# Classes
setClass("distGPS", representation(d="matrix",metric='character',type='character'))
setMethod("show","distGPS",function(object) {
cat("Object of class distGPS with", object@metric, "distances between", nrow(object@d), "objects \n")
setGeneric("as.matrix", function(x) standardGeneric("as.matrix"))
## as.matrix
setMethod("as.matrix","distGPS",function(x) {
setClass("splitDistGPS", representation(d="list",size="numeric",o="numeric",shuffle="numeric"))
setMethod("show","splitDistGPS",function(object) {
cat("Object of class splitDistGPS storing", length(object@d), "distGPS objects of size", object@size, "with", object@o , "anchor points between them \n")
setMethod("show","splitDistGPS",function(object) {
cat("Object of class splitDistGPS storing", length(object@d), "distGPS objects of size", object@size, "with", object@o , "anchor points between them \n")
# Methods and Functions
setGeneric("distGPS", function(x, metric='tanimoto', weights, uniqueRows=FALSE, genomelength=NULL, mc.cores=1) standardGeneric("distGPS"))
setMethod("distGPS", signature(x='GRangesList'), function(x, metric='tanimoto', weights, uniqueRows=FALSE, genomelength=NULL, mc.cores=1) {
# if (metric %in% c('tanimoto','avgdist','realtanimoto')) {
if (metric %in% c('tanimoto','avgdist')) {
ans <- rdldist(x=x,metric=metric,mc.cores=mc.cores)
# } else if (metric %in% c('chisq','chi','chisqDist')) {
} else if (metric %in% c('chi','chisquare')) {
ans <- chisqdist(x=x,mc.cores=mc.cores)
if (metric=='chi') ans <- sqrt(ans)
} else {
stop('Invalid metric. Available metrics are tanimoto, avgdist, chi and chisquare')
### ## Auxiliary routines
### tanipair <- function(z1,z2) { # Not exactly tanimoto, deprecated
### n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %in% z2))
### n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %in% z1))
### (n1+n2)/(length(z1)+length(z2))
### }
realtanipair <- function(z1,z2) { # REAL tanimoto pair
# Replaced %in% with over on April 10th 2013
#n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %in% z2))
#n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %in% z1))
n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %over% z2))
n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %over% z1))
(.5*(n1+n2))/(length(z1)+length(z2) - (.5*(n1+n2)))
avgdistpair <- function(z1,z2) {
# Replaced %in% with over on April 10th 2013
#n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %in% z2))
#n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %in% z1))
n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %over% z2))
n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %over% z1))
.5*(n1/length(z1) + n2/length(z2))
realtanipair.old <- function(z1,z2) { # REAL tanimoto pair
n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %in% z2))
n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %in% z1))
(.5*(n1+n2))/(length(z1)+length(z2) - (.5*(n1+n2)))
avgdistpair.old <- function(z1,z2) {
n1 <- sum(sum(z1 %in% z2))
n2 <- sum(sum(z2 %in% z1))
.5*(n1/length(z1) + n2/length(z2))
# This is an alternative function for the chisquare distance since 'chisqdist' gave some problems. In the end the problems came from having a session with GenomicRanges loaded after chroGPS
# Currently deprecated
# chisqDist <- function(z1,z2,genomelength)
# {
# cnames <- intersect(names(z1),names(z2)) # matching chromosomes
# a <- z1[cnames]
# b <- z2[cnames]
# matchbases <- sum(unlist(lapply(cnames, function(chr) as.numeric(sum(width(reduce(intersect(ranges(a[chr]),ranges(b[chr])))))))))
# AnoB <- sum(width(reduce(z1))) - matchbases
# BnoA <- sum(width(reduce(z2))) - matchbases
# none <- genomelength - matchbases - AnoB - BnoA
# return(chisq.test(rbind(c(none,BnoA),c(AnoB,matchbases)))$statistic)
# }
rdldist <- function(x,metric,genomelength=NULL,mc.cores=1) {
# Compute all pairwise Tanimoto distances between all elements in a GRangesList object x
# - x: GRangesList object
# - metric: 'avgdist' or 'tanimoto'
# - genomelength: length of the genome to be used in chisqDist. If missing length is auto calculated to fit everything.
# - mc.cores: number of cores to use in parallel computations (passed on to mclapply)
# Bypass in case GenomicRanges is older than 1.18
if (installed.packages()['GenomicRanges','Version']<'1.18.0') { avgdistpair <- avgdistpair.old; realtanipair <- realtanipair.old }
#if (metric=='avgdist') { distfun <- avgdistpair } else if (metric=='tanimoto') { distfun <- tanipair } else if (metric=='realtanimoto') { distfun <- realtanipair }
if (metric=='avgdist') { distfun <- avgdistpair } else if (metric=='tanimoto') { distfun <- realtanipair }
# Branch for alternative chisquare metric deprecated
# else if (metric=='chisquare')
# {
# if (genomelength==NULL) genomelength = max(unlist(lapply(x,end))) - min(unlist(lapply(x,start))) + 1
# distfun <- chisqDist
# }
#Compute distances
index <- expand.grid(1:length(x),1:length(x))
index <- index[index[,1]<index[,2],]
index <- as.list(data.frame(t(index)))
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
d <- parallel::mclapply(index,function(z) distfun(x[[z[1]]], x[[z[2]]]), mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.preschedule=TRUE)
} else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else {
d <- lapply(index,function(z) distfun(x[[z[1]]], x[[z[2]]]))
#Build distance matrix
ans <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(x),ncol=length(x))
for (i in 1:length(index)) ans[index[[i]][1],index[[i]][2]] <- ans[index[[i]][2],index[[i]][1]] <- 1-d[[i]]
diag(ans) <- 0
rownames(ans) <- colnames(ans) <- names(x)
chisqdist2 <- function(x,seqlen=NULL,mc.cores=1)
if (is.null(seqlen)) seqlen <- sum(apply(,lapply(x,function(z),lapply(names(z),function(t) max(end(z[t])))))),2,max))
ans <-,parallel::mclapply(x,function(y) lapply(x, function(z) {
mnames <- intersect(names(y),names(z)) # Matching names
only.y <- setdiff(names(y),names(z))
only.z <- setdiff(names(z),names(y))
d <- sum([mnames]),ranges(z[mnames])))$width) # Intersect, just for the common chromosomes
c <- sum([mnames]),ranges(z[mnames])))$width) + ifelse(length(only.y)==0,0,sum(width(reduce(y[only.y])))) # A not in B + chromosomes only in A
b <- sum([mnames]),ranges(y[mnames])))$width) + ifelse(length(only.z)==0,0,sum(width(reduce(z[only.z])))) # B not in A + chromosomes only in B
a <- seqlen - d - c - b # Rest of the genome
t <- matrix(c(a,b,c,d),nrow=2,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
chisqdist <- function(x,mc.cores=1) { # Old chisquare calculation, deprecated
# Compute all pairwise chi-square distances between all elements in a GRangesList object x
# Note: chi-square dist is between objects (i,j) with frequencies (i.e. coverage) ci and cj is defined as
# sum (ci-cj)^2/ctot
# where ctot is the total coverage across all samples, i.e. ctot= c1+c2+...+cp, where p is the number of samples
#Set coverage length to maximum needed by all samples
warn <- options("warn")$warn
options(warn= -1)
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) { l <-,parallel::mclapply(x,function(z) sapply(z,function(z) ifelse(is.null(z),0,max(end(z)))),mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE)) }}
else l <-,lapply(x,function(z) sapply(z,function(z) ifelse(is.null(z),0,max(end(z))))))
l[l<=0] <- 0
lmax <- apply(l,1,max)
#Coverage in each sample
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
# covsingle <- parallel::mclapply(x,coverage,width=as.list(lmax), mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.preschedule=FALSE)
covsingle <- parallel::mclapply(x,function(z) coverage(z,width=as.list(lmax[names(lmax) %in% names(z)])), mc.cores=mc.cores, mc.preschedule=FALSE)
} else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else {
#covsingle <- lapply(x,coverage,width=as.list(lmax))
covsingle <- lapply(x,function(z) coverage(z,width=as.list(lmax[names(lmax) %in% names(z)])))
# Add zero coverage for empty chromosomes to each Rle element
allnames <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(x,names)))) # Get all chr names
covsingle <- lapply(covsingle,function(z) {
nnames <- setdiff(allnames,names(z))
Rle2add <- RleList(lapply(nnames,function(t) Rle(0,as.numeric(lmax[t]))))
names(Rle2add) <- nnames
if (length(nnames)>0) return(c(z,Rle2add)) else return(z)
#Coverage sum
#txt <- paste("covsum=",paste(paste('covsingle[[',1:length(covsingle),']]',sep=''),collapse='+'))
txt <- paste("covsum=sum(",paste(paste('covsingle[[',1:length(covsingle),']]',sep=''),collapse=','),')')
#Select bases with coverage sum >0
sel <- covsum>0
covsum <- covsum[sel]
covsingle <- lapply(covsingle,function(z) z[sel])
#Chi-square distances
nbases <- sapply(x,function(z) sum(width(z))) #nb bases covered by each sample
covprop <- mapply('/',covsingle,nbases)
index <- expand.grid(1:length(x),1:length(x))
index <- index[index[,1]<index[,2],]
index <- as.list(data.frame(t(index)))
dchi <- lapply(index, function(z) sum(sum((covprop[[z[1]]] - covprop[[z[2]]])^2/covsum)))
#Build distance matrix
ans <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(x),ncol=length(x))
for (i in 1:length(index)) ans[index[[i]][1],index[[i]][2]] <- ans[index[[i]][2],index[[i]][1]] <- dchi[[i]]
diag(ans) <- 0
setMethod("distGPS", signature(x='data.frame'), function(x, metric='tanimoto', weights, uniqueRows=FALSE, genomelength=NULL, mc.cores=1) {
distGPS(x=as.matrix(x,rownames.force=TRUE), metric=metric, weights=weights, uniqueRows=uniqueRows, mc.cores=mc.cores)
setMethod("distGPS", signature(x='matrix'), function(x, metric='tanimoto', weights, uniqueRows=FALSE, genomelength=NULL, mc.cores=1) {
#Check matrix only has 0's and 1's
if (any(!(x %in% c(0,1)))) stop('x can only contain 0/1 or FALSE/TRUE')
#Reduce matrix to unique rows
if (uniqueRows) {
xUnique <- uniqueCount(x)
x <- as.matrix(xUnique[,c(-1,-ncol(xUnique))])
#Compute distances
if (metric=='tanimoto') {
if (missing(weights)) {
nboth <- x %*% t(x)
neach <- matrix(rep(rowSums(x),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
} else {
x2 <- t(t(x)*sqrt(weights)) # Since they are multiplied by each other, we get 1/weights
nboth <- x2 %*% t(x2)
neach <- matrix(rep(rowSums(t(t(x)*weights)),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
nunion <- t(neach) + neach - nboth
ans <- 1-nboth/nunion
ans[nunion==0] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when both rows have all 0's
diag(ans) <- rep(0,ncol(ans))
# } else if (metric=='avgdist.old') { # This metric didnt return a real symmetric matrix, deprecated and fixed in avgdist below
# nboth <- x %*% t(x)
# pincluded <- nboth/matrix(diag(nboth),nrow=nrow(nboth),ncol=ncol(nboth)) #percentage of inclusion (asymmetric)
# pincluded <- .5*(pincluded[upper.tri(pincluded)]+pincluded[lower.tri(pincluded)])
# ans <- diag(0,nrow(x))
# ans[upper.tri(ans)] <- ans[lower.tri(ans)] <- 1-pincluded # not symmetric
} else if (metric=='avgdist') {
if (missing(weights)) {
nboth <- x %*% t(x)
} else {
x2 <- t(t(x)*sqrt(weights))
nboth <- x2 %*% t(x2)
pincluded <- nboth/matrix(diag(nboth),nrow=nrow(nboth),ncol=ncol(nboth)) #percentage of inclusion (asymmetric)
pincluded <- .5*(pincluded[upper.tri(pincluded)]+pincluded[lower.tri(pincluded)])
ans <- diag(0,nrow(x))
ans[upper.tri(ans)] <- 1-pincluded
ans[lower.tri(ans)] <- t(ans)[lower.tri(ans)] # symmetric
ans[is.nan(ans)] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when two rows have all 0's
# Correct problem with some distances between different points which should not be zero for isoMDS
ans[ans==0] <- 0.000001
diag(ans) <- 0
} else if (metric %in% c('chisquare','chi')) {
if (!missing(weights)) warning("Cannot use user-specified weights for chi-square based distances. Ignored the weights")
coln <- colSums(x)
x <- x[,coln!=0]; coln <- coln[coln!=0]
x <- x/rowSums(x) #turn counts to proportions
x <- t(t(x)/sqrt(coln)) #weight by column marginals
ans <- as.matrix(dist(x,method='euclid'))
if (metric=='chi') ans <- sqrt(ans)
} else if (metric=='wtanimoto') { # old t.sqrt
if (missing(weights)) {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)) # Wi = 1/sqrt(ngenes with mark i)
} else {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)/weights)
x2 <- t(t(x)/sqrt(coln)) # Since they are multiplicated by each other, sqrt((sqrt(x))^2 becomes sqrt(x)
nboth <- x2 %*% t(x2)
neach <- matrix(rep(rowSums(t(t(x)/(coln))),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
nunion <- t(neach) + neach - nboth
ans <- 1-nboth/nunion
ans[nunion==0] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when both rows have all 0's
} else if (metric=='t.dsqrt') { # Tanimoto double weighted, deprecated
if (missing(weights)) {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)) # Wi = 1/sqrt(ngenes with mark i)
} else {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)/weights)
x2.1 <- t(t(x)/sqrt(coln)) # Since they are multiplicated by each other, sqrt((sqrt(x))^2 becomes sqrt(x)
nboth.1 <- x2.1 %*% t(x2.1)
x2.2 <- t(t(1-x)/sqrt(nrow(x)-coln))
nboth.2 <- x2.2 %*% t(x2.2)
nboth <- (nboth.1 + nboth.2)/2
neach <- 1*matrix(rep(rowSums(t(t(x)/(coln))),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
nunion <- t(neach) + neach - nboth
ans <- 1-nboth/nunion
ans[nunion==0] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when both rows have all 0's
diag(ans) <- 0
} else if (metric=='t.lin') { # Tanimoto linear, deprecated
if (missing(weights)) {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)) # Wi = 1/sqrt(ngenes with mark i)
} else {
coln <- sqrt(colSums(x)/weights)
x2 <- t(t(x)/coln)
nboth <- x2 %*% t(x2)
neach <- matrix(rep(rowSums(t(t(x)/(coln^2))),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
nunion <- t(neach) + neach - nboth
ans <- 1-nboth/nunion
ans[nunion==0] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when both rows have all 0's
} else if (metric=='t.perc') { # Wi = 1/%genes with mark i # Tanimoto percentile, deprecated
coln <- sqrt(100*colSums(x)/max(colSums(x)))
x2 <- t(t(x)/coln)
nboth <- x2 %*% t(x2)
neach <- matrix(rep(rowSums(t(t(x)/(coln^2))),nrow(x)),nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
nunion <- t(neach) + neach - nboth
ans <- 1-nboth/nunion
ans[nunion==0] <- 0 #Correct 0/0 when both rows have all 0's
} else if (metric=='mahalanobis') { # Mahalanobis distance
pairdiff <- ICSNP::pair.diff(x)
pairdiff <- pair.diff(x)
d <- mahalanobis(pairdiff,center=rep(0,ncol(pairdiff)),cov=s,inverted=FALSE)
ans <- matrix(0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=nrow(x))
ans[lower.tri(ans)] <- d #fill lower triangle
ans <- ans + t(ans) #fill upper triangle as well
} else if (metric=='euclidean') {
if (!missing(weights)) warning("Cannot use user-specified weights for euclidean distance. Ignored the weights")
ans <- as.matrix(dist(x,method='euclidean'))
} else if (metric=='manhattan') {
if (!missing(weights)) warning("Cannot use user-specified weights for manhattan distance. Ignored the weights")
ans <- as.matrix(dist(x,method='manhattan'))
} else {
stop('Invalid metric. Available metrics are avgdist, tanimoto, wtanimoto, chi, chisquare, mahalanobis, euclidean and manhattan')
if (uniqueRows) {
rownames(ans) <- colnames(ans) <- xUnique$u
} else {
rownames(ans) <- colnames(ans) <- rownames(x)
uniqueCount <- function(x) {
# Internal function to perform row clustering and MDS
#Find unique rows, count the appearance of each and paste all columns into a single column
u <- NULL # to make it visible
txt <- paste("u <- paste(",paste("x[,",1:ncol(x),"]",collapse=","),", sep=',')",sep="")
n <- data.frame(table(u))
n$u <- as.character(n$u)
xunique <- unique(x)
txt <- paste("u <- paste(",paste("xunique[,",1:ncol(xunique),"]",collapse=","),", sep=',')",sep="")
xunique <- data.frame(u=u,xunique,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
xunique <- merge(xunique, n, by='u')
# Deprecated
### collapseMarks <- function(x,FUN='OR') {
### # Internal function to perform column merging biological or technical replicates
### # Currently accepting merging by OR (gene has mark if any of the replicates has mark), AND (gene has mark only if all replicates have mark)
### id <- as.character(colnames(x))
### uid <- sort(unique(id))
### xx <-,lapply(uid,function(y) {
### sel <- which(id==y)
### if (FUN=='OR') if (length(sel)>1) xx <- as.numeric(rowSums(x[,sel])>0) else xx <- as.numeric(x[,sel]>0)
### else if (FUN=='AND') if (length(sel)>1) xx <- as.numeric(rowSums(x[,sel])==length(sel)) else xx <- as.numeric(x[,sel]>0)
### xx
### }))
### colnames(xx) <- uid
### xx
### }
# Functions to paralelize distance calculation, remember that splitDistGPS should be an internal object and not visible to the final user...
setGeneric("splitDistGPS", function(x, metric='tanimoto', split=.5, overlap=0.05, reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1) { standardGeneric("splitDistGPS") } )
setMethod("splitDistGPS", signature(x='data.frame'), function(x, metric, split=.5, overlap=0.05, reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1) {
splitDistGPS(x=as.matrix(x,rownames.force=TRUE), metric, split=.5, overlap=0.05, reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1)
setMethod("splitDistGPS", signature(x='matrix'), function(x, metric, split=.5, overlap=0.05, reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1) {
split <- floor(nrow(x) * split)
overlap <- floor(nrow(x) * overlap)
if (reshuffle) {
sel <- sample(1:nrow(x),nrow(x),replace=FALSE)
x <- x[sel,]
width <- split-overlap
p <- vector('list',ceiling(nrow(x)/width))
p[[1]] <- 1:split
for (i in 2:(length(p)-1)) p[[i]] <- p[[i-1]]+width
p[[length(p)]] <- (max(p[[length(p)-1]])+1-overlap):nrow(x)
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces())
d <- parallel::mclapply(p,function(y) distGPS(x[y,],metric=metric),mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE)
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else d <- lapply(p,function(y) distGPS(x[y,],metric=metric))
setMethod("splitDistGPS", signature(x='distGPS'), function(x, split=.5, overlap=0.05, reshuffle=TRUE,set.seed=149,mc.cores=1) {
# Splits an already existing distGPS object into N distGPS objects across the main distance matrix diagonal
metric <- x@metric
x <- x@d
split <- floor(nrow(x) * split)
overlap <- floor(nrow(x) * overlap)
if (reshuffle) {
sel <- sample(1:nrow(x),nrow(x),replace=FALSE)
x <- x[sel,sel]
width <- split-overlap
p <- vector('list',ceiling(nrow(x)/width))
p[[1]] <- 1:split
for (i in 2:(length(p)-1)) p[[i]] <- p[[i-1]]+width
p[[length(p)]] <- (max(p[[length(p)-1]])+1-overlap):nrow(x)
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces())
d <- parallel::mclapply(p,function(y) new("distGPS",d=x[y,y],metric=metric,type='genes'),mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE)
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else d <- lapply(p,function(y) new("distGPS",d=x[y,y],metric=metric,type='genes'))
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