG <- maxG.per.template[match(template.df$ID[x], minG.per.template$ID)]
sel <-$Delta_Delta_G <= allowed.deltaG
con <-$Constraint_Idx[sel]
# c) select longest consecutive windows for implementation reasons
if (length(con) > 1) {
# multiple best windows found
result <- rle(diff(con))
idx <- which(result$values == 1)
if (length(idx) == 0) {
# no consecutive runs -> select window with smallest DeltaDeltaG that has allowed effective length
data <-[sel, ]
len.sel <- which(data$Length >= win.size)
con <- con[len.sel[which.min(data$Delta_Delta_G[len.sel])]]
} else {
longest.runs <- idx[which.max(result$lengths[idx])]
if (longest.runs == 1) {
sel.start <- 1
} else {
sel.start <- sum(result$length[seq_len(longest.runs - 1)]) + 1
sel.end <- sum(result$length[seq_len(longest.runs)]) + 1
con <- con[sel.start:sel.end]
} else {
# only one best window found
new.regions <- lapply(seq_along(template.df$ID), function(x) {
sel <- which(constrained.foldings$ID == template.df$ID[x]) # retrieve start/end of regions
sel <- sel[[[x]]]
s <- min(constrained.foldings$Constraint_Region_Start[sel]) # retrieve selected consecutive regions
e <- max((constrained.foldings$Constraint_Region_Actual_End[sel])) # use the actual end of the region here
return(c(s, e))
constrained.foldings$Direction <- mode.directionality
# don't output incomplete regions
constrained.foldings <- constrained.foldings[constrained.foldings$Length >= win.size,]
result <- list("Intervals" = new.regions, "Foldings" = constrained.foldings)
#' Optimization of Binding Regions
#' Optimizes the template binding regions.
#' @param template.df Template data frame.
#' @param annealing.temperature Temperature at which to compute secondary structures.
#' @param primer.lengths Target length of primers that are to be used.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers.
#' @return List with intervals indicating improved primer binding regions.
#' @keywords internal
optimize.template.binding.regions.dir <- function(template.df, annealing.temperature = NULL,
primer.lengths, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev", "both")) {
# compute uniform result for all possible direction inputs
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' argument.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
if (mode.directionality == "both") {
binding.regions.fw <- optimize.template.binding.regions.single(template.df, annealing.temperature,
primer.lengths, "fw")
binding.regions.rev <- optimize.template.binding.regions.single(template.df, annealing.temperature,
primer.lengths, "rev")
intervals <- list(fw = binding.regions.fw$Intervals, rev = binding.regions.rev$Intervals)
foldings <- rbind.fill(binding.regions.fw$Foldings, binding.regions.rev$Foldings)
} else {
binding.regions <- optimize.template.binding.regions.single(template.df, annealing.temperature,
primer.lengths, mode.directionality)
intervals <- list(binding.regions$Intervals)
names(intervals) <- mode.directionality
foldings <- binding.regions$Foldings
result <- list("Intervals" = intervals, "Foldings" = foldings)
#' Delta DeltaG Plot
#' Plots the difference between the free energy of constrained
#' and unconstrained foldings.
#' @param constrained.foldings Data frame with info from constrained foldings.
#' @param stratify Stratify according to template groups?
#' @return Plot of Delta DeltaG.
#' @keywords internal
plot.Delta.DeltaG <- function(constrained.foldings, stratify = FALSE) {
# plot line plot of DeltaDeltaG (constrained - MFE structure) for all templates
# at once, stratify by class?
plot.df <- constrained.foldings
groups <- max(constrained.foldings$Constraint_Idx)
plot.df$Binding_Region <- Hmisc::cut2(c(1, constrained.foldings$Constraint_Region_End),
g = groups)[-1]
if (!stratify) {
p <- ggplot(plot.df, aes_string(x = "Binding_Region", y = "Delta_Delta_G")) + geom_bar(stat = "summary")
} else {
p <- ggplot(plot.df, aes_string(x = "Binding_Region", y = "Delta_Delta_G")) + geom_boxplot() +
x.names <- unique(paste(plot.df$Constraint_Region_Start, "-", plot.df$Constraint_Region_End,
sep = ""))
title <- "Tendency for secondary structure formation in template target regions"
# with geom_bar
p <- p + xlab("Region constrained to be free of base pairing") + ylab("Delta Delta G") +
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