##### LOADING methods #####
#' CNV.load
#' @description Prepare combined intensities from various input objects.
#' @param input Object of MethylSet class (minfi package), data.frame class, matrix class or numeric class.
#' @param names Vector specifying sample names. If not supplied, colnames are used. For MethylSet input, the first column of pData(input) matching 'name' (grep) is used.
#' @param ... Additional parameters (\code{CNV.load} generic, currently not used).
#' @return \code{} object.
#' @details This method gathers combined intensities of the Methylated and Unmethylated signals for all supplied probes. Probe IDs must be supplied as row names or in a seperate column named `ID_REF` or `TargetID`.
#' If column names match 'intensity', only those columns are used. Else, if column names match 'signal' or 'methylated', only those columns are used. Otherwise, all columns are used.
#' @examples
#' library(minfiData)
#' d <- CNV.load(MsetEx)
#' d
#' @author Volker Hovestadt \email{}
#' @export
setGeneric("CNV.load", function(input, ...) {
#' @rdname CNV.load
setMethod("CNV.load", signature(input = "GenomicRatioSet"), function(input, names = NULL) {
if (!"CN" %in% names(assays(input))) {
message("Your GenomicRatioSet does not have an assay named 'CN'.")
stop("Cannot import intensities from an object that has none!")
object <- new("")
object@intensity <-**minfi::getCN(input))
input.names <- grep("Name", setdiff(colnames(minfi::pData(input)),
c("Basename", "filenames")), = TRUE)
if (length(input.names) > 0) {
names(object) <- minfi::pData(input)[, grep("name", setdiff(colnames(minfi::pData(input)), c("Basename", "filenames")), = TRUE)[1]]
if (!is.null(names)) {
names(object) <- names
if (!"predictedSex" %in% names(minfi::pData(input))) {
predictedSex <- minfi::getSex(input)$predictedSex
} else {
predictedSex <- minfi::pData(input)$predictedSex
names(predictedSex) <- colnames(input)
attr(object@intensity, "predictedSex") <- predictedSex
object <- CNV.check(object)
#' @rdname CNV.load
setMethod("CNV.load", signature(input = "MethylSet"), function(input, names = NULL) {
object <- new("")
object@intensity <- + minfi::getUnmeth(input))
input.names <- grep("Name", setdiff(colnames(minfi::pData(input)),
c("Basename", "filenames")), = TRUE)
if (length(input.names) > 0)
names(object) <- minfi::pData(input)[, grep("name", setdiff(colnames(minfi::pData(input)),
c("Basename", "filenames")), = TRUE)[1]]
if (!is.null(names))
names(object) <- names
object <- CNV.check(object)
#' @rdname CNV.load
setMethod("CNV.load", signature(input = "data.frame"), function(input,
names = NULL) {
object <- new("")
object@date <- date()
if (any(grepl("TargetID", colnames(input))))
rownames(input) <- input[, "TargetID"]
if (any(grepl("ID_REF", colnames(input))))
rownames(input) <- input[, "ID_REF"]
if (is.null(rownames(input)))
stop("intensities not given for all probes.")
if (any(grepl("intensity", colnames(input), = TRUE))) {
input.i <- grep("intensity", colnames(input), = TRUE)
input.n <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(input), "\\.", colnames(input))[input.i],
function(x) paste(x[!grepl("intensity", x, = TRUE)],
collapse = "."))
object@intensity <-[, input.i])
colnames(object@intensity) <- make.names(input.n, unique = TRUE)
} else if (any(grepl("signal", colnames(input), = TRUE))) {
input.i <- grep("signal", colnames(input), = TRUE)
input.n <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(input), "\\.", colnames(input))[input.i],
function(x) paste(x[!grepl("signal|methylated", x, = TRUE)],
collapse = "."))
if (!all(input.n[seq(1, length(input.i), 2)] == input.n[seq(2,
length(input.i), 2)]))
stop("names of both signal columns do not match.")
object@intensity <-[, input.i[seq(1, length(input.i),
2)]] + input[, input.i[seq(2, length(input.i), 2)]])
colnames(object@intensity) <- make.names(input.n[seq(1, length(input.i),
2)], unique = TRUE)
} else {
object@intensity <-
if (!is.null(names))
names(object) <- names
object <- CNV.check(object)
#' @rdname CNV.load
setMethod("CNV.load", signature(input = "matrix"), function(input, names = NULL) {
CNV.load(, anno, names)
#' @rdname CNV.load
setMethod("CNV.load", signature(input = "numeric"), function(input, names = NULL) {
object <- new("")
if (is.null(names(input)))
stop("intensities not given for all probes.")
object@intensity <- data.frame(sampleid = input)
if (!is.null(names))
names(object) <- names
object <- CNV.check(object)
#' CNV.check
#' @description Check intensity values.
#' @param object \code{} object.
#' @return \code{} object.
#' @details This method checks if intensities are positive and not NA. If not, they are set to 1. Warnings are given if intensities are abnormally high or low (> 50000 or < 5000, respectively).
#' @author Volker Hovestadt \email{}
setGeneric("CNV.check", function(object) {
#' @rdname CNV.check
setMethod("CNV.check", signature(object = ""), function(object) {
if (any( {
warning("some intensities are NA, now set to 1.")
object@intensity[] <- 1
if (any(object@intensity < 0))
warning("some intensities are smaller than 0, now set to 1.")
object@intensity[object@intensity < 1] <- 1
if (any(colMeans(object@intensity) < 5000))
warning("intensities are abnormally low (< 5000).")
if (any(colMeans(object@intensity) > 50000))
warning("intensities are abnormally high (> 50000).")
#' read.450k.url
#' @description Read IDAT files from the web.
#' @param url URL of the directory in which the IDAT files are located.
#' @param idat Vector of IDAT names. \code{url} and \code{idat} default to the TCGA example described in the vignette.
#' @return \code{RGChannelSet} object.
#' @details This method downloads the provided list of IDAT files to a temporary folder (using the \code{RCurl} package). It then uses the `read.450k.exp` method of the `minfi` package.
#' @examples
#' RGsetTCGA <- read.450k.url()
#' @author Volker Hovestadt \email{}
#' @export
read.450k.url <- function(url = NULL, idat = NULL) {
if (is.null(url))
url <- ""
if (is.null(idat))
idat <- c("6042324037_R05C02", "6042324037_R06C01")
tmp <- paste0(tempdir(), .Platform$file.sep)
if (!grepl("/$", url))
url <- paste0(url, "/")
if (!any(grepl("_Grn.idat", idat)))
idat <- unlist(lapply(idat, paste0, c("_Grn.idat", "_Red.idat")))
for (i in idat) .curl(url = paste0(url, i), file = paste0(tmp, i))
idatRG <- read.metharray.exp(base = tmp)
for (i in idat) file.remove(paste0(tmp, i))
.curl <- function(url, file, verbose = TRUE) {
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
if (!RCurl::url.exists(url))
stop("url does not exist.")
} else {
if (!RCurl::url.exists(url, .opts = list(ssl.verifypeer = FALSE)))
stop("url does not exist.")
if (verbose)
message("downloading ", tail(strsplit(url, "/")[[1]], 1), appendLF = FALSE)
f <- RCurl::CFILE(file, mode = "wb")
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
r <- RCurl::curlPerform(url = url, writedata = f@ref, noprogress = TRUE,
.opts = list(followlocation = TRUE))
} else {
r <- RCurl::curlPerform(url = url, writedata = f@ref, noprogress = TRUE,
.opts = list(followlocation = TRUE, ssl.verifypeer = FALSE))
if (verbose)
message(" - done.")
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