
Defines functions .outlier_cluster_tidy .outlier_cluster_annot .outlier_cluster .outlier_wrangle outlier_aggregate

Documented in outlier_aggregate

#' @describeIn outlier_process Aggregate outlier scores from per junction to
#'   cluster-level
#' @export
outlier_aggregate <- function(
    samp_id_col = "samp_id",
    bp_param = BiocParallel::SerialParam()) {

    ##### Check user input #####

    if (!("clusters" %in% colnames(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(junctions)))) {
        stop("junctions rowData must contain 'clusters'. Have you run junction_norm?")

    if (!all(c("direction", "outlier_score") %in% names(assays(junctions)))) {
        stop("junctions must contain both 'direction' and 'outlier_score' assays")

    if (!all(unlist(SummarizedExperiment::rowData(junctions)[["clusters"]]) %in% seq_len(dim(junctions)[1]))) {
        stop("Not all cluster indexes match junctions. Have you filtered junctions after running junction_norm?")

    ##### Get outlier scores per sample #####

    outlier_scores_samp <- .outlier_wrangle(junctions, samp_id_col)

    ##### Aggregate scores to a cluster-level #####

    print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Aggregating outlier scores to cluster level... "))

    # Generate key of cluster indexes vs junction indexes
    clusters <- SummarizedExperiment::rowData(junctions)[["clusters"]]
    names(clusters) <- seq_len(dim(junctions)[1])
    clusters <- unlist(clusters)
    clusters <- dplyr::tibble(
        cluster_index = names(clusters),
        junction_index = unname(clusters)

    outlier_scores_samp <- BiocParallel::bplapply(outlier_scores_samp,
        FUN = .outlier_cluster,
        BPPARAM = bp_param,
        clusters = clusters

    ##### Annotate clusters with gene details #####

    print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - Annotating clusters with gene details..."))

    outlier_scores_samp <- BiocParallel::bplapply(outlier_scores_samp,
        FUN = .outlier_cluster_annot,
        BPPARAM = bp_param

    ##### Tidy cluster-level scores #####

    outlier_scores_tidy <- .outlier_cluster_tidy(outlier_scores_samp)

    print(stringr::str_c(Sys.time(), " - done!"))


#' Wrangles the outlier scores into a list
#' `.outlier_wrangle` will extract the outlier scores from `junctions` other
#' necessary information in a format required for `.outlier_cluster`.
#' @inheritParams junction_annot
#' @inheritParams outlier_aggregate
#' @return a list an with one element per sample, each containing a data.frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.outlier_wrangle <- function(junctions, samp_id_col) {
    outlier_scores_samp <- vector(mode = "list", length = dim(junctions)[2])

    for (i in seq_len(dim(junctions)[2])) {
        outlier_scores_samp[[i]] <-
                samp_id = colData(junctions)[[samp_id_col]][i],
                direction = assays(junctions)[["direction"]][, i],
                outlier_score = assays(junctions)[["outlier_score"]][, i],
                gene_id_junction = SummarizedExperiment::rowData(junctions)[["gene_id_junction"]] %>% as.list()
            ) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(junction_index = dplyr::row_number())


#' Aggregate the outlier scores from per junction into per cluster
#' `.outlier_cluster` aggregates the scores from per junction into per cluster.
#' In order: 1. finds most dysregulated UJ and DJ 2. filters out clusters
#' without at least 1 UJ and DJ. 3. Obtain the mean outlier score between the
#' most dysregulated UJ/DJ. 4. Rank clusters by the mean outlier score.
#' @param outlier_scores data.frame containing details including outlier scores
#'   per junction for each sample.
#' @param clusters data.frame containing a key between cluster indexes vs
#'   junction indexes.
#' @return a list an with one element per sample, each containing a
#'   `data.frame`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.outlier_cluster <- function(outlier_scores, clusters) {

    # For R CMD Check
    cluster_index <- direction <- outlier_score <- junction_index <- junctions <- mean_outlier_score <- NULL

    outlier_clusters <- clusters %>%
        dplyr::left_join(outlier_scores, by = "junction_index")

    # for each cluster, obtain most dysregulated UJs/DJs
    # remove duplicated scores so clusters are forced to contain
    # 1 or 2 junctions after this
    outlier_clusters <- outlier_clusters %>%
        dplyr::group_by(cluster_index, direction) %>%
            outlier_score == min(outlier_score)
        ) %>%

    # keep only clusters that have at least 1 UJ and DJ
    outlier_clusters <- outlier_clusters %>%
        dplyr::group_by(cluster_index) %>%
        dplyr::filter(dplyr::n() == 2) %>%

    # obtain mean outlier score between most dysregulated UJ/DJ
    outlier_clusters <- outlier_clusters %>%
        dplyr::arrange(cluster_index, junction_index) %>% # makes sure indexes are in same order for different clusters
        dplyr::group_by(cluster_index) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(mean_outlier_score = mean(outlier_score)) %>%

    # nest junction details into a list and
    # remove clusters with duplicated most dysregulated UJs and DJs
    outlier_clusters <- outlier_clusters %>%
        tidyr::nest(junctions = dplyr::one_of(c(
        ))) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!duplicated(junctions)) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(rank = rank(mean_outlier_score))


#' Annotates cluster-level data with gene ids
#' `.outlier_cluster_annot` uses the gene information from junctions to annotate
#' the clusters with their associated gene id(s).
#' @inheritParams .outlier_cluster
#' @return a list an with one element per sample, each containing a
#'   `data.frame`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.outlier_cluster_annot <- function(outlier_scores) {
    gene_id_cluster <-
        outlier_scores[["junctions"]] %>%
        lapply(FUN = function(x) {
            x[["gene_id_junction"]] %>%
                unlist() %>%

    outlier_scores[["gene_id_cluster"]] <- gene_id_cluster


#' Tidy the cluster-level outlier scores
#' `.outlier_cluster_tidy` tidies the the cluster-level outlier scores into a
#' easily human-readable report.
#' @param outlier_scores_samp list of length the number of samples, with each
#'   element containing a data.frame with the cluster-level outlier scores for each junction.
#' @return `DataFrame` with each row corresponding to a cluster.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.outlier_cluster_tidy <- function(outlier_scores_samp) {
    samp_id <- cluster_index <- mean_outlier_score <- rank <- gene_id_cluster <- junctions <- NULL

    # bind all samples together
    # then convert to Dataframe to allow CharacterList column
    outlier_scores_tidy <- do.call(dplyr::bind_rows, outlier_scores_samp) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(samp_id, rank) %>%
        ) %>%

    outlier_scores_tidy[["gene_id_cluster"]] <- outlier_scores_tidy[["gene_id_cluster"]] %>%


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dasper documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:28 p.m.