## Question: how to assess number of reads per window (function perWindow
## and other use cases)
## Idea (already mentioned in cisGenome paper and analogous to estimation
## of Poisson distribution parameters from limited count numbers in
## association studies):
## Negative binomial distribution as family of null distributions of
## frequencies in uninteresting windows (cite CisGenome, BayesPeak)
## Use observed count frequencies n0, n1, n2 of windows with 0, 1,
## or 2 aligned reads for estimating the parameters of the negative
## binomial distribution.
estimateNBParams <- function(n0, n1, n2){
# build the ratios of these numbers to estimate the parameters:
q1 <- n1/n0
q2 <- n2/n1
# then the estimates of the parameters are as follows:
# a) dispersion parameter 'size' ('r' in Wikipedia notation)
size.est <- q1/(2*q2-q1) # dispersion parameter size (or 'r'
## the mean 'mu' (or 'lambda' in Wikipedia notation),
#mu.est <- q1*r.est/(r.est-q1)
# which is equivalent to:
mu.est <- q1/(1-2*q2+q1)
return(list(size=as.vector(size.est), mu=as.vector(mu.est)))
## in some cases this Neg.bin estimation does not work,
### then use simpler Poisson
estimatePoissonParam <- function(n0, n1, n2){
# build the ratios of these numbers to estimate the parameters:
q1 <- n1/n0
q2 <- n2/n1
# then the estimates of the parameters are as follows:
mu.est <- mean(q1, 2*q2)
addNBSignificance <- function(x, estimate="NB.012", correct="none", max.n=10L){
stopifnot(inherits(x, "slidingWindowSummary"),
"n.reads" %in% names(x))
correct <- match.arg(correct, p.adjust.methods)
estimate <- match.arg(estimate, c("NB.012", "NB.ML", "Poisson", "Poisson2"))
## 'x$n.reads' has to be integer, but maybe is not when weigthing each
## interval count by the number of matches.
x$n.reads <- round(x$n.reads)
## 1st way, using counts of windows with 0, 1, or 2 reads
if (estimate == "NB.012"){
tab.n <- table(x$n.reads)
if (any(["0"], tab.n["1"], tab.n["2"]))))
stop("Cannot estimate paramters of Negative-Binomial distribution, because there are no windows with 0, 1, or 2 aligned reads.")
E <- estimateNBParams(tab.n["0"], tab.n["1"], tab.n["2"])
if (estimate == "NB.ML"){
F <- suppressWarnings(MASS::fitdistr(x$n.reads[x$n.reads <= max.n],
"negative binomial"))
E <- as.list(F$estimate)
if (estimate == "Poisson"){
tab.n <- table(x$n.reads)
E <- list(mu=estimatePoissonParam(tab.n["0"], tab.n["1"], tab.n["2"]),
if (estimate == "Poisson2"){
## naive Poisson
E <- list(mu=sum(x$n.reads)/nrow(x),
pval <- suppressWarnings(pnbinom(x$n.reads-1, mu=E$mu, size=E$size,
if (any(is.nan(pval)))
stop("Parameter estimation '", estimate,"' failed. Try another method.\n")
pval <- p.adjust(pval, method=correct)
x$p.value <- pval
E$"p.adjust.method" <- correct
E$type <- estimate
attr(x, "NBparams") <- E
#### function for plotting the fit:
plotNegBinomFit <- function(x, breaks=c(-0.5:15.5, 1e8),
legend.names=c("data","background"), ...)
stopifnot(inherits(x, "slidingWindowSummary"),
!is.null(attr(x, "NBparams")),
all(c("size","mu") %in% names(attr(x, "NBparams"))))
## draw random read numbers (as many as in data)
x.rand <- rnbinom(nrow(x), size=attr(x,"NBparams")$size,
xcut <- table(cut(x$n.reads, breaks=breaks))
randcut <- table(cut(x.rand, breaks=breaks))
mat <- rbind(xcut, randcut)
barnames <- floor(breaks[-c(1,length(breaks))])
barnames <- c(barnames, paste(">",barnames[length(barnames)],sep=""))
barplot(mat, beside=TRUE, names.arg=barnames,
ylab="Frequency", col=bar.col,...)
if (addLegend)
legend(x="topright", fill=bar.col, legend=legend.names)
# test:
#sel.cols <- brewer.pal(8, "Set2")[c(1,8)]
#plotNegBinomFit(resWins[[1]],xlab="Reads per window", bar.col=sel.cols)
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