
Defines functions plotEvalIc

Documented in plotEvalIc

#' Creates a plot with known regions and a numeric vector 
#' @param object  an instance of \code{\link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}}
#' @param segments A data.frame with known regions.
#' @param chrom the chromosome.
#' @param variable The numeric vector which should be plotted.
#' @param ylim the limits of the y axis. 
#' @param ylab the ylab from function par.
#' @param stripCol color of points.
#' @param regionCol color of regions. 
#' @param pointSize size of the points. 
#' @param pointType type of the points.
#' @param bandwidth for the color of the plot.
#' @param nbin number of bins for the coloring. 
#' @return Some data
#' @author Andreas Mitterecker
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' load(system.file("exampleData/slData.RData", package = "cn.farms"))
#' load(system.file("exampleData/testSegments.RData", package = "cn.farms"))
#' plotEvalIc(slData, fData(testSegments), 
#'      variable = assayData(slData)$L_z[, 1], 23)
plotEvalIc <- function(
        ylab = "CN indicator",
        stripCol = "lightgray", 
        regionCol = rgb(130, 0, 139, maxColorValue = 255),
        pointSize = 0.75, 
        pointType = 4, 
        bandwidth = c(0.01, 1000), 
        nbin = 100) {
    ##FIXME: check with bandwith and so on
    if (missing(chrom)) {
        stop("Please state for which chromosome you want to create the plot!")
    if (missing(variable)) {
        if ("L_z" %in% names(assayData(object))) {
            message("Assuming I/NI call as plot variable.")
            variable <- assayData(object)$INICall
        } else {
            stop("Please provide function with a variable (vector) to plot!")    
        variable <- assayData(object)$L_z[, 1]
        #variable <- abs(assayData(object)$L_z[, 3])
        #variable <- variable / max(variable)
    if (missing(ylim)) {
        ylim <- c(min(variable[]), max(variable[]))        
    chrom <- oligoClasses::chromosome2integer(chrom)
    phInf <- featureData(object)@data
    chrIdx <- which(phInf$chrom == chrom)
    if (length(chrIdx) == 0) stop("Chromosome not available!")
    xlim <- c(
            min(phInf[chrIdx, 2] / (1E+6)),
            max(phInf[chrIdx, 2] / (1E+6)))
    if (!missing(segments)) {
        cnvrPosChr <- segments[which(segments[, 1] == chrom), c(2, 3)]
        segReg <- unlist(apply(cnvrPosChr, 1, 
                        function(x){ x[1]:x[2] }))
        tmp01 <- phInf[chrIdx, 2] %in% segReg
        tmp02 <- phInf[chrIdx, 3] %in% segReg
        cnRegions <- tmp01 | tmp02
        labels <- chrIdx
        labels[] <- 0
        labels[cnRegions] <- 1
        yOutCn <- variable[which(labels == 0)]
        yInCn <- variable[which(labels == 1)]
    } else {
        labels <- chrIdx
        labels[] <- 0
        yOutCn <- variable[which(labels == 0)]
        yInCn <- NULL
    ## create plot
            xlab     = paste("Position on chromosome", chrom, "[mb]", sep = " "), 
            ylab     = ylab, 
            ylim     = ylim,
            cex.lab  = 1.5,
            cex.axis = 1.5, 
            xlim     = xlim)
    ## positions of true CNVRs
    if (!missing(segments)) {
        rect(cnvrPosChr[, 1] / (1E+6), 
                ybottom = 0, 
                cnvrPosChr[, 2] / (1E+6), 
                ytop = 1, 
                col  = stripCol,
                border = stripCol,
                lwd = 0.5)
    if (length(which(labels == 1)) == 0) {
        x_all <- phInf[chrIdx, 2] / (1E+6)
        points( y   = yOutCn, 
                x   = x_all,
                cex = 0.1, 
                pch = 8, 
                col = densCols(
                        y = yOutCn,
                        x = x_all))
#                col = densCols(
#                        y = yOutCn,
#                        x = x_all, 
#                        nbin = nbin, 
#                        bandwidth = bandwidth))
    } else {
        x_regions <- phInf[chrIdx[which(labels == 1)], 2] / (1E+6)
        x_all <- phInf[chrIdx[-which(labels == 1)], 2] / (1E+6)
        points( y   = yOutCn, 
                x   = x_all,
                cex = 0.1, 
                pch = 8,
                col = densCols(
                        y = yOutCn,
                        x = x_all))
#                       nbin = nbin, 
#                       bandwidth = bandwidth))
        points( y   = yInCn,
                x   = x_regions,
                col = regionCol,
                cex = pointSize, 
                pch = pointType)
    mtext("cn.FARMS", side = 3, adj = c(0, 0),  at = 1, cex = 1)

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cn.farms documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:59 p.m.