# All the nasty details about drawing
# 'xy' is a set of xy-locations for nodes
# 'rag' is an Ragraph object
edgeNodeTangent <- function(edgeNode, edgeNodeIncoming, edgeNodeOutgoing, xy) {
# Calculate the average angle for all incoming and outgoing
# edges
# NOTE that we do this by ...
# - calculating all incoming and outgoing angles
# - converting angles to x-y vectors (unit length)
# - summing the x-y vectors
# - then arctan of those averages
nin <- length(edgeNodeIncoming)
nout <- length(edgeNodeOutgoing)
xin <- xy$x[edgeNode] - xy$x[edgeNodeIncoming]
xout <- xy$x[edgeNodeOutgoing] - xy$x[edgeNode]
yin <- xy$y[edgeNode] - xy$y[edgeNodeIncoming]
yout <- xy$y[edgeNodeOutgoing] - xy$y[edgeNode]
# Special case 1: NO edges enter OR outgoing
if (nin == 0 && nout == 0) {
# No problem because no edges will be drawn
# to or from this rnode
} else {
# Special case 2: NO edges incoming
if (nin == 0) {
angles <- atan2(yout, xout)
# Special case 3: NO edges outgoing
} else if (nout == 0) {
angles <- atan2(yin, xin)
# Normal: average in and out
} else {
angles <- atan2(c(yin, yout), c(xin, xout))
dx <- cos(angles)
dy <- sin(angles)
atan2(sum(dy), sum(dx))
# Draw a normal node
drawNode <- function(node, xy, rag) {
margin <- eval(parse(text=nodeData(rag, node, "margin")))
if ( {
margin <- unit(1, "mm")
shape <- nodeData(rag, node, "shape")
if ( {
shape <- "plain"
cex <- nodeData(rag, node, "cex")
if ( {
cex <- 1
col <- nodeData(rag, node, "color")
if ( {
col <- "black"
unit(xy$x[node], "native"),
unit(xy$y[node], "native"),
gp=gpar(cex=cex, col=col)))
drawEdgeNode <- function(edgeNode, xy, edgeNodeIO) {
# If no incoming nodes, then draw a dot
nin <- length(edgeNodeIO$incoming[[edgeNode]])
if (nin == 0) {$x[edgeNode], "native"),
unit(xy$y[edgeNode], "native"),
r=unit(.5, "mm"),
drawLabel <- function(edgeNode, xy, edgeNodeIO, edgeNodeTangent, rag,
offset=unit(1, "mm")) {
# If no incoming or outgoing nodes, then draw to the left
nin <- length(edgeNodeIO$incoming[[edgeNode]])
nout <- length(edgeNodeIO$outgoing[[edgeNode]])
if (nin == 0 && nout == 0) {
dir <- pi
} else {
# Determine location perpendicular to the
# tangent that all edges pass through at this node
dir <- edgeNodeTangent[[edgeNode]] + pi/2
while (dir > 2*pi)
dir <- dir - 2*pi
while (dir < 0)
dir <- dir + 2*pi
# Justify the text based on the direction
hjust <- ifelse(dir > pi/2 && dir < 3*pi/2, 1, 0)
vjust <- ifelse(dir > 0 && dir < pi, 0, 1)
col <- nodeData(rag, edgeNode, "color")
if ( {
col <- "black"
cex <- nodeData(rag, edgeNode, "cex")
if ( {
cex <- 1
label <- nodeData(rag, edgeNode, "label")
unit(xy$x[edgeNode], "native") + cos(dir)*offset,
unit(xy$y[edgeNode], "native") + sin(dir)*offset,
hjust=hjust, vjust=vjust,
gp=gpar(col=col, cex=cex))
# Given start and end points, calc intermediate control points
calcControlPoints <- function(sx, sy, ex, ey, dir, incoming) {
dx <- ex - sx
dy <- ey - sy
# Angle of start -> end
angle <- atan2(dy, dx)
# Rotate end about start by -angle
trans <- translateM(sx, sy) %*% rotateM(-angle) %*% translateM(-sx, -sy)
newEnd <- transform(ex, ey, trans)
# Add -angle to dir
newDir <- dir - angle
if (incoming) {
snd <- sin(-newDir)
cnd <- cos(-newDir)
} else {
snd <- sin(newDir)
cnd <- cos(newDir)
# Distance between start and end
D <- sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
# Amount of that distance that we will use to position control points
# (use more as the newDir points further away from start node)
Dangle <- abs(newDir)
while (Dangle > pi) Dangle <- pi*2 - Dangle
Dfrac <- D/4 + (3*D/4)*tan(Dangle/4)
# P2
# If the tangent that this curve has to meet points "away" from the
# start node, then make P2 at 90 degree angle to P3 about end node
# (rather than mirroring P3 from start node)
if (incoming && cnd < 0) {
p2x <- sx - Dfrac*cnd
} else {
p2x <- sx + Dfrac*cnd
p2y <- sy + Dfrac*snd
# P3
if (!incoming && cnd < 0) {
p3x <- newEnd[1] + Dfrac*cnd
} else {
p3x <- newEnd[1] - Dfrac*cnd
p3y <- newEnd[2] + Dfrac*snd
# Rotate P2 and P3 back
invtrans <- solve(trans)
p2Final <- transform(p2x, p2y, invtrans)
p3Final <- transform(p3x, p3y, invtrans)
c(p2Final[1:2], p3Final[1:2])
trimPts <- function(pts, start, end, fromStart) {
node <- start
ref <- 1
step <- 1
if (!fromStart) {
node <- end
step <- -1
ref <- length(pts$x)
getAngle <- function(pts, ref) {
dx <- convertX(pts$x[ref + step] - pts$x[ref], "inches",
dy <- convertY(pts$y[ref + step] - pts$y[ref], "inches",
# What is direction from start/end to point (start + i)/(end - i)?
atan2(dy, dx)
compareDist <- function(pts, node, ref) {
dx <- convertX(pts$x[ref + step] - pts$x[ref], "inches",
dy <- convertY(pts$y[ref + step] - pts$y[ref], "inches",
angle <- getAngle(pts, ref)
# What is the distance to the edge of the node in that direction?
edx <- convertX(grobX(grid.get(node), angle/pi*180) - pts$x[ref],
"inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
edy <- convertY(grobY(grid.get(node), angle/pi*180) - pts$y[ref],
"inches", valueOnly=TRUE)
dist <- edx^2 + edy^2
dist > (dx^2 + dy^2)
# Is that distance greater than the distance from start/end
# to (start + i)/(end - i)?
# FIXME: vectorize this!?
while (compareDist(pts, node, ref)) {
if (fromStart)
step <- step + 1
step <- step - 1
newx <- grobX(grid.get(node), getAngle(pts, ref)/pi*180)
newy <- grobY(grid.get(node), getAngle(pts, ref)/pi*180)
if (fromStart) {
list(x=unit.c(newx, pts$x[-(ref:(ref+step-1))]),
y=unit.c(newy, pts$y[-(ref:(ref+step-1))]))
} else {
list(x=unit.c(pts$x[-(ref:(ref+step+1))], newx),
y=unit.c(pts$y[-(ref:(ref+step+1))], newy))
drawCurve <- function(start, end, xy, dir, incoming, arr, rag) {
# Calculate control points based on start and end node locations
sx <- xy$x[start]
sy <- xy$y[start]
ex <- xy$x[end]
ey <- xy$y[end]
cp <- calcControlPoints(sx, sy, ex, ey, dir, incoming)
# Calculate locations to draw lines through
pts <- bezierPoints(unit(c(sx, cp[1], cp[3], ex), "native"),
unit(c(sy, cp[2], cp[4], ey), "native"))
tpts <- trimPts(pts, start, end, incoming)
lwd <- edgeData(rag, start, end, "lwd")
if ( {
lwd <- 1 # edgeDataDefaults(rag, "lwd")
col <- edgeData(rag, start, end, "color")
if ( {
col <- "black"
grid.lines(tpts$x, tpts$y, arrow=arr,
gp=gpar(col=col, fill=col, lwd=lwd))
drawEdge <- function(start, end, xy, dir, incoming, arr, rabg) {
# If using development version of R, make use of
# new xsplinePoints() function
if (as.numeric(R.version$major) > 2 ||
(as.numeric(R.version$major) >= 2 &&
as.numeric(R.version$minor) >= 11))
drawCurve(start, end, xy, dir, incoming, arr, rabg)
drawCurveOLD(start, end, xy, dir, incoming, arr, rabg)
drawHyperEdge <- function(edge, xy, edgeNodes, edgeNodeDir, rag, eps=5) {
start <- gsub("(^.+)~.+$", "\\1", edge)
end <- gsub("^.+~(.+)$", "\\1", edge)
incoming <- end %in% edgeNodes
arrLoc <- graphData(rag, "arrowLoc")
if (
arrLoc <- "middle"
if (incoming) {
dir <- edgeNodeDir[[end]]
if (arrLoc == "middle") {
# Arrows drawn at edgeNodes
arr <- arrow(length=unit(1.5, "mm"), type="closed")
} else if (arrLoc == "both" || arrLoc == "start") {
arr <- arrow(length=unit(1.5, "mm"), type="closed", ends="first")
} else {
arr <- NULL
} else {
dir <- edgeNodeDir[[start]]
if (arrLoc == "end" || arrLoc == "both") {
arr <- arrow(length=unit(1.5, "mm"), type="closed")
} else {
arr <- NULL
drawEdge(start, end, xy, dir, incoming, arr, rag)
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