## Helper functions that will be needed for all of the gate plotting functions
## These are mostly functions that do some sanity checking.
#require(grDevices) # RColorBrewer assumes 'rgb' on the search path
## Store state info in this internal environment
flowViz.state <- new.env(hash = FALSE)
# based on colorRampPalette
# add the optional alpha control
#' @param alpha \code{numeric} range from 0 to 1
#' @importFrom grDevices rgb colorRamp colorRampPalette col2rgb
#' @importFrom RColorBrewer brewer.pal
.colRmpPlt <- function (alpha = 1, ...)
colors <- rev(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral"))
ramp <- colorRamp(colors, ...)
function(n) {
x <- ramp(, 1, length.out = n))
rgb(x[, 1L], x[, 2L], x[, 3L], maxColorValue = 255, alpha = alpha * 255)
## FIXME: We hardcode a lattice theme for the X11xcairo device for now which will be
## used for all other devices as well. Later this should follow the example from the
## lattice package, i.e., real device-specific themes that are set up once the device
## is first called.
.flowViz.par.init <- function(lattice.par){
gate.par <- list(gate=list(alpha=1,
overlay.symbol = list(alpha = 0.5
,bg.alpha = 0.3
,col = "transparent"
,fill = "red"
,cex = 0.5
, pch = 19
cex = 0.1,
pch = 19,
,argcolramp = .colRmpPlt()
flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]] <- list(X11cairo= c(gate.par, lattice.par))
# can't do it within Namespace events hooks (e.g. .onLoad)
# since it needs to load namespace (e.g. 'rgb' through 'brewer.pal' call
# other than base namespace
#' @importFrom latticeExtra ecdfplot ggplot2like axis.grid
.flowViz.par.init(lattice.par = ggplot2like())
## Get and set graphical defaults for plots in flowViz. To a great extend, this uses
## the trellis.par.get and trellis.par.set infrastructure defined in the lattice package.
## Currently it is not possible to directly register additional setting there, instead
## we provide our own wrappers which look for available defaults in lattice first and
## fetch or set additional defaults within the internal flowViz environment if they can't
## be found in the lattice defaults.
#' Query and set session-wide graphical parameter defaults.
#' \code{flowViz.par.get} is the equivalent to
#' \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}}. It queries the session wide defaults
#' for all \code{lattice} and \code{flowViz} graphical parameters.
#' \code{flowViz.par.set} is the equivalent to
#' \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}}. It sets the same set
#' of graphical parameters, either in the \code{flowViz} package or directly in
#' \code{lattice}.
#' Getting and setting graphical parameters in \code{flowViz} follows exactly
#' the mechanism of the \code{lattice} package. For all purpose and intentions,
#' \code{flowViz.par.get} and \code{flowViz.par.get} can be viewed as wrappers
#' around their \code{lattice} counterparts
#' \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}} and
#' \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}} and you should
#' consult their documentation for further details.
#' We introduce four new categories of graphical parameters that are relevant
#' for \code{flowViz} plots:
#' \describe{ \item{gate}{Controls the appearance of gate boundaries in
#' \code{xyplots} (if \code{smooth=TRUE}) or of the points within a gate region
#' (\code{smooth=FALSE}). Available parameters are \code{col},
#' \code{cex},\code{pch},\code{alpha},\code{lwd},\code{lty} and \code{fill}. }
#' \item{gate.density}{Controls the appearance of gate boundaries in
#' \code{densityplots}. Available parameters are \code{col},
#' \code{alpha},\code{lwd},\code{lty} and \code{fill}. }
#' \item{flow.symbol}{Controls the appearance of 'regular' points in a
#' \code{flowViz} plot. Available parameters are \code{col},
#' \code{cex},\code{pch},\code{alpha} and \code{fill}. }
#' \item{gate.text}{Controls the appearance of the text used for gate names.
#' Available parameters are \code{col}, \code{cex},\code{font},\code{alpha} and
#' \code{lineheight}. } }
#' @aliases flowViz.par.get flowViz.par.set
#' @param name The name of a parameter category to set.
#' @param value A named list of values to set for category \code{name} or a
#' list of such lists if \code{name} is missing.
#' @param \dots Further arguments that get passed on.
#' @param theme The theme to set. See
#' \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}} for details.
#' @param warn This gets passed on directly to \code{trellis.par.set}.
#' @param strict This gets passed on directly to \code{trellis.par.set}.
#' @param reset \code{logical} scalar. When TRUE, drop the entire list of old
#' graphical parameters and reset it with the supplied one. Default is FALSE,
#' which updates the existing parameters.
#' @return
#' \code{flowViz.par.get} returns a list of graphical parameter defaults, if
#' \code{name} is not empty, only for this particular category. For an empty
#' \code{name} argument, the function returns all parameter defaults, including
#' the ones specified in the lattice package.
#' \code{flowViz.par.set} is called for its side-effects of setting default
#' parameters.
#' @note
#' Because parameter settings in \code{lattice} are device-dependent,
#' \code{flowViz.par.get} will open a (default) device none is open at the time
#' of the query.
#' @author F. Hahne
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[lattice]{trellis.par.get}} and
#' \code{\link[lattice:trellis.par.get]{trellis.par.set}}
#' @references Deepayan Sarker, \emph{Lattice, Multivariate Data Visualization
#' with R}, Springer, New York, 2008
#' @examples
#' ## Return all available parameters, including lattice ones
#' flowViz.par.get()
#' ## Set the font for gate names
#' flowViz.par.set("gate.text", list(font=2))
#' ## Query only the gate.text category
#' flowViz.par.get("gate.text")
#' ## Set a lattice parameter
#' plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")
#' flowViz.par.set("plot.symbol", list(col="red"))
#' trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")
#' ## undo all settings
#' flowViz.par.set(list(plot.symbol=plot.symbol, gate.text=list(font=1)))
#' library(flowCore)
#' data(GvHD)
#' fs <- GvHD[1:2]
#' # using default ggplot2like theme
#' densityplot(~`FSC-H`, fs)
#' xyplot(`SSC-H`~`FSC-H`, fs, smooth = FALSE)
#' # reset it with default lattice theme
#' flowViz.par.set(theme = trellis.par.get(), reset = TRUE)
#' densityplot(~`FSC-H`, fs)
#' xyplot(`SSC-H`~`FSC-H`, fs, smooth = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
flowViz.par.get <- function (name = NULL)
## FIXME: We want this to be device-specific, needs to be set up in the same
## way as it is done in lattice.
lPars <- flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]]$X11cairo
if (is.null(name))
else if (name %in% names(lPars))
else NULL
#' @export
#' @rdname flowViz.par.get
flowViz.par.set <- function (name, value, ..., theme, warn = TRUE, strict = FALSE, reset = FALSE)
if (missing(theme)) {
if (!missing(value)) {
theme <- list(value)
names(theme) <- name
else if (!missing(name) && is.list(name)) {
theme <- name
else theme <- list(...)
else {
if (is.character(theme))
theme <- get(theme)
if (is.function(theme))
theme <- theme()
if (!is.list(theme)) {
warning("Invalid 'theme' specified")
theme <- NULL
#reset by dropping all the existing lattic par
.flowViz.par.init(lattice.par = theme)
fvPars <- names(theme) %in% names(flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]]$X11cairo)
if (strict)
flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]]$X11cairo[names(theme[fvPars])] <- theme[fvPars]
else flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]]$X11cairo <-
lattice:::updateList(flowViz.state[["lattice.theme"]]$X11cairo, theme[fvPars])
## return the state information from the internal environment
state <- function(x) flowViz.state[[x]]
plotType <- function(type, parms){
return (list(plotted= TRUE
,parameters= parms)
## We only know how to add the gate boundaries if the definiton of that gate
## contains exactly two dimensions, and even then we need to guess that
## they match the plotted data, hence we warn
fmatchWarn <- function(parms, verbose=TRUE)
warning("The filter is defined for parameters '",
paste(parms, collapse="' and '"), "'.\nPlease make sure ",
"that they match the plotting parameters.", call.=FALSE)
checkParameterMatch <- function(parms,channels, verbose=TRUE, strict=TRUE,ptList, ...)
if(plotted && length(parameters==2)){
sparms <- parameters
err <- function(strict=TRUE){
stop("The flow parameters used in the last plot don't match ",
"the\nparameters provided by the filter or via the ",
"'channels' argument.\n Plotted: ",
paste(sparms, collapse=" vs. "), "\n Provided: ",
paste(parms, collapse=", "),
"\nPlease check or redraw the plot.", call.=FALSE)
mt <- sparms %in% parms
if(!parms %in% sparms){
}else if(!all(mt)){
fmatchWarn(parms, verbose=verbose)
parms <- channels
if(length(parms)!=2 && strict)
stop("The filter definition contains the following parameters:\n",
paste(parms, collapse=", "), "\nDon't know how to match to",
" the plotted data.\nPlease specify plotting parameters as ",
"an additional argument.", call.=FALSE)
## We check that the IDs of a flowFrame and a filter are matching
checkIdMatch <- function(x, f)
if(!identifier(f) %in% x@frameId)
stop("The filter was evaluated on flowFrame(s)\n'",
paste(x@frameId, collapse="', '", sep=),
"'\n but the frame provided is '",
identifier(f), "'.", call.=FALSE)
## Warning when we ignore an argument that is not needed
dropWarn <- function(type, gate, verbose=FALSE)
warning("No '", type, "' needed to plot '", gate,
"'.\nArgument is ignored.", call.=FALSE)
## Cast error that we need the data to evaluate the filter
evalError <- function(type)
stop("'", type, "' need to be evaluated for plotting.\n",
"Either provide a 'flowFrame' or an appropriate ",
"'filterResult' \nas second argument.", call.=FALSE)
## check that a filterResult and a filter actually match
checkFres <- function(filter, fres, verbose=TRUE)
fd <- filterDetails(fres, identifier(filter))
if(!identical(identifier(filter), identifier(fres)))
stop("The 'filterResult' and the '", class(filter),
"' don't match.", call.=FALSE)
## We don't know how to draw 'type' filters, hence we warn
nnWarn <- function(type, verbose=TRUE)
warning("Don't know how to plot outline for a '", type,
"'.", call.=FALSE)
## replace infinite values by something useful
fixInf <- function(x, replacement)
# browser()
for(i in seq_along(x)){
y <- x[i]
if(is.infinite(y) && y<0)
x[i] <- replacement[1]-diff(replacement)*10
else if(is.infinite(y) && y>0)
x[i] <- replacement[2]+diff(replacement)*10
##fixInf returned the exagerated bounaries which does not give good esitmation of label position for gates
##so we add another version here specifically for addName methods
fixBound_addName <- function(x, range)
# browser()
for(i in seq_along(x)){
y <- x[i]
x[i] <- range[1]
else if(y>range[2])
x[i] <- range[2]
## convert a norm2Filter into a polygonGate
norm2Polygon <- function(fd, parms=fd$parameters)
## get the ellipse lines <- fd$center[parms]
norm.cov <- fd$cov[parms, parms]
norm.radius <- fd$radius
chol.cov <- t(chol(norm.cov))
t <- seq(0, 2 * base::pi, length = 50)
ans <- +
(chol.cov %*% rbind(x = norm.radius * cos(t),
y = norm.radius * sin(t)))
ans <-
names(ans) <- parms
## create a polygonGate
## convert a norm2Gate into an ellipsoidGate
norm2Ell <- function(fd, parms=fd$parameters)
cov=fd$cov[parms, parms],
## convert an ellipseoidalFilter into a polygonGate
ell2Polygon <- function(fd, parms=parameters(fd))
## get the ellipse lines
center <- fd@mean[parms]
rownames(fd@cov) <- colnames(fd@cov)
cov <- fd@cov[parms, parms]
radius <- fd@distance
chol.cov <- t(chol(cov))
t <- seq(0, 2 * base::pi, length = 50)
ans <- center +
(chol.cov %*% rbind(x = radius * cos(t),
y = radius * sin(t)))
ans <-
names(ans) <- parms
## create a polygonGate
## Helper function that calls panel.x in a more user-fiendly way
glrect <- function (xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, ..., gp)
panel.rect(xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop, col=gp$fill,
border=gp$col, lty=gp$lty, lwd=gp$lwd,
alpha=gp$alpha, ...)
gltext <- function (x, y, labels, ..., gp)
# browser()
# gp_txt <- gp
# gp_txt$background <- NULL
# txtObj <- textGrob(label = labels, gp = gpar(gp_txt), default.units = "native")
cex <- gp$cex
#add rectange as white background for the better visual effect when label is plotted against color
# ,width= unit(cex, "grobwidth", data = txtObj)#unit(1,'strwidth',labels)
# ,height=unit(cex, "grobheight", data = txtObj) #unit(1,'strheight',labels)
,width= unit(cex,'strwidth',labels)
, gp=gpar(fill=gp$background$fill
# browser()
panel.text(x, y, labels=labels, col=gp$col, cex=gp$cex,
linheight=gp$lineheigt, alpha=gp$alpha, font=gp$font)
glpoly <- function (x, y, ..., gp)
panel.polygon(x, y, labels=labels, border=gp$col, col=gp$fill,
lty=gp$lty, lwd=gp$lwd, alpha=gp$alpha, ...)
## Default function to plot points for a single gate region. This uses the
## existing Subset architecture, hence it only works for filters that
## produce logicalFilterResults so far
addLpoints <- function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE,
filterResult=NULL, gpar, ...)
## We check if the filterResult matches the filter and subset with that
if(!identical(identifier(x), identifier(filterResult)) ||
class(x) != class(filterDetails(filterResult)[[1]]$filter))
stop("The 'filterResult' and the filter object ",
"don't match.", call.=FALSE)
x <- filterResult
exp <- exprs(Subset(data, x))
panel.points(exp[,channels[1]], exp[,channels[2]],
pch=gpar$pch, cex=gpar$cex, col=gpar$col,
fill=gpar$fill, alpha=gpar$alpha, ...)
## Helper function to add points for multipleFilterResults.
## We check that the filterResult matches the filter and split by that
## The first component is everything outside not in the filter and we
## drop that
multFiltPoints <- function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE,
filterResult=NULL, gpar, ...)
filterResult <- filter(data, x)
checkIdMatch(x=filterResult, f=data)
x <- filterResult
datsplit <- split(data, x)[-1]
ld <- length(datsplit)
## we want to be able to use different colors for each population
col <- rep(gpar$col, ld)[1:ld]
for(i in 1:ld){
gpar$col <- col[i]
pch=gpar$pch, cex=gpar$cex,
col=gpar$col, alpha=gpar$alpha,
fill=gpar$fill, ...)
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