`plotSampleRelation` <-
function(x, subset=NULL, cv.Th=0.1, standardize=TRUE, method=c('cluster', 'mds'), dimension=c(1,2), color=NULL, main=NULL, pch=NULL, addLegend=TRUE, ...) {
if (is(x, 'ExpressionSet')) {
dataMatrix <- exprs(x)
} else if (is.matrix(x)) {
dataMatrix <- x
} else {
stop('The class of "x" should be matrix or LumiBatch!')
## Standardize each sample
if (standardize) dataMatrix <- scale(dataMatrix)
if (is.null(subset)) {
## Filter the genes with most of the experiments "Absent"
probeList <- rownames(dataMatrix)
if (is.null(probeList)) probeList <- 1:nrow(dataMatrix)
if (cv.Th > 0) {
cv.gene <- apply(dataMatrix, 1, function(x) sd(x)/mean(x))
subset <- probeList[abs(cv.gene) > cv.Th]
if (is.null(main)) main <- paste('Sample relations based on', length(subset), 'genes with sd/mean >', cv.Th)
} else {
subset <- probeList
if (is.null(main)) main <- paste('Sample relations based on', length(subset), 'genes')
} else {
if (length(subset) == 1 && is.numeric(subset)) {
subset <- sample(1:nrow(dataMatrix), min(subset, nrow(dataMatrix)))
if (is.null(main)) main <- paste('Sample relations based on', length(subset), 'selected genes')
dd <- dist(t(dataMatrix[subset,]))
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == 'cluster') {
hc = hclust(dd, 'ave')
plot(hc, xlab='Sample', main=main, ...)
attr(hc, 'geneNum') <- length(subset)
attr(hc, 'threshold') <- cv.Th
} else {
## Multi-Dimension Scaling
mds.result <- cmdscale(dd, k=max(dimension), eig=TRUE)
ppoints <- mds.result$points
eig <- mds.result$eig
percent <- round(eig/sum(eig) * 100, 1)
colorLegend <- NULL
if (is.null(color)) {
color <- 1
} else {
if (!is.numeric(color)) {
allColor <- colors()
if (!all(is.element(color, allColor))) {
colorLegend <- unique(color)
color <- as.numeric(factor(color, levels=colorLegend))
if (missing(pch)) {
plot(ppoints[,dimension[1]], ppoints[,dimension[2]], type='n',
xlab=paste('Principal Component ', dimension[1], " (", percent[dimension[1]], "%)", sep=""),
ylab=paste('Principal Component ', dimension[2], " (", percent[dimension[2]], "%)", sep=""),
main=main, ...)
text(ppoints[,dimension[1]], ppoints[,dimension[2]], col=color, labels=colnames(dataMatrix), cex=1)
} else {
plot(ppoints[,dimension[1]], ppoints[,dimension[2]],
xlab=paste('Principal Component ', dimension[1], " (", percent[dimension[1]], "%)", sep=""),
ylab=paste('Principal Component ', dimension[2], " (", percent[dimension[2]], "%)", sep=""),
main=main, col=color, pch=pch, ...)
attr(ppoints, 'geneNum') <- length(subset)
attr(ppoints, 'threshold') <- cv.Th
## add legend if color is a factor
if (!is.null(colorLegend) && addLegend) {
if (!missing(pch)) {
legend('topleft', legend=colorLegend, col=unique(color), pch=unique(pch))
} else {
legend('topleft', legend=colorLegend, text.col=1:length(colorLegend))
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