#' Create a Pathways object from SIF files
#' Creates a Pathways object from the information of a pathway stored in a SIF
#' file with some attributes. This pathways object can be used by function
#' \code{hipathia} to analyze data.
#' @param sif.folder Path to the folder in which SIF and ATT files are stored.
#' @param spe Species
#' @param entrez_symbol Relation between Entrez (NCBI) genes and gene symbols.
#' Data.frame with 2 columns: First column is the EntrezGene ID, second column
#' is the gene Symbol. The genes in the nodes of the pathways should be defined
#' by Entrez IDs in the SIF and ATT files of the pathways. In order to be more
#' readable, gene names are used when plotting the pathways.
#' @param dbannot Functional annotation of the genes in the pathways to create
#' function nodes.
#' @return A pathways object with the same structure of that returned by
#' function \code{load_pathways}.
#' @export
mgi_from_sif <- function(sif.folder, spe, entrez_symbol = NULL, dbannot = NULL){
message("Loading graphs...")
pgs <- load_graphs(sif.folder, spe)
if(!is.null(dbannot) & !is.null(entrez_symbol)){
message("Adding functions to pathways...")
pgs <- add_funs_to_pgs(pgs, entrez_symbol, dbannot, maxiter = 1000)
message("Creating MGI...")
metaginfo <- create_metaginfo_object(pgs, spe, by.user = TRUE)
message("Created MGI with ", length(metaginfo$pathigraphs), " pathway(s)")
load_graphs <- function(input.folder, species, pathway.names = NULL,
verbose = FALSE){
file <- paste(input.folder, "/name.pathways_", species, ".txt", sep="")
nam <- utils::read.delim(file, comment.char = "", sep = "\t",
header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
row.names = 1, colClasses = "character")
pathway.names <- paste0(species, rownames(nam))
pathigraphs <- list()
for(pathway in pathway.names){
if(verbose == TRUE)
pathigraphs[[pathway]] <- list()
s2p <- sif_to_pathigraph(paste(input.folder, "/", pathway, sep=""))
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$graph <- s2p
subs <- create_subgraphs(pathigraphs[[pathway]]$graph)
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$subgraphs <- subs[[1]]
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$subgraphs.mean.length <- subs[[2]]
ces <- create_effector_subgraphs(pathigraphs[[pathway]])
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$effector.subgraphs <- ces
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$ <- nam[gsub(species, "", pathway),1]
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$ <- pathway
labs <- cbind(V(pathigraphs[[pathway]]$graph)$name,
pathigraphs[[pathway]]$ <- labs
colnames(pathigraphs[[pathway]]$ <- c("name", "label")
sif_to_pathigraph <- function(pref.file){
# Read files
sif <- utils::read.table(paste0(pref.file, ".sif"), sep = "\t", fill = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = FALSE)
att <- utils::read.table(paste0(pref.file, ".att"), sep = "\t", fill = TRUE,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE, header = TRUE)
rownames(att) <- att[,1]
# Create igraph
ig <-[,c(1,3)], directed = TRUE)
# Add attributes
E(ig)$relation <- unlist(sapply(sif[,2], function(x){
ifelse(x == "activation", 1, -1)
E(ig)$curved <- FALSE
V(ig)$nodeX <- att[V(ig)$name, "X"]
V(ig)$nodeY <- att[V(ig)$name, "Y"] # max(att$Y) - att[V(ig)$name,"Y"] #
V(ig)$shape <- att[V(ig)$name, "shape"]
V(ig)$label.cex <- att[V(ig)$name, "label.cex"]
V(ig)$label.color <- att[V(ig)$name, "label.color"]
V(ig)$width <- att[V(ig)$name, "width"]
V(ig)$height <- att[V(ig)$name, "height"]
V(ig)$tooltip <- att[V(ig)$name, "tooltip"]
glist <- sapply(as.character(att[, "genesList"]), function(x){
unlist(strsplit(x, split = ","))
names(glist) <- att[,"ID"]
V(ig)$genesList <- glist[V(ig)$name]
V(ig)$label <- att[V(ig)$name,"label"]
create_subgraphs <- function(ig){
# Compute subpaths
in.nodes <- V(ig)$name[!V(ig)$name%in%get.edgelist(ig)[,2]]
out.nodes <- V(ig)$name[!V(ig)$name%in%get.edgelist(ig)[,1]]
possible.paths <- find_possible_paths(ig, in.nodes, out.nodes)
subgraphs <- NULL
sublen <- NULL
for(ininode in names(possible.paths)){
funinduced <- function(x){induced.subgraph(ig, unique(unlist(x)))}
subs <- lapply(possible.paths[[ininode]], funinduced)
pathname <- unlist(strsplit(ininode, split="\\-"))[2] <- unlist(strsplit(ininode, split="\\-"))[3] <- sapply(strsplit(names(subs), split="\\-"), "[[", 3)
names(subs) <- paste("P", pathname,,, sep="-")
subgraphs <- c(subgraphs, subs)
funmeanlength <- function(x){mean(unlist(lapply(x, length)))}
lens <- lapply(possible.paths[[ininode]], funmeanlength)
names(lens) <- names(subs)
sublen <- c(sublen, lens)
return(list(subgraphs, sublen))
create_effector_subgraphs <- function(pathigraph, funs=FALSE){
if(funs == TRUE){
pathisubs <- pathigraph$subgraphs_funs
pathisubs <- pathigraph$subgraphs
pathisubs.effectors <- sapply(names(pathisubs),
function(name) paste(unlist(
strsplit(name, split="\\-"))[c(1, 2, 4)],
collapse = "-"))
effectors <- unique(pathisubs.effectors)
effector.subs <- list()
for(effector in effectors){
subs <- pathisubs[effector == pathisubs.effectors]
effector.subs[[effector]] <- induced.subgraph(pathigraph$graph,
find_possible_paths <- function( ig, in.nodes, out.nodes ){
paths <- list()
for( in.node in in.nodes ){
all.pathsi <- find_all_paths_from( in.node, ig, NULL )
endnodes <- sapply(all.pathsi, function(path){path[length(path)]})
cycles <- all.pathsi[!endnodes %in% out.nodes]
for(cycle in cycles){
cycle.end <- cycle[length(cycle)]
contain <- which(sapply(all.pathsi, function(p) cycle.end %in% p))
for(i in contain)
all.pathsi[[i]] <- unique(unlist(c(all.pathsi[[i]], cycle)))
uniend <- unique(endnodes)
uniend <- uniend[uniend %in% out.nodes]
if(length(uniend) > 0){
fununiend <- function(end){all.pathsi[endnodes == end]}
paths[[in.node]] <- lapply(uniend, fununiend)
names(paths[[in.node]]) <- uniend
# Returns a list containing all paths from the given "node" to any final node,
# in list format
find_all_paths_from <- function(node, ig, visited){
paths <- list()
edges <- incident(ig, node, mode="out")
edges <- setdiff(edges, visited)
for(ed in edges){
visited <- c(visited, ed)
# Find next node (opposite)
op <- get.edgelist(ig)[ed,2]
# IF op is a final node
if(length(incident(ig, op, mode="out")) == 0){
path <- c(node, op)
paths[[length(paths)+1]] <- path
new.paths <- find_all_paths_from(op, ig, visited)
for(j in seq_along(new.paths)){
new.paths[[j]] <- c(node, new.paths[[j]])
paths[[length(paths)+1]] <- new.paths[[j]]
if(length(paths) == 0)
paths[[1]] <- node
return( paths )
add_param <- function(param, graph, newgraph, common, init = TRUE){
if(init == TRUE){
current <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, param)
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, param,
value = mean(current))
} else {
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, param,
value = names(sort(
decreasing = TRUE))[1])
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, param, index = common,
get.vertex.attribute(graph, param,
index = common))
add_funs_to_pg <- function(pathigraph, entrez_symbol, dbannot, maxiter = 500,
verbose = TRUE, w = 10, e = 0.001,
use.last.nodes = TRUE, use.edges = FALSE, p0q = 0.01,
p0mult = 5){
newpathigraph <- pathigraph
V(pathigraph$graph)$x <- V(pathigraph$graph)$nodeX
V(pathigraph$graph)$y <- V(pathigraph$graph)$nodeY
lastNodeFuns_list <- get_pathway_functions(pathigraph,
use_last_nodes = use.last.nodes)
if(sum( > 0)
lastNodeFuns_list <- lastNodeFuns_list[!]
if(length(lastNodeFuns_list) == 0){
} else {
lastNodeFuns <- sapply(lastNodeFuns_list,
function(x) paste(x, collapse = "\n"))
nff <- data.frame(node = names(lastNodeFuns),
node_funs = paste0(names(lastNodeFuns), "_func"),
functions = lastNodeFuns,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# create new graph
if(verbose == TRUE)
cat("Creating new graph...\n")
newgraph <-$graph),
paste0(nff$node, "_func"))))
common <- V(pathigraph$graph)$name[V(pathigraph$graph)$name %in%
V(pathigraph$graph)$size <- 15
V(pathigraph$graph)$size2 <- 5
newgraph <- add_param("x", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common)
newgraph <- add_param("y", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common)
newgraph <- add_param("shape", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common)
newgraph <- add_param("size", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common)
newgraph <- add_param("size2", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common)
# newgraph <- add_param("label", pathigraph$graph, newgraph, common,
# init = FALSE)
E(newgraph)$arrow.size <- .2
V(newgraph)$label.cex <- .62
# Labels
labels <- sapply(V(newgraph)$name, function(name){
if(grepl("_func", name)){
nff[gsub("_func", "", name), "functions"]
V(pathigraph$graph)$label[which(V(pathigraph$graph)$name ==
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, "label", value = labels)
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, "color", value = "cyan")
tooltips <- sapply(V(newgraph)$name, function(name){
if(grepl("_func", name)){
gsub("\n", "<br>", nff[gsub("_func", "", name), "functions"])
V(pathigraph$graph)$name == name)]
newgraph <- set.vertex.attribute(newgraph, "tooltip", value = tooltips)
# recalculate layout
if(verbose == TRUE)
cat("Recomputing graph layout...\n")
fixed <- rep(TRUE, length(V(newgraph)))
fixed[grep("func", V(newgraph)$name)] <- FALSE
lay <- cbind(V(newgraph)$x, V(newgraph)$y)
rl <- refine_layout(newgraph, lay, fixed, w = w, maxiter = maxiter,
e = e, use.edges = use.edges, p0q = p0q,
p0mult = p0mult)
if(verbose == TRUE)
V(newgraph)$nodeX <- rl$layout[,1]
V(newgraph)$x <- rl$layout[,1]
V(newgraph)$nodeY <- rl$layout[,2]
V(newgraph)$y <- rl$layout[,2]
gl <- as.list(V(pathigraph$graph)$genesList)
names(gl) <- V(pathigraph$graph)$name
V(newgraph)$genesList <- gl[V(newgraph)$name]
negl <- length(E(newgraph)) - length(E(pathigraph$graph))
E(newgraph)$relation <- c(E(pathigraph$graph)$relation, rep(1, negl))
newpathigraph$graph <- newgraph
newpathigraph$subgraphs_funs <- create_subgraphs(newgraph)[[1]]
newpathigraph$effector.subgraphs_funs <-
create_effector_subgraphs(newpathigraph, funs = TRUE)
newpathigraph$subgraphs <- pathigraph$subgraphs
newpathigraph$rl <- rl
newpathigraph$fixed <- rl$fixed
add_funs_to_pgs <- function(apgs, entrez_symbol, dbannot, maxiter = 100,
p0mult = 4, verbose = FALSE){
if(verbose == TRUE)
cat("Adding functions to pathways...\n")
fpgs <- lapply(apgs,function(x) {
if(verbose == TRUE)
cat(x$, " - ", x$, "\n")
add_funs_to_pg(x, entrez_symbol, dbannot, maxiter = maxiter,
p0mult = p0mult, verbose = FALSE)
refine_layout <- function(gg, coords, fixed, e = 10e-7, maxiter = 500, w = 0.5, = TRUE, p0q = 0.01, p0mult = 5,
use.edges = TRUE){
cs <- coords
V(gg)$x <- cs[,1]
V(gg)$y <- cs[,2]
minx <- min(cs[fixed == TRUE, 1])
maxx <- max(cs[fixed == TRUE, 1])
miny <- min(cs[fixed == TRUE, 2])
maxy <- max(cs[fixed == TRUE, 2])
n <- length(V(gg))
#maxdis <- sqrt((maxx-minx)^2+(maxy-miny)^2)
maxdis <- max(abs(maxx - minx), 4*abs(maxy - miny))
# get neighbour
global_dis <- shortest.paths(gg)
global_dis[is.infinite(global_dis)] <-
max(global_dis[!is.infinite(global_dis)]) + 1
nglobal_dis <- (max(global_dis) - global_dis)*(1 - diag(nrow(global_dis)))
nglobal_dis <- nglobal_dis/max(nglobal_dis)
adjm <- (global_dis == 1) + 0
dists <- c()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(adjm))){
anodes <- which(adjm[i,] == 1)
for(j in anodes){
dists <- c(dists, sqrt((cs[i,1] - cs[j,1])^2 +
(cs[i,2] - cs[j,2])^2))
p0 <- stats::quantile(dists[dists > 0], p0q)
p00 <- p0 * p0mult
if( == TRUE){
nonfixed <- intersect(which(fixed == FALSE),
which(!(V(gg)$name %in% get.edgelist(gg)[,1])))
for(nf in nonfixed){
friends <- which(global_dis[nf,] == 1)
x <- max(V(gg)$x[friends]) + p0 * 3
y <- mean(V(gg)$y[friends])
cs[nf,] <- c(x,y)
# Move also nodes with duplicated coordinates
fixed[duplicated(cs)] <- FALSE
iter <- 1
medif <- e + 1
locations <- list()
while(medif > e & iter < maxiter){
cs2 <- cs
for(i in seq_len(n)){
if(fixed[i] == FALSE){
# node forces
node_forces <- mat.or.vec(nr = n, nc = 2)
for(j in seq_len(n)){
if(i != j){
is_uniq_rep <- !(nglobal_dis[i,j] == 1)
pp <- c(p00,p0)[is_uniq_rep + 1]
node_forces[j,] <- get_node_vecForce(cs[i,1], cs[i,2],
cs[j,1], cs[j,2],
pp, maxdis,
repeller =
if(global_dis[i,j] == 1){
node_forces[j,] <- node_forces[j,] * 10
# edge forces
if(use.edges == TRUE){
edges <- get.edgelist(gg)
ne <- nrow(edges)
edge_forces <- mat.or.vec(nr = ne, nc = 2)
for(j in seq_len(nrow(edges))){
if(V(gg)$name[i] != edges[j,1] &
V(gg)$name[i] != edges[j,2]){
c0 <- cs[i,]
c1 <- cs[which(V(gg)$name == edges[j,1]),]
c2 <- cs[which(V(gg)$name == edges[j,2]),]
edge_forces[j,] <- get_edge_vectorial_force(
c0, c1, c2, p0, maxdis)
forces <- rbind(node_forces, edge_forces)
} else {
forces <- node_forces
cs2[i,] <- cs2[i,] + colMeans(forces) * w
#if(i==61) stop("pepe")
medif <- max(abs(cs - cs2))
cs <- cs2
locations[[iter]] <- cs
iter <- iter + 1
# cat(iter,medif,"\n")
layout = cs,
locations = locations,
iter = iter,
maxiter = maxiter,
w = w,
e = e,
laste = medif,
p0 = p0,
p00 = p00,
maxdis = maxdis,
dists = dists,
fixed = fixed
# #
# plot.node.trip <- function(locations, fixed){
# nodes <- which(fixed == FALSE)
# for(node in nodes){
# lines(t(sapply(locations, function(x) c(x[node,1], x[node,2]))),
# col = "red",
# lty = 2)
# }
# }
# get.node.vectorial.force
get_node_vecForce <- function(x1, y1, x2, y2, p0, maxdis, repeller = FALSE){
dis <- sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2)
dis <- max(abs(x1 - x2), 4 * abs(y1 - y2))
if(repeller == TRUE){
if(dis > p0){
force <- 0
} else {
ndis <- (p0 - dis)/p0
force <- -ndis
} else {
if(dis > p0){
ndis <- (dis - p0)/(maxdis - p0)
force <- ndis
} else {
ndis <- (p0 - dis)/p0
force <- -ndis
v <- c(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
if(v[1] == 0 & v[2] == 0){
v <- stats::rnorm(2)
v <- v/sqrt(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2)
v <- v * force
get_edge_vectorial_force <- function(c0, c1, c2, p0, maxdis){
x0 <- c0[1]
y0 <- c0[2]
x1 <- c1[1]
y1 <- c1[2]
x2 <- c2[1]
y2 <- c2[2]
mod <- sqrt( (x2 - x1)^2 + (y2 - y1)^2 )
s <- ( (x0 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y0 - y1) * (y2 - y1)) / mod
sx <- x1 + (s/mod)*(x2 - x1)
sy <- y1 + (s/mod)*(y2 - y1)
if(x1 < x2) {
xmin <- x1
xmax <- x2
} else {
xmin <- x2
xmax <- x1
if(y1 < y2) {
ymin <- y1
ymax <- y2
} else {
ymin <- y2
ymax <- y1
if(sx < xmin | sx > xmax | sy < ymin | sy > ymax){
force <- 0
} else {
dis <- sqrt((x0 - sx)^2 + (y0 - sy)^2)
if(dis > p0){
force <- 0
} else {
ndis <- (p0 - dis)/p0
force <- -ndis
v <- c(sx - x0, sy - y0)
if(v[1] == 0 & v[2] == 0){
v <- stats::rnorm(2)
v <- v/sqrt(v[1]^2 + v[2]^2)
v <- v * force
create_metaginfo_object <- function(fpgs, species, by.user = FALSE,
basal.value = 0.5){
pathigraph.genes <- all_needed_genes(fpgs)
# Create all.labelids table
labelids <- lapply(fpgs, function(pg) cbind(pg$, = pg$, = pg$
labelids <-"rbind", labelids)
rownames(labelids) <- labelids[,1]
# labelids <-, strignsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Todos los genes a valor 0.5
genes.vals.05 <- matrix(basal.value, ncol=2, nrow=length(pathigraph.genes),
dimnames=list(pathigraph.genes, c("1", "2")))
meta.05 <- NULL
meta.05$pathigraphs <- fpgs
meta.05$all.labelids <- labelids
results.05 <- hipathia(genes.vals.05, meta.05, test = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE)
results.dec.05 <- hipathia(genes.vals.05, meta.05, decompose = TRUE,
test = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# Create metaginfo object
metaginfo <- NULL
metaginfo$species <- species
metaginfo$all.genes <- pathigraph.genes
metaginfo$path.norm <- assay(results.dec.05, "paths")[,1]
metaginfo$eff.norm <- assay(results.05, "paths")[,1]
metaginfo$pathigraphs <- fpgs
metaginfo$all.labelids <- labelids
metaginfo$ <- "pathways"
metaginfo$by.user <- by.user
all_needed_genes <- function(pathigraphs){
genes <- unique(unlist(sapply(pathigraphs, function(x){
return(genes[! & genes!="/"])
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