## Copyright 2013, 2014 Charles Danko and Minho Chae.
## This program is part of the groHMM R package
## groHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. If not, see <>.
#' makeConsensusAnnotations Makes a consensus annotation
#' Makes a non-overlapping consensus annotation. Gene annotations are often
#' overalpping due to #' multiple isoforms for a gene.
#' In consensus annotation, isoforms are first reduced so that only
#' redundant intervals are used to represent a genomic interval for a gene,
#' i.e., a gene id.
#' Remaining unresolved annotations are further reduced by truncating 3'
#' end of annotations.
#' Supports parallel processing using mclapply in the 'parallel' package.
#' To change the number of processors, use the argument 'mc.cores'.
#' @param ar GRanges of annotations to be collapsed.
#' @param minGap Minimun gap between overlapped annotations after truncated.
#' Default: 1L
#' @param minWidth Minimun width of consensus annotations. Default: 1000L
#' @param ... Extra argument passed to mclapply.
#' @return Returns GRanges object of annotations.
#' @author Minho Chae
#' @examples
#' ## Not run:
#' # library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene)
#' # txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
#' # tx <- transcripts(txdb, columns=c("gene_id", "tx_id", "tx_name"),
#' filter=list(tx_chrom="chr7"))
#' # tx <- tx[grep("random", as.character(seqnames(tx)), invert=TRUE),]
#' # ca <- makeConsensusAnnotations(tx)
makeConsensusAnnotations <- function(ar, minGap=1L, minWidth=1000L, ...) {
# check missing gene_id
missing <- elementNROWS(mcols(ar)[,"gene_id"]) == 0
if (any(missing)) {
ar <- ar[!missing,]
warning(sum(missing), " ranges do not have gene_id and they are
many <- elementNROWS(mcols(ar)[,"gene_id"]) > 1
if (any(many)) {
ar <- ar[!many,]
warning(sum(many), " ranges have multiple gene_id and they are
ar_list <- split(ar, unlist(mcols(ar)[,"gene_id"]))
singles <- unlist(ar_list[elementNROWS(ar_list) == 1])
isoforms <- ar_list[elementNROWS(ar_list) > 1]
message("Reduce isoforms(", length(isoforms),") ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
isoforms <- GRangesList(mclapply(isoforms, function(x) {
# For mixed strands or chrom, choose the longest
if ((length(seqlevelsInUse(x)) > 1) ||
(length(unique(strand(x))) > 1)) {
result <- x[which.max(width(x)), "gene_id"]
} else {
dx <- disjoin(x)
mcols(dx)$gene_id <- mcols(x)$gene_id[1]
olcnt <- countOverlaps(dx, x)
multi <- dx[olcnt > 1] # Use the disjoint ranges
# covered more than once
if (length(multi) == 0) { # For non-overlapping isoforms,
# choose the longest
result <- x[which.max(width(x)), "gene_id"]
} else if (length(multi) == 1) {
result <- multi
} else {
reduced <- reduce(multi)
if (length(reduced) == 1)
result <- reduced
else (length(reduced) > 1)
result <- reduced[which.max(width(reduced)),]
mcols(result)$gene_id <- mcols(x)$gene_id[1]
}, mc.cores=getCores(10)))
isoforms <- unlist(isoforms)
# Check redundancy
isoforms <- removeRedundant(isoforms)
singles <- removeRedundant(singles)
o <- findOverlaps(singles, isoforms, type="equal")
if(length(o) != 0)
singles <- singles[-queryHits(o),]
o <- findOverlaps(singles, isoforms, type="within")
if(length(o) != 0)
singles <- singles[-queryHits(o),]
o <- findOverlaps(isoforms, singles, type="within")
if(length(o) != 0)
isoforms <- isoforms[-queryHits(o),]
noiso <- sort(c(isoforms, singles[,"gene_id"]))
message("Truncate overlapped ranges ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
# with different gene_ids
while(!isDisjoint(noiso)) {
ol <- findOverlaps(noiso, drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=TRUE)
ol_gr <- GRangesList(lapply(1:length(ol), function(x) {
# Truncate 3' end
ol_gr <- unlist(endoapply(ol_gr, function(x) {
if (as.character(strand(x[1,])) == "+") {
end(x[1,]) <- start(x[2,]) - minGap
# first range's end is truncated
} else {
start(x[2,]) <- end(x[1,]) + minGap
# sencond range's end is truncated
# Remove any ranges with duplicated names since they already adujsted
# in the previous call
ol_gr <- ol_gr[!duplicated(names(ol_gr)),]
noiso <- noiso[-unique(c(queryHits(ol), subjectHits(ol))),]
# update noiso
noiso <- c(noiso, ol_gr)
noiso <- noiso[width(noiso) >= minWidth,]
removeRedundant <- function(annox) {
o <- findOverlaps(annox, drop.self=TRUE, type="equal",
if(length(o) != 0)
annox <- annox[-subjectHits(o),]
o <- findOverlaps(annox, drop.self=TRUE, type="within",
if(length(o) != 0)
annox <- annox[-queryHits(o),]
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