#' @name biplot
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
.biplot <-
comp = c(1,2),
block = NULL,
ind.names = TRUE,
group = NULL,
cutoff = 0,,
col = NULL,
ind.names.size = 3,
ind.names.col = color.mixo(4),
ind.names.repel = TRUE,
pch = 19,
pch.size = 2,
var.names = TRUE,
var.names.col = 'grey40',
var.names.size = 4,
var.names.angle = FALSE,
var.arrow.col = 'grey40',
var.arrow.size = 0.5,
var.arrow.length = 0.2,
ind.legend.title = NULL,
vline = FALSE,
hline = FALSE,
legend = if (is.null(group)) FALSE else TRUE,
legend.title = NULL,
pch.legend.title = NULL,
cex = 1.05,
object <- x
## for implicit support of non-pca objects - experimental
block <- .change_if_null(block, 'X')
comp <- .check_comp(comp, ncomp = object$ncomp)
block <- match.arg(block, choices = names(object$variates))
hide <- 'none'
selection <- rowSums(object$loadings[[block]][, comp]) != 0
loadings <- object$loadings[[block]][selection, ]
loadings <- data.frame(loadings)
## scale check
if (isFALSE(object$call$scale))
warning("The 'tune.spca' algorithm has used scale=FALSE. We recommend scaling the data",
" to improve orthogonality in the sparse components.")
## cutoff correlation
cutoff <- .check.cutoff(cutoff)
cors <- cor(object[[block]][, selection], object$variates[[block]][, comp], use = 'pairwise' )
# cors <- apply(cors, 1, function(x) (sqrt(sum(x^2))))
# above.cutoff <- cors >= cutoff
above.cutoff <- apply(cors, 1, function(x) any(abs(x) >= cutoff))
loadings <- loadings[above.cutoff,]
variates <- object$variates[[block]]
variates <- data.frame(variates)
## scaler of var vs sample coordinates
scaler <- max(variates, na.rm = TRUE)/max(loadings, na.rm = TRUE)
PCs <- paste0('component_', comp)
expl_vars <- round(object$prop_expl_var[[block]]*100)[comp]
axes.titles <- sprintf("%s (%s%%)", PCs, expl_vars)
ind.names <- .get.character.vector(ind.names, vec = rownames(variates))
variates$ind.names <- ind.names <- =,
group = group,
col = col,
object = object,
n_ind = nrow(variates)
group <-$group <-$
if (length( == 1)
legend <- FALSE
## ------------- outline
gg_biplot <-
ggplot() +
theme_classic() +
labs(x = axes.titles[1],
y = axes.titles[2])
## vline and hline
if (vline)
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot + geom_vline(xintercept = 0, size = 0.3, col = 'grey75')
if (hline)
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot + geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.3, col = 'grey75')
## ------------- inds
if (! 'ind' %in% hide)
if (!is.null(pch))
## ------------- advanced user args
fill <- ifelse(is.null(list(...)$fill), 'black', list(...)$fill)
alpha <- ifelse(is.null(list(...)$alpha), 1, list(...)$alpha)
pch.res <- .get.pch(pch, pch.levels, n_ind = nrow(variates))
pch <- pch.res$pch
pch.levels <- pch.res$pch.levels
pch.legend <- pch.res$pch.legend
## get 'pch' and 'group' arg used for legends so we can handle
## legends whether needed or not in a unified way (see scale_*_manual)
pch.legend.title <- .change_if_null(pch.legend.title, as.character(as.list(['pch']))
if (is.null(legend.title))
legend.title <- ifelse(is(object, 'DA'), yes = 'Y', no = as.character(as.list(['group']))
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot +
geom_point(aes(x = variates[, comp[1]],
y = variates[, comp[2]],
col = group,
shape = pch),
fill = fill,
alpha = alpha,
size = pch.size)
pch_legend <- NULL
if (isTRUE(pch.legend)) {
pch_legend <- guide_legend(title = pch.legend.title, override.aes = list(size = 5))
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot +
scale_shape_manual(values = pch.levels, guide = pch_legend)
ind.names.repel <- FALSE
if (!is.null(ind.names))
if (isTRUE(ind.names.repel)) {
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot +
geom_text_repel(mapping = aes(x = variates[, comp[1]],
y = variates[, comp[2]],
label = ind.names,
col = group
size = ind.names.size,
show.legend = FALSE)
} else {
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot +
geom_text(mapping = aes(x = variates[, comp[1]],
y = variates[, comp[2]],
label = ind.names,
col = group
size = ind.names.size,
show.legend = FALSE)
col_legend <- NULL
if (isTRUE(legend)) {
col_legend <- guide_legend(title = legend.title, override.aes = list(size = 5))
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot +
scale_color_manual(values =, guide = col_legend)
gg_biplot <-
gg_biplot +
legend.text = element_text(size = rel(cex)),
legend.title = element_text(size = rel(cex)),
axis.title = element_text(size = rel(cex)),
axis.text = element_text(size = rel(cex))
## ------------- vars
if (! 'var' %in% hide)
loadings <- loadings*scaler
var.names.col <- .get.ind.colors(group = NULL,
col = var.names.col, = NULL,
n_ind = nrow(loadings))
if (!is.null(var.arrow.col))
var.arrow.col <- .get.ind.colors(group = NULL,
col = var.arrow.col, = NULL,
n_ind = nrow(loadings))
loadings$var.names.col <- var.names.col
loadings$var.arrow.col <- var.arrow.col
## lines and arrows
gg_biplot <-
gg_biplot + geom_segment(
x = 0,
y = 0,
xend = loadings[,comp[1]],
yend = loadings[,comp[2]],
col = var.arrow.col,
arrow = arrow(length = unit(var.arrow.length, "cm")),
size = var.arrow.size,
show.legend = FALSE
## labels
var.labels <- .get.character.vector(arg = var.names, vec = rownames(loadings))
## label angles
angle <- rep(0, nrow(loadings))
if (!is.null(var.names))
angle <- rep(0, nrow(loadings))
if (var.names.angle == TRUE)
angle <- atan(loadings[, comp[2]]/loadings[, comp[1]]) * 360/(2 * pi)
gg_biplot <-
gg_biplot + geom_text_repel(
x = loadings[, comp[1]],
y = loadings[, comp[2]],
label = var.labels,
angle = angle,
hjust = ifelse(loadings[, comp[1]] > 0, 1, 0),
vjust = ifelse(loadings[, comp[2]] > 0, 1, 0)
col = var.names.col,
size = var.names.size,
box.padding = 0.1,
point.padding = 0.1
## second set of axes
gg_biplot <- gg_biplot + scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*1/scaler)) +
scale_x_continuous(sec.axis = sec_axis(~.*1/scaler))
#' biplot methods for \code{pca} family
#' @inheritParams plotIndiv
#' @inheritParams plotVar
#' @param x An object of class 'pca'or mixOmics '(s)pls'.
#' @param ind.names.repel Logical, whether to repel away label names.
#' @param group Factor indicating the group membership for each sample.
#' @param block Character, name of the block to show for \code{pls} object.
#' Default to \code{'X'}.
#' @param ind.names.size Numeric, sample name size.
#' @param ind.names.col Character, sample name colour.
#' @template arg/pch.size
#' @param pch.levels If \code{pch} is a factor, a named vector providing the
#' point characters to use. See examples.
#' @param var.names Logical indicating whether to show variable names.
#' Alternatively, a character.
#' @param var.names.col Character, variable name colour.
#' @param var.names.size Numeric, variable name size.
#' @param var.names.angle Logical, whether to align variable names to arrow
#' directions.
#' @param var.arrow.col Character, variable arrow colour. If 'NULL', no arrows
#' are shown.
#' @param var.arrow.size Numeric, variable arrow head size.
#' @param var.arrow.length Numeric, length of the arrow head in 'cm'.
#' @param ind.legend.title Character, title of the legend.
#' @param vline Logical, whether to draw the vertical neutral line.
#' @param hline Logical, whether to draw the horizontal neutral line.
#' @param legend Logical, whether to show the legend if \code{group != NULL}.
#' @param legend.title Character, the legend title if \code{group != NULL}.
#' @param pch.legend Character, the legend title if \code{pch} is a factor.
#' @param pch.legend.title Character, the legend title if \code{pch} is a factor.
#' @param cex Numeric scalar indicating the desired magnification of plot texts.
#' \code{\link[ggplot2]{theme}} function may be used with the output object if
#' further customisation is required.
#' @param ... Not currently used.
#' @details
#' \code{biplot} unifies the reduced representation of both the
#' observations/samples and variables of a matrix of multivariate data on the
#' same plot. Essentially, in the reduced space the samples are shown as
#' points/names and the contributions of features to each dimension are shown as
#' directed arrows or vectors.
#' For \code{pls} objects it is possible to use either \code{'X'} or \code{'Y'}
#' latent space using \code{block} argument.
#' @return A ggplot object.
#' @author Al J Abadi
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @example ./examples/biplot-examples.R
#' @method biplot pca
#' @rdname biplot
#' @export
biplot.pca <- .biplot
#' @method biplot mixo_pls
#' @rdname biplot
#' @export
biplot.mixo_pls <- .biplot
#' @method biplot mixo_spls
#' @noRd
#' @export
biplot.mixo_spls <- .biplot
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