## Copyright 2013, 2014 Charles Danko and Minho Chae.
## This program is part of the groHMM R package
## groHMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
## or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. If not, see <>.
#' getTxDensity Calculates transcript density.
#' Calculates transcript density for transcripts which overlapps with
#' annotations.
#' For 'run genes together' or 'broken up a single annotation' errors,
#' best overlapped transcripts or annotations are used.
#' Supports parallel processing using mclapply in the 'parallel' package.
#' To change the number of processors
#' set the option 'mc.cores'.
#' @param tx GRanges of transcripts.
#' @param annox GRanges of non-overlapping annotatoins.
#' @param plot Logical. If TRUE, plot transcript density. Default: TRUE
#' @param scale Numeric. Scaled size of a gene for transcript density
#' calculation.
#' Default: 1000L
#' @param nSampling Numeric. Number of subsampling. Default: 0L
#' @param samplingRatio Numeric. Ratio of sampling for annotations.
#' Default: 0.1
#' @param ... Extra argument passed to mclapply.
#' @return Returns a list of FTD, TTD, PostTTS, and TUA.
#' @author Minho Chae
#' @examples
#' tx <- GRanges("chr7", IRanges(start=seq(1000,4000, by=1000),
#' width=seq(1000, 1300, by=100)), strand=rep("+", 4))
#' annox <- GRanges("chr7", IRanges(start=seq(1100,4100, by=1000),
#' width=seq(900, 1200, by=100)), strand=rep("+", 4))
#' ## Not run:
#' # density <- getTxDensity(tx, annox)
getTxDensity <- function(tx, annox, plot=TRUE, scale=1000L, nSampling=0L,
samplingRatio=0.1, ...) {
ol <- findOverlaps(tx, annox)
# Count tx
runGenes <- unique(queryHits(ol[duplicated(queryHits(ol)),]))
# Count annox
brokenUp <- unique(subjectHits(ol[duplicated(subjectHits(ol)),]))
cat("Merged annotations: ", length(runGenes), "\n")
cat("Dissociated a single annotation: ", length(brokenUp), "\n")
cat("Overlaps between transcript and annotation:", "\n")
cat("Total = ", length(ol))
# For each annox, find the best matching tx, runGenes case...
intx_rg <- pintersect(tx[queryHits(ol),], annox[subjectHits(ol),])
intx_rg_df <- data.frame(tx=queryHits(ol), annox=subjectHits(ol),
#Tx matches multiple times on a same annox
remove_rg <- unique(unlist(lapply(runGenes, function(x) {
inx <- which(queryHits(ol) == x)
m <- which.max(intx_rg_df$oRatio[inx])
if (length(remove_rg) > 0)
ol <- ol[-remove_rg,]
# For each transcript, find the best matching annox, brokenUp case...,
brokenUp <- unique(subjectHits(ol[duplicated(subjectHits(ol)),]))
intx_bu <- pintersect(tx[queryHits(ol),], annox[subjectHits(ol),])
intx_bu_df <- data.frame(tx=queryHits(ol), annox=subjectHits(ol),
# Annox matches multiple times on a same transcript
remove_bu <- unique(unlist(lapply(brokenUp, function(x) {
inx <- which(subjectHits(ol) == x)
m <- which.max(intx_bu_df$oRatio[inx])
if (length(remove_bu) > 0)
ol <- ol[-remove_bu,]
cat(" Used for density = ", length(ol), "\n")
olTx <- tx[queryHits(ol),]
# Now get the coverage of selected transcripts
olStrand <- as.character(strand(tx[queryHits(ol),]))
olChrom <- seqnames(tx[queryHits(ol),])
# Get the extended region for annox
up <- 1L
down <- 2L
message("Calculate overlapping ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
promo <- unlist(GRangesList(mclapply(subjectHits(ol), function(x) {
w <- width(annox[x,])
promoters(annox[x,], upstream=round(w*up),
}, ... )))
pintx <- pintersect(promo, olTx)
# Get theoverlapped coverage
olcvg <- mclapply(1:length(ol), function(x) {
t <- olTx[x,]
p <- promo[x,]
i <- pintx[x,]
# Position is relative to the minimum start
minStart <- min(start(t), start(p))
t <- shift(t, -minStart+1)
p <- shift(p, -minStart+1)
i <- shift(i, -minStart+1)
r <- reduce(c(t, p, ignore.mcols=TRUE))
rTF <- logical(length=width(r))
rTF[start(i):end(i)] <- TRUE
if (olStrand[x] == "+")
}, ...)
message("Scale overlapping ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
# Get the scaled coverage
cvgWidth <- round(up*scale) + round(down*scale)
sccvg <- mclapply(olcvg, function(x) {
getLIValues(x, cvgWidth)
}, ... )
M <- sapply(sccvg, function(x) as.integer(x))
sSize <- round(length(ol)*samplingRatio)
if (nSampling > 0) {
message("Sampling ... ", appendLF=FALSE)
allSamples <- mclapply(1:nSampling, function(x) {
inx <- sample(1:length(ol), size=sSize, replace=TRUE)
onesample <- M[,inx]
Rle(apply(onesample, 1, sum))
}, ...)
mat <- sapply(allSamples, function(x) as.integer(x))
profile <- apply(mat, 1, mean)/sSize
} else {
profile <- apply(M, 1, sum)/length(ol)
if (plot) {
plot(-(up*scale):(down*scale-1), profile, ylim=c(0, 1), type="l",
xlab="Relative to TSS", ylab="Density")
abline(v=0, col="blue", lty=2)
abline(v=up*scale, col="blue", lty=2)
trap.rule <- function(x,f) {sum(diff(x)*(f[-1]+f[-length(f)]))/2}
# Thanks to:
FivePrimeFP <- trap.rule(1:scale, profile[1:scale])/scale
TP <- trap.rule(1:scale, profile[(scale+1):(scale*2)])/scale
PostTTS <- trap.rule(1:scale, profile[(scale*2+1):(scale*3)])/scale
TUA <- (TP + (TP- FivePrimeFP))/(1 + TP)
return(list(FivePrimeFP=FivePrimeFP, TP=TP, PostTTS=PostTTS, TUA=TUA))
getWP <- function (lv, lw) {
return( ((lv-1)/(lw-1)) * (0:(lw-1)) + 1)
getLIValue <- function (x0, y0, x1, y1, x) {
alpha = (x - x0) / (x1 - x0)
return(y0 + alpha * (y1 - y0))
# Get linear interpolation data
getLIValues <- function (vals, n) {
vals <- as.integer(vals)
wp <- getWP(length(vals), n)
result <- seq(n)
if (length(vals) == 1) {
result[1:length(result)] <- vals
result[1] <- vals[1]
result[length(result)] <- vals[length(vals)]
if (n > 2) {
for(i in 2:(n-1)) {
x <- wp[i]
x0 <- floor(x)
result[i] <- getLIValue(x0, vals[x0], x0+1, vals[x0+1], x)
#' evaluateHMM Evaluates HMM calling.
#' Evaluates HMM calling of transripts compared to known annotations.
#' @param tx GRanges of transcripts predicted by HMM.
#' @param annox GRanges of non-overlapping annotatoins.
#' @return a list of error information; merged annotations, dissociated annotation,
#' total, and rate.
#' @author Minho Chae
#' @examples
#' tx <- GRanges("chr7", IRanges(start=seq(100, 1000, by=200),
#' width=seq(100, 1000, by=100)), strand="+")
#' annox <- GRanges("chr7", IRanges(start=seq(110, 1100, by=150),
#' width=seq(100, 1000, by=150)), strand="+")
#' error <- evaluateHMMInAnnotations(tx, annox)
evaluateHMMInAnnotations <- function (tx, annox) {
o <- findOverlaps(tx, annox)
# count tx
merged <- length(unique(queryHits(o[duplicated(queryHits(o)),])))
# count annox
dissociated <- length(unique(subjectHits(o[duplicated(subjectHits(o)),])))
eval <- data.frame(merged=merged, dissociated=dissociated,
total=(merged+ dissociated), errorRate=(merged + dissociated)/
(length(tx) + length(annox)),
txSize =length(tx))
intx <- pintersect(tx[queryHits(o),], annox[subjectHits(o),])
overlap <- data.frame(txRatio=width(intx)/width(tx[queryHits(o),]),
annoxRatio= width(intx)/width(annox[subjectHits(o),]),
return(list(eval=eval, overlap=overlap))
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