#' @title Retrieve random back-spliced junctions
#' @description The function getRandomBSJunctions() retrieves random
#' back-spliced junctions from the user genome annotation.
#' @param gtf A dataframe containing genome annotation information This can be
#' generated with \code{\link{formatGTF}}.
#' @param n Integer specifying the number of randomly selected transcripts
#' from which random back-spliced junctions are extracted. Default value = 100.
#' @param f An integer specifying the fraction of single exon circRNAs that
#' have to be present in the output data frame. Default value is 10.
#' @param setSeed An integer which is used for selecting random back-spliced
#' junctions. Default values is set to NULL.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Get 10 random back-spliced junctions
#' randomBSJunctions <- getRandomBSJunctions(gtf, n = 10, f = 10)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @import dplyr
#' @export
getRandomBSJunctions <- function(gtf, n = 100, f = 10, setSeed=NULL) {
seed = NULL
# Create an empty data frame
randomBSJunctions <-.createRandomBSJunctionsDF(n)
# Select random BSEs from gtf
allBSEs <- .selectRandomBSEs(gtf, n, f,seed)
# For negative strand
allBSEsNeg <- allBSEs[allBSEs$strand == "-",]
if (nrow(allBSEsNeg) > 0) {
randomBSJunctions$gene[seq_along(allBSEsNeg$exon_number)] <-
randomBSJunctions$strand[seq_along(allBSEsNeg$exon_number)] <-
randomBSJunctions$chrom[seq_along(allBSEsNeg$exon_number)] <-
randomBSJunctions$startUpBSE[seq_along(allBSEsNeg$exon_number)] <-
randomBSJunctions$endDownBSE[seq_along(allBSEsNeg$exon_number)] <-
# For positive strand
allBSEsPos <- allBSEs[allBSEs$strand == "+",]
if (nrow(allBSEsPos) > 0) {
randomBSJunctions$gene[(nrow(allBSEsNeg) + 1):n] <-
randomBSJunctions$strand[(nrow(allBSEsNeg) + 1):n] <-
randomBSJunctions$chrom[(nrow(allBSEsNeg) + 1):n] <-
randomBSJunctions$startUpBSE[(nrow(allBSEsNeg) + 1):n] <-
randomBSJunctions$endDownBSE[(nrow(allBSEsNeg) + 1):n] <-
# Generate a unique identifier
randomBSJunctions$id <- .getID(randomBSJunctions)
# Create randomBSJunctions data frame
.createRandomBSJunctionsDF <- function(n=100){
basicColumns <- .getBasicColNames()
# Create an empty data frame
randomBSJunctions <-
data.frame(matrix(nrow = n, ncol = length(basicColumns)))
colnames(randomBSJunctions) <- basicColumns
# Select random BSEs from gtf file
.selectRandomBSEs<- function(gtf, n=100, f = 10,seed=NULL){
# calculate the percentage of back-spliced junctions from single exons
c <- round((n / 100) * f, 0)
# Select two random back-spliced exons (up and down) from n randomly
# selected transcript
bsExons2 <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$type == "exon") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::filter(n() >= 3) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$transcript_id %in%
sample(unique(.data$transcript_id), n - c)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(2) %>%
if(c !=0){
# Select one random exon from n randomly selected transcript
bsExons1 <- gtf %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$type == "exon") %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::filter(n() >= 3) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$transcript_id %in% base::sample(unique(.data$transcript_id), c)) %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$transcript_id) %>%
dplyr::sample_n(1) %>%
# If only one exon is picked then the row is duplicated. This step is only
# made to simplify the code below without introducing an additional if
# statement when a single exon is present in the isoform sampled in
# the above step.
bsExons1 <- dplyr::bind_rows(bsExons1, bsExons1)
# Join the 2 data frame bsExons1 and bsExons2
bsExons12 <- dplyr::bind_rows(bsExons1, bsExons2)
bsExons12 <- bsExons2
# Align duplicates on the same row
indexDup <- which(duplicated(bsExons12$transcript_id))
duplicates <- bsExons12[indexDup,]
colnames(duplicates)<- paste0(colnames(duplicates),'1')
cleanedDF <- bsExons12[-indexDup,]
mt <- match(cleanedDF$transcript_id, duplicates$transcript_id1)
allBSEs <- dplyr::bind_cols(cleanedDF, duplicates[mt,])
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