## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## FUNCTION: GroupListBoxplot()
## Create a panel of boxplots, with one or more boxplots at each "x" point.
## The plots can be annotated with "n's" for each group, and p-values for tests
## comparing the groups at each "x" point.
## 1)dataList -- a list of dataframes, one dataframe for each group. The columns of
## a group's dataframe represent each marker being examined; i.e. each "x" point.
## Eg., dataList = list(dataframeGroup1, dataframeGroup2, dataframeGroup3), and
## dataframeGroup1 is a dataframe with:
## 1)columns = percentPositiveTNFa, percentPositiveIL2, percentPositiveAnyMarker
## 2)rows = one row per subject for a given condition, eg. CD4, gag, visit 2.
## Functions defined in pkg.HelperPlotFcns.R
## getMaxOfListData(), getMinOfListData(), getNsOfListData(), getNs(),
## getXAxisAtPoints(),
## get2GroupPValues(), getMultiGroupPValues(), getPValueLabels()
## AUTHOR: Natalie Hawkins
## DATE: Sept 16, 2009
## NOTE: Theoretically handles up to 11 groups plotted at each "x" point. At some point,
## crowding problem possible. The limitation in the code is found in setting the xGroup
## variable which holds the "at" positions on the x-axis. Also, groupColorVector has 11
## values.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
GroupListBoxplot = function(
## The INPUTS ----------:
#---- The List of Data to Plot:
# eg., dataList[[1]] = group1DataFrame, dataList[[2]] = group2DataFrame, etc.
#---- The Boxplot Plot Region -----------------
# ymax for the boxplot will be set by R's boxplot() fcn, unless set here.
# addToYmax2, this value is added to ymax if printing p-vals and N's,
# addToYmax1, this value is added to ymax if only printing p-vals or N's
ymaxBoxplot=NA, addToYmax2=.2, addToYmax1=.1,
#---- The Boxes in the boxplots ---------------
# Width of the box, Color of the box, print or suppress outlier points on the plot,
# Vector of unique colors for a set of up to 11 groups.
# Type and width of line around box, Type and width of line at the median,
# Point char and size plotted at median, if desired.
boxWidth=.10, boxColor=8, boxOutliers=TRUE,
boxlty=1, boxlwd=1, medlty=1, medlwd=3, medpch=NA, medcex=NA,
#---- Legend ------------------
# Print legend on plot, names to use in legend, legend X location, legend Y location,
# point size for legend text, symbol or character to print next to legend names, colors
# of the points or lines next to the legend names, line type to print next to legend names,
# width of line to print next to legend names, legend title, print points next to legend
# names, print lines next to legend names
legendInclude=TRUE, legendGroupNames=paste("Group ", 1:length(dataList), sep=""),
legendX=NA, legendY=NA, legendCEX=1, legendPCH=1, legendColors=1:length(legendGroupNames),
legendLTY=NA, legendLWD=NA, legendTitle=NA, legendPoints=TRUE, legendLines=FALSE,
#---- The Points --------------
# overlay the points on the boxplot, symbol or character to plot, size of point plotted,
# color of point plotted -- can be single value, vector, matrix, or list, amount to scatter
# points around group x position
printPoints=TRUE, pointChar=1, pointCEX=1, pointColor=1:length(legendGroupNames),
#---- Main Title --------------
# text for main title, size of main title, regular or bold font, margin line on
# which to print main title - minimum is 0.
mainTitle="Boxplots", mainTitleCEX=1, mainTitleFont=1, mainTitleLine=1,
#---- Stat Tests Title (can print under main title) --------
# size of stat test title, regular or bold font, margin line on which to print title - minimum
# is 0
testTitleCEX=1, testTitleFont=1, testTitleLine=0,
#---- X and Y Labels ----------
# label for X axis, label for Y axis, size of x and y axes labels, regular or bold font
# for X and Y axes labels
xlabel="X Axis", ylabel="Y Axis", xylabelsCEX=1, xylabelsFont=1,
#---- X Axis, X Margin Text (use for (0,0,0,1) cytokine combos, Y Axis --------
# labels for ticks on x axis, size of labels on x ticks, regular or bold font for x tick
# labels, horizontal or vertical x tick labels, text to place in x-axis margin, size of
# text to place in x-axis margin, regular or bold font for text in x-axis margin, x position
# for text in x-axis margin, size of y tick labels, regular or bold font for y axis tick
# labels, horizontal or vertical y tick labels
xAxisLabels=NA, xAxisCEX=1, xAxisFont=1, xAxisRotation=1,
xMtext="", xMtextCEX=1, xMtextFont=1, xAtMtext=0,
yAxisCEX=1, yAxisFont=1, yAxisRotation=1,
#---- Box Around Entire Plot (draw separately from boxplot call) ---------
# line width of box drawn around entire plot
#---- Comparison Tests General ----
# number of digits to report in p-value, size of p-value text, regular or bold font
# for p-value text, y position for p-value text, label to use to precede numerical
# p-value
testsRoundDigits=2, pCEX=1, pFont=1, yP=NA, pvalueLabel="p",
#---- Group Comparison Tests --
# include group comparison p-values in plots, are the groups paired?, group comparison
# test to perform
betweenGroupTestsCompute=TRUE, pairedGroups=FALSE,
# testType="Wilcoxon", # Maybe use this later, if add more test types.
# --- N's -----------------------
# include sample sizes on plots, size of the sample size text to print,
# regular or bold text for n's, y position for the sample size text
printNs=TRUE, nCEX=1, nFont=1, yN=NA
## --- END of INPUTS --------------------------
## Start of Function ------------------------------------------------------
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Overview of Function Steps
## 00. Get data info: numGroups, grab group1 data, numSubjectsGroup1, numCats
## -2. Set box border colors
## -1. Set (ymin, ymax) for boxplot region, and yP and yN for p-vals and n's.
## 0. Get the group x-spacings for plotting the data points
## 1. Plot the boxplots
## 2. Plot the data points
## 3. Label the x and y Axes
## 4. Put box around plot
## 5. Add Legend
## 6. Add Main Title to Plot
## 7. Compute Between Group Tests
## 8. Add N's to Plot
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 00. Get data info: numGroups, grab group1 data, numSubjectsGroup1, numCats
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
numGroups = length(dataList)
dataGroup1 = dataList[[1]]
numSubjectsGroup1 = dim(dataGroup1)[1]
## cats = categories: eg categories, TNFa,IFNg,IL2
numCats = dim(dataGroup1)[2]
## ---------------------------------------
## -2. Set box border colors
## ---------------------------------------
if( length(boxColor)==numGroups ){ boxColorVector = boxColor }
else{ boxColorVector = rep(boxColor[1], numGroups) }
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -1. Set (ymin, ymax) for boxplot region, and yP and yN for p-vals and n's.
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ymin = getMinOfListData(dataList)
## The user can set the ymax with ymaxBoxplot, else ymax is computed here.
## ymax is determined by the max of the data, and how much is printed
## on the plot; i.e. 1)p-vals and n's 2)either p-vals or n's 3)neither.
if( || || ){
ymaxData = getMaxOfListData(dataList)
ymaxResults = computeYmaxBoxplot(dataList, ymaxData, betweenGroupTestsCompute,
printNs, addToYmax1, addToYmax2)
if( ){ ymax = ymaxResults[[1]] }
else { ymax = ymaxBoxplot }
if( ){ yP = ymaxResults[[2]] }
if( ){ yN = ymaxResults[[3]] }
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 0. Determine the x-points for each group for plotting the data points
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get the x-spacings for each group being plotted.
xGroupPoints = getXAxisAtPoints(numGroups)
xGroup = matrix(NA, nrow=numGroups, ncol=numCats)
for(i in 1:numGroups){
## Add the x-category-positions to the x-spacings (xGroupPoints) to get
## the x plotting positions for each group for the entire plot.
xGroup[i,] = 1:numCats + xGroupPoints[i]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 1. Plot the Boxplots
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------
## Plot the first group
## -------------------------
## If legend, make space on the right for it by adding an empty x-category
dataFirstGroup = cbind(dataGroup1, rep(NA, numSubjectsGroup1))
xPointsFirstGroup = c(xGroup[1,], numCats+1)
dataFirstGroup = dataGroup1
xPointsFirstGroup = xGroup[1,]
boxplot(dataFirstGroup, border=boxColorVector[1], ylab=ylabel,
xlab=xlabel, at=xPointsFirstGroup, boxwex=boxWidth, outline=boxOutliers,
ylim=c(ymin,ymax), axes=F, cex.lab=xylabelsCEX, font.lab=xylabelsFont,
boxlty=boxlty, boxlwd=boxlwd, medlty=medlty, medlwd=medlwd, medpch=medpch, medcex=medcex)
## ---------------------------------------------------
## Add the remaining groups, if any, to the boxplot
## ---------------------------------------------------
if(numGroups > 1){
for(i in 2:numGroups) {
dataNextGroup = dataList[[i]]
boxplot(dataNextGroup, border=boxColorVector[i], at=xGroup[i,],
add=TRUE, boxwex=boxWidth, axes=F, outline=boxOutliers,
boxlty=boxlty, boxlwd=boxlwd, medlty=medlty, medlwd=medlwd, medpch=medpch, medcex=medcex)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 2. Plot the Points
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -------------------------------------
## All Points will have the same color
## -------------------------------------
## If pointColor, pointChar, or pointCEX is NA, set the Specific var to 1.
if(is.vector(pointColor) && length(pointColor)==1 ) {
if(!{ pointColorSpecific = pointColor}
else{ pointColorSpecific = 1 }
if(is.vector(pointChar) && length(pointChar)==1 ) {
if(!{ pointCharSpecific = pointChar }
else{ pointCharSpecific = 1 }
if(is.vector(pointCEX) && length(pointCEX)==1 ) {
if(!{ pointCEXSpecific = pointCEX }
else{ pointCEXSpecific = 1 }
for(i in 1:numGroups){
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## All points w/i a group will have the same color, Groups can have different colors
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(is.vector(pointColor) && length(pointColor)>1) pointColorSpecific = pointColor[i]
if(is.vector(pointChar) && length(pointChar)>1) pointCharSpecific = pointChar[i]
if(is.vector(pointCEX) && length(pointCEX)>1) pointCEXSpecific = pointCEX[i]
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## All subjects within a group for a given x-category will have the same color,
## Points w/i a group can have different colors for each x-category,
## Groups can have different colors
## rows = groups, columns = x-category
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(is.matrix(pointColor)) pointColorSpecific = pointColor[i,]
if(is.matrix(pointChar)) pointCharSpecific = pointChar[i,]
if(is.matrix(pointCEX)) pointCEXSpecific = pointCEX[i,]
dataGroup = dataList[[i]]
numSubjectsGroup = dim(dataGroup)[1]
for(j in 1:numSubjectsGroup){
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
## Colors can be specified for subjects w/i an x-category w/i a group;
## In this case, a color can be specified for every point plotted, no
## color sharing here. Here, it is assumed that the input is a list of
## matrices.
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if(is.list(pointColor)) pointColorSpecific = pointColor[[i]][j,]
if(is.list(pointChar)) pointCharSpecific = pointChar[[i]][j,]
if(is.list(pointCEX)) pointCEXSpecific = pointCEX[[i]][j,]
points(jitter(xGroup[i,], pointJitter), dataGroup[j,],
pch=pointCharSpecific, col=pointColorSpecific, cex=pointCEXSpecific)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 3. Label the X and Y Axes
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ----------------------------------
## X-Axis
## ----------------------------------
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Set x-axis tick mark labels
## If user does not supply labels for the tick marks on the x-axis,
## Label the x-axis ticks w/the column names from a group's dataframe
## eg. labels could be: c("TNFa","IFNg","IL2")
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
xAxisLabels = colnames(dataGroup1)
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## xAxisLabels are a vector, rather than matrix, print one line
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
if(is.null(dim(xAxisLabels)) || dim(xAxisLabels)[1] == 1){
axis(1, at=1:length(xAxisLabels), labels=xAxisLabels, cex.axis=xAxisCEX,
font.axis=xAxisFont, las=xAxisRotation)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## xAxisLabels are a matrix, print multiple label rows on x-axis
## eg. printing 4 row binary combos for cytokine presence;
## i.e. one combo = (0,0,0,1)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
numRowsLabels = dim(xAxisLabels)[1]
numColsLabels = dim(xAxisLabels)[2]
## -------------------------------
## Set-up axis line w/tick marks
## -------------------------------
axis(1, at=1:numCats, labels=rep("", numColsLabels-1), line=0, tick=T)
## ------------------------
## Print rows of labels
## ------------------------
for(i in 1:numRowsLabels){
axis(1, at=1:numCats, labels=xAxisLabels[i,2:numColsLabels], line=(i-1),
tick=F, cex.axis=xAxisCEX, font.axis=xAxisFont, las=xAxisRotation)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
## Add an identifying label on left side for each row of axis labels
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
mtext(xAxisLabels[i,1], side=1, line=i, at=xAtMtext, adj=0, cex=xMtextCEX,
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Print x-label under the rows of x-axis labels at the tick marks
## (probably need to set xlabel=NA, used in first call to boxplot(), step 1 above.)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mtext(xMtext, side=1, line=numRowsLabels+2)
## ----------------------------------
## Y-Axis
## ----------------------------------
axis(2, cex.axis=yAxisCEX, font.axis=yAxisFont, las=yAxisRotation)
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 4. Box around entire plot
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 5. Add Legend
## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if({ xLegend = numCats + .75 } else { xLegend = legendX }
if({ yLegend = ymax-.1*ymax } else { yLegend = legendY }
legend(xLegend, yLegend, legendGroupNames, pch=legendPCH, col=legendColors,
cex=legendCEX) }
legend(xLegend, yLegend, legendGroupNames, pch=legendPCH, col=legendColors,
cex=legendCEX, title=legendTitle) }
legend(xLegend, yLegend, legendGroupNames, col=legendColors, lty=legendLTY,
lwd=legendLWD) }
legend(xLegend, yLegend, legendGroupNames, col=legendColors, lty=legendLTY,
lwd=legendLWD, title=legendTitle) }
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 6. Add Main Title to Plot
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
title(mainTitle, line=mainTitleLine, font=mainTitleFont, cex=mainTitleCEX)
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 7. Compute Between Group Tests
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if(numGroups == 2){
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Compute 2 Group Comparisons -- default is Wilcoxon test
## ---------------------------------------------------------
## Set default testType to Wilcoxon, since it's the only option coded
dataGroup2 = dataList[[2]]
twoGroupPValues = get2GroupPValues(dataGroup1, dataGroup2,
pairs=pairedGroups, testType)
twoGroupPValues = round(twoGroupPValues, digits=testsRoundDigits)
## ------------------------------------------
## -- Create Text Labels to print on Plot
## ------------------------------------------
## pvalueLabels is a text vector containing result for each category
## being plotted on x-axis; example, (p < .01, p = .34, p = NA).
pvalueLabels = getPValueLabels(twoGroupPValues, testsRoundDigits, pvalueLabel)
# -- Print p-vals on the plot -----------------
text(1:numCats, rep(yP, numCats), labels=pvalueLabels, cex=pCEX, font=pFont)
# -- Print test title on the plot -----------------
if(!pairedGroups){testTitle = paste(testType, " Rank Sum Test (unpaired data)", sep="")}
else {testTitle = paste(testType, " Signed Rank Test (paired data)", sep="")}
mtext(testTitle, line=testTitleLine, cex=testTitleCEX, font=testTitleFont)
} # if numGroups==2
if(numGroups > 2){
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Compute Multi-Group Comparisons -- default is Kruskal-Wallis
## ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Set default testType to Kruskal, since it's the only option coded
multiGroupPValues = getMultiGroupPValues(dataList, testType)
multiGroupPValues = round(multiGroupPValues, digits=testsRoundDigits)
## pvalueLabels is a text vector containing result for each category
## being plotted on x-axis; example, (p<.01, p=.34, p=NA).
pvalueLabels = getPValueLabels(multiGroupPValues, testsRoundDigits, pvalueLabel)
## ------------------------------------------
## -- Create Text Labels to print on Plot
## ------------------------------------------
# -- Print p-vals on the plot ---------------------
text(1:numCats, rep(yP, numCats), labels=pvalueLabels, cex=pCEX, font=pFont)
# -- Print test title on the plot -----------------
if( testType=="Kruskal" ){ testTitle = "Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test" }
mtext(testTitle, line=testTitleLine, cex=testTitleCEX, font=testTitleFont)
} # end If betweenGroupTests
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 8. Add N's to Plot
## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## NsVector is a text vector:
## one group example for 3 cats on x-axis: (3,4,5)
## two group example for 3 cats on x-axis: (3/3,4/3,5/1)
NsVector = getNsOfListData(dataList)
text(1:numCats, rep(yN,numCats), NsVector, cex=nCEX, font=nFont)
## Position the "n =" text.
if( numGroups > 1 ){ text(0.50, yN, "n =", cex=nCEX, font=nFont) }
else{ text(0.25, yN, "n =", cex=nCEX, font=nFont) }
} # end GroupListBoxplot()
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