#' Get platform-specific multicore params
#' @param cores integer. No. of cores to use.
#' @importFrom BiocParallel SnowParam MulticoreParam
#' @return BPPARAM object
getMCparams <- function(cores) {
if (cores == 1) {
param <- BiocParallel::SerialParam()
} else {
param <- switch([['sysname']],
Windows = {return(SnowParam(workers = cores))},
Linux = {return(MulticoreParam(workers = cores))},
Darwin = {return(MulticoreParam(workers = cores))}
#' Get flags to read from bam
#' @param countAll logical. count all reads?
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag
#' @return bamFlags
getBamFlags <- function(countAll) {
# get baminfo
if (isTRUE(countAll)) {
# if countAll given, count both reads (in PE mode) or all reads (in SE mode)
bamFlags <- scanBamFlag(
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE,
isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE
} else {
# else count only R1 (in PE mode)
bamFlags <- scanBamFlag(
isUnmappedQuery = FALSE,
isFirstMateRead = TRUE,
isSecondaryAlignment = FALSE
#' Count the number of reads in a given GRanges
#' @param regions The GRanges object to count reads in.
#' @param bams character. path to bam files from where the reads have to be counted
#' @param countall logical. whether to keep both reads of paired-end data
#' @return Total counts within given ranges per BAM file.
numReadsInBed <- function(regions, bams = NA, countall = FALSE) {
counts <-
reads = Rsamtools::BamFileList(as.character(bams)),
mode = "Union",
inter.feature = FALSE,
param = Rsamtools::ScanBamParam(flag = getBamFlags(countAll = countall))
numreads <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(counts)
#' Match BAM headers bw files and get active chromosome list (from restrict)
#' (written by Aaron Lun, 12 Dec 2014, copied and modified here)
#' @param bam.files Character . bam files to check
#' @param restrict character. Chromosomes to select
#' @return Vector of selected chromosomes
activeChrs <- function(bam.files, restrict)
keptChrs <- NULL
for (bam in bam.files) {
chrs <- Rsamtools::scanBamHeader(bam)[[1]][[1]]
chrs <- chrs[order(names(chrs))]
if (is.null(keptChrs)) { keptChrs <- chrs }
else if (!identical(keptChrs, chrs)) {
warning("chromosomes are not identical between BAM files")
pairing <- match(names(keptChrs), names(chrs))
keptChrs <- pmin(keptChrs[!], chrs[pairing[!]])
if (length(restrict)) { keptChrs <- keptChrs[names(keptChrs) %in% restrict] }
#' Get chromosome bins from BAM files
#' @param bamFiles Character. bam files
#' @param restrictChr character. Chromosomes to select
#' @param binSize numeric. Size of bins
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges tileGenome
#' @return GRanges (bins) for both strands
getChromBins <- function(bamFiles, restrictChr = NULL, binSize) {
keptChrs <- activeChrs(bamFiles, restrict = restrictChr) <- tileGenome(keptChrs, tilewidth = 10, = TRUE)
gr.bins.minus <-
GenomicRanges::strand( <- "+"
GenomicRanges::strand(gr.bins.minus) <- "-"
return(list( =,
gr.minus = gr.bins.minus))
#' Get chromosome sliding windows from BAM files
#' @param bamFiles Character vector (bam files)
#' @param restrictChr Chromosomes to select
#' @param binSize Size of bins
#' @param stepSize Size of window slide
#' @return GRanges (sliding windows) for both strands
getChromWindows <- function(bamFiles, restrictChr = NULL, binSize, stepSize) {
keptChrs <- activeChrs(bamFiles, restrict = restrictChr) <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = names(keptChrs),
ranges = IRanges::IRanges(start = 1, end = keptChrs),
strand = "+") <- GenomicRanges::slidingWindows(, width = binSize, step = stepSize) <- unlist(
gr.bins.minus <-
GenomicRanges::strand(gr.bins.minus) <- "-"
return(list( =,
gr.minus = gr.bins.minus))
#' preprocess reads to count only 5' overlaps
#' @param reads GAlignment object to resize
#' @param width integer. New read length
#' @param fix character. 'Start' for 5'
#' @return Resized reads as GRanges
readsTo5p <- function(reads, width = 1, fix = "start") {
reads <- as(reads, "GRanges")
stopifnot(all(GenomicRanges::strand(reads) != "*"))
GenomicRanges::resize(reads, width = width, fix = fix)
#' preprocess reads to count only 3' overlaps
#' @param reads GAlignment object to resize
#' @param width integer. New read length
#' @param fix character. 'Start' for 5'
#' @return Resized reads as GRanges
readsTo3p <- function(reads, width = 1, fix = "end") {
reads <- as(reads, "GRanges")
stopifnot(all(GenomicRanges::strand(reads) != "*"))
GenomicRanges::resize(reads, width = width, fix = fix)
#' preprocess reads to count only center overlaps
#' @param reads GAlignment object to resize
#' @param width integer. New read length
#' @param fix character. 'Start' for 5'
#' @return Resized reads as GRanges
readsToCenter <- function(reads, width = 1, fix = "center") {
reads <- as(reads, "GRanges")
stopifnot(all(GenomicRanges::strand(reads) != "*"))
GenomicRanges::resize(reads, width = width, fix = fix)
# Calculate local enrichment of windows over background
# 'local' filter copied and modified from csaw::filterWindows
# written by Aaron Lun (5 November 2014, last modified 3 March 2017)
# @param data RangedSE object (windows)
# @param background RangedSE object (background)
# @param Arg to pass forward
# @param assay.back Arg to pass forward
# @return list with data and background abundances
localFilter <- function(data,
background, = 1,
assay.back = 1) {
# check lengths
if (!identical(nrow(data), nrow(background))) {
stop("data and background should be of the same length")
# get default prior counts
prior.count <- formals(edgeR::aveLogCPM.DGEList)$prior.count
# no need to get "effective width", fraglength is always 1 for 5' counting
dwidth <- GenomicRanges::width(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(data))
bwidth <- GenomicRanges::width(SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges(background))
# avg logCPM of data
# dat.y <- csaw::asDGEList(data, assay =
# dat.y <- edgeR::estimateCommonDisp(dat.y)
data.ab <- csaw::scaledAverage(data, scale = 1, = 1,
prior.count = prior.count)
relative.width <- (bwidth - dwidth)/dwidth
# bg.y <- csaw::asDGEList(background, assay = assay.back)
# bg.y <- edgeR::estimateCommonDisp(bg.y)
# bg.y$counts <- bg.y$counts - dat.y$counts
bg.y <- background
SummarizedExperiment::assay(bg.y) <-
SummarizedExperiment::assay(bg.y) -
# Some protection for negative widths
# (counts should be zero, so only the prior gets involved in bg.ab).
subzero <- relative.width <= 0
if (any(subzero)) {
relative.width[subzero] <- 1
bg.y$counts[subzero,] <- 0L
# avg logCPM of background
bg.ab <- csaw::scaledAverage(bg.y, scale = relative.width, = 1,
prior.count = prior.count)
# filter stat is the fold change of data over bg
filter.stat <- data.ab - bg.ab
return(list(abundances = data.ab,
back.abundances = bg.ab,
logFC = filter.stat)
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