## Set up a HTML header
myOpenHtmlPage <- function(name, title = "", path="../")
name = gsub("\\.html$", "", name)
con = file(paste(name, ".html", sep = ""), open = "wt")
writeLines(paste("<html>\n<head>\n<title>", title, "</title>", sep=""),
writeLines(paste("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" ",
"href=\"", path, "qaReport.css\">", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("<script src=\"", path, "qaReport.js\" ",
"type=\"text/javascript\"></script>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("</head>\n<body style=\"font-family: helvetica,arial",
",sans-serif;\">", sep=""), con)
## include links to pdf versions of images if pdf=TRUE and if the vectorized
## version of the image exists.
pdfLink <- function(vimg, bimg, class, id, pdf=TRUE, qaGraph=NULL)
res <- character(length(vimg))
for(i in seq_along(vimg))
cl <- ifelse(missing(class), "'", sprintf(" %s'", class))
res[[i]] <- if(pdf && !is.null(qaGraph) &&
sprintf(paste("<a href='%s' target='QAdetails'>\n<img class='%s",
vimg[i], cl, bimg[i], id[i]) else
sprintf("<img class='nolink%s src='%s' id='img_%s'>\n",
cl, bimg[i], id[i])
## make sure the QAprocesses and the flowSets match
checkInputs <- function(sets, procs, gproc, grouping)
## Force inputs to be lists
single <- FALSE
single <- TRUE ## single flowSet
sets <- list(sets)
procs <- list(procs)
if(!is.null(gproc) && !is.list(gproc))
gproc <- list(gproc)
all.list <- is.list(procs) & length(procs) == length(sets)
procs <- lapply(procs, function(x) if(is(x, "qaProcess")) list(x) else x)
#correct.class <- all(sapply(sets, is, "flowSet")) &&
#all(sapply(procs, function(x) sapply(x,is, "qaProcess")))
stop("When 'set' is a list of flowSets, 'processes' needs to be ",
"a list of lists of qaProcess objects, where each list corresponds ",
"to the results for a particular flowSet.")
for(i in seq_along(procs))
sn <- sampleNames(sets[[i]])
qn <- matrix(sapply(procs[[i]], function(x) names(x@frameProcesses)),
nrow=length(procs[[i]]), byrow=TRUE)
if(!all(apply(qn, 2, function(x) length(unique(x))==1)))
stop("Some of the qaProcess objects in processes[[", i,
"]] are not compatible.")
if(length(intersect(sn, qn[1,])) != length(sn))
stop("The sampleNames of set[[", i, "]] do not match the names ",
"of the qaProcess frames in processes[[", i, "]].")
# else
# {
# single <- TRUE
# sets <- if(!is.list(sets)) list(sets) else sets[1]
# }
## Add the globalProcess to the list of processes and also add a dummy
## flowSet to the list of flowSets if needed
dfs <- flowCore:::copyFlowSet(sets[[1]])
opd <- pData(dfs)
gpat <- if(is.null(grouping)) "sampleid" else paste("sampleid", grouping, sep="|")
csel <- grep(gpat, tolower(colnames(opd)))
pData(dfs) <- opd[,csel, drop=FALSE]
opa <- parameters(dfs[[1]])
popa <- pData(opa)
popa[,-1] <- NA
pData(opa) <- popa
dfs[[1]]@parameters <- opa
gproc <- list(gproc)
sets <- if(is.null(procs[[1]])) list("comparison across panels"=dfs) else
c("comparison across panels"=dfs, sets)
procs <- if(is.null(procs[[1]])) (gproc) else c(gproc, procs)
return(list(sets=sets, procs=procs, single=single, gproc=!is.null(gproc[[1]])))
## Copy the images contained within the qaGraph objects of the process list to
## the output directory (which is only needed when they have been created some
## place else...)
copyGraphs <- function(procs, outdir)
procs <- unlist(procs)
for(p in procs)
relBase <- file.path(outdir, "images", p@id)
dir.create(relBase, recursive=TRUE)
sg <- p@summaryGraph@fileNames
file.copy(sg, relBase)
for(f in p@frameProcesses)
sfg <- f@summaryGraph@fileNames
if(length(sfg) >0){
file.copy(sfg, relBase)
fg <- sapply(f@frameGraphs, slot, "fileNames")
if(length(fg) >0)
file.copy(fg, relBase)
## create HTML report for (lists of) QA processes
writeQAReport <- function(set, processes=NULL, globalProcess=NULL, outdir="./qaReport",
grouping=NULL, pagebreaks=TRUE,
## making sure the inputs are correct
inputs <- checkInputs(set, processes, globalProcess, grouping)
checkClass(outdir, "character", 1)
if(file.exists(file.path(outdir, "index.html")))
warning("Target directory already exists. Content may be ",
if(!file.exists(file.path(outdir, "images")))
dir.create(file.path(outdir, "images"), recursive=TRUE)
checkClass(pagebreaks, "logical", 1)
checkClass(pdf, "logical", 1)
## We only need panel tabs if 'set' is a list of 'flowSets'
## FIXME: Need to somehow factor in the globalProcess argument
single <- inputs$single
set <- inputs$sets
processes <- inputs$procs
## For the overview page, we need to match samples across panels
sID <- all(sapply(set, function(x) "sampleid" %in%
if(!single && !sID)
warning("Some of the panels in 'set' don't have a global ",
"sample identifier.\nUnable to create overview.")
## copy infrastructure
sdir <- system.file("htmlTemplates", package = "flowQ")
idir <- file.path(outdir, "images")
file.copy(dir(sdir, full.names=TRUE), idir, overwrite=TRUE)
## We have to make sure that all images are copied to the output directory
copyGraphs(processes, outdir)
## iterate over panels
for(s in seq_along(set)){
## rearange set according to grouping if necessary
grps <- NULL
if(!is.character(grouping) ||
!grouping %in% varLabels(phenoData(set[[s]])))
stop("'grouping' must be a factor variable in the flowSet ",
sord <- order(pData(set[[s]])[, grouping])
set[[s]] <- set[[s]][sord]
grps <- pData(set[[s]])[, grouping]
## open a file connection
ifile <- if(!sID && s==1) "index" else if(!sID)
paste("index", s-1, sep="") else paste("index", s, sep="")
con <- myOpenHtmlPage(file.path(outdir, ifile), "qatest", "images/")
## setup of table and table header row
# process <- if(length(set)>1) processes[[s]] else processes
process <- processes[[s]]
writeLines("\n<table class=\"QA\">", con)
pIDs <- sapply(process, slot, "id")
pNames <- sapply(process, slot, "name")
pTypes <- sapply(process, slot, "type")
relBase <- file.path("images", pIDs)
sumLinks <- file.path(relBase, sapply(process, function(x)
sumVecLinks <- gsub("\\..*$", ".pdf", sumLinks)
nrAggr <- sapply(process, function(x)
th <- paste("\n<th colspan=\"", nrAggr, "\" ",
"id=\"", pIDs, "_sumHeader\">\n",
"<div id=\"", pIDs, "_button",
"\" onClick=\"toggleImage('", pIDs, "')\">\n",
pNames, "\n</div>\n</th>", sep="")
esel <- sapply(process, function(x) length(x@summaryGraph@fileNames)>0)
th[!esel] <- paste("\n<th colspan=\"",
nrAggr[!esel], "\" ",
"id=\"", pIDs[!esel], "_sumHeader\">\n",
"<div id=\"", pIDs[!esel],
"\">\n", pNames[!esel], "\n</div>\n</th>", sep="",
th <- paste(th, collapse="\n")
pd <- pData(set[[s]][[1]]@parameters)[,c("name", "desc", "minRange",
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"QAHeader\">\n\n<th>\n",
"<div id=\"parameters_button",
"\" onClick=\"toggleImage('parms')\">\n",
"flow set details\n</div>\n",
"</th>\n", th, "\n\n</tr>", sep=""), con)
graphs <- lapply(process, function(x) x@summaryGraph)
td <- paste("\n<td colspan=\"", nrAggr, "\"",
" id=\"", pIDs, "_sumBack\">\n",
pdfLink(vimg=sumVecLinks, bimg=sumLinks, id=pIDs, pdf=pdf,
"</td>", sep="", collapse="\n")
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"QASummary\">\n\n<th>",
"\n<span id=\"img_parms\" style=\"display:none;\">",
sep=""), con)
writeLines(pd, con)
writeLines(paste("</span>\n</th>\n", td, "\n\n</tr>\n", sep=""), con)
frameIDs <- sampleNames(set[[s]])
classes <- paste("QAFrameHeader",
c(" even", " odd")[(seq_along(frameIDs)%%2)+1], sep="")
names(classes) <- frameIDs
fpp <- if(pagebreaks) 14 else 10e20
lf <- length(frameIDs)
nrPages <- (lf %/% fpp) +1
counter <- 1
page <- 1
lastGrp <- grps[1]
for(f in frameIDs){
showRow <- ifelse(counter>fpp, "none", "table-row")
pd <- pData(set[[s]])[f,,drop=FALSE]
phi <- paste("<span id=\"img_pd_", counter,
"\" style=\"display:none;\"",
">", sep="", collapse="\n")
## new table row and column header for aggregators
if(is.null(grouping)){## no grouping is specified
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"", classes[f], "\" id=\"frow1_",
counter, "\" style=\"display:",
showRow, ";\">\n\n<th id=\"",
f, "_sumHeader\">\n<div class=\"QARowButton\"",
" id=\"", f, "_button\" onClick=\"toggle",
"Image('pd_", counter, "')\">\n<div class=\"",
"QAFrameHeaderNr\">", counter, "</div>\n<span ",
"class=\"QAFrameHeaderID\">", f, "</span>",
"\n", phi, sep=""), con)
writeLines(pd, con)
caption <- paste("<div class=\"QAFrameHeaderNr\">",
counter, "</div><span class=\"QAFrameHeader",
"ID\">", f, "</span>",
"<span class=\"QAFrameHeaderGrp\">",
grps[counter], "</span>", sep="")
if(counter==1 || grps[counter]!=lastGrp){
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"", classes[f],
"\" id=\"frow1_",
counter, "\" style=\"display:", showRow,
";\">\n\n<th id=\"",
f, "_sumHeader\">\n<div class=\"QAGrp",
"Header\">", grps[counter],
"</div>\n<div ",
"class=\"QARowButton\" id=\"", f,
"_button\" onClick=\"toggleImage(",
"'pd_", counter, "')\">", caption,
"\n</div>\n", phi, sep=""), con)
writeLines(pd, con)
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"", classes[f],
"\" id=\"frow1_",
counter, "\" style=\"display:",
showRow, ";\">\n\n<th id=\"",
f, "_sumHeader\">\n<div class=\"QARow",
"Button\" id=\"", f, "_button\" ",
"Image('pd_", counter, "')\">", caption,
"\n</div>\n", phi, sep=""), con)
writeLines(pd, con)
writeLines(paste("</span>\n</div>\n</th>\n"), con)
## aggregators first, each process is one column
for(p in seq_along(process)){
thisProcess <- process[[p]]@frameProcesses[[f]]
pid <- thisProcess@id
sid <- thisProcess@summaryGraph@id
writeLines(paste("\n<td class=\"QASumAggr\" id=\"", pid,
"_sumHeader\" align=\"center\">", sep=""), con)
nrDetAgr <- length(thisProcess@frameAggregators)
offset <- ""
## add trigger to access details
if((counter==1 || (counter-1) %% fpp == 0) && nrDetAgr>0){
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"QADetTrigger\" id=\"",
pIDs[p], "_detTriggerIn_", page, "\" ",
"toggleDetails(", nrDetAgr, ", ",
length(frameIDs), ", ", p,
", '", pIDs[p], "', ", nrPages, ")\">",
"\n+\n</div>", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"QADetTrigger\" id=\"",
pIDs[p], "_detTriggerOut_", page, "\" ",
"toggleDetails(", nrDetAgr, ", ",
length(frameIDs), ", ", p,
", '", pIDs[p], "', ", nrPages, ")\"",
" style=\"display:none;\">\n–\n</div>",
sep=""), con)
offset <- paste(" style=\"position:relative; left:-7px;",
"margin-left:15px; margin-right:0px;",
page <- page+1
## add summary aggregator and link to image if necessary
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"QAFrameButton\" ",
"id=\"", pid, "_button\" onClick=\"",
"toggleImage('", sid, "')\"", offset,
">", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"QAFrameButtonNoSel\"",
">", sep=""), con)
writeLines(thisProcess@summaryAggregator, con)
writeLines("</div>\n</td>", con)
## add detailed aggregators and links to images if necessary
for(d in seq_along(thisProcess@frameAggregators)){
fname <- names(thisProcess@frameAggregators)[d]
fname <- ifelse(is.null(fname), "", fname)
did <- thisProcess@frameGraphs[[d]]@id
id <- paste(p, d, counter, sep="_")
writeLines(paste("\n<td class=\"QADetAggr\" id=\"row_", id,
"_1\" align=\"center\">", sep=""), con)
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"",
"QADetButton\" ", "id=\"button_",id,
"\" onClick=\"toggleImage('", id,
"')\">", fname, sep=""), con)
writeLines("<div>", con)
writeLines(thisProcess@frameAggregators[[d]], con)
writeLines("</div>\n</td>", con)
}## end for d
}## end for p
writeLines("</tr>", con)
## new table row and column header for images
writeLines(paste("\n<tr class=\"", classes[f], "\" id=\"frow2_",
counter, "\" style=\"display:", showRow,
";\">\n\n<td ",
"class=\"QASumGraph\">\n</td>", sep=""), con)
## now the images, each process is one column
for(p in seq_along(process)){
thisProcess <- process[[p]]@frameProcesses[[f]]
pid <- thisProcess@id
sid <- thisProcess@summaryGraph@id
writeLines(paste("\n<td class=\"QASumGraph\" id=\"",
pid, "_sumBack\" align=\"center\">",
sep=""), con)
sGraph <- file.path(relBase[p],
sVecGraph <- gsub("\\..*$", ".pdf", sGraph)
writeLines(pdfLink(vimg=sVecGraph, bimg=sGraph, class="QASumGraph",
id=sid, pdf=pdf,
writeLines("</td>", con)
for(d in seq_along(thisProcess@frameAggregators)){
did <- thisProcess@frameGraphs[[d]]@id
id <- paste(p, d, counter, sep="_")
writeLines(paste("\n<td class=\"QADetGraph\" id=\"row_", id,
"_2\" align=\"center\">", sep=""), con)
fGraph <- file.path(relBase[p],
fVecGraph <- gsub("\\..*$", ".pdf", fGraph)
writeLines(pdfLink(vimg=fVecGraph, bimg=fGraph, class="QADetGraph",
id=id, pdf=pdf,
writeLines("</td>", con)
}## end for d
}## end for p
lastGrp <- grps[counter]
counter <- counter+1
writeLines("\n</tr>\n", con)
}## end for f
writeLines("\n</table>", con)
## the page navigation
writeLines(paste("<div class=\"QAPagesTile\"><table width=\"100%\"",
" style=\"padding-right:35px;\"><tr><td align=",
"\"left\">", sep=""), con)
from <- c(seq(1, lf, fpp))
nt <- length(from)
to <- c(seq(fpp, lf, fpp), lf)[1:nt]
writeLines(paste("<span class=\"QAPages\" id=\"pages_", 1:nt,
"\" onClick=\"togglePages(", from, ", ", to, ", ",
nt, ", ", lf, ")\">Frames ", from, "-", to,
"</span>", sep=""), con)
np <- length(set)
iFiles <- if(!sID && np>1) c("", 1:(np-1)) else as.character(1:np)
writeLines("\n</td><td align=\"right\">", con)
pnams <- paste("Panel ", 1:np)
pnams <- c("Multipanel", paste("Panel ", 1:(np-1)))
if(!is.null(names(set)[s]) && nchar(names(set)[s])>0)
pnams[s] <- paste(pnams[s], " <i><small>(", names(set)[s],
")</i></small>", sep="")
panels <- paste("<span class=\"QAPanels\" id=\"panels_", 1:np,
"\"n><a class=\"QAPanels\" href=\"index",
iFiles, ".html\">",
pnams, "</a></span>", sep="")
panels[s] <- gsub("QAPanels","QAPanelsAct", panels[s])
panels <- c(paste("<span class=\"QAPanels\" id=\"panels_0",
"\"n><a class=\"QAPanels\" href=\"index",
".html\">Summary</a></span>", sep=""),
writeLines(panels, con)
pnams <- paste(" ")
writeLines("</td></tr></table></div>", con)
}##end s
## We create an overview page if we have multiple panels
nps <- sapply(processes, length)
oneOnly <- all(nps==1)
if(sID && !oneOnly)
# processes <- list(processes)
ifile <- "index"
con <- myOpenHtmlPage(file.path(outdir, ifile), "qatest", "images/")
summary <- failedProcesses(processes, set, pnams)
writeLines(summary, con)
file.copy(file.path(outdir, "index1.html"), file.path(outdir, "index.html"))
return(file.path(outdir, "index.html"))
## Create QA output based on a flowSet and a list of QA functions.
## This is a very basic convenience function, for more complex experiments
## including panels use writeQAReport directly
qaReport <- function(set, qaFunctions, outdir="./qaReport", argLists,
grouping=NULL, ...)
processes <- list()
for(i in seq_along(qaFunctions)){
cat(paste("quality process ", i, ":\n", sep=""))
processes[[i]] <-[i],
list(set=set, outdir=outdir,
argLists[[i]]$set <- set
argLists[[i]]$outdir <- outdir
argLists[[i]]$grouping <- grouping
processes[[i]] <-[i], argLists[[i]])
save(processes, file=file.path(outdir, "processes.rda"))
writeQAReport(set, processes, outdir=outdir, grouping=grouping, ...)
## count numbers of failed qaProcesses in a list of lists of such objects.
## Each item in the outer list is a list of qaProcess objects for a single
## panel. The output is an object for which HTML output can be generated
## via a writeLines method.
## The phenoData of the list of flowSets that gets passed as the second
## argument has to contain a column sampleIDs which provides the mapping
## of samples over panels.
failedProcesses <- function(processes, set, pnams)
## some sanity checking first
sampleIDs <- lapply(set, function(x) {
pd <- pData(x)
pdid <- match("sampleid", tolower(colnames(pd)))
if(!all(listLen(lapply(sampleIDs, unique))==listLen(sampleIDs)))
stop("'SampleIDs' must be unique in each panel")
sids <- unlist(sampleIDs)
comSids <- unique(sids)
fids <- unlist(lapply(set, function(x) rownames(pData(x))))
## stop("The 'FrameIDs' in the whole experiment are not unique")
#allChannels <- c(unique(unlist(lapply(set, colnames))), "global")
allChannels <- c(unique(unlist(lapply(unlist(processes), cnams))), "global")
res <- ranges <- mapping <- vector(length(set), mode="list")
## iterate over panels
for(i in seq_along(processes)){
fmat <- matrix(0, ncol=length(allChannels), nrow=length(comSids),
dimnames=list(comSids, allChannels))
clist <- slist <- NULL
nrSum <- 0
## iterate over qaProcess objects for one panel
for(j in seq_along(processes[[i]])){
nrSamp <- 0
mlist <- NULL
## iterate over samples in the qaProcess object
for(pro in processes[[i]][[j]]@frameProcesses){
## match frameID to sampleID
samp <- sids[match(pro@frameID, fids)]
mlist <- rbind(mlist, c(samp, pro@frameID, nrSamp+1))
## check for the multiple channels and iterate over those
channels <- names(pro@frameAggregators)
clist <- c(clist, channels)
for(chan in seq_along(pro@frameAggregators)){
fmat[samp, channels[chan]] <-
fmat[samp, channels[chan]] +
slist <- c(slist, samp)
nrSamp <- nrSamp+1
colnames(mlist) <- c("sample", "frame", "number")
res[[i]] <- fmat
mapping[[i]] <- mlist
## We want to sum up over qaProcesses for one panel
rtemp <- numeric(length(allChannels))
names(rtemp) <- allChannels
tc <- table(clist)/nrSamp
rtemp[names(tc)] <- tc
rtemp["global"] <- nrSum/nrSamp
ranges[[i]] <- rtemp
## we also want an overall summary
sum <- res[[1]]
for(i in 2:length(res))
sum <- sum+res[[i]]
names(res) <- names(ranges) <- names(mapping) <- names(set)
os <- cbind(rowSums(sum), sapply(res, rowSums))
colnames(os) <- c("global", 1:(ncol(os)-1))
return(new("qaProcessSummary", panels=res, summary=sum, ranges=ranges,
mapping=mapping, pnams=pnams, overallSum=os))
### writes the QA report into a tab delimited file
writeQATextReport <- function(set, processes=NULL, globalProcess=NULL, fileName="textReport.txt")
## making sure the inputs are correct
inputs <- checkInputs(set, processes,globalProcess, grouping=NULL)
warning("Target File already exists. Content may be ",
single <- inputs$single
set <- inputs$sets
processes <- inputs$procs
con = file(fileName, open = "wt")
for(s in seq_along(set)){
## rearange set according to grouping if necessary
grps <- NULL
process <- processes[[s]]
tblList <- lapply(process,txtFormatQAObject)
tbl <- tblList[[1]]
for( x in tblList[-1]){
tbl <- cbind(tbl,x)
cnams <- function(proc)
unique(unlist(lapply(proc@frameProcesses, function(x) names(x@frameAggregators))))
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