## cell event clustering routines
## cell.EM
## fits model to sample data, initial estimation given by K, w, m, s
cell.EM <- function(
data, parameters=NULL, expName="immunoClust Experiment", history=NULL,
state=NULL, K, w, m, s, B=50, tol=1e-5, bias=0.5, modelName="mvt"
) {
y <- .exprs(data, parameters)
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
if (nrow(s)) {
S <- rep(0,length(s))
for(k in seq_len(K)){
S[(1+(k-1)*P*P):(k*P*P)] = c(s[k,,])
else {
S <- s
if (nrow(m)) {
M <- c(t(m))
M <- m
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="","immunoC_", modelName, "EMt"),
N=as.integer(N), P=as.integer(P), L=as.integer(K),
as.double(t(y)), double(0),
as.double(w), as.double(M), as.double(S),
as.integer(B), as.double(tol), as.double(bias) )
.immunoClust2(obj, K, P, N, state=state,
expName=expName, parameters=parameters)
### cell.EM
## cell.Estimation
## classify sample data according to model data given by K, w, m, s
cell.Estimation <- function(
data, parameters=NULL, expName="immunoClust Experiment",
history=NULL, state=NULL, K, w, m, s, modelName="mvt"
) {
y <- .exprs(data, parameters)
y <- as.matrix(y)
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
if (nrow(s)) {
S <- rep(0,length(s))
for(k in seq_len(K)){
S[(1+(k-1)*P*P):(k*P*P)] = c(s[k,,])
else {
S <- s
if (nrow(m)) {
M <- c(t(m))
M <- m
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="", "immunoC_", modelName, "E"),
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(K),
as.double(t(y)), double(0),
as.double(w), as.double(M), as.double(S) )
.immunoClust2(obj, K, P, N, expName=expName, parameters=parameters);
### cell.Estimation
### cell.ME
## fit model to the sample data, initial event assignment given by label
cell.ME <-function(
data, parameters=NULL, expName="immunoClust Experiment",
history=NULL, state=NULL, label, B=50, tol=1e-5, modelName="mvt"
) {
y <- .exprs(data, parameters);
inc <- !
y <- as.matrix(y[inc,])
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
label <- label[inc]
K <- max(label)
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="", "immunoC_", modelName, "ME"),
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(K),
as.double(t(y)), NULL, as.integer(label),
as.integer(B), as.double(tol) )
.immunoClust2(obj, K, P, N, expName=expName, parameters=parameters, inc=inc)
### cell.ME
### cell.FitModel
## fit pre-assumed model x to sample data
cell.FitModel <-
function(x, data, B=50, tol=1e-5, bias=0.5, modelName="mvt" )
s <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
res <- cell.EM(data, parameters=x@parameters,
history=attr(x, "history"), state=attr(x,"state"),
K=x@K, w=x@w, m=x@mu, s=x@sigma,
B=B, tol=tol, bias=bias, modelName=modelName)
attr(res, "trans.a") <- attr(x,"trans.a")
attr(res, "trans.b") <- attr(x,"trans.b")
attr(res, "trans.decade") <- attr(x,"trans.decade")
attr(res, "trans.scale") <- attr(x,"trans.scale")
e <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
message("EM ", res@K," takes ", format(difftime(e,s,units="min"), digits=2),
" minutes\n")
### cell.FitModel
### cell.Classify
## assign sample data to model
cell.Classify <- function(x, data, modelName="mvt" ) {
res <- cell.Estimation(data, parameters=x@parameters,
history=x@history, state=attr(x,"state"),
K=x@K, w=x@w, m=x@mu, s=x@sigma, modelName=modelName)
attr(res, "trans.a") <- attr(x,"trans.a")
attr(res, "trans.b") <- attr(x,"trans.b")
attr(res, "trans.decade") <- attr(x,"trans.decade")
attr(res, "trans.scale") <- attr(x,"trans.scale")
### cell.Classify
### cell.FitCluster
## carry cluster-asignment to sample data
## (especially uncompensated model/assignment to compensated sample data)
#cell.FitCluster <- function(x, data, B=50, tol=1e-5, modelName="mvt" ) {
# res <- cell.ME(data, parameters=x@parameters,
# history=attr(x, "history"), state=attr(x, "state"),
# label=x@label, B=B, tol=tol, modelName=modelName)
# attr(res, "trans.a") <- attr(x, "trans.a")
# attr(res, "trans.b") <- attr(x, "trans.b")
# attr(res, "trans.decade") <- attr(x, "trans.decade")
# attr(res, "trans.scale") <- attr(x,"trans.scale")
# res
### cell.FitCluster
### cell.ClustData
## cluster sample data in K clusters
data, K, parameters=NULL, expName="immunoClust Experiment",
sample.number=1500, sample.standardize=TRUE,
B=50, tol=1e-5, modelName="mvt"
) {
if( modelName == "mvt2" ) modelName <- "mvt"
y <- .exprs(data, parameters)
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
# to perform the cluster analysis via EM for each specific number of clusters
if (K==1) {
label <- rep(1, N)
else {
if ( (P==1) ) {
q <- quantile(y, seq(from=0, to=1, by=1/K))
label <- rep(0, N)
q[1] <- q[1]-1
for (k in seq_len(K)) label[y>q[k] & y<=q[k+1]] <- k
else {
if (N > sample.number) {
ySubset <- sample(seq_len(N), sample.number)
else {
ySubset <- seq_len(N)
## 2013.01.30: does not matter
if( sample.standardize ) {
x <- y[ySubset,]
for( p in seq_len(P) )
x[,p] <- (x[,p]-mean(x[,p]))/sd(x[,p])
hcPairs <- cell.hclust(y[ySubset,])
label <- rep(0, N)
label[ySubset] <- .clust.hclass(hcPairs, K)
# EMs
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="", "immunoC_", modelName, "ME"),
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(K),
as.double(t(y)), NULL, as.integer(label),
as.integer(B), as.double(tol) )
.immunoClust2(obj, K, P, N, expName=expName, parameters=colnames(y))
### cell.ClustData
### cell.SubClustering
## try sub-clustering for each cluster and select most increasing
## sub-clustering for the whole model
## replace cluster k in x by clusters in y
.mergeModel <- function( x, y, k)
K <- x@K
P <- dim(x@mu)[2]
L <- y@K
W <- rep(0, (K+L-1))
history <- rep("", (K+L-1))
state <- rep(0,(K+L-1))
M <- rep(0, (K+L-1)*P)
dim(M) <- c(K+L-1,P)
S <- rep(0, (K+L-1)*P*P)
dim(S) <- c(K+L-1, P, P)
if( k>1 ) {
for( i in seq_len(k-1) ){
W[i] = x@w[i]
M[i,] = x@mu[i,]
S[i,,] = x@sigma[i,,]
if( !is.null(x@history) ) {
history[i] <- x@history[i]
if( !is.null(x@state) ) {
state[i] <- x@state[i]
if( k<K ) {
for( i in (k+1):K ) {
W[L+i-1] = x@w[i]
M[L+i-1,] = x@mu[i,]
S[L+i-1,,] = x@sigma[i,,]
if( !is.null(x@history) ) {
history[L+i-1] <- x@history[i]
if( !is.null(x@state) ) {
state[L+i-1] <- x@state[i]
for( i in seq_len(L) ){
W[k-1+i] = x@w[k]*y@w[i]
S[k-1+i,,] = y@sigma[i,,]
M[k-1+i,] = y@mu[i,]
if( !is.null(x@history) ) {
history[k-1+i] <- x@history[k]
res <- new("immunoClust", expName="Model Refinement",
K=K+L-1, N=x@N, P=x@P ,w=W, mu=M, sigma=S,
history=history, state=state)
cell.SubClustering <- function(
x, dat, B=50, tol=1e-5, thres=0.1, bias=0.5,
sample.weights=1, sample.EM="MEt", sample.number=1500,
sample.standardize=TRUE, extract.thres=0.8, modelName="mvt"
) {
s <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
y <- .exprs(dat, x@parameters)
inc <- !
y <- as.matrix(y[inc,])
z <- as.matrix(x@z[inc,])
inc <- inc[inc]
## 2014.05.07: ungluecklicker quick fix
if( sum(is.infinite(z) | | is.nan(z)) > 0 ) {
warning("Fehler: Z has infinite values",
sum(is.infinite(z) | | is.nan(z) ), "\n")
z[is.infinite(z) | | is.nan(z)] <- 0
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
K <- x@K
state <- x@state
if( is.null(state) || length(state) != x@K ) {
state <- rep(numeric(0), x@K)
## test sub-models with 1 to 8 sub-clusters
J <- 8
cutoff <- 0
icl_thres <- (P*(P+1)/2 + P)*log(N)*0.5*thres
icl_OK <- (P*(P+1)/2 + P)*log(N)*0.5
model <- new("immunoClust", expName="Model Refinement",
N=N, P=P, K=x@K, w=x@w, mu=x@mu, sigma=x@sigma,
history=x@history, state=x@state)
res_l <- vector("list", K)
icl_l <- rep(0, K)
tst_l <- rep(1, K)
state = model@state
for( k in seq_len(K) ) {
## get cluster data
cinc <- .clusterData(y,z,inc, k, extract.thres)
t <- NULL
## 2014.06.16: use weights T?
w <- as.double(sample.weights)
if( is.double(w) & w > 0 ) {
t <- z[cinc,k]^w
ks <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
res <- cell.TestSubCluster( x, as.matrix(y[cinc,]), t, k, J=J,
B=B, tol=tol, bias=bias,
sample.EM=sample.EM, sample.number=sample.number,
ke <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
res_l[[k]] <- res
if( !is.null(res) && length(res) > 1 ) {
icl <- rep(0, length(res)-1)
for( l in 2:length(res) )
icl[l-1] <- res[[l]]@ICL/res[[l]]@K
icl_l[k] <- max(icl)
l <- 1+which.max(icl)
tst_l[k] <- l
model@state[k] <- icl_l[k]
# if( icl_l[k] < -icl_OK && res[[l]]@K==1 ) {
# model@state[k] <- 5
# }
# else
# if( icl_l[k]*res[[l]]@K < -icl_OK ) {
# model@state[k] <- 5
# }
# else
# if( icl_l[k] < -icl_OK ) {
# model@state[k] <- 4
# }
# else
# if( res[[l]]@K == 1 ) {
# model@state[k] <- 3
# }
# else
# if( icl_l[k] < icl_thres ) {
# model@state[k] <- 1
# }
# else {
# model@state[k] <- 0
# }
#if( res[[2]]@ICL < -2*bias ) {
#cat("cluster", k, "state", model@state[k], "=> 1\n")
# model@state[k] <- 1
# }
else {
## state already > 0
# model@state[k] <- 2
icl_l[k] <- 0
tst_l[k] <- 1
#cat("=>", model@state[k], "\n")
} ## for cluster k
off <- 0
ins <- vector("list",K)
sK <- 0
xK <- max(8,2*x@K)
while( xK > sK ) {
k <- which.max(icl_l)
res <- res_l[[k]]
icl <- icl_l[k]
l <- tst_l[k]
if( is.null(res) ) {
if( res[[l]]@K > 1 ) {
message("cluster ", k, " has ", res[[l]]@K, " sub-cluster at ", l,
", ICL=", format(icl, digits=2))
icl_l[k] <- cutoff
res <- res[[l]]
if( icl <= cutoff )
if( (res@K>1) && (icl>icl_thres) ) {
ins[[k]] <- new("immunoClust", expName="Cluster Refinement",
K=res@K, w=res@w, mu=res@mu, sigma=res@sigma,
state=rep(0, res@K) )
sK <- 0
for(i in seq_len(K) ) if( !is.null(ins[[i]]) )
sK <- sK + (ins[[i]])@K
for( k in seq_len(K)) if( !is.null(ins[[k]]) ) {
model <- .mergeModel(model, ins[[k]], k+off)
off <- off + (ins[[k]]@K) - 1
attr(model, "trans.a") <- attr(x,"trans.a")
attr(model, "trans.b") <- attr(x,"trans.b")
attr(model, "trans.decade") <- attr(x,"trans.decade")
attr(model, "trans.scale") <- attr(x,"trans.scale")
e <- strptime(date(), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y")
message("Model Refinement takes ",
format(difftime(e,s,units="min"), digits=2), " minutes\n")
### cell.SubClustering
### cell.TestSubCluster
## called by cell.SubClustering,
## calculates clustering for 1 to J cluster on sample flowFrame Y
.icl_lambda <- function(N,P,L) {
(L-1)*(P*(P+1)/2 + P)*log(N)*0.5
.icl_delta <- function(N,P,K, L) {
## delta for L sub cluster if one cluster
res <- (L-1)*(P*(P+1)/2 + P)*log(N)*0.5
res <- res - (lgamma((K+L-1)/2) - lgamma(K/2))
res <- res + (L-1) * lgamma(1/2)
res <- res + lgamma(N+(K+L-1)/2) - lgamma(N+K/2)
.icl_delta2 <- function(N,K,L) {
res <- 0.0
res <- res - (lgamma((K+L-1)/2) - lgamma(K/2))
res <- res + (L-1) * lgamma(1/2)
res <- res + lgamma(N+(K+L-1)/2) - lgamma(N+K/2)
.clusterInclude <- function(x, y, inc, cluster, thres=0.99)
P <- ncol(y)
N <- nrow(y)
K = x@K
if (nrow(x@sigma)) {
S <- rep(0,length(x@sigma))
for(k in seq_len(K)){
S[(1+(k-1)*P*P):(k*P*P)] = c(x@sigma[k,,])
else {
S <- x@sigma
if (nrow(x@mu)) {
M <- c(t(x@mu))
M <- x@mu
ret <- .Call("immunoC_clusterInclude",
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(K),
as.double(t(y)), as.double(x@w), as.double(M), as.double(S),
as.integer(cluster), as.integer(inc), as.double(thres))
.clusterData <- function(y, z, inc, cluster, thres=0.8)
P <- ncol(y)
N <- nrow(y)
K <- ncol(z)
ret <- .Call("immunoC_clusterData",
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(K),
as.double(NULL), as.double(t(z)),
as.integer(cluster), as.integer(inc), as.double(thres))
x, y, t, cluster, J=8, B=500, tol=1e-5, bias=0.5,
sample.EM="MEt", sample.df=5, sample.number=1500, sample.standardize=TRUE,
) {
## total model
N <- nrow(y)
P <- ncol(y)
K <- x@K
sumT <- N
if( !is.null(t) )
sumT <- sum(t)
tY <- t(y)
prob <- NULL
if( J > N ) {
result <- vector("list", J)
label <- rep(1, N)
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="", "immunoC_", modelName, "ME"),
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), L=as.integer(1),
as.double(tY), as.double(t), as.integer(label),
as.integer(B), as.double(tol))
if( obj$L < 1 )
# output obj$s to sigma
sigma <- array(0, c(1, P, P))
s <- matrix(obj$s, 1, P * P, byrow=TRUE)
sigma[1,,] <- matrix(s[1,], P, P, byrow = TRUE)
# output BIC & ICL
BIC <- obj$logLike[1]
ICL <- 0
logLike <- obj$logLike[3]
iclLike <- obj$logLike[2]
# outp
result[[1]] <- new("immunoClust", parameters=x@parameters,
K=1, N=N, P=P, w=obj$w,
mu=matrix(obj$m, 1, P, byrow=TRUE), sigma=sigma,
logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL)
obj <- NULL
# initialization based on hierarchical clustering
if (J>1 && P>1 ) {
prob <- NULL
maha <- NULL
use_p <- which(diag(x@sigma[cluster,,]) > 1e-8)
try( maha <- mahalanobis(y[,use_p], x@mu[cluster,use_p],
x@sigma[cluster, use_p, use_p]), silent=TRUE )
if( is.null(maha) ) {
warning(" singularity in cluster ", cluster, "\n")
else {
abv <- qchisq(0.95,P)^2
maha[maha>abv] <- abv
# density based down sampling: should be adapted to model (mvt -> t, mvn -> n)
if( "mvt" == modelName ) {
prob <- (1 + maha/sample.df)^(0.5*(sample.df+P))
if( "mvn" == modelName ) {
prob <- exp(0.5*maha)
# if more than sample.number (1500) observations, only use testSample at random
if (N > sample.number) {
# 2012.11.07:
# enhence outliers in sub sample
if( !is.null(maha) ) {
ySubset <- sample(seq_len(N), sample.number, prob=prob)
else {
ySubset <- sample(seq_len(N), sample.number)
else {
ySubset <- seq_len(N)
## hcPairs <- HClust(y[ySubset,], weights=t[ySubset])
## ... or standardize?
sub <- y[ySubset,]
if( sample.standardize ) {
for( p in seq_len(P) ) {
if( sd(sub[,p]) > 0 ) {
sub[,p] <- (sub[,p]-mean(sub[,p]))/sd(sub[,p])
hcPairs <- cell.hclust(sub, t[ySubset])
attr(hcPairs, "ySubset") <- ySubset
## to perform the cluster analysis via EM for each specific number of clusters
if( J > 1 ) for (k in 2:J) {
obj <- NULL
gc(verbose=FALSE, reset=TRUE)
label <- rep(0, N)
## TODO: clarify P=1 case
if (P==1) {
q <- quantile(y, seq(from=0, to=1, by=1/k))
q[1] <- q[1]-1
for (l in seq_len(k)) label[y>q[l] & y<=q[l+1]] <- l
else {
label[ySubset] <- .clust.hclass(hcPairs, k)
# EMs
obj <- .Call(paste(sep="", "immunoC_", modelName, sample.EM),
as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(k),
as.double(tY), as.double(t), as.integer(label),
as.integer(B), as.double(tol), as.double(bias) )
## 2012.12.12: singularity problems
if( obj$L < 1 || obj$logLike[3] == Inf || obj$tolerance > tol) {
res_t = vector("list", k-1)
for( l in seq_len(k-1) )
res_t[[l]] <- result[[l]]
result <- res_t
J = k-1
L <- obj$L
# output obj$s to sigma
sigma <- array(0, c(L, P, P))
s <- matrix(obj$s, k, P * P, byrow=TRUE)
for (l in seq_len(L))
sigma[l,,] <- matrix(s[l,], P, P, byrow = TRUE)
mu <- matrix(obj$m, k, P, byrow=TRUE)[seq_len(L),]
dim(mu) <- c(L,P)
# output BIC & ICL
BIC <- obj$logLike[1]
## 2012.11.07: use sumT not total N
## 2012.12.13: use obj$L and not k
# ICL <- obj$logLike[3] - logLike - .icl_delta(sumT, P, K, L)*bias
# 2019.10.28: if L==1
if( L > 1 )
ICL <- obj$logLike[3] - logLike - .icl_delta(sumT, P, K, L)*bias
ICL <- obj$logLike[3] - .icl_delta(sumT, P, K, L)*bias
## 2016.06.28: skip below, is a bit unpredictable
## 2018.02.14: reactivate again
if( L > result[[k-1]]@K ) {
DCL <- obj$logLike[3] - result[[k-1]]@logLike[3] -
.icl_delta(sumT, P, K, L)*bias
if( DCL > 0 && DCL > ICL ) {
# outp
result[[k]] <- new("immunoClust", parameters=x@parameters,
K=L, N=N, P=P, w=obj$w[seq_len(L)], mu=mu, sigma=sigma,
logLike=obj$logLike, BIC=BIC, ICL=ICL)
obj <- NULL
} ## for k
### cell.TestSubCluster
## reimplementation of hcvvv in mclust with optional weights
cell.hclust <- function(data, weights=NULL)
stop("missing values not allowed in data")
data <- as.matrix(data)
dimdat <- dim(data)
if(is.null(dimdat) || length(dimdat) > 2)
stop("data should in the form of a matrix")
dimnames(data) <- NULL
N <- nrow(data)
P <- ncol(data)
if(N <= P)
warning("# of observations <= # of parameters")
partition <- seq_len(N)
attr(partition, "unique") <- N
obj <- .Call("immunoC_mvnHC", as.integer(N), as.integer(P),
as.double(t(data)), as.double(weights))
initialPatition=partition, change=obj$crit,
dimensions=c(N,P), modelName = "mvn",
call =
### cell.hclust
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