#-- Includes plotVar for PLS, sPLS, PLS-DA, SPLS-DA, rCC, PCA, sPCA, IPCA, sIPCA, rGCCA, sGCCA, sGCCDA --#
#' Plot of Variables
#' This function provides variables representation for (regularized) CCA,
#' (sparse) PLS regression, PCA and (sparse) Regularized generalised CCA.
#' \code{plotVar} produce a "correlation circle", i.e. the correlations between
#' each variable and the selected components are plotted as scatter plot, with
#' concentric circles of radius one et radius given by \code{}. Each
#' point corresponds to a variable. For (regularized) CCA the components
#' correspond to the equiangular vector between \eqn{X}- and \eqn{Y}-variates.
#' For (sparse) PLS regression mode the components correspond to the
#' \eqn{X}-variates. If mode is canonical, the components for \eqn{X} and
#' \eqn{Y} variables correspond to the \eqn{X}- and \eqn{Y}-variates
#' respectively.
#' For \code{plsda} and \code{splsda} objects, only the \eqn{X} variables are
#' represented.
#' For \code{spls} and \code{splsda} objects, only the \eqn{X} and \eqn{Y}
#' variables selected on dimensions \code{comp} are represented.
#' The arguments \code{col}, \code{pch}, \code{cex} and \code{font} can be
#' either vectors of length two or a list with two vector components of length
#' \eqn{p} and \eqn{q} respectively, where \eqn{p} is the number of
#' \eqn{X}-variables and \eqn{q} is the number of \eqn{Y}-variables. In the
#' first case, the first and second component of the vector determine the
#' graphics attributes for the \eqn{X}- and \eqn{Y}-variables respectively.
#' Otherwise, multiple arguments values can be specified so that each point
#' (variable) can be given its own graphic attributes. In this case, the first
#' component of the list correspond to the \eqn{X} attributs and the second
#' component correspond to the \eqn{Y} attributs. Default values exist for this
#' arguments.
#' @aliases plotVar plotVar.rcc plotVar.pls plotVar.spls plotVar.plsda
#' plotVar.splsda plotVar.pca plotVar.spca plotVar.sgcca plotVar.rgcca
#' @param object object of class inheriting from \code{"rcc"}, \code{"pls"},
#' \code{"plsda"}, \code{"spls"}, \code{"splsda"}, \code{"pca"} or
#' \code{"spca"}.
#' @param comp integer vector of length two. The components that will be used
#' on the horizontal and the vertical axis respectively to project the
#' variables. By default, comp=c(1,2) except when style='3d', comp=c(1:3)
#' @param for the sparse versions, an input vector indicating the
#' components on which the variables were selected. Only those selected
#' variables are displayed. By default,
#' @param plot if TRUE (the default) then a plot is produced. If not, the
#' summaries which the plots are based on are returned.
#' @param var.names either a character vector of names for the variables to be
#' plotted, or \code{FALSE} for no names. If \code{TRUE}, the col names of the
#' first (or second) data matrix is used as names.
#' @param blocks for an object of class \code{"rgcca"} or \code{"sgcca"}, a
#' numerical vector indicating the block variables to display.
#' @param X.label x axis titles.
#' @param Y.label y axis titles.
#' @param Z.label z axis titles (when style = '3d').
#' @param abline should the vertical and horizontal line through the center be
#' plotted? Default set to \code{FALSE}
#' @param col character or integer vector of colors for plotted character and
#' symbols, can be of length 2 (one for each data set) or of length (p+q) (i.e.
#' the total number of variables). See Details.
#' @param cex numeric vector of character expansion sizes for the plotted
#' character and symbols, can be of length 2 (one for each data set) or of
#' length (p+q) (i.e. the total number of variables).
#' @param pch plot character. A vector of single characters or integers, can be
#' of length 2 (one for each data set) or of length (p+q) (i.e. the total
#' number of variables). See \code{\link{points}} for all alternatives.
#' @param font numeric vector of font to be used, can be of length 2 (one for
#' each data set) or of length (p+q) (i.e. the total number of variables). See
#' \code{\link{par}} for details.
#' @param cutoff numeric between 0 and 1. Variables with correlations below
#' this cutoff in absolute value are not plotted (see Details).
#' @param numeric between 0 and 1, the radius of the inner circle.
#' Defaults to \code{0.5}.
#' @param title character indicating the title plot.
#' @param legend Logical when more than 3 blocks. Can be a character vector
#' when one or 2 blocks to customize the legend. See examples. Default is
#' @param legend.title title of the legend
#' @param style argument to be set to either \code{'graphics'},
#' \code{'lattice'}, \code{'ggplot2'} or \code{'3d'} for a style of plotting.
#' @param overlap Logical. Whether the variables should be plotted in one
#' single figure. Default is TRUE.
#' @param for style '3d', argument to be set to either \code{'axes'},
#' \code{'box'}, \code{'bbox'} or \code{'all'}, defining the shape of the box.
#' @param for style '3d', argument to be set to either
#' \code{'axes'}, \code{'box'}, \code{'both'}, indicating which labels to
#' print.
#' @return A list containing the following components: \item{x}{a vector of
#' coordinates of the variables on the x-axis.} \item{y}{a vector of
#' coordinates of the variables on the y-axis.} \item{Block}{the data block
#' name each variable belongs to.} \item{names}{the name of each variable,
#' matching their coordinates values.}
#' @author Ignacio González, Benoit Gautier, Francois Bartolo, Florian Rohart,
#' Kim-Anh Lê Cao, Al J Abadi
#' @seealso \code{\link{cim}}, \code{\link{network}}, \code{\link{par}} and
#' for more details.
#' @references González I., Lê Cao K-A., Davis, M.J. and Déjean, S. (2012).
#' Visualising associations between paired 'omics data sets. J. Data Mining
#' 5:19. \url{}
#' @keywords multivariate hplot dplot
#' @export
#' @importFrom ellipse ellipse
#' @example ./examples/plotVar-examples.R
plotVar <-
comp = NULL, = comp,
plot = TRUE,
var.names = NULL,
blocks = NULL,
# to choose which block data to plot, when using GCCA module
X.label = NULL,
Y.label = NULL,
Z.label = NULL,
abline = TRUE,
cutoff = 0, = 0.5,
title = "Correlation Circle Plot",
legend = FALSE,
legend.title = "Block",
style = "ggplot2",
# can choose between graphics,3d, lattice or ggplot2,
overlap = TRUE, = "all", = "both")
class.object = class(object)
#-- check that the user did not enter extra arguments =
user.arg = names([-1]
err = tryCatch(mget(names(formals()), sys.frame(sys.nframe())),
error = function(e) e)
if ("simpleError" %in% class(err))
stop(err[[1]], ".", call. = FALSE)
#-- style
if (!style %in% c("ggplot2", "lattice", "graphics","3d"))
stop("'style' must be one of 'ggplot2', '3d' , lattice' or 'graphics'.", call. = FALSE)
#-- plot
if (length(plot) > 1)
stop("'plot' must be single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
else if (!is.logical(plot))
stop("'plot' must be logical.", call. = FALSE)
choices = c("axes", "box", "bbox", "all") = choices[pmatch(, choices)]
if (
stop("'' should be a subset of {'axes', 'box', 'bbox', 'all'}.",
call. = FALSE)
choices = c("axes", "box", "both") = choices[pmatch(, choices)]
if (
stop("'' should be one of 'axes', 'box' or 'both'.",
call. = FALSE)}
### Start: Validation of arguments
ncomp = object$ncomp
if (any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
#-- legend: logical only
if (length(legend) != 1 || !is.logical(legend))
stop("'legend' must be a logical value.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(blocks))
blocks = names(object$X)#names$blocks
if (any(class.object == "DA"))
blocks = names(object$X)#blocks[-object$indY]
} else if (is.numeric(blocks) & min(blocks) > 0 & max(blocks) <= length(object$names$blocks)) {
blocks = object$names$blocks[blocks]
} else if (is.character(blocks)) {
if (!any(blocks %in% object$names$blocks))
stop("One element of 'blocks' does not match with the names of the blocks")
} else {
stop("Incorrect value for 'blocks'", call. = FALSE)
object$variates = object$variates[names(object$variates) %in% blocks]
object$names$colnames = object$names$colnames[names(object$names$colnames) %in% blocks]
object$blocks = object$X[names(object$X) %in% blocks]
if (any(object$ncomp[blocks] == 1))
stop(paste("The number of components for one selected block '", paste(blocks, collapse = " - "),"' is 1. The number of components must be superior or equal to 2."), call. = FALSE)
ncomp = object$ncomp[blocks]
} else if (any(class.object %in% c("rcc", "mixo_pls", "mixo_spls", "mixo_mlspls")) & all(class.object !="DA")) {
#-- legend: logical or a name for X and Y
if ( ! (length(legend) == 1 & is.logical(legend) || (length(legend)==2)))
stop("'legend' must be a logical value or a vector of 2 names for X and Y.", call. = FALSE)
} else{
blocks = c("X","Y")
} else {
#-- legend: logical or a name for X
if (length(legend) != 1 )
stop("'legend' must be a logical value or a vector of 1 name for X.", call. = FALSE)
blocks = "X"
blocks = legend
#-- legend.title
if (length(legend.title)>1)
stop("'legend.title' needs to be a single value (length 1)")
#-- ellipse.level
if (!is.numeric( | ( > 1) | ( < 0))
stop("The value taken by '' must be between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
#-- cutoff correlation
if (!is.numeric(cutoff) | (cutoff > 1) | (cutoff < 0))
stop("The value taken by 'cutoff' must be between 0 and 1", call. = FALSE)
#-- comp
if (style=="3d")
comp = seq_len(3)
} else {
comp = seq_len(2)
if (length(comp) != 2 && !(style=="3d"))
stop("'comp' must be a numeric vector of length 2.", call. = FALSE)
} else if(length(comp) != 3 && (style=="3d")) {
stop("'comp' must be a numeric vector of length 3.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.numeric(comp))
stop("Invalid vector for 'comp'.")
if (any(ncomp < max(comp)) || min(comp) <= 0)
stop("Each element of 'comp' must be positive <= ", min(object$ncomp), ".", call. = FALSE)
comp1 = round(comp[1])
comp2 = round(comp[2])
if (style=="3d")
comp3 = round(comp[3])
if (!is.null(
if (!is.numeric(
stop("Invalid vector for 'comp'.", call. = FALSE)
if (any(ncomp < max( || min( <= 0)
stop("Each element of '' must be positive and <= ", max(object$ncomp), ".", call. = FALSE)
} else { = comp
#-- abline
if (length(abline) > 1)
stop("'abline' must be single logical value.", call. = FALSE)
}else if (!is.logical(abline)) {
stop("'abline' must be logical.", call. = FALSE)
#-- Start: Retrieve variates from object
cord.X = sample.X = ind.var.sel = list()
if (any(class.object%in% c(object.pls, object.blocks)))
if (any(class.object == "rcc"))
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)] + object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)] + object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object %in% "mixo_plsda")) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object %in% "mixo_pls")) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y, if(object$mode == "canonical"){object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)]} else {object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)]}, use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object %in% c("mixo_splsda", "mixo_mlsplsda"))) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(unique(c(comp1, comp2, comp3,, function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$name})))], # variables selected at least once on unique(comp1, comp2, comp3 and
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3,], use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
if (!is.null(
cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
} else if (any(class.object %in% c("mixo_spls", "mixo_mlspls"))) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(c(comp1, comp2, comp3), function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$X$name})))],
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y[, colnames(object$Y) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(c(comp1, comp2, comp3), function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$Y$name})))],
if(object$mode == "canonical"){object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)]} else {object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)]}, use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
ind.var.sel[[2]] = sample.X[[2]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$Y)))
if (!is.null( {
cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$X$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
cord.X[[2]] = cord.X[[2]][row.names(cord.X[[2]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$Y$name}))), , drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
ind.var.sel[[2]] = which(colnames(object$Y) %in% rownames(cord.X[[2]]))
} else {
cord.X = lapply(blocks, function(x){cor(object$blocks[[x]], object$variates[[x]][, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")})
ind.var.sel = sample.X = lapply(object$blocks, function(x){seq_len(ncol(x))})
if (!is.null( {
cord.X = lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(z){cord.X[[z]][row.names(cord.X[[z]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, block = z, comp = x)[[1]]$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]})
for (i in seq_len(length(cord.X))){
ind.var.sel[[i]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[i]]))
} else if (any(class.object %in% object.pca)) {
if (any(class.object %in% c("sipca", "spca"))){
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(c(comp1, comp2, comp3), function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$name})))],
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
if (!is.null( {
cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
} else {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2, comp3)], use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
} else {
if (any(class.object %in% c(object.pls, object.blocks)))
if (any(class.object == "rcc"))
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)] + object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)] + object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object == "mixo_plsda")) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object == "mixo_pls")) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y, if(object$mode == "canonical"){object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2)]} else {object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)]}, use = "pairwise")
sample.X = lapply(cord.X, function(x){seq_len(nrow(x))})
} else if (any(class.object %in% c("mixo_splsda", "mixo_mlsplsda"))) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), drop = FALSE],
object$variates$X[, unique(c(comp1, comp2))], use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
#if (!is.null( {
# cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
} else if (any(class.object %in% c("mixo_spls", "mixo_mlspls"))) {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$X$name}))), drop = FALSE],
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
cord.X[[2]] = cor(object$Y[, colnames(object$Y) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$Y$name}))), drop = FALSE],
if(object$mode == "canonical")
object$variates$Y[, c(comp1, comp2)]
} else {
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)]
}, use = "pairwise")
#ind.var.sel[[1]] =
sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
#ind.var.sel[[2]] =
sample.X[[2]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$Y)))
#if (!is.null( {
# cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$X$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
# cord.X[[2]] = cord.X[[2]][row.names(cord.X[[2]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$Y$name}))), , drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
ind.var.sel[[2]] = which(colnames(object$Y) %in% rownames(cord.X[[2]]))
} else { #block object
cord.X = lapply(blocks, function(x){cor(object$blocks[[x]], object$variates[[x]][, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")})
ind.var.sel = sample.X = lapply(object$blocks, function(x){seq_len(ncol(x))})
if (!is.null(
cord.X = lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(z){cord.X[[z]][row.names(cord.X[[z]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, block = blocks[z], comp = x)[[1]]$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]})
for (i in seq_len(length(cord.X)))
ind.var.sel[[i]] = which(colnames(object$blocks[[i]]) %in% rownames(cord.X[[i]]))
} else if (any(class.object %in% object.pca)) {
if (any(class.object %in% c("sipca", "spca"))){
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X[, colnames(object$X) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x){selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), drop = FALSE],
object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
#ind.var.sel[[1]] =
sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
#if (!is.null( {
# cord.X[[1]] = cord.X[[1]][row.names(cord.X[[1]]) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(, function(x) {selectVar(object, comp = x)$name}))), ,drop = FALSE]
ind.var.sel[[1]] = which(colnames(object$X) %in% rownames(cord.X[[1]]))
} else {
cord.X[[1]] = cor(object$X, object$variates$X[, c(comp1, comp2)], use = "pairwise")
ind.var.sel[[1]] = sample.X[[1]] = seq_len(length(colnames(object$X)))
# output a message if some variates are anti correlated among blocks
if (any(class.object %in% object.blocks))
VarX = lapply(seq_len(2), function(j){, lapply(object$variates, function(i) i[, comp[j]]))})
corX = lapply(VarX, cor)
if(any(sapply(corX, function(j){any(j < 0)})))
warning("We detected negative correlation between the variates of some blocks, which means that some clusters of variables observed on the correlation circle plot are not necessarily positively correlated.")
if (any(sapply(cord.X, nrow) == 0))
stop("No variable selected on at least one block")
#-- End: Retrieve variates from object
#-- Names of labels X and Y
if (is.null(X.label)) X.label = paste("Component ", comp1)
if (is.null(Y.label)) Y.label = paste("Component ", comp2)
if (is.null(Z.label) && style=="3d") Z.label = paste("Component ", comp3)
if (!is.character(X.label))
stop("'X.label' must be a character.", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.character(Y.label))
stop("'Y.label' must be a character.", call. = FALSE)
#-- pch argument
missing.pch = FALSE
if (missing(pch))
missing.pch = TRUE
pch = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(c("sphere", "tetra", "cube", "octa", "icosa", "dodeca")[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else {
pch = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(seq_len(20)[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (((is.vector(pch, mode = "double") || is.vector(pch, mode = "integer")) && !(style=="3d"))
|| (is.vector(pch, mode = "character") && style=="3d")) {
if (length(pch) != length(sample.X))
stop.message('pch', sample.X)
pch = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(pch[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (is.list(pch)) {
if (length(pch) != length(sample.X) || length(unlist(pch)) != sum(sapply(sample.X, length)))
stop.message('pch', sample.X)
if (length(ind.var.sel) != 0)
pch = lapply(seq_len(length(pch)), function(x){pch[[x]][ind.var.sel[[x]]]})
pch = unlist(pch)
} else if (style=="3d") {
if (!all(pch %in% c("sphere", "tetra", "cube", "octa", "icosa", "dodeca")) && style=="3d")
stop("pch' must be a simple character or character vector from {'sphere', 'tetra', 'cube', 'octa', 'icosa', 'dodeca'}.",
call. = FALSE)
else {
stop.message('pch', sample.X)
#-- col argument
if (missing(col)) {
if (length(cord.X) < 10) {
col = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(color.mixo(x), sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else {
col = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(color.jet(length(cord.X))[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (is.vector(col, mode = "double") | is.vector(col, mode = "character")) {
if (length(col) != length(sample.X))
stop.message('col', sample.X)
col = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(col[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (is.list(col)) {
if (length(col) != length(sample.X) || length(unlist(col)) != sum(sapply(sample.X, length)))
stop.message('col', sample.X)
if (length(ind.var.sel) != 0)
col = lapply(seq_len(length(col)), function(x){col[[x]][ind.var.sel[[x]]]})
col = unlist(col)
} else {
stop.message('col', sample.X)
#-- cex argument
if (missing(cex)){
if (style == "ggplot2"){
cex = rep(5, sum(sapply(cord.X, nrow)))
} else {
cex = rep(1, sum(sapply(cord.X, nrow)))
} else if (is.vector(cex, mode = "double")) {
if (length(cex) != length(cord.X))
stop.message('cex', sample.X)
cex = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(cex[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (is.list(cex)) {
if (length(cex) != length(sample.X) || length(unlist(cex)) != sum(sapply(sample.X, length)))
stop.message('cex', sample.X)
if (length(ind.var.sel) != 0)
cex = lapply(seq_len(length(cex)), function(x){cex[[x]][ind.var.sel[[x]]]})
cex = unlist(cex)
} else {
stop.message('cex', sample.X)
#-- font argument
if (missing(font)) {
font = rep(1, sum(sapply(cord.X, nrow)))
} else if (is.vector(font, mode = "numeric")) {
if (length(font) != length(cord.X))
stop.message('font', sample.X)
font = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(x){rep(font[x], sum(sapply(cord.X[x], nrow)))}))
} else if (is.list(font)) {
if (length(font) != length(sample.X) || length(unlist(font)) != sum(sapply(sample.X, length)))
stop.message('font', sample.X)
if (length(ind.var.sel) != 0)
font = lapply(seq_len(length(font)), function(x){font[[x]][ind.var.sel[[x]]]})
font = unlist(font)
} else {
stop.message('font', sample.X)
#-- var.names = cumsum(c(0, sapply(cord.X, nrow)))
if (is.null(var.names)){
var.names.list = unlist(sapply(cord.X, rownames))
if (!missing.pch) {
var.names = rep(FALSE, length(cord.X))
} else {
var.names = rep(TRUE, length(cord.X))
} else if (is.vector(var.names, mode = "logical")) {
if (length(var.names) == 1){
var.names = rep(var.names,length(cord.X))}
else if (length(var.names) != length(cord.X))
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
var.names.list = unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(var.names)), function(x){if(var.names[x]){rownames(cord.X[[x]])}
else {pch[([x] + 1) :[x + 1]]}}))
} else if (is.list(var.names)) {
if (length(var.names) != length(cord.X))
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
length.var.names <- sum(sapply(seq_len(length(var.names)), function(x){if (!lapply(var.names, is.logical)[[x]]){
if (length(ind.var.sel) == 0){
} else {
} else {0}}))
length.cord.X.names <- sum(sapply(seq_len(length(var.names)), function(x){
if(!lapply(var.names, is.logical)[[x]]){nrow(cord.X[[x]])}else {0}
if (length.var.names != length.cord.X.names){
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
var.names.list = unlist(sapply(seq_len(length(var.names)), function(x){if(lapply(var.names, is.logical)[[x]]){
if (var.names[[x]]) {
} else {
pch[([x] + 1) :[x + 1]]
} else {
if (length(ind.var.sel) == 0){
} else {
var.names = sapply(var.names, function(x){if(is.logical(x)){x}else{TRUE}})
} else {
stop.message('var.names', sample.X)
#-- Start: Computation ellipse
circle = list()
circle[[1]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t = 1)
circle[[2]] = ellipse(0, levels = 1, t =
circle = data.frame("rbind", circle), "Circle" = c(rep("Main circle", 100), rep("Inner circle", 100)))
#-- End: Computation ellipse
#-- Start: data set
df = data.frame(, cord.X), "Block" = paste0("Block: ", unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(z){rep(blocks[z], nrow(cord.X[[z]]))}))))
if (style=="3d")
names(df)[seq_len(3)] = c("x", "y","z")
names(df)[seq_len(2)] = c("x", "y")
df$names = as.vector(var.names.list)
df$pch = pch; df$cex = cex; df$col = col; df$font = font
if (overlap)
df$Overlap = title
df$Block = factor(unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(z){rep(blocks[z], nrow(cord.X[[z]]))})))
if(style %in%c("ggplot2","lattice"))
title=NULL # to avoid double title
} else {
df$Overlap = df$Block
if(style %in%c("ggplot2","lattice"))
df$Block = factor(unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(cord.X)), function(z){rep(blocks[z], nrow(cord.X[[z]]))})))
if (cutoff != 0){
df = df[abs(df$x) > cutoff | abs(df$y) > cutoff | abs(df$z) > cutoff, ,drop = FALSE]
df = df[abs(df$x) > cutoff | abs(df$y) > cutoff, ,drop = FALSE] = c(0, cumsum(table(df$Block)[unique(df$Block)])) # add unique to have names of cumsum matching the order of the blocks in df
if (nrow(df) == 0)
stop("Cutoff value very high for the components ", comp1, " and ", comp2, ".No variable was selected.")
#-- End: data set
#-- Start: ggplot2
if (style == "ggplot2" & plot)
Block = NULL# R check
# visible variable issues for x, y and Circle
# according to
# one hack is to set to NULL first.
x = y = Circle = NULL
#-- Initialise ggplot2
p = ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, color = Block)) +
labs(title = title, x = X.label, y = Y.label) + theme_bw()
for (i in levels(df$Block))
p = p + geom_point(data = subset(df, df$Block == i), size = 0, shape = 0)
#-- Display sample or var.names
for (i in seq_len(length(var.names))){
if (var.names[i]) {
p = p + geom_text(data = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), ],
label = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "names"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
color = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
fontface = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "font"])
} else {
p = p + geom_point(data = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), ],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
shape = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "pch"],
color = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"])
#-- Modify scale colour - Change X/Ylabel - split plots into Blocks
p = p + scale_colour_manual(values = unique(col)[match(levels(factor(as.character(df$Block))), levels(df$Block))], name = legend.title, breaks = levels(df$Block))
p = p + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1)) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1))
p = p + facet_wrap(~ Overlap, ncol = 2, as.table = TRUE)
#-- Legend
if (!legend)
p = p + theme(legend.position="none")
} else {
p = p + guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(shape = 19,
size = unique(df$cex))))
#-- abline
if (abline)
p = p + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = 0), linetype = 2,
colour = "darkgrey") + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0),linetype = 2,
colour = "darkgrey")
#-- circle correlation
for (i in c("Main circle", "Inner circle")){
p = p + geom_path(data = subset(circle, Circle == i),
aes_string(x = "x", y = "y"), color = "Black")
#-- End: ggplot2
#-- Start: Lattice
if(style == "lattice" )
legend.lattice = list(space = "right", title = legend.title, cex.title = 1.25,
points=list(col=unique(df$col),cex = unique(df$cex),pch = unique(df$pch)),
text = list(blocks))
if (overlap) {
p = xyplot(y ~ x | Overlap, data = df, xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label, main = title,
scales = list(x = list(relation = "free", limits = c(-1, 1)),
y = list(relation = "free", limits = c(-1, 1))),
key=if (legend) {legend.lattice} else {NULL},
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
#-- Abline
if (abline) {panel.abline(v = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")
panel.abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "darkgrey")}
#-- Display sample or row.names
for (i in seq_len(length(var.names))){
if (var.names[i]) {
panel.text(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "names"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
font = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "font"])
} else {
panel.points(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
pch = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "pch"])
panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
ind = which(panels == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)
trellis.focus("panel",ind[2], ind[1],highlight = FALSE)
for (i in seq_len(length(c("Main circle", "Inner circle")))){
panel.lines(x = circle[circle$Circle %in% c("Main circle", "Inner circle")[i], "x"],
y = circle[circle$Circle %in% c("Main circle", "Inner circle")[i], "y"],
col = "black")
} else {
p = xyplot(y ~ x | Block, data = df, xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label, main = title, as.table = TRUE,
scales = list(x = list(relation = "free", limits = c(-1, 1)),
y = list(relation = "free", limits = c(-1, 1))),
col = "white",
key=if (legend) {legend.lattice} else {NULL},
panels = trellis.currentLayout(which = "panel")
for (k in seq_len(length(cord.X))) {
ind = which(panels == k, arr.ind = TRUE)
trellis.focus("panel",ind[2], ind[1],highlight = FALSE)
if (var.names[k]){
panel.text(x = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "y"],
df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "names"],
col = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "cex"],
font = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "font"])
} else {
panel.points(x = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "y"],
col = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "cex"],
pch = df[c(([k] + 1) :[k + 1]), "pch"])
for (i in seq_len(length(c("Main circle", "Inner circle")))){
panel.lines(x = circle[circle$Circle %in% c("Main circle", "Inner circle")[i], "x"],
y = circle[circle$Circle %in% c("Main circle", "Inner circle")[i], "y"],
col = "black")
#-- End: Lattice
#-- Start: graphics
if(style=="graphics" )
if (overlap)
opar = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mai=c( 1.360000, 1.093333, 1.093333,max(strwidth("Legend","inches"),max(strwidth(blocks,"inches"))+0.3)+0.2),xpd=TRUE)
plot(df$x, df$y, type = "n", xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label, main = "", xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1))
#-- Display sample or row.names
for (i in seq_len(length(var.names))){
if (var.names[i]) {
text(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
labels = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "names"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
font = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "font"])
} else {
points(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
pch = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "pch"])
#-- legend
if (legend)
legend(x = 1.09, y=0.2,
legend = blocks,
col = unique(df$col),
pch = unique(df$pch),
pt.cex = unique(df$cex),
bty = "n")
#-- Abline
if (abline)
abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = 2, xpd = FALSE)
#-- Ellipse
for (i in c("Main circle", "Inner circle")){
lines(x = circle[circle$Circle == i, "x"], y = circle[circle$Circle == i, "y"], col = "black")
title(title)#, outer = TRUE, line = -1)
if (legend) par(mai = opar$mai, xpd = opar$xpd)
} else {
opar <- par()[! names(par()) %in% c("cin", "cra", "csi", "cxy", "din", "page")]
#-- Define layout
mat = matrix(seq_len((ceiling(length(cord.X)/2) * 2)), ceiling(length(cord.X)/2), min(length(cord.X), 2), byrow = TRUE)
if (legend){
mat = matrix(rep(mat,each=2),nrow=nrow(mat),byrow=TRUE)
mat = cbind(mat,rep(max(mat) + 1, nrow(mat)))
for (k in seq_len(length(cord.X))){
#-- initialise plot
plot(df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "x" ],
df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "y" ],
type = "n", xlab = X.label, ylab = Y.label, main = paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]),
xlim = c(-1, 1), ylim = c(-1, 1))
#-- Display sample or row.names
if (var.names[k]) {
text(x = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "x"],
y = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "y"],
labels = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "names"],
col = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "col"],
cex = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "cex"],
font = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "font"])
} else {
points(x = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "x"],
y = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "y"],
col = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "col"],
cex = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "cex"],
pch = df[df$Block %in% paste0("Block: ", blocks[k]), "pch"])
#-- Abline
if (abline)
abline(v = 0, h = 0, lty = 2, xpd = FALSE)
#-- Ellipse
for (i in c("Main circle", "Inner circle")){
lines(x = circle[circle$Circle == i, "x"], y = circle[circle$Circle == i, "y"], col = "black")
title(title, outer = TRUE, line = -1)
if (length(cord.X) != max(mat) & length(cord.X) != 1){
for (i in seq_len((max(mat)-length(cord.X)))){
plot(1,1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, ann = FALSE)
if (legend)
legend = blocks,
col = unique(df$col),
pch = unique(df$pch),
cex = unique(df$cex),
bty = "n")
#-- End: graphics
#-- Start: 3d
if(style=="3d") {
if(requireNamespace("rgl") == FALSE)
stop("the rgl package is required for 3d plots")
rgl::par3d(windowRect = c(500, 30, 1100, 630))
if (!is.null(title)) {
mat = matrix(seq_len(2), 2)
rgl::layout3d(mat, heights = c(1, 10), model = "inherit")
rgl::text3d(0, 0, 0, title)
rgl::par3d(userMatrix = rgl::rotationMatrix(pi/80, 1, -1/(100*pi), 0))
if (legend) {
legend = blocks,
col = unique(col),
pch = rep(16,length(unique(pch))),
pt.cex = unique(cex),
if (any( == "axes") || any( == "all"))
rgl::axes3d(c('x','y','z'), pos = c(0, 0, 0), nticks = 2, at = c(-1.2, 1.2),
tick = FALSE, labels = "")
for (i in seq_len(length(var.names))){
if (var.names[i]) {
rgl::text3d(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
texts = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "names"],
color = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
cex = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"],
font = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "font"])
} else {
switch(unique(df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "pch"]),
sphere = rgl::plot3d(x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"], type = "s",
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"], radius = cex/20, add = TRUE),
tetra = rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::tetrahedron3d(), x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"]/25),
cube = rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::cube3d(), x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"]/30),
octa = rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::octahedron3d(), x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"]/17),
icosa = rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::icosahedron3d(), x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"]/20),
dodeca = rgl::shapelist3d(rgl::dodecahedron3d(), x = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "x"],
y = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "y"],
z=df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "z"],
col = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "col"],
size = df[c(([i] + 1) :[i + 1]), "cex"]/20))
rgl::par3d(cex = 0.8)
#-- draws axes --#
if (any( == "axes") || any( == "all")) {
if (any( == "axes") || any( == "both")) {
rgl::text3d(1.2, -0.05, 0, texts = X.label, cex = 0.8, color = "black")
rgl::text3d(0, 1.27, 0, texts = Y.label, cex = 0.8, color = "black")
rgl::text3d(0, -0.05, 1.2, texts = Z.label, cex = 0.8, color = "black")
X = c(1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4), 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4),
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4))
Y = c(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4),
1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09,
0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4), 0.0, -0.035*sin(pi/4), 0.035*sin(pi/4))
Z = c(0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4),
0.0, 0.035, -0.035, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.035*sin(pi/4), -0.035*sin(pi/4), 0.0, -0.035*sin(pi/4), 0.035*sin(pi/4),
1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09, 1.2, 1.09, 1.09)
rgl::triangles3d(x = X, y = Y, z = Z, col = "black")
rgl::points3d(1.2, 0, 0, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
rgl::points3d(0, 1.2, 0, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
rgl::points3d(0, 0, 1.2, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
rgl::points3d(-1.2, 0, 0, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
rgl::points3d(0, -1.2, 0, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
rgl::points3d(0, 0, -1.2, size = 0.1, alpha = 0)
#-- draws sphere --#
rgl::spheres3d(0, 0, 0, radius =, front = "fill", back = "fill", emission = gray(0.9), alpha = 0.4)
rgl::spheres3d(0, 0, 0, radius =, front = "line", back = "line", emission = gray(0.9))
#-- draws axes/box and add axes labels --#
if (any( == "box") || any( == "all")) {
rgl::axes3d(marklen = 25)
if (any( == "box") || any( == "both")) {
rgl::mtext3d(X.label, "x-+", line = 1)
rgl::mtext3d(Y.label, "y-+", line = 1.5)
rgl::mtext3d(Z.label, "z+-", line = 1)
if (any( == "bbox") || any( == "all")) {
rgl::bbox3d(color = c("#333377", "black"), emission = gray(0.5),
specular = gray(0.1), shininess = 5, alpha = 0.8, marklen = 25)
if (any( == "box") || any( == "both")) {
rgl::mtext3d(X.label, "x-+", line = 1)
rgl::mtext3d(Y.label, "y-+", line = 1.5)
rgl::mtext3d(Z.label, "z+-", line = 1)
#-- End: graphics
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