maxORminM <- function(matM, idCol, byCol, absolute=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE) {
if (absolute) {
matM <- matM[order(abs(matM[, byCol]), decreasing=decreasing),]
matM <- matM[!duplicated(matM[,idCol]),]
} else {
matM <- matM[order(matM[, byCol], decreasing=decreasing),]
matM <- matM[!duplicated(matM[,idCol]),]
### ###############################################################
### ###############################################################
### ###max Variance
### maxVar <- function(matM, idCol, ...) {
### num <- sapply(matM,mode)%in%"numeric"
### data <- matM[, num, FALSE]
### dataVar <- apply(data, 1, var, ...)
### matM <- matM[order(dataVar, decreasing=TRUE),]
### matM <- matM[!duplicated(matM[, idCol]),]
### }
###geometric mean
geoMeanM <- function(x, ...) {
if (any(x<0)) {
stop("There are negative values, impossible to compute geometric Mean")
} else {
out <- exp(mean(log(x), ...))
randomM <- function(x, ...) {
out <- sample(x, size=1, ...)
meanM <- function(x, ...) {
out <- mean(x, ...)
medianM <- function(x, ...) {
out <- median(x, ...)
filterRedundant <- function(object,
method=c("maxORmin", "geoMean", "mean", "median", "random"),
### method=c("maxORmin", "maxVar", "geoMean", "mean", "median", "random"),
idCol=1, byCol=2, absolute=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE,
trim=0, ...) {
##check object
if (! stop("filterRedundant works on data.frames")
##stop if NA
if ("na.rm" %in% names( ) {
stop("This function does not handle NA, please replace NA values with numbers")
##evaluate if method
method <- match.arg(method)
##check arguments: idCol
if (is.character(idCol)) idCol <- which(colnames(object) %in% idCol)
##check arguments: byCol
if (is.character(byCol)) byCol <- which(colnames(object) %in% byCol)
##check arguments: byCol and idCol
if (idCol == byCol || idCol > ncol(object) || byCol > ncol(object)
|| length(idCol)==0 || length(byCol)==0) {
stop(paste("Provide valid and distinct 'idCol' and 'byCol' paramenters!",
"\n Valid 'idCol' and 'byCol' are of mode 'character' or 'numeric'."))
##check if there is redundancy
if (length(object[,idCol]) != length(unique(object[,idCol]))) {
## select maxOrMin for each feature/identifier
if (method == "maxORmin") {
mOut <- maxORminM(object, idCol, byCol, absolute, decreasing)
## select most Variant for each feature/identifier
### else if (method == "maxVar") {
### mOut <- maxVar(object, idCol, byCol, ...)
### }
### ## use other methods
else {
## identifiers as indexes
ids <- object[, idCol]
whichNumeric <- sapply(object, mode) == "numeric"
mOut <- sapply(object , function(x, y) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
tapply(X=x, INDEX=y, FUN=function(num) {
if (length(num) > 1) {
## select method to remove redundancy
num <- switch(method,
geoMean = geoMeanM(num, trim, ...),
mean = meanM(num, trim, ...),
random = randomM(num, ...),
median = medianM(num, ...),
} else {
}, ...)
} else {
tapply(X=x, INDEX=y, FUN=function(x) x[1] )
} , y=ids)
##process numeric
mOut <- data.frame(mOut, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
mOut[,whichNumeric] <- mOut[, whichNumeric] <- apply(mOut[, whichNumeric], 2, as.numeric)
} else {
warning("No redundant feature identifiers were found")
mOut <- object
### ###testing object
### mat <- data.frame(A=1:10, B=2:11, C=100:99,
### D=200:209, neg1=-1*10:1, neg2=100:99*-2,
### oo=letters[1:10], cc=sample(letters,10),
### ID=c(LETTERS[1:5], LETTERS[1:5]), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
### A new function to merge list of data.frames
### If all dataframes contain the same genes, than a quick after reordering will do
### listOfDataFrames=list contaning matrices with common rownames
### idCol=list contaning matrices with common rownames
mergeData <- function(listOfDataFrames, idCol=1, byCol=2) {
##is a list
if (!is.list(listOfDataFrames)) {
stop("Use a list containing matrices or data.frames to be merged")
##is the list of the correct length
if (length(listOfDataFrames)<2) {
stop("A minimun of 2 data.frames are needed")
} else {
n <- length(listOfDataFrames)
##set the rownames using selected identifiers
if (length(idCol)==1) {
msg1 <- "Please provide a valid column name or index to select the desired 'dCol' identifiers column"
##using column names as column identifers
if (is.character(idCol)) {
idCol <- sapply(listOfDataFrames,
function(x,y) which(colnames(x)%in%y), y=idCol)
##using column indexes as column identifers
} else if (is.numeric(idCol)) {
idCol <- rep(idCol, length(listOfDataFrames))
## check if there are NA
if (any( {
##set identifiers as rownames identifiers if non-redundant
tmp <- mapply(x=listOfDataFrames, y=idCol, MoreArgs=list(msg=msg1),
FUN=function(x, y, msg){
if ( all(!duplicated(x[,y])) ) {
rownames(x) <- x[,y]
} else {
} else {
##get ranking columns index and subset with it
if (length(byCol)==1) {
msg2 <- "Please provide a valid column name or index to select the desired 'byCol' value column"
##using column names as column identifers
if (is.character(byCol)) {
byCol <- sapply(tmp,
function(x, y) which(colnames(x)%in%y), y=byCol)
##using column indexes as column identifers
} else if (is.numeric(byCol)) {
byCol <- rep(byCol, length(tmp))
## check if there are NA
if (any( {
##keep selected columns for each data.frame in the list
tmp <- mapply(x=tmp, y=byCol, MoreArgs=list(msg=msg2),
FUN=function(x, y, msg) {
if (y <= ncol(x)) {
x <- x[ , y, drop=FALSE]
} else {
} else {
##to merge get all the unique rownames
x <- tmp
xID <- lapply(x, rownames) #do not use sapply()
allID <- unique(unlist(xID))
sel <- apply(sapply(1:n, function(x,y,z) y%in%z[[x]], z=xID, y=allID), 1, sum) == n
##ids intersection: common ids
commonID <- allID[sel]
## get all the unique of the matrices to merge
xNms <- names(x)
## subset with intesection genes
x <- lapply(x, function(x,y) x[rownames(x)%in%y,,FALSE],y=commonID)
## reorder by rownames
x <- lapply(x, function(x) x <- x[order(rownames(x)),,FALSE])
## make data.frame using cbind
x <-"cbind",x)
##make new column names
colnames(x) <- paste(xNms,colnames(x),sep=".")
##add common ids as first column
x <- data.frame(commonID=rownames(x),x,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
####test for even numbers
is.even <- function(x) {
x%%2 == 0
####test for odd numbers
is.odd <- function(x) {
x%%2 == 1
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