# Secondary structures (viennaRNA)
#' Read a Secondary Structure
#' Reads the secondary structure output of ViennaRNA.
#' @param fw.out Path to a ViennaRNA secondary structure output file.
#' @return Data frame with information on secondary structures.
#' @keywords internal
read.secondary.structure.raw <- function(fw.out) {
if (!file.exists(fw.out)) {
stop(paste("The input file:", fw.out,
"does not exist."))
con <- file(fw.out)
lines <- readLines(con)
#lines <- try(suppressWarnings(readLines(con)), silent = TRUE)
if (is(lines, "try-error") || length(lines) == 0) {
return(data.frame(Structure = character(0), deltaG = numeric(0),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
seq.idx <- seq(1, length(lines), 2)
seqs <- lines[seq.idx]
str.idx <- seq.idx + 1
str <- lines[str.idx]
str.s <- strsplit(str, split = " \\( ")
expr <- "([\\.\\(\\)|x><]+)[[:space:]]\\([[[:space:]]]*(.[^\\)^[[:space:]]]*)"
m <- stringr::str_match(str, expr)
delta.G <- as.numeric(m[, 3])
structure <- m[, 2]
result <- data.frame(Structure = structure, deltaG = delta.G, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# message(result)
#' Computation of Secondary Structures with ViennaRNA.
#' Computes secondary structures using ViennaRNA.
#' @param seqs The input sequences for which structures shall be computed.
#' @param annealing.temperature The temperature in degree Celsius
#' at which to compute secondary structures.
#' @param constraints If provide
#' @param id An identifier for storing the files
#' @param folding.constraints Character vector specifying the folding
#' conditions for every input sequence.
#' For example the constraint \code{xxxxxx...} would forbid
#' folding in the first 6 bases and allow folding in the last 3 bases.
#' @return A data frame with secondary structures.
#' @keywords internal
compute.structure.vienna <- function(seqs, annealing.temperature,
folding.constraints = NULL, id = "") {
if (length(annealing.temperature) != 1) {
stop("Can only call viennaRNA with a single annealing temperature!")
if (length(seqs) == 0) {
runID <- digest::digest(seqs, "md5")
id <- paste0("viennaRNA", id, runID)
#message("Computing secondary structures @ annealing temp: ", annealing.temperature)
rna.fold <- Sys.which("RNAfold")
if (rna.fold == "") {
stop("ViennaRNA is not available on your system. Cannot compute secondary structures.")
# set parameters for the call to RNAfold:
# we removed --noLP here, too slow now?
param.string <- paste("--temp", annealing.temperature, "--noconv", "--noPS")
input.file <- tempfile(pattern = id, fileext = ".txt")
out.file <- tempfile(pattern = paste0("out_", id), fileext = ".txt")
# clean up result files (prevents viennaRNA possibly appending to existing files)
if (file.exists(out.file)) { # remove the .fold file
if (file.exists(input.file)) { # remove the .txt file
file.string <- paste0("--infile=", input.file, " >", out.file)
seqs <- toupper(seqs)
if (length(folding.constraints) != 0) {
# add constraints to input file for viennaRNA
seq.records <- sapply(seq_along(seqs), function(x) paste(seqs[x],
folding.constraints[x], sep = "\n"))
writeLines(seq.records, input.file)
} else {
# temporary file containing the input sequences for viennaRNA
writeLines(seqs, input.file)
if (!file.exists(input.file)) {
stop(paste("IO error for secondary structure computation. ",
"Could not write input file for viennaRNA at:",
if (length(folding.constraints) != 0) {
# -C: necessary for having constraints
param.string <- paste(param.string, "-C", "--batch")
cmd.status <- system2(rna.fold, args = c(param.string, file.string), wait = TRUE)
if (cmd.status != 0) {
call <- paste0(rna.fold, " ", param.string, " ", file.string)
stop("The RNAfold call: '", call, "' has failed with error code: '", cmd.status, ". Please check whether you have an appropriate version of 'ViennaRNA' installed.")
# viennaRNA used to append '.fold' to result files (version before 2.4.1)
# NB: this code is still necessary (wait time before write-out is complete?) for MacOS:
out.file.ori <- out.file
out.file <- paste0(out.file, ".fold")
if (file.exists(out.file.ori)) {
out.file <- out.file.ori
if (file.exists(out.file)) {
result <- read.secondary.structure.raw(out.file)
} else {
stop("ViennaRNA (RNAfold) did not create the expected output file: '", out.file, "'")
#' Secondary Structure Computations.
#' Computes the secondary structures of the input primers using ViennaRNA.
#' @param primer.df Primer data frame.
#' @param mode.directionality Direction of primers.
#' @param annealing.temperature Temperatures at which to compute secondary structures for every primer
#' @return Data frame with secondary structure information.
#' @keywords internal
#' @references Lorenz, Ronny and Bernhart, Stephan H. and Höner zu Siederdissen,
#' Christian and Tafer, Hakim and Flamm, Christoph and Stadler, Peter F. and Hofacker, Ivo L.
#' ViennaRNA Package 2.0
#' Algorithms for Molecular Biology, 6:1 26, 2011, doi:10.1186/1748-7188-6-26
compute.secondary.structures <- function(primer.df, mode.directionality = c("fw", "rev", "both"), annealing.temperature) {
if (!is(primer.df, "Primers")) {
stop("Please supply a valid set of primers.")
if (length(annealing.temperature) == 0) {
stop("Please supply an annealing temperature.")
if (length(mode.directionality) == 0) {
stop("Please supply the 'mode.directionality' argument.")
mode.directionality <- match.arg(mode.directionality)
fw.idx <- which(primer.df$Forward != "")
rev.idx <- which(primer.df$Reverse != "")
# create groups of annealing temperatures:
# parallelize -> split into batches
if (length(annealing.temperature) == 1) {
# split up seqs independent of annealing temp
batches <- batchify(seq_len(nrow(primer.df)))
annealing.temperature <- rep(annealing.temperature, length(batches))
} else {
# split up seqs dependent on annealing temp
batches <- batchify(seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), annealing.temperature)
annealing.temperature <- as.numeric(names(batches))
# compute structures with ViennaRNA:
i <- NULL
str.fw <- foreach(i = seq_along(batches), .combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
batch.idx <- batches[[i]]
cur.temp <- annealing.temperature[i]
str.fw <- compute.structure.vienna(primer.df$Forward[intersect(fw.idx, batch.idx)], cur.temp, id = "fw")
#str.rev <- compute.structure.vienna(primer.df$Reverse[rev.idx], annealing.temperature, id = "rev")
str.rev <- foreach(i = seq_along(batches), .combine = "rbind") %dopar% {
batch.idx <- batches[[i]]
cur.temp <- annealing.temperature[i]
str.rev <- compute.structure.vienna(primer.df$Reverse[intersect(rev.idx, batch.idx)], cur.temp, id = "rev")
# create order of indices for retrieval of results
fw.idx.out <- intersect(unlist(batches), fw.idx)
rev.idx.out <- intersect(unlist(batches), rev.idx)
str.fw <- str.fw[match(fw.idx, fw.idx.out), ]
str.rev <- str.rev[match(rev.idx, rev.idx.out), ]
out <- data.frame(Structure_fw = rep(NA, nrow(primer.df)), Structure_rev = rep(NA,
nrow(primer.df)), Structure_deltaG_fw = rep(0, nrow(primer.df)), Structure_deltaG_rev = rep(0,
nrow(primer.df)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (mode.directionality == "both") {
# add info for missing primers
res.fw <- str.fw[FALSE, ]
res.rev <- str.rev[FALSE, ]
res.fw[seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), ] <- NA
res.rev[seq_len(nrow(primer.df)), ] <- NA
res.fw[fw.idx, ] <- str.fw
res.rev[rev.idx, ] <- str.rev
out$Structure_fw <- res.fw$Structure
out$Structure_deltaG_fw <- res.fw$deltaG
out$Structure_rev <- res.rev$Structure
out$Structure_deltaG_rev <- res.rev$deltaG
} else if (mode.directionality == "fw") {
out$Structure_fw[fw.idx] <- str.fw$Structure
out$Structure_deltaG_fw[fw.idx] <- str.fw$deltaG
} else {
out$Structure_rev[rev.idx] <- str.rev$Structure
out$Structure_deltaG_rev[rev.idx] <- str.rev$deltaG
if (length(out) != 0) {
out$Structure_deltaG <- sapply(seq_len(nrow(out)),
function(x) min(out$Structure_deltaG_fw[x],
out$Structure_deltaG_rev[x], na.rm = TRUE))
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