# Global variables -------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Profile
normexp.get.xs <- function(xf, controls, offset = 50, verbose = FALSE) {
if (verbose) {
"[normexp.get.xs] Background mean & SD estimated from ",
" probes")
mu <- sigma <- alpha <- rep(NA_real_, ncol(xf))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(xf))) {
ests <- huber(controls[, i])
mu[i] <- ests$mu
sigma[i] <- ests$s
alpha[i] <- max(huber(xf[, i])$mu - mu[i], 10)
pars <- data.frame(mu = mu, lsigma = log(sigma), lalpha = log(alpha))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(xf))) {
xf[, i] <- normexp.signal(as.numeric(pars[i, ]), xf[, i])
xs = xf + offset,
params = data.frame(
mu = mu, sigma = sigma, alpha = alpha, offset = offset),
meta = c("background mean", "background SD", "signal mean", "offset"))
# TODO: Profile
normexp.get.xcs <- function(xcf, params) {
stopifnot(any(grepl("mu", names(params))),
any(grepl("sigma", names(params))),
any(grepl("alpha", names(params))),
any(grepl("offset", names(params))))
pars <- data.frame(
mu = params[[grep("mu", names(params), value = TRUE)]],
sigma = log(params[[grep("sigma", names(params), value = TRUE)]]),
alpha = log(params[[grep("alpha", names(params), value = TRUE)]]))
for (i in seq_len(ncol(xcf))) {
xcf[, i] <- normexp.signal(as.numeric(pars[i, ]), xcf[, i])
xcf + params[[grep("offset", names(params), value = TRUE)]][1]
# From TJT (2016-06-16)
# Performing dye bias normalization
# "single" = just reciprocate out the dye bias, don't use a reference. (similar
# to, but implemented differently from, unmaintained "asmn" package
# by Decker et al., doi:10.4161/epi.26037)
# "reference" = use the least-worst sample in the batch (previous default)
# "single" is now the default: it provides single-sample preprocessing and
# betas/M-values produced by this method are identical to those from the
# "reference" version used in (e.g.) the TCGA data processing pipeline.
dyeCorrection <- function(Meth, Unmeth, Red, Green, control_probes,
Green_probes, Red_probes, d2.probes, estimates,
array_type, dyeMethod, verbose) {
# Background correct the Illumina normalization controls
redControls <- Red[control_probes$Address, , drop = FALSE]
greenControls <- Green[control_probes$Address, ,drop = FALSE]
rownames(redControls) <- rownames(greenControls) <-
internal.controls <- list(Green = greenControls, Red = redControls)
xcs <- lapply(names(internal.controls), function(nch) {
xcf <- as.matrix(internal.controls[[nch]])
normexp.get.xcs(xcf = xcf, params = estimates[[nch]][["params"]])
names(xcs) <- names(internal.controls)
internal.controls[["Green"]] <- xcs[["Green"]]
internal.controls[["Red"]] <- xcs[["Red"]]
if (array_type %in% c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
"HorvathMammalMethylChip40")) {
CG.controls <- which(
rownames(internal.controls[[1]]) %in% c("NORM_C", "NORM_G"))
AT.controls <- which(
rownames(internal.controls[[1]]) %in% c("NORM_A", "NORM_T"))
} else {
CG.controls <- which(
rownames(internal.controls[[1]]) %in% c("Normalization-Green"))
AT.controls <- which(
rownames(internal.controls[[1]]) %in% c("Normalization-Red"))
# Dye bias normalization with the corrected Illumina control probes
Green.avg <- colMeans2(x = internal.controls[["Green"]], rows = CG.controls)
Red.avg <- colMeans2(x = internal.controls[["Red"]], rows = AT.controls)
R.G.ratio <- Red.avg / Green.avg
if (dyeMethod == "single") {
if (verbose) {
"[dyeCorrection] Applying R/G ratio flip to fix dye bias")
Red.factor <- 1 / R.G.ratio
Green.factor <- 1
} else if (dyeMethod == "reference") {
reference <- which.min(abs(R.G.ratio - 1))
if (verbose) {
"[dyeCorrection] Using sample number ",
" as reference level")
ref <- (Green.avg + Red.avg)[reference] / 2
if ( {
stop("'reference' refers to an array that is not present")
Green.factor <- ref / Green.avg
Red.factor <- ref / Red.avg
Green <- list(
M = Meth[Green_probes,, drop=FALSE],
U = Unmeth[Green_probes,, drop=FALSE],
D2 = Meth[d2.probes,, drop=FALSE])
Red <- list(
M = Meth[Red_probes,, drop=FALSE],
U = Unmeth[Red_probes,, drop=FALSE],
D2 = Unmeth[d2.probes,, drop=FALSE ])
# NOTE: Adjust Red regardless of reference or equalization approach
# but only adjust Green if using older reference method
Red <- lapply(
X = Red,
FUN = function(x) {
sweep(x, MARGIN = 2, STATS = Red.factor, FUN = "*")
Meth[Red_probes, ] <- Red$M
Unmeth[Red_probes, ] <- Red$U
Unmeth[d2.probes, ] <- Red$D2
if (dyeMethod == "reference") {
Green <- lapply(
X = Green,
FUN = function(x) {
sweep(x, MARGIN = 2, STATS = Green.factor, FUN = "*")
Meth[Green_probes, ] <- Green$M
Unmeth[Green_probes, ] <- Green$U
Meth[d2.probes, ] <- Green$D2
list(Meth = Meth, Unmeth = Unmeth)
# Internal generics ------------------------------------------------------------
# `...` are additional arguments passed to methods.
function(Meth, Unmeth, GreenOOB, RedOOB, Green_probes, Red_probes,
d2.probes, offset, dyeCorr, Red, Green, control_probes, array_type,
dyeMethod, verbose, ...)
signature = c("Meth", "Unmeth")
# Internal methods -------------------------------------------------------------
c("matrix", "matrix"),
function(Meth, Unmeth, GreenOOB, RedOOB, Green_probes, Red_probes,
d2.probes, offset, dyeCorr, Red, Green, control_probes, array_type,
dyeMethod, verbose) {
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0)
# Threshold Meth and Unmeth to be positive
Meth[Meth <= 0] <- 1L
Unmeth[Unmeth <= 0] <- 1L
# NormExp estimates for Green and Red
dat <- list(
Green = list(
M = Meth[Green_probes, , drop = FALSE],
U = Unmeth[Green_probes, , drop = FALSE],
D2 = Meth[d2.probes, , drop = FALSE]),
Red = list(
M = Meth[Red_probes, , drop = FALSE],
U = Unmeth[Red_probes, , drop = FALSE],
D2 = Unmeth[d2.probes, , drop = FALSE]))
estimates <- lapply(names(dat), function(nch, oob) {
xf <- rbind(
xs <- normexp.get.xs(
xf = xf,
controls = oob[[nch]],
offset = offset,
verbose = subverbose)
names(xs[["params"]]) <- paste(
names(xs[["params"]]), nch, sep = ".")
names(xs[["meta"]]) <- paste(names(xs[["meta"]]), nch, sep = ".")
}, oob = list(Green = GreenOOB, Red = RedOOB))
names(estimates) <- names(dat)
# Correct for Green and Red in Meth and Unmeth
rows <- lapply(dat, function(x) vapply(x, nrow, integer(1L)))
last <- lapply(rows, cumsum)
first <- Map(function(last, rows) last - rows + 1, last, rows)
if (length(Green_probes) > 0) {
Green.M <- seq(first[["Green"]][["M"]], last[["Green"]][["M"]])
Meth[Green_probes, ] <- estimates[["Green"]][["xs"]][Green.M, ]
Green.U <- seq(first[["Green"]][["U"]], last[["Green"]][["U"]])
Unmeth[Green_probes, ] <- estimates[["Green"]][["xs"]][Green.U, ]
if (length(Red_probes) > 0) {
Red.M <- seq(first[["Red"]][["M"]], last[["Red"]][["M"]])
Meth[Red_probes, ] <- estimates[["Red"]][["xs"]][Red.M, ]
Red.U <- seq(first[["Red"]][["U"]], last[["Red"]][["U"]])
Unmeth[Red_probes, ] <- estimates[["Red"]][["xs"]][Red.U, ]
if (length(d2.probes) > 0) {
d2.M <- seq(first[["Green"]][["D2"]], last[["Green"]][["D2"]])
d2.U <- seq(first[["Red"]][["D2"]], last[["Red"]][["D2"]])
Meth[d2.probes, ] <- estimates[["Green"]][["xs"]][d2.M, ]
Unmeth[d2.probes, ] <- estimates[["Red"]][["xs"]][d2.U, ]
if (!dyeCorr) {
return(list(Meth = Meth, Unmeth = Unmeth))
Meth = Meth,
Unmeth = Unmeth,
Red = Red,
Green = Green,
control_probes = control_probes,
Green_probes = Green_probes,
Red_probes = Red_probes,
d2.probes = d2.probes,
estimates = estimates,
array_type = array_type,
dyeMethod = dyeMethod,
verbose = verbose)
c("DelayedMatrix", "DelayedMatrix"),
function(Meth, Unmeth, GreenOOB, RedOOB, Green_probes, Red_probes,
d2.probes, offset, dyeCorr, Red, Green, control_probes,
array_type, dyeMethod, verbose, BPREDO = list(),
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
# Set up intermediate RealizationSink objects of appropriate dimensions
# and type
# NOTE: These are ultimately coerced to the output DelayedMatrix
# objects, `Meth` and `Unmeth`
# NOTE: Noob can return non-integer values, so write to a numeric sink
# NOTE: Don't do `Unmeth_sink <- Meth__sink` or else these will
# reference the same object and clobber each other when written
# to!
ans_type <- "double"
M_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(
dim = dim(Meth),
dimnames = dimnames(Meth),
type = ans_type)
U_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(
dim = dim(Unmeth),
dimnames = dimnames(Unmeth),
type = ans_type)
on.exit(close(U_sink), add = TRUE)
# Set up ArrayGrid instances over `Meth`, `Unmeth`, `M_sink`, and
# `U_sink`. Also set up "parallel" ArrayGrid instances over `GreenOOB`
# and `RedOOB`, as well as `Red` and `Green` if performing dye
# correction.
Meth_grid <- colGrid(Meth)
Unmeth_grid <- colGrid(Unmeth)
M_sink_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = dim(M_sink),
spacings = c(nrow(M_sink), ncol(M_sink) / length(Meth_grid)))
U_sink_grid <- M_sink_grid
GreenOOB_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = dim(GreenOOB),
spacings = c(nrow(GreenOOB), ncol(GreenOOB) / length(Meth_grid)))
RedOOB_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = dim(RedOOB),
spacings = c(nrow(RedOOB), ncol(RedOOB) / length(Meth_grid)))
# Sanity check ArrayGrid objects have the same dim
stopifnot(identical(dim(Meth_grid), dim(Unmeth_grid)),
identical(dim(Meth_grid), dim(M_sink_grid)),
identical(dim(Meth_grid), dim(GreenOOB_grid)),
identical(dim(Meth_grid), dim(RedOOB_grid)))
# Loop over blocks of `Meth`, `Unmeth`, `GreenOOB`, and `RedOOB`, as
# well as `Red` and `Green` if doing dye correction, and write to
# `M_sink` and `U_sink`.
if (dyeCorr) {
Red_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = dim(Red),
spacings = c(nrow(Red), ncol(Red) / length(Meth_grid)))
Green_grid <- RegularArrayGrid(
refdim = dim(Green),
spacings = c(nrow(Green), ncol(Green) / length(Meth_grid)))
# Sanity check ArrayGrid objects have the same dim
stopifnot(dim(Red_grid) == dim(Green_grid),
dim(Red_grid) == dim(Meth_grid))
FUN = .preprocessNoob,
Meth = Meth,
Unmeth = Unmeth,
GreenOOB = GreenOOB,
RedOOB = RedOOB,
Red = Red,
Green = Green,
MoreArgs = list(
Green_probes = Green_probes,
Red_probes = Red_probes,
d2.probes = d2.probes,
offset = offset,
dyeCorr = dyeCorr,
control_probes = control_probes,
array_type = array_type,
dyeMethod = dyeMethod,
verbose = verbose),
sinks = list(M_sink, U_sink),
dots_grids = list(Meth_grid, Unmeth_grid,
GreenOOB_grid, RedOOB_grid,
Red_grid, Green_grid),
sinks_grids = list(M_sink_grid, U_sink_grid),
} else {
FUN = .preprocessNoob,
Meth = Meth,
Unmeth = Unmeth,
GreenOOB = GreenOOB,
RedOOB = RedOOB,
MoreArgs = list(
oob = oob,
Green_probes = Green_probes,
Red_probes = Red_probes,
d2.probes = d2.probes,
offset = offset,
dyeCorr = dyeCorr,
control_probes = control_probes,
array_type = array_type,
dyeMethod = dyeMethod,
verbose = verbose),
sinks = list(M_sink, U_sink),
dots_grids = list(Meth_grid, Unmeth_grid,
GreenOOB_grid, RedOOB_grid),
sinks_grids = list(M_sink_grid, U_sink_grid),
# Return as DelayedMatrix objects
M <- as(M_sink, "DelayedArray")
U <- as(U_sink, "DelayedArray")
list(Meth = M, Unmeth = U)
# Exported functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Document: because we simultaneously walk over column-blocks of `Meth`,
# and `Unmeth`, as well as `Red` and `Green` if doing dye correction, the
# number of elements loaded into memory is doubled or quadrupled. If
# running into memory issues, try halving/quartering
# getOption("DelayedArray.block.size")
preprocessNoob <- function(rgSet, offset = 15, dyeCorr = TRUE, verbose = FALSE,
dyeMethod = c("single", "reference")) {
# Check inputs
dyeMethod <- match.arg(dyeMethod)
# Extract data to pass to low-level functions that construct `M` and `U`
oob <- getOOB(rgSet)
GreenOOB <- oob[["Grn"]]
RedOOB <- oob[["Red"]]
MSet <- preprocessRaw(rgSet)
probe.type <- getProbeType(MSet, withColor = TRUE)
Green_probes <- which(probe.type == "IGrn")
Red_probes <- which(probe.type == "IRed")
d2.probes <- which(probe.type == "II")
Meth <- getMeth(MSet)
Unmeth <- getUnmeth(MSet)
if (dyeCorr) {
control_probes <- getProbeInfo(rgSet, type = "Control")
control_probes <- control_probes[
control_probes$Address %in% rownames(rgSet), ]
Red <- getRed(rgSet)
Green <- getGreen(rgSet)
array_type <- rgSet@annotation[["array"]]
} else {
control_probes <- NULL
Red <- NULL
Green <- NULL
array_type <- NULL
M_and_U <- .preprocessNoob(
Meth = Meth,
Unmeth = Unmeth,
GreenOOB = GreenOOB,
RedOOB = RedOOB,
Green_probes = Green_probes,
Red_probes = Red_probes,
d2.probes = d2.probes,
offset = offset,
dyeCorr = dyeCorr,
Red = Red,
Green = Green,
control_probes = control_probes,
array_type = array_type,
dyeMethod = dyeMethod,
verbose = verbose)
# Construct MethylSet
assay(MSet, "Meth") <- M_and_U[["Meth"]]
assay(MSet, "Unmeth") <- M_and_U[["Unmeth"]]
# TODO: Is this the correct way to add a preprocessing method? It is
# shown as NA by show,MethylSet-method
MSet@preprocessMethod <- c(
mu.norm = sprintf("Noob, dyeCorr=%s, dyeMethod=%s", dyeCorr, dyeMethod))
# TODO: Switch from `Meth` to `M` and `Unmeth` to `U`
# TODO: Rationalise argument names and order across functions, set defaults
# assuming dyeCorr is FALSE
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