## Copyright 2013, 2014 Charles Danko and Minho Chae.
## This program is part of the groHMM R package
## groHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. If not, see <>.
## TODO: Re-factor to one function, allowing the model version to be specified
## as an argument (Charles).
#' Given GRO-seq data, identifies the location of the polymerase 'wave' in
#' up- or down- regulated genes.
#' The model is a three state hidden Markov model (HMM). States represent:
#' (1) the 5' end of genes upstream of the transcription start site,
#' (2) upregulated sequence, and (3) the 3' end of the gene through the
#' polyadenylation site.
#' The model computes differences in read counts between the two conditions.
#' Differences are assumed fit a functional form which can be specified by
#' the user (using the emissionDistAssumption argument).
#' Currently supported functional forms include a normal distribution
#' (good for GRO-seq data prepared using the circular ligation protocol),
#' a gamma distribution (good for 'spikey' ligation based GRO-seq data),
#' and a long-tailed normal+exponential distribution was implemented, but
#' never deployed.
#' Initial parameter estimates are based on initial assumptions of
#' transcription rates taken from the literature. Subsequently all parameters
#' are fit using Baum-Welch expetation maximization.
#' Reference: Danko CG, Hah N, Luo X, Martins AL, Core L, Lis JT, Siepel A,
#' Kraus WL. Signaling Pathways Differentially Affect RNA Polymerase II
#' Initiation, Pausing, and Elongation Rate in Cells. Mol Cell.
#' 2013 Mar 19. doi:pii: S1097-2765(13)00171-8. 10.1016/j.molcel.2013.02.015.
#' Arguments:
#' @param reads1 Mapped reads in time point 1.
#' @param reads2 Mapped reads in time point 2.
#' @param genes A set of genes in which to search for the wave.
#' @param approxDist The approximate position of the wave.
#' Suggest using 2000 [bp/ min] * time [min], for mammalian data.
#' @param size The size of the moving window. Suggest using 50 for direct
#' ligation data, and 200 for circular ligation data. Default: 50.
#' @param upstreamDist The amount of upstream sequence to include
#' Default: 10 kb.
#' @param TSmooth Optimonally, outlying windows are set a maximum value
#' over the inter-quantile interval, specified by TSmooth.
#' Reasonable value: 20; Default: NA (for no smoothing). Users are encouraged
#' to use this parameter ONLY in combination with the normal distribution
#' assumptions.
#' @param NonMap Optionally, un-mappable positions are trated as missing data.
#' NonMap passes in the list() structure for un-mappable regions.
#' @param prefix Optionally, writes out png images of each gene examined for
#' a wave. 'Prefix' denotes the file prefix for image names written to disk.
#' Users are encouraged to create a new directory and write in a full path.
#' @param emissionDistAssumption Takes values "norm", "normExp", and "gamma".
#' Specifies the functional form of the 'emission' distribution for states
#' I and II (i.e. 5' of the gene, and inside of the wave).
#' In our experience, "gamma" works best for highly-variable 'spikey' data,
#' and "norm" works for smooth data. As a general rule of thumb, "gamma"
#' is used for libraries made using the direct ligation method, and "norm"
#' for circular ligation data. Default: "gamma".
#' @param finterWindowSize Method returns 'quality' information for
#' each gene to which a wave was fit. Included in these metrics are several
#' that define a moving window. The moving window size is specified by
#' filterWindowSize. Default: 10 kb.
#' @param limitPCRDups If true, counts only 1 read at each position
#' with >= 1 read. NOT recommended to set this to TRUE. Defulat: FALSE.
#' @param returnVal Takes value "simple" (default) or "alldata". "simple"
#' returns a data.frame with Pol II wave end positions. "alldata" returns all
#' of the availiable data from each gene, including the full posterior
#' distribution of the model after EM.
#' @param debug If TRUE, prints error messages.
#' @return Returns either a data.frame with Pol II wave end positions,
#' or a List() structure with additional data, as specified by returnVal.
#' @author Charles G. Danko
#' @examples
#' genes <- GRanges("chr7", IRanges(2394474,2420377), strand="+",
#' SYMBOL="CYP2W1", ID="54905")
#' reads1 <- as(readGAlignments(system.file("extdata", "S0mR1.bam",
#' package="groHMM")), "GRanges")
#' reads2 <- as(readGAlignments(system.file("extdata", "S40mR1.bam",
#' package="groHMM")), "GRanges")
#' approxDist <- 2000*10
#' # Not run:
#' # pw <- polymeraseWave(reads1, reads2, genes, approxDist)
## Given GRO-seq data, identifies the location of the polymerase wave in up-
## or down-regulated genes. This version is based on a full Baum-Welch EM
## implementation.
## This is a three state HMM -- initial state representing the intergenic
## region 5' of a gene, the second representing the initially upregulated
## region, and the third representing the remaining sequence of a gene.
## We assume that upstream region is intergenic, and thus its emmission
## distriubtion is assumed to be a constant, set based on a representative
## intergenic region. This is accomidated in my [1,*) framework by keeping
## the vairence constant, and scaling the mean for each gene.
## Test with GREB1: chr2:11,591,693-11,700,363
## GREB1 <- data.frame(chr="chr2", start=11591693, end=11700363, str="+")
polymeraseWave <- function(reads1, reads2, genes, approxDist, size=50,
upstreamDist= 10000, TSmooth=NA, NonMap=NULL, prefix=NULL,
emissionDistAssumption= "gamma", finterWindowSize=10000,
limitPCRDups=FALSE, returnVal="simple", debug=TRUE) {
if(debug) {
message("Analyzing windows")
genes <-
genes <- genes[,c("seqnames", "start", "end", "strand", "SYMBOL", "ID")]
Fp1 <- windowAnalysis(reads=reads1, strand="+", windowSize=size,
Fp2 <- windowAnalysis(reads=reads2, strand="+", windowSize=size,
Fm1 <- windowAnalysis(reads=reads1, strand="-", windowSize=size,
Fm2 <- windowAnalysis(reads=reads2, strand="-", windowSize=size,
sizeP1 <- NROW(reads1)
sizeP2 <- NROW(reads2)
expCounts <- mean(NROW(reads1),NROW(reads2))
ANS <- rep(-1, NROW(genes))
ENDwave <- rep(-1,NROW(genes))
STRTwave <- rep(-1,NROW(genes))
KLdivFinal <- rep(-1,NROW(genes))
KLdivPar <- rep(-1,NROW(genes))
minWindLTMed <- rep(FALSE,NROW(genes))
minMeanWindLTMed <- rep(FALSE,NROW(genes))
nstates<-as.integer(3) # number of states in HMM.
unmap <- NA
## Possible return value.
dataList <- list()
## Run the model separately on each gene.
for(i in seq_along(NROW(genes))) {
geneData <- list()
if(debug) {
message("Starting HMM: ", genes[i,5])
#### Define the gene in terms of the windowed size.
## Pull the data for the gene.
if(genes[i,4] == "+") {
start <- floor((genes[i,2]-upstreamDist)/size)
end <- ceiling(genes[i,3]/size)
emis1 <-
(as.numeric(Fp1[[ as.character(genes[i,1]) ]]))[c(start:end)]
emis2 <-
(as.numeric(Fp2[[ as.character(genes[i,1]) ]]))[c(start:end)]
else {
start <- floor(genes[i,2]/size)
end <- ceiling((genes[i,3]+upstreamDist)/size)
emis1 <-
rev((as.integer(Fm1[[ as.character(genes[i,1]) ]]))
emis2 <-
rev((as.integer(Fm2[[ as.character(genes[i,1]) ]]))
## Scale to a minimum of 1 read at each position (for fitting Gamma).
gene <- as.numeric(emis1 - emis2)
if(emissionDistAssumption == "gamma") {
## Leave centered on 0 for the norm_exp/norm emission functions
gene <- gene +(-1)*(min(gene))+1
## Must translate points if gamma distributed (gamma undefined <0).
if(is.double(TSmooth)) { ## Interperts it as a fold over the inter
## quantile interval to filter.
message("TSmooth is.integer:", TSmooth)
medGene <- median(gene)
iqrGene <- IQR(gene)
gene[(medGene-gene)>(TSmooth*(iqrGene+1))] <-
gene[(gene-medGene)>(TSmooth*(iqrGene+1))] <-
} else if(! {
gene <- smooth(gene, kind=TSmooth)
#write.table(gene, "TMP.gene.Rflat")
# uTrans<- as.integer(ceiling((upstreamDist)/size))
## Make the initial guess +5kb --> approxDist.
uTrans<- as.integer(ceiling((upstreamDist-5000)/size))
iTrans<- as.integer(ceiling((upstreamDist+approxDist)/size))
## Run Baum-Welch
if(debug) message("initial guess:", uTrans, iTrans, NROW(gene))
counter <- 0
## Calculate a moving average and moving max.
# For each point. Left of point is defined as P, right is defined as Q.
# From min(gene):max(gene).
# Calculate histogram of points
# if(!is.null(prefix)) { ## Slow, but required for MinOfMax/Avg filter(s).
MovMeanSpd <- finterWindowSize#10000
KLdiv <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
KS <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
Means <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
MovMean <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
MovMax <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
dMovMean <- rep(0,NROW(gene))
for(k in c(2:(NROW(gene)-2))) {
left <- gene[c(1:k)]
right <- gene[c((k+1):NROW(gene))]
LeftHist <- hist(left, breaks=c((min(gene, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
:(max(gene, na.rm=TRUE)+1)), plot=FALSE)
RightHist <- hist(right, breaks=c((min(gene, na.rm=TRUE)-1)
:(max(gene, na.rm=TRUE)+1)), plot=FALSE)
minD <- 0.000001
KLdiv[k] <- sum((LeftHist$density*log(
KS[k] <- ks.test(left,right)$statistic[[1]]
Means[k] <- mean(left, na.rm=TRUE)-mean(right, na.rm=TRUE)
MovMean[k] <- mean(gene[max((k-(MovMeanSpd/size)),1)
:min((k+(MovMeanSpd/size)),NROW(gene))], na.rm=TRUE)
MovMax[k] <- max(gene[max((k-(MovMeanSpd/size)),1)
:min((k+(MovMeanSpd/size)),NROW(gene))], na.rm=TRUE)
dMovMean[k] <- MovMean[k-1] - MovMean[k]
# }
#### Set up initial paremeter estimates.
## Fit transition and initial probabilities.
tProb <- as.list(data.frame(
log(c(0, 0, 1)))) # Trans. prob.
iProb <- as.double(log(c(1, 0, 0))) # iProb.
## Fit initial distribution paremeters for emission probabilities.
parInt <- Rnorm(gene[c(1:uTrans)])
if($var) | parInt$var == 0) parInt$var = 0.00001
## Check that the varience of the intergenic state is NOT 0.
if(emissionDistAssumption == "norm") {
ePrDist <- c("norm", "norm", "norm")
# ePrDist <- c("norm", "normexp", "normexp")
parPsi <- Rnorm(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)])
#Rnorm.exp(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)], tol=1e-4) #
parBas <- Rnorm(gene[c((iTrans+1):NROW(gene))])
#Rnorm.exp(gene[c((iTrans+1):NROW(gene))], tol=1e-4) #
ePrVars <- data.frame(c(parInt$mean,
sqrt(parInt$var), -1, -1),
c(parPsi$mean, sqrt(parPsi$var), -1, -1),
c(parBas$mean, sqrt(parBas$var), -1, -1))
else if(emissionDistAssumption == "normExp") {
ePrDist <- c("norm", "normexp", "normexp")
parPsi <- Rnorm.exp(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)], tol=1e-4) #
parBas <- Rnorm.exp(gene[c((iTrans+1):NROW(gene))], tol=1e-4) #
ePrVars <- data.frame(c(parInt$mean, sqrt(parInt$var), -1, -1),
parPsi$parameters, parBas$parameters)
else if(emissionDistAssumption == "gamma") {
ePrDist <- c("norm", "gamma", "gamma")
parPsi <- RgammaMLE(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)])
parBas <- RgammaMLE(gene[c((iTrans+1):NROW(gene))])
ePrVars <- data.frame(c(parInt$mean, sqrt(parInt$var), -1),
c(parPsi$shape, parPsi$scale, -1),
c(parBas$shape, parBas$scale, -1))
else {
message("emissionDistAssumption should be set to: 'norm',
'normExp', or 'gamma'.")
stopifnot(FALSE) ## Stop here.
# print(data.frame(c(iMean, parInt$var, -1),c(shape, scale, -1),
# c(meanBas, stdeBas, -1)))
## Finally, choose non-mappable windows and treat them as missing values.
if(!is.null(NonMap)) {
windowStarts <- seq(start, end, size)
## Start and end are like chromStart and chromEnd --
## strand invariant.
windowEnds <- windowStarts+size
windowsToSurvey <- data.frame(chrom= rep(as.character(genes[i,1]),
NROW(windowStarts)), chromStart= as.integer(windowStarts),
chromEnd= as.integer(windowEnds), strand=
unmap <- countMappableReadsInInterval(windowsToSurvey, NonMap)
if(genes[i,4] == "+") {
unmap <- rev(unmap)
gene[unmap/size < 0.10] <- NaN
## Missing data if more than 90% of the windows are unmappable.
## Now run the HMM.
if(debug) {
g <- list()
g[[1]] <- gene
ans <- list()
ans <- tryCatch(.Call("RBaumWelchEM", nstates, g, as.integer(1),
ePrDist, ePrVars, tProb, iProb, 0.01, c(TRUE,TRUE,TRUE),
c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE), as.integer(10), TRUE, PACKAGE="groHMM"),
error=function(e) e)
## Update emis...
if(NROW(ans) < 3) {
## An error will have a length of 2 (is this guaranteed?!).
### Will be a previous iteration of ans...?! Generated a new 'ans'
ans[[1]] <- NA
ans[[2]] <- NA
ans[[3]] <- c(rep(0, NROW(gene)-2), 1, 2)
ans[[4]] <- NA
ans[[5]] <- NA
ansVitervi <- ans[[3]][[1]]
DTs <- max(which(ansVitervi==0))
DTe <- max(which(ansVitervi==1))
### Calculate quality filters... Wrap up.
KLdivHMM <- 0
if(debug) print(paste("EM Converged to: ",DTs,DTe,NROW(gene)))
if((DTs >= 1) & (DTe > 1) & (DTs < DTe) &
(DTe < NROW(gene)) & (DTs < NROW(gene))) {
## iff convergest to something useful.
## Refit and calculate KL-divergence at that point.
pINew <- Rnorm(gene[c(1:DTs)])
if(emissionDistAssumption == "norm") {
pPNew <- Rnorm(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)])
# Rnorm.exp(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)], tol=1e-4)
pBNew <- Rnorm(gene[c((DTe+1):NROW(gene))])
#Rnorm.exp(gene[c((DTe+1):NROW(gene))], tol=1e-4) #
## Estimate KL-divergence.
PSI <- dnorm(c(min(gene):max(gene)), pBNew$mean,
BAS <- dnorm(c(min(gene):max(gene)), pBNew$mean,
else if(emissionDistAssumption == "normExp") {
pPNew <- Rnorm.exp(gene[c((uTrans+1):iTrans)], tol=1e-4)
pBNew <- Rnorm.exp(gene[c((DTe+1):NROW(gene))], tol=1e-4)
PSI <- (pPNew$parameters[1])*dnorm(c(min(gene):max(gene)),
pPNew$parameters[2], pPNew$parameters[3])+
1/pPNew$parameters[4]) ## 1/rate
BAS <- (pBNew$parameters[1])*dnorm(c(min(gene):max(gene)),
pBNew$parameters[2], pBNew$parameters[3])+
1/pBNew$parameters[4]) ## 1/rate
else if(emissionDistAssumption == "gamma") {
## Refit and calculate KL-divergence at that point.
pPNew <- RgammaMLE(gene[c((DTs+1):DTe)])
pBNew <- RgammaMLE(gene[c((DTe+1):NROW(gene))])
## Estimate KL-divergence.
PSI <- dgamma(c(min(gene):max(gene)), shape=pPNew$shape,
BAS <- dgamma(c(min(gene):max(gene)), pBNew$shape, pBNew$scale)
minD2 <- 1e-300
KLdivHMM <- sum((PSI*log((PSI+minD2)/(BAS+minD2))))
ANS[i] <- (DTe-DTs)*size
STRTwave[i] <- DTs*size
ENDwave[i] <- DTe*size
KLdivFinal[i] <- KLdiv[DTe]
##KLdivHMM## Try switching to the empirical KL-div.
KLdivPar[i] <- KLdivHMM
## Calculates min/max and min/avg filters.
medDns <- median(MovMax[c(max((which(ansVitervi == 1))+
minMax <- min(MovMax[c(min(which(ansVitervi == 1))
:max(which(ansVitervi == 1)))])
minWindLTMed[i] <- (medDns < minMax)
## True if min(wave) > med(wave.upstream)
avgDns <- median(MovMean[c(max((which(ansVitervi == 1))+
minAvg <- min(MovMean[c(min(which(ansVitervi == 1))
:max(which(ansVitervi == 1)))])
minMeanWindLTMed[i] <- (avgDns < minAvg)
## True if min(wave) > med(wave.upstream)
## Construct the return value...
geneData[[1]] <- gene[c(1:DTs)]
geneData[[2]] <- gene[c((DTs+1):DTe)]
geneData[[3]] <- gene[c((DTe+1):NROW(gene))]
geneData[[4]] <- emis1 ## Value of the gene... c1.
geneData[[5]] <- emis2 ## Value of the gene... c2.
geneData[[6]] <- ans[[4]] ## Matrix of posteriors.
geneData[[7]] <- ans[[5]]
## Posteriors of a transition from state 2->3.
geneData[[8]] <- unmap
dataList[[i]] <- geneData
returnDF <- data.frame(StartWave= STRTwave, EndWave= ENDwave, Rate= ANS,
KLdiv= KLdivFinal, KLdivParametric= KLdivPar, minOfMax= minWindLTMed,
minOfAvg= minMeanWindLTMed, ID= genes[,5], ExternalID= genes[,6])
if(returnVal == "simple") {
if(returnVal == "alldata") {
dataList[[NROW(genes)+1]] <- returnDF
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