#' Function to compute the distance matrix using vegdist from the vegan package
#' @param aggdat aggregated MRExperiment
#' @param dist_method distance method from vegan package (See ?vegan::vegdist for details)
#' @param log transform count matrix to log2; default is TRUE
#' @param nfeatures number of features to use; default is all
#' @return distance as dist
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' computeDistMat(aggdat, dist_method = "bray")
#' @export
computeDistMat <- function(aggdat, dist_method,
log = TRUE, nfeatures = nrow(aggmat)){
aggmat <- MRcounts(aggdat, norm = TRUE)
mat <- aggmat[order(matrixStats::rowSds(aggmat), decreasing = TRUE), ]
mat <- mat[seq(1,nfeatures), ]
if (log == TRUE) {
mat <- log2(mat + 1)
mat <- t(mat)
vegan::vegdist(mat, method = tolower(dist_method))
#' Function to compute the PCAs for a given distance matrix
#' @param distmat the distance matrix
#' @param pcas 2-element vector of PCAs to include in results
#' @return the x slot limited to pcas after calling stats::prcomp on distmat
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' distmat <- computeDistMat(aggdat, dist_method = "bray")
#' calculatePCAs(distmat, c(1,2))
#' @export
calculatePCAs <- function(distmat, pcas){
pcaRes <- stats::prcomp(distmat)
#' Plot beta diversity
#' This functions plots the beta diversity as a PCoA plot.
#' @param aggdat aggregated MRExperiment
#' @param dim Vector of length 2 specifying which dimensions to plot.
#' @param log Log2 transform data. Default is TRUE.
#' @param dist_method Which distance method to use. See ?vegan::vegdist for more
#' \code{\link[vegan]{vegdist}()} for options. Default is "bray".
#' @param pcas precalculated pcas to avoid recalculation via CalcPCs
#' @param nfeatures Number of top features in terms of standard deviation.
#' Default is all.
#' @param col_by Phenotype for coloring.
#' @param shape_by Phenotype for shape.
#' @param plotTitle Plot title. By default, becomes PCoA (code{dist.method}).
#' @param xlab X-axis label. By default, shows dimension and percent variance
#' explained.
#' @param ylab Y-axis label. By default, shows dimension and percent variance
#' explained.
#' @param pt_size the size of the markers
#' @param plotText adonis text to be added to plot
#' @param confInterval numeric value indicating confidence level for ellipses
#' @param allowWebGL boolean indicating if WebGL should be used
#' @param pwidth overall plot width; default is 550 (125 are added for legend)
#' @param pheight overall plot height; default is 550
#' @importFrom metagenomeSeq MRcounts
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
#' @return plotly plot object
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' plotBeta(aggdat)
#' @export
plotBeta <- function(aggdat, dim = c(1,2),
log = TRUE, dist_method = "bray", pcas = NULL,
nfeatures = nrow(aggdat), col_by = NULL, shape_by = NULL,
plotTitle = "", xlab = NULL, ylab = NULL, pt_size = 8,
plotText = NULL, confInterval = NULL, allowWebGL = TRUE,
pwidth = 550, pheight = 550) {
color <- NULL
aggmat <- MRcounts(aggdat, norm = TRUE)
phenoTable <- pData(aggdat)
legendtitle <- ""
distmat <- computeDistMat(aggdat,
dist_method = dist_method,
log = log,
nfeatures = nfeatures)
pcaRes <- stats::prcomp(distmat)
pcas <- pcaRes$x[, dim]
legend <- FALSE
testellipses <- NULL
if (!is.null(col_by)) {
colgroup <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(
factor(phenoTable[, which(colnames(phenoTable) == col_by)]),
na_level = "NA")
phenoTable[, which(colnames(phenoTable) == col_by)] <- colgroup
## need to through out single levels
dup <- unique(colgroup[duplicated(colgroup)])
elligroup <- factor(colgroup[colgroup %in% dup])
ellipseData <-
ellipseData$SAMPLE_ID <- rownames(ellipseData)
ellipseData <- dplyr::left_join(ellipseData,
ellipseData <- ellipseData[ellipseData[[col_by]] %in% dup,]
## dataEllipse requires a plot even if draw = FALSE
testellipses <- car::dataEllipse(
x = ellipseData[,dim[1]],
y = ellipseData[,dim[2]],
groups = factor(ellipseData[[col_by]]),
draw = FALSE,
levels = confInterval,
col = getOption("me.colorvalues")[seq(1, length(levels(elligroup)))])
keepindices <- vapply(levels(elligroup), function(c){
subEllipse <- ellipseData[ellipseData[[col_by]] == c,]
if(sum(abs(stats::cor(subEllipse[,c(1,2)]))) == 4){
}, logical(1))
testellipses <- testellipses[keepindices]
pwidth <- pwidth + 125
legendtitle <- list(yref = "paper",xref = "paper",
text = col_by, showarrow = FALSE)
legend <- TRUE
} else {
colgroup <- I("black")
if (!is.null(shape_by)) {
shapegroup <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(
factor(phenoTable[, which(colnames(phenoTable) == shape_by)]),
na_level = "NA")
legendtitle <- list(yref = "paper",xref = "paper",
y=1.06, x=1.15,
text = paste0(col_by," - ",shape_by),
showarrow = FALSE)
} else {
legendtitle <- list(yref = "paper",xref = "paper",
text = shape_by, showarrow = FALSE)
legend <- TRUE
pwidth <- pwidth + 125
} else {
shapegroup <- I("circle")
plotdata <- tibble::tibble(
text = paste0(
paste0("<b>", colnames(aggmat), "</b>"),
paste0("<br>", dim[1], ": ",
round(pcas[, 1], digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))),
paste0("<br>", dim[2], ": ",
round(pcas[, 2], digits = getOption("me.round_digits")))
SAMPLE_ID = colnames(aggmat),
x = pcas[, 1],
y = pcas[, 2],
color = colgroup,
shape = shapegroup,
adonis = "TEST"
) %>% dplyr::arrange(color)
useWebGL <- FALSE
if(nrow(plotdata) > getOption("me.minwebgl") && allowWebGL)
useWebGL <- TRUE
max_y <- max(plotdata$y)
max_y <- max_y + 0.05 * max_y
min_x <- min(plotdata$x) - 0.05 * min(plotdata$x)
max_x <- max(plotdata$x)
max_x <- max_x + 0.05 * max_x
center_x <- (max_x + min_x)/2
plotText <- ""
plot_xlab <- 'if'(is.null(xlab), colnames(pcas)[1], xlab)
plot_ylab <- 'if'(is.null(ylab), colnames(pcas)[2], ylab)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(
plotdata, hoverinfo = "text",
height = pheight, width = pwidth,
colors =
res <- lapply(seq(1,length(testellipses)), function(t){
p <<- p %>% plotly::add_polygons(
x = testellipses[[t]][,1],
y = testellipses[[t]][,2],
fillcolor = 'transparent',
name = names(testellipses)[[t]],
line = list(color = getOption("me.colorvalues")[t]))
p <- p %>%
x = center_x,
y = max_y,
text = plotText,
showlegend = FALSE
) %>%
x = ~x,
y = ~y,
color = ~color,
symbol = ~shape,
text = ~text,
marker = list(size = pt_size),
customdata = ~SAMPLE_ID,
showlegend = legend
p <- p %>% plotly::toWebGL()
p <- p %>%
add_plotly_config() %>%
title = list(
text = plotTitle,
font = list(
size = 14
xaxis = list(title = paste0(" \n", plot_xlab),
tickangle = 45),
yaxis = list(title = paste0(plot_ylab, "\n ")),
margin = list(l = 75, b = 75, t = 50, r = 50),
annotations = legendtitle
#' Plot heatmap
#' This function plots a heatmap of feature abundance.
#' @param aggdat aggregated MRExperiment
#' @param features Vector of features to plot. If NULL, the top `nfeat`
#' features in terms of `sort_by` will be plotted.
#' @param log Log2 transform data. Default is TRUE.
#' @param sort_by Dispersion measure to sort features, one of "Fano", "MAD",
#' and "Variance"
#' @param nfeat Number of features to display. Default is 50.
#' @param col_by Vector of phenotypes for coloring.
#' @param row_by Name of feature level for coloring.
#' @param plotTitle Plot title. By default, no title.
#' @importFrom metagenomeSeq MRcounts
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
#' @return plotly heatmap
#' @examples
#' data("mouseData", package = "metagenomeSeq")
#' aggdat <- aggFeatures(mouseData, level = "genus")
#' plotHeatmap(aggdat, sort_by = "Fano")
#' @export
plotHeatmap <- function(aggdat, features = NULL,
log = TRUE, sort_by = c("Fano", "MAD", "Variance"),
nfeat = 50, col_by = NULL,
row_by = NULL, plotTitle = "") {
aggmat <- MRcounts(aggdat, norm = TRUE)
phenoTable <- pData(aggdat)
if (is.null(nfeat)) {
nfeat <- 50
## show only specified features or return NULL if not found
if (!is.null(features)) {
aggmat <- aggmat[rownames(aggmat) %in% features, ]
if (nrow(aggmat) == 0) {
aggmat <- aggmat[seq(1,min(length(features), nfeat)), ]
} else {
ind <- switch(sort_by,
"Fano" = matrixStats::rowVars(sqrt(aggmat)) /
"MAD" = matrixStats::rowMads(log2(aggmat + 1)),
"Variance" = matrixStats::rowVars(log2(aggmat + 1))
ind <- order(ind, decreasing = TRUE)[seq(1,min(length(ind), nfeat))]
aggmat <- aggmat[ind, ]
if (log) {
aggmat <- log2(aggmat + 1)
col_group <- NULL
if (!is.null(col_by)) {
col_group <- dplyr::select(phenoTable, col_by)
row_group <- NULL
if (!is.null(row_by)) {
if (!row_by == "") {
## assign each feature to its group: rownames of aggregated fData
## always correspond to aggregation level
featData <- dplyr::select(fData(aggdat), row_by)
rownames(featData)[rownames(featData) == ""] <- "unnamed"
## select the correct higher feature level based on rowname order
row_group <- data.frame(featData[rownames(aggmat), ])
names(row_group) <- row_by
aggmat <- round(aggmat, digits = getOption("me.round_digits"))
pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(
rev(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11, "RdYlBu")))
colvalues <- pal(100)
minval <- min(aggmat)
maxval <- max(aggmat)
if (is.null(col_group)) {
if (is.null(row_group)) {
hm <- heatmaply::heatmaply(aggmat,
cexRow = 0.9,
dendrogram = "column",
col = colvalues,
limits = c(minval, maxval),
Rowv = FALSE,
show_legend = FALSE,
branches_lwd = 0.3,
plot_method = "plotly"
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.2, which = 1
} else {
hm <- heatmaply::heatmaply(aggmat,
cexRow = 0.9,
dendrogram = "column",
col = colvalues,
limits = c(minval, maxval),
Rowv = FALSE,
row_side_colors = row_group,
show_legend = FALSE,
branches_lwd = 0.3,
plot_method = "plotly"
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.2, which = 1
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.3, which = 2
} else {
if (is.null(row_group)) {
hm <- heatmaply::heatmaply(aggmat,
cexRow = 0.9,
dendrogram = "column",
col = colvalues,
limits = c(minval, maxval),
Rowv = FALSE,
col_side_colors = col_group,
show_legend = FALSE,
branches_lwd = 0.3,
plot_method = "plotly"
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.3, which = 1
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.2, which = 2
} else {
hm <- heatmaply::heatmaply(aggmat,
cexRow = 0.9,
dendrogram = "column",
col = colvalues,
limits = c(minval, maxval),
Rowv = FALSE,
col_side_colors = col_group,
row_side_colors = row_group,
show_legend = FALSE,
branches_lwd = 0.3,
plot_method = "plotly"
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.3, which = 1
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.2, which = 2
) %>%
tickfont = list(size = 10), titlefont = list(size = 10),
lenmode = "fraction", len = 0.3, y = 0.5, which = 3
hm <- hm %>%
title = list(
text = plotTitle,
font = list(
size = 14
margin = list(l = 75, b = 75, t = 75, r = 50),
showlegend = FALSE) %>%
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