##' @rdname emapplot
##' @exportMethod emapplot
setMethod("emapplot", signature(x = "enrichResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, color = "p.adjust",
layout = "nicely", ...) {
emapplot.enrichResult(x, showCategory = showCategory,
color = color, layout = layout, ...)
##' @rdname emapplot
##' @exportMethod emapplot
setMethod("emapplot", signature(x = "gseaResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, color = "p.adjust",
layout = "nicely", ...) {
emapplot.enrichResult(x, showCategory = showCategory,
color = color, layout = layout, ...)
##' @rdname emapplot
##' @exportMethod emapplot
setMethod("emapplot", signature(x = "compareClusterResult"),
function(x, showCategory = 30, color = "p.adjust",
layout = "nicely", ...) {
emapplot.compareClusterResult(x, showCategory = showCategory,
color=color, layout = layout, ...)
##' Get the similarity matrix
##' @param y a data.frame of enrichment result
##' @param geneSets a list, the names of geneSets are term ids,
##' and every object is a vertor of genes
##' @param method method of calculating the similarity between nodes,
##' one of "Resnik", "Lin", "Rel", "Jiang" , "Wang" and
##' "JC" (Jaccard similarity coefficient) methods
##' @param semData GOSemSimDATA object
##' @noRd
get_ww <- function(y, geneSets, method, semData = NULL) {
id <- y[, "ID"]
geneSets <- geneSets[id]
n <- nrow(y)
y_id <- unlist(strsplit(y$ID[1], ":"))[1]
## Choose the method to calculate the similarity
if (method == "JC") {
w <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=n)
colnames(w) <- rownames(w) <- y$Description
for (i in seq_len(n-1)) {
for (j in (i+1):n) {
w[i,j] <- overlap_ratio(geneSets[id[i]], geneSets[id[j]])
if (y_id == "GO") {
if(is.null(semData)) {
stop("The semData parameter is missing,
and it can be obtained through godata function in GOSemSim package.")
w <- GOSemSim::mgoSim(id, id, semData=semData, measure=method,
if (y_id == "DOID") w <- DOSE::doSim(id, id, measure=method)
#' Check whether the similarity matrix exists
#' @param x result of enrichment analysis
has_pairsim <- function(x) {
if (length(x@termsim) == 0) {
error_message <- paste("Term similarity matrix not available.",
"Please use pairwise_termsim function to",
"deal with the results of enrichment analysis.")
# error_message <- gsub("[ ]+", " ", error_message)
# error_message <- gsub("[\r\n]", "", error_message)
##' Get result
##' @importFrom igraph graph.empty
##' @importFrom igraph
##' @param y a data.frame of clusterProfiler result
##' @param geneSets a list gene sets with the names of enrichment IDs
##' @param color a string, the column name of y for nodes colours
##' @param cex_line scale of line width
##' @param min_edge minimum percentage of overlap genes to display the edge,
##' should between 0 and 1, default value is 0.2
##' @param pair_sim semantic similarity matrix
##' @param method method of calculating the similarity between nodes,
##' one of "Resnik", "Lin", "Rel", "Jiang" , "Wang" and
##' "JC" (Jaccard similarity coefficient) methods
##' @return result of
##' @noRd
emap_graph_build <- function(y, geneSets, color, cex_line, min_edge,
pair_sim = NULL, method = NULL) {
if (!is.numeric(min_edge) | min_edge < 0 | min_edge > 1) {
stop('"min_edge" should be a number between 0 and 1.')
if (is.null(dim(y)) | nrow(y) == 1) { # when just one node
g <- graph.empty(0, directed=FALSE)
g <- add_vertices(g, nv = 1)
V(g)$name <- as.character(y$Description)
V(g)$color <- "red"
} else {
w <- pair_sim
if (method == "JC") {
w <- w[as.character(y$Description), as.character(y$Description)]
} else {
w <- w[y$ID, y$ID]
wd <- melt(w)
wd <- wd[wd[,1] != wd[,2],]
# remove NA
wd <- wd[![,3]),]
if (method != "JC") {
# map id to names
wd[, 1] <- y[wd[, 1], "Description"]
wd[, 2] <- y[wd[, 2], "Description"]
g <-[, -3], directed=FALSE)
E(g)$width <- sqrt(wd[, 3] * 5) * cex_line
# Use similarity as the weight(length) of an edge
E(g)$weight <- wd[, 3]
g <- delete.edges(g, E(g)[wd[, 3] < min_edge])
idx <- unlist(sapply(V(g)$name, function(x) which(x == y$Description)))
cnt <- sapply(geneSets[idx], length)
V(g)$size <- cnt
colVar <- y[idx, color]
V(g)$color <- colVar
##' Get an iGraph object
##' @param x enrichment result.
##' @param y
##' @param n number of enriched terms to display.
##' @param color variable that used to color enriched terms, e.g. pvalue,
##' p.adjust or qvalue.
##' @param cex_line scale of line width.
##' @param min_edge minimum percentage of overlap genes to display the edge,
##' should between 0 and 1, default value is 0.2.
##' @return an iGraph object
get_igraph <- function(x, y, n, color, cex_line, min_edge){
geneSets <- geneInCategory(x) ## use core gene for gsea result
if (is.numeric(n)) {
y <- y[1:n, ]
} else {
y <- y[match(n, y$Description),]
n <- length(n)
if (n == 0) {
stop("no enriched term found...")
g <- emap_graph_build(y = y, geneSets = geneSets, color = color,
cex_line = cex_line, min_edge = min_edge,
pair_sim = x@termsim, method = x@method)
##' @rdname emapplot
##' @importFrom igraph graph.empty
##' @importFrom igraph add_vertices
##' @importFrom igraph
##' @importFrom igraph delete.edges
##' @importFrom igraph V "V<-"
##' @importFrom igraph E "E<-"
##' @importFrom reshape2 melt
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_color_gradientn
##' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_colorbar
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_void
##' @importFrom ggraph ggraph
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_point
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_text
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_edge_link
##' @importFrom DOSE geneInCategory
##' @param node_scale scale of node, this parameter has been changed to cex_category
##' @param line_scale scale of line width, this parameter has been changed to cex_line
##' @param cex_line scale of line width
##' @param min_edge minimum percentage of overlap genes to display the edge,
##' should between 0 and 1, default value is 0.2
##' @param node_label_size size of node label, this parameter has been
##' changed to cex_label_category
##' @param cex_label_category scale of category node label size
##' @param cex_category number indicating the amount by which plotting category
##' nodes should be scaled relative to the default.
##' @author Guangchuang Yu
emapplot.enrichResult <- function(x, showCategory = 30, color="p.adjust",
layout = "nicely", node_scale = NULL, line_scale = NULL, min_edge=0.2,
node_label_size = NULL, cex_label_category = 1, cex_category = NULL,
cex_line = NULL) {
if (!is.null(node_label_size))
message("node_label_size parameter has been changed to 'cex_label_category'")
# if (is.null(cex_label_category)) {
# if (!is.null(node_label_size)) {
# cex_label_category <- node_label_size
# } else {
# cex_label_category <- 5
# }
# }
if (!is.null(node_scale))
message("node_scale parameter has been changed to 'cex_category'")
if (is.null(cex_category)) {
if (!is.null(node_scale)) {
cex_category <- node_scale
} else {
cex_category <- 1
if (!is.null(line_scale))
message("line_scale parameter has been changed to 'cex_line'")
if (is.null(cex_line)) {
if (!is.null(line_scale)) {
cex_line <- line_scale
} else {
cex_line <- 1
label_category <- 5
n <- update_n(x, showCategory)
# geneSets <- geneInCategory(x) ## use core gene for gsea result
y <-
g <- get_igraph(x=x, y=y, n=n, color=color, cex_line=cex_line,
if(n == 1) {
return(ggraph(g) + geom_node_point(color="red", size=5) +
p <- ggraph(g, layout=layout)
if (length(E(g)$width) > 0) {
p <- p + geom_edge_link(alpha=.8, aes_(width=~I(width)),
p <- p + geom_node_point(aes_(color=~color, size=~size))
if (utils::packageVersion("ggrepel") >= "0.9.0") {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category, bg.color = "white")
} else {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category)
# geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE) + theme_void() +
p + theme_void() +
scale_color_continuous(low="red", high="blue", name = color,
guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
scale_size(range=c(3, 8) * cex_category)
##' Merge the compareClusterResult file
##' @param yy a data.frame of clusterProfiler result
##' @return a data.frame
##' @noRd
merge_compareClusterResult <- function(yy) {
yy_union<- yy[!duplicated(yy$ID),]
yy_ids <- lapply(split(yy, yy$ID), function(x) {
ids <- unique(unlist(strsplit(x$geneID, "/")))
cnt <- length(ids)
list(ID=paste0(ids, collapse="/"), cnt=cnt)
ids <- vapply(yy_ids, function(x) x$ID, character(1))
cnt <- vapply(yy_ids, function(x) x$cnt, numeric(1))
yy_union$geneID <- ids[yy_union$ID]
yy_union$Count <- cnt[yy_union$ID]
yy_union$Cluster <- NULL
##' @rdname emapplot
##' @importFrom igraph E "E<-"
##' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_
##' @importFrom ggplot2 guide_colorbar
##' @importFrom ggplot2 scale_size
##' @importFrom ggplot2 theme_void
##' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_equal
##' @importFrom ggplot2 labs
##' @importFrom ggraph ggraph
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_point
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_node_text
##' @importFrom ggraph geom_edge_link
##' @importFrom scatterpie geom_scatterpie
##' @importFrom scatterpie geom_scatterpie_legend
##' @importClassesFrom DOSE compareClusterResult
##' @param split separate result by 'category' variable
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart, one of 'equal' (default) or 'Count'
##' @param legend_n number of circle in legend
##' @param pie_scale scale of pie chart or point, this parameter has been changed to "node_scale"
##' @param cex_line scale of line width
##' @param min_edge minimum percentage of overlap genes to display the edge, should between 0 and 1, default value is 0.2
##' @importFrom stats setNames
emapplot.compareClusterResult <- function(x, showCategory = 30,
color = "p.adjust", layout = "nicely",
split=NULL, pie = "equal",
legend_n = 5, cex_category = NULL,
pie_scale = NULL, cex_line = 1,
min_edge=0.2, cex_label_category = 1,
node_label_size = NULL) {
if (!is.null(node_label_size))
message("node_label_size parameter has been changed to 'cex_label_category'")
# if (is.null(cex_label_category)) {
# if (!is.null(node_label_size)) {
# cex_label_category <- node_label_size
# } else {
# cex_label_category <- 3
# }
# }
if (!is.null(pie_scale))
message("pie_scale parameter has been changed to 'cex_category'")
if (is.null(cex_category)) {
if (!is.null(pie_scale)) {
cex_category <- pie_scale
} else {
cex_category <- 1
label_category <- 3
## pretreatment of x, just like dotplot do
y <- fortify(x, showCategory=showCategory,
includeAll=TRUE, split=split)
y$Cluster <- sub("\n.*", "", y$Cluster)
## geneSets <- geneInCategory(x) ## use core gene for gsea result
## Data structure transformation, combining the same ID (Description) genes
y_union <- get_y_union(y = y, showCategory = showCategory)
y <- y[y$ID %in% y_union$ID, ]
geneSets <- setNames(strsplit(as.character(y_union$geneID), "/",
fixed = TRUE), y_union$ID)
g <- emap_graph_build(y=y_union,geneSets=geneSets,color=color,
cex_line=cex_line, min_edge=min_edge,
pair_sim = x@termsim, method = x@method)
p <- get_p(y = y, g = g, y_union = y_union, cex_category = cex_category,
pie = pie, layout = layout)
if (is.null(dim(y)) | nrow(y) == 1 | is.null(dim(y_union)) | nrow(y_union) == 1)
p <- ggraph(g, layout=layout)
if (length(E(g)$width) > 0) {
p <- p + geom_edge_link(alpha=.8, aes_(width=~I(width)),
## then add the pie plot
## Get the matrix data for the pie plot
ID_Cluster_mat <- prepare_pie_category(y,pie=pie)
# plot the edge
# get the X-coordinate and y-coordinate of pies
aa <- p$data
desc <- y_union$Description[match(rownames(ID_Cluster_mat),
i <- match(desc, aa$name)
ID_Cluster_mat$x <- aa$x[i]
ID_Cluster_mat$y <- aa$y[i]
#Change the radius value to fit the pie plot
radius <- NULL
ID_Cluster_mat$radius <- sqrt(aa$size[i] / sum(aa$size) * cex_category)
#ID_Cluster_mat$radius <- sqrt(aa$size / pi)
x_loc1 <- min(ID_Cluster_mat$x)
y_loc1 <- min(ID_Cluster_mat$y)
## x_loc2 <- min(ID_Cluster_mat$x)
## y_loc2 <- min(ID_Cluster_mat$y)+0.1*(max(ID_Cluster_mat$y)-min(ID_Cluster_mat$y))
if(ncol(ID_Cluster_mat) > 4) {
p <- p + geom_scatterpie(aes_(x=~x,y=~y,r=~radius), data=ID_Cluster_mat,
cols=colnames(ID_Cluster_mat)[1:(ncol(ID_Cluster_mat)-3)],color=NA) +
if (utils::packageVersion("ggrepel") >= "0.9.0") {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category, bg.color = "white")
} else {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category)
p <- p + theme_void() +
geom_scatterpie_legend(ID_Cluster_mat$radius, x=x_loc1, y=y_loc1,
n = legend_n,
labeller=function(x) round(sum(aa$size) * x^2 / cex_category)) +
labs(fill = "Cluster")
## annotate("text", label = "gene number", x = x_loc2, y = y_loc2, size = 4, colour = "red")
title <- colnames(ID_Cluster_mat)[1]
p + geom_node_point(aes_(color=~color, size=~size))
if (utils::packageVersion("ggrepel") >= "0.9.0") {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category, bg.color = "white")
} else {
p <- p + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE,
size = label_category * cex_label_category)
p + theme_void() +
scale_color_continuous(low="red", high="blue", name = color,
guide=guide_colorbar(reverse=TRUE)) +
scale_size(range=c(3, 8) * cex_category) +labs(title= title)
##' Get the an ggraph object
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ylim
##' @param y a data.frame
##' @param g an igraph object
##' @param y_union a data.frame
##' @param cex_category scale of pie plot
##' @param pie proportion of clusters in the pie chart, one of 'equal' (default) or 'Count'
##' @param layout layout of the map
##' @noRd
get_p <- function(y, g, y_union, cex_category, pie, layout){
## when y just have one line
if(is.null(dim(y)) | nrow(y) == 1) {
title <- y$Cluster
p <- ggraph(g) + geom_node_point(color="red", size=5 * cex_category) +
geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name)) + theme_void() +
if(is.null(dim(y_union)) | nrow(y_union) == 1) {
##return(ggraph(g) + geom_node_point(color="red", size=5) + geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name)))
p <- ggraph(g)
ID_Cluster_mat <- prepare_pie_category(y, pie=pie)
ID_Cluster_mat <- cbind(ID_Cluster_mat,1,1,0.1*cex_category)
colnames(ID_Cluster_mat) <- c(colnames(ID_Cluster_mat)[1:(ncol(ID_Cluster_mat)-3)],
"x", "y", "radius")
p <- p + geom_scatterpie(aes_(x=~x,y=~y,r=~radius), data=ID_Cluster_mat,
xlim(-3,3) + ylim(-3,3) + coord_equal()+
geom_node_text(aes_(label=~name), repel=TRUE) +
theme_void()+labs(fill = "Cluster")
ggraph(g, layout=layout)
get_y_union <- function(y, showCategory){
y_union <- merge_compareClusterResult(y)
n <- update_n(y_union, showCategory)
if (is.numeric(n)) {
y_union <- y_union[1:n,]
} else {
y_union <- y_union[match(n, y_union$Description),]
n <- length(n)
if (n == 0) {
stop("no enriched term found...")
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