midDend.local <-
function (x) if (is.null(mp <- attr(x, "midpoint"))) 0 else mp
memberDend.local <-
function (x) if (is.null(r <- attr(x, "members"))) 1 else r
isLeaf.local <-
function (x) (is.logical(L <- attr(x, "leaf"))) && L
midCacheDend.local <- function (x)
stopifnot(inherits(x, "dendrogram"))
setmid <- function(d)
if (isLeaf.local(d))
k <- length(d)
if (k < 1)
stop("dendrogram node with non-positive #{branches}")
r <- d
midS <- 0
for (j in 1:k)
r[[j]] <- unclass(setmid(d[[j]]))
midS <- midS + midDend.local(r[[j]])
if (k == 2)
attr(r, "midpoint") <- (memberDend.local(d[[1]]) + midS) / 2
attr(r, "midpoint") <- midDend.local(d)
revDend.local <- function (x)
if (isLeaf.local(x))
k <- length(x)
if (k < 1)
stop("dendrogram non-leaf node with non-positive #{branches}")
r <- x
for (j in 1:k)
r[[j]] <- revDend.local(x[[k + 1 - j]])
heatmap.predprof <- function(x, Rowv=TRUE, add.expr, margins=c(5, 5),
cexRow=max(min(35 / nrow(x@profiles), 1), 0.1),
cexCol=max(min(35 / ncol(x@profiles), 1), 0.1),
main=NULL, dendScale=1, barScale=1, startPos=1,
endPos=ncol(x@profiles), labels=NULL,
windowSize=1, ...)
if (nrow(x@profiles) < 1)
stop("'x' must contain prediction profiles\n")
if (startPos < 1 || startPos >= ncol(x@profiles))
stop ("'startPos' is out of range\n")
if (endPos < 1 || endPos > ncol(x@profiles))
stop ("'endPos' is out of range\n")
if (endPos < startPos)
stop("'startPos' is larger than 'endPos'\n")
if (!is.numeric(windowSize) || length(windowSize) != 1 || windowSize < 1)
stop("argument `windowSize' must be a single integer value\n")
## column subsetting of profile just for display
numProfiles <- nrow(x@profiles)
numPositions <- ncol(x@profiles)
rDend <- NULL
doRdend <- FALSE
## sliding window averaging
if (windowSize != 1)
if (!is.infinite(windowSize))
windowSize <- as.integer(windowSize)
if ((windowSize %% 2) == 0)
windowSize <- windowSize + 1
avgProfiles <- x@profiles
for (i in 1:numProfiles)
numPos <- width(x@sequences)[i]
for (j in 1:numPos)
lower <- max(1, j - floor(windowSize/2))
upper <- min(numPos, j + floor(windowSize/2))
avgProfiles[i,j] <-
sum(x@profiles[i,lower:upper]) / (upper - lower)
x@profiles <- avgProfiles
## determine sample order
if (is.null(Rowv) || Rowv == FALSE ||
rowInd <- 1:numProfiles
else if (is.numeric(Rowv))
rowInd <- Rowv
else if (Rowv == "random")
rowInd <- sample(1:numProfiles, numProfiles)
else if (Rowv == "decision")
rowInd <- order(rowSums(x@profiles), decreasing=TRUE)
## perform hierarchical clustering of rows
## including the zeros after the sequence end
hc <- hclust(dist(x@profiles))
rowInd <- hc$order
rDend <- as.dendrogram(hc)
doRdend <- TRUE
if (length(names(x@sequences)) == length(x@sequences))
labRow <- names(x@sequences)
labRow <- as.character(1:numProfiles)
labCol <- colnames(x@profiles)[startPos:endPos]
## replace zeros after sequence end with NAs
for (i in 1:numProfiles)
lastPlusOne <- width(x@sequences)[i] + 1
if (lastPlusOne <= numPositions)
x@profiles[i,lastPlusOne:numPositions] <- NA
## perform layouting
lmat <- matrix(c(NA,3,2,1), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE)
lwid <- c(if (doRdend) dendScale else 0.05, 4)
lhei <- c(0.05 + if (!is.null(main)) 0.3 else 0, 4)
if (!is.null(labels))
if (!is.numeric(barScale) || length(barScale) != 1 ||
barScale < 0.4 || barScale > 4)
stop("'barScale' must be a single positive value not larger than 4\n")
if (is.null(labels))
labels <- rep(NA, numProfiles)
if (length(table(labels)) != length(RowSideColors))
stop("Number of row side colors must match the\n",
" number of different labels\n")
if (is.factor(labels))
labels <- as.numeric(labels)
else if (is.character(labels))
labels <- as.numeric(factor(labels))
labels <- matrix(labels[rev(rowInd)], ncol=1)
lmat <- rbind(c(lmat[1, ] + 1, lmat[1, 2] + 1), c(3, lmat[2, ]))
lwid <- c(lwid[1L], 0.1 * barScale, lwid[2L])
lmat[] <- 0
## plot
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
on.exit(par(op), add=TRUE)
layout(lmat, widths=lwid, heights=lhei, respect=TRUE)
numPositions <- endPos - startPos + 1
par(mar=c(margins[1], 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, margins[2]))
image(1:numPositions, 1:numProfiles,
t(x@profiles[rev(rowInd), startPos:endPos]),
xlim=(0.5 + c(0, numPositions)), ylim=(0.5 + c(0, numProfiles)),
axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="", ...)
if (cexCol > 0)
axis(1, 1:numPositions, labels=labCol, las=2, line=-0.5, tick=0,
if (cexRow > 0)
axis(4, 1:numProfiles, labels=labRow[rev(rowInd)], las=2,
line=-0.5, tick=0, cex.axis=cexRow)
if (!missing(add.expr))
if (!is.null(labels))
par(mar=c(margins[1], 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, 0.3))
image(1, 1:numProfiles, t(labels), col=RowSideColors, axes=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="")
par(mar=c(margins[1], 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1 else 0, 0))
if (doRdend)
plot(revDend.local(rDend), horiz=TRUE, axes=FALSE, yaxs="i",
par(mar=c(0, 0, if (!is.null(main)) 1.5 else 0, margins[2]))
if (!is.null(main))
title(main, cex.main=(1.5 * op[["cex.main"]]))
#' @rdname heatmap-methods
#' @title Heatmap Methods
#' @description Create a heat map of prediction profiles
#' @param x prediction profile of class
#' \code{\linkS4class{PredictionProfile}}.
#' @param Rowv determines the row order of the plot. When set to \code{TRUE}
#' the profile rows are clustered via hierarchical clustering and a row
#' dendrogram is plotted. When set to \code{FALSE, NA or NULL} the order is
#' corresponds to the order of the sequences in the profile. If this parameter
#' has a value of \code{random} rows are ordered randomly, for \code{decision}
#' the ordering is according to decreasing decision values. A user-defined
#' order can be specified through a numeric vector of indices. Default=TRUE
#' @param startPos start sequence position. Together with the
#' parameter \code{endPos} a subset of sequence positions can be selected
#' for the heatmap. Default=1
#' @param endPos end sequence position (see also \code{startPos}).
#' Default=maximum sequence length in the profile.
#' @param labels a numeric vector, character vector or factor specifying
#' the labels for the sequences in the profile. If this parameter is
#' different from NULL the labels are plotted as side bar using the
#' colors specified in the parameter \code{RowSideColors}. Default=NULL
#' @param RowSideColors a vector of color values specifying the colors for
#' the side bar. Default=NULL
#' @param add.expr largely analogous to the standard
#' \code{\link[stats:heatmap]{heatmap}} function.
#' @param margins largely analogous to the standard
#' \code{\link[stats:heatmap]{heatmap}} function. Default=c(5,5)
#' @param main largely analogous to the standard
#' \code{\link[stats:heatmap]{heatmap}} function.
#' @param cexRow largely analogous to the standard
#' \code{\link[stats:heatmap]{heatmap}} function. When set to 0 the row
#' labels are suppressed. Default=defined dependent on number of
#' profile rows
#' @param cexCol largely analogous to the standard
#' \code{\link[stats:heatmap]{heatmap}} function. When set to 0 the column
#' labels are suppressed. Default=defined dependent on number of profile
#' columns
#' @param dendScale factor scaling the width of the row dendrogram; values
#' have to be larger than 0 and not larger than 2. Default=1
#' @param barScale factor scaling the width of the label color bar. Values
#' have to be larger than 0 and not larger than 4. Default=1
#' @param windowSize numerical value specifying the window size of an optional
#' sliding window averaging of the prediction profiles. The value must be
#' larger than 0. Even values are changed internally to odd values by adding
#' 1. Default=1
#' @param ... additional parameters which are passed to the \code{image}
#' method transparently.
#' @details
#' The \code{heatmap} function provides plotting of heatmaps from prediction
#' profiles with various possibilities for sample (=row) ordering (see
#' parameter \code{Rowv}). The heatmap is shown together with an optional
#' color sidebar showing the labels and an optional row cluster dendrogram
#' when hierarchical clustering defines the row order. For long sequences the
#' heatmap can be restricted to a subset of positions. Additionally smoothing
#' can be applied to the prediction profiles through sliding window averaging.
#' Through smoothing important regions can become better visible.
#' @return
#' Invisibly, a cluster dendrogram.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getPredictionProfile}}
#' @examples
#' ## load coiled coil data
#' data(CCoil)
#' ## define annotation specific gappy pair kernel
#' gappya <- gappyPairKernel(k=1,m=11, annSpec=TRUE)
#' ## train model
#' model <- kbsvm(x=ccseq, y=as.numeric(yCC), kernel=gappya,
#' pkg="e1071", svm="C-svc", cost=15)
#' ## generate prediction profiles
#' predProf <- getPredictionProfile(ccseq, gappya,
#' featureWeights(model), modelOffset(model))
#' ## show prediction profiles
#' predProf
#' \dontrun{
#' ## plot heatmap for the prediction profiles - random ordering of samples
#' heatmap(predProf, Rowv="random", main="Prediction Profiles", labels=yCC,
#' RowSideColors=c("blue", "red"), cexRow=0.15, cexCol=0.3)
#' ## plot heatmap for the prediction profiles - ordering by decision values
#' heatmap(predProf, Rowv="decision", main="Prediction Profiles", labels=yCC,
#' RowSideColors=c("blue", "red"), cexRow=0.15, cexCol=0.3)
#' ## plot heatmap for the prediction profiles - with hierarchical clustering
#' heatmap(predProf, Rowv=TRUE, main="Prediction Profiles", labels=yCC,
#' RowSideColors=c("blue", "red"), cexRow=0.15, cexCol=0.3)
#' }
#' @author Johannes Palme <>
#' @references
#' \url{}\cr\cr
#' (Bodenhofer, 2009) -- U. Bodenhofer, K. Schwarzbauer, M. Ionescu and
#' S. Hochreiter. Modelling position specificity in sequence kernels by fuzzy
#' equivalence relations. \cr\cr
#' (Mahrenholz, 2011) -- C.C. Mahrenholz, I.G. Abfalter, U. Bodenhofer, R. Volkmer
#' and S. Hochreiter. Complex networks govern coiled-coil oligomerizations -
#' predicting and profiling by means of a machine learning approach.\cr\cr
#' J. Palme, S. Hochreiter, and U. Bodenhofer (2015) KeBABS: an R package
#' for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, 31(15):2574-2576, 2015.
#' DOI: \href{}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}.
#' @keywords prediction profiles
#' @export
#' @rdname heatmap-methods
#' @aliases
#' heatmap
#' heatmap,PredictionProfile-method
#' @export
signature=signature(x="PredictionProfile", y="missing"),
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