# Adopting the S3 hclust class into an S4 one
# Classes, methods and functions for clustering and clustering reproducibility assessment of distGPS objects
# Classes
setClass("clusGPS", representation(h="hclust",clus="list",adjusted="logical"))
# Some accessor and helper functions
setMethod("show","clusGPS",function(object) {
cat("Object of class clusGPS with clustering for",length(object@h$height)+1,"elements.\n")
cat(length(object@clus),"clustering configuration(s) with name(s)",names(object@clus),"\n")
setGeneric("clusNames",function(clus) standardGeneric("clusNames")); setMethod("clusNames","clusGPS",function(clus) { names(clus@clus) })
setGeneric("tabClusters",function(clus,name) standardGeneric("tabClusters"))
setMethod("tabClusters","clusGPS",function(clus,name) {if (!as.character(name) %in% names(clus@clus)) stop('No cluster entry with this name')
else table(clus@clus[[as.character(name)]]$id)
setGeneric("clusterID",function(clus,name) standardGeneric("clusterID"))
setMethod("clusterID","clusGPS",function(clus,name) {
if (!as.character(name) %in% names(clus@clus)) stop('No cluster entry with this name')
else as.numeric(clus@clus[[as.character(name)]]$id)
# Auxiliary functions
pden.adjust <- function(clus,mc.cores=1)
if (!is(clus,"clusGPS")) stop('Object must be of "clusGPS" class')
if (clus@adjusted) stop('Posterior density for clustering is already adjusted')
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
clus@clus <- parallel::mclapply(clus@clus,function(x) { # For each k
id <- x$id
priorprob <- as.numeric(prop.table(table(x$id)))
pointprob <- x$pointprob[,-1:-2] # Get just prob values, leave coordinates aside
pointprob <- t(t(pointprob) * priorprob) # A = T( T(A) * PriorProb)
pointprob <- pointprob/rowSums(pointprob) # A = A / rowSums(A)
pointprob <- cbind(x$pointprob[,1:2],pointprob) # Put coordinates back
# PP of accurate class. for each element/cluster in partition for k=x
propclass <- parallel::mclapply(1:(ncol(pointprob)-2),function(y) { pointprob[id==y,paste('C',y,sep='')] / rowSums(pointprob[id==y,-1:-2]) },mc.cores=mc.cores,mc.preschedule=FALSE)
return(list(id=x$id,pden=x$pden,propclass=propclass,pointprob=pointprob)) # return clus list
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else {
clus@clus <- lapply(clus@clus,function(x) { # For each k
id <- x$id
priorprob <- as.numeric(prop.table(table(x$id)))
pointprob <- x$pointprob[,-1:-2] # Get just prob values, leave coordinates aside
pointprob <- t(t(pointprob) * priorprob) # A = T( T(A) * PriorProb)
pointprob <- pointprob/rowSums(pointprob) # A = A / rowSums(A)
pointprob <- cbind(x$pointprob[,1:2],pointprob) # Put coordinates back
propclass <- lapply(1:(ncol(pointprob)-2),function(y) { pointprob[id==y,paste('C',y,sep='')] / rowSums(pointprob[id==y,-1:-2]) }) # PP of accurate class. for each element/cluster in partition for k=x
return(list(id=x$id,pden=x$pden,propclass=propclass,pointprob=pointprob)) # return clus list
clus@adjusted <- TRUE
preCalcGrid <- function(m,densgrid,ngrid)
if (densgrid) # Adequate grid step points to data density to account for higher resolution where needed
gridx <- quantile(m@points[,1],probs=seq(0,1,length.out=as.integer(sqrt(ngrid))))
gridy <- quantile(m@points[,2],probs=seq(0,1,length.out=as.integer(sqrt(ngrid))))
grid <- cbind(gridx,gridy)
else # Do not adequate grid step points to data density automatically
left <- rep(0,2) # Grid precalculation taken from DPdensity source code
right <- rep(0,2)
left[1] <- min(m@points[,1])-0.5*sqrt(var(m@points[,1]))
right[1] <- max(m@points[,1])+0.5*sqrt(var(m@points[,1]))
left[2] <- min(m@points[,2])-0.5*sqrt(var(m@points[,2]))
right[2] <- max(m@points[,2])+0.5*sqrt(var(m@points[,2]))
ngrid <- as.integer(sqrt(ngrid))
grid1 <- seq(left[1],right[1],length=ngrid)
grid2 <- seq(left[2],right[2],length=ngrid)
grid <- cbind(grid1,grid2)
# Skeleton for premergeClusters methods for the future. For Now we will use it pedestrian way
### setGeneric("premergeClusters", function(clus,m,n,method='manual',plot=FALSE,mc.cores=mc.cores,...) standardGeneric("premergeClustersGPS"))
### setMethod("premergeClusters", signature=c(clus='clusGPS',m='mds'), function(clus,m,n,method='manual',plot=FALSE,mc.cores=mc.cores,...) {
### if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces() & mc.cores>1)
### clus@clus <- parallel::mclapply(clus@clus,premergeClusters,m=m,n=n,method=method,plot=plot,mc.cores=mc.cores)
### else clus@clus <- lapply(clus@clus,premergeClusters,m=m,n=n,method=method,plot=plot)
### })
### setMethod("premergeClusters", signature=c(clus='list',m='mds'), function(clus,m,n,method='manual',plot=FALSE,...)
###premergeClusters <- function(m,id,n,method='manual',recalcDist=TRUE,retCentroids=FALSE,plt=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
#### Clean the noisy data (ie tiny clusters generated during the bottom-up hierarchical clustering process, and merge them into bigger ones until we can calculate their density)
### {
### cat(sprintf('\nPre-merging non-clustered points in nodules of size %d...\n',n))
### if (method=='manual') {
### sqdist <- function(x,y) apply(y,1,function(r) sqrt((x[1]-r[1])^2 + (x[2]-r[2])^2))
### #centroids <-,by(m@points,id,mean)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
### centroids <-,by(m@points,id,colMeans)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
### dist.centroids <- as.matrix(dist(centroids,method='euclidean')) # First call
### diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf
### conf <- 1
### while ((min(table(id))<=n)) # While there are still small clusters
### {
### if (plt==TRUE) { plot(m,point.col='white'); points(centroids,col=1:nrow(centroids),cex=2,lwd=2,pch=19) }
### id.small <- names(table(id)[table(id)<n]) # ID of small clusters
### # Look for minimum distance (out of the diagonal) and reassign clusters, smaller to bigger
### if (length(id.small)>1)
### {
### inds <- which(dist.centroids[id.small,]==min(dist.centroids[id.small,]),arr.ind=TRUE)[1,] # In case of tie, get first one
### oldclus <- id.small[inds[1]]
### newclus <- names(table(id))[inds[2]]
### }
### else {
### oldclus <- id.small
### newclus <- names(table(id))[which.min(dist.centroids[id.small,])]
### }
### id[id==as.numeric(oldclus)] <- as.numeric(newclus)
### # recompute centroid for changed cluster
### centroids[as.character(newclus),] <- colMeans(m@points[id == as.numeric(newclus),]) # Just necessary to compute mean of coordinates for the changed cluster
### # recompute distances for changed cluster...
### #centroids <-,by(m@points,id,mean)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
### centroids <- centroids[rownames(centroids) %in% as.character(id),] # Remove centroids from old cluster
### if (!recalcDist) { dist.centroids <- dist.centroids[rownames(centroids),rownames(centroids)] # Remove distance row and column for old cluster
### dist.centroids[newclus,] <- dist.centroids[,newclus] <- sqdist(centroids[newclus,],centroids)
### diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf }
### else { dist.centroids <- as.matrix(dist(centroids,method='euclidean')) # First call
### diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf }
### if (verbose) cat(sprintf('\nConfiguration %d: Assigned cluster %s to %s',conf,oldclus,newclus))
### conf <- conf+1
### }
### #ifelse(retCentroids,return(list(centroids=centroids,id=id)),return(id))
### if (retCentroids==TRUE) return(list(centroids=centroids,id=id)) else return(id)
### }
### else if (method=='auto') {
### cat('\nNot yet implemented...')
### }
### }
premergeClusters <- function(m,id,n,method='manual',recalcDist=TRUE,retCentroids=FALSE,plt=FALSE,verbose=TRUE)
# Clean the noisy data (ie tiny clusters generated during the bottom-up hierarchical clustering process, and merge them into bigger ones until we can calculate their density)
cat(sprintf('\nPre-merging non-clustered points in nodules of size %d...\n',n))
if (method=='manual') {
sqdist <- function(x,y) apply(y,1,function(r) sqrt((x[1]-r[1])^2 + (x[2]-r[2])^2))
#centroids <-,by(m@points,id,mean)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
centroids <-,by(m@points,id,colMeans)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
dist.centroids <- as.matrix(dist(centroids,method='euclidean')) # First call
diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf
conf <- 1
while (min(table(id))<n) # While there are still small clusters
if (plt==TRUE) { plot(m,point.col='white'); points(centroids,col=1:nrow(centroids),cex=2,lwd=2,pch=19) }
id.small <- names(table(id)[table(id)<n]) # ID of small clusters
# Look for minimum distance (out of the diagonal) and reassign clusters, smaller to bigger
if (length(id.small)>1)
inds <- which(dist.centroids[id.small,]==min(dist.centroids[id.small,]),arr.ind=TRUE)[1,] # In case of tie, get first one
oldclus <- id.small[inds[1]]
newclus <- names(table(id))[inds[2]]
#cat(sprintf('\nConfiguration %d: Assigning cluster %s to %s',conf,oldclus,newclus))
else {
oldclus <- id.small
newclus <- names(table(id))[which.min(dist.centroids[id.small,])]
#newclus <- names(table(id))[which(dist.centroids[id.small,])==min(dist.centroids[id.small,])]
#cat(sprintf('\nConfiguration %d: Assigning cluster %s to %s',conf,oldclus,newclus))
#cat('\nReassigning cluster')
id[id==as.numeric(oldclus)] <- as.numeric(newclus)
# recompute centroid for changed cluster
#cat('\nRecompute centroids')
centroids[as.character(newclus),] <- colMeans(m@points[id == as.numeric(newclus),]) # Just necessary to compute mean of coordinates for the changed cluster
# recompute distances for changed cluster...
#centroids <-,by(m@points,id,mean)) # Compute mean of coordinates for every cluster
centroids <- centroids[rownames(centroids) %in% as.character(id),] # Remove centroids from old cluster
if (!recalcDist) { dist.centroids <- dist.centroids[rownames(centroids),rownames(centroids)] # Remove distance row and column for old cluster
dist.centroids[newclus,] <- dist.centroids[,newclus] <- sqdist(centroids[newclus,],centroids)
diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf }
else { dist.centroids <- as.matrix(dist(centroids,method='euclidean')) # First call
diag(dist.centroids) <- Inf }
if (verbose) cat(sprintf('\nConfiguration %d: Assigned cluster %s to %s',conf,oldclus,newclus))
conf <- conf+1
if (retCentroids==TRUE) return(list(centroids=centroids,id=id)) else return(id)
else if (method=='auto') {
cat('\nNot yet implemented...')
function(d,m,h,sel=NULL,id=NULL,grid,ngrid=1000,densgrid=FALSE,preMerge=TRUE,type='hclust',method='average',samplesize=1,p.adjust=TRUE,k,mc.cores=1,set.seed=149,verbose=TRUE,minpoints=70,...) standardGeneric("clusGPS"))
setMethod("clusGPS", signature=c(d='distGPS',m='mds'),
function(d,m,h,sel=NULL,id=NULL,grid,ngrid=1000,densgrid=FALSE,preMerge=TRUE,type='hclust',method='average',samplesize=1,p.adjust=TRUE,k,mc.cores=1,set.seed=149,verbose=TRUE,minpoints=70,...) {
# MDS density control, currently only possible for 2D maps
if (ncol(m@points)!=2) stop('Currently only supported for 2 dimensional maps')
# Iteration control, either multiple cluster cuts (k) or multiple cluster size (minpoints), you can't have it both ways
if (length(k)>1 & length(minpoints)>1) stop('Multiple clustering is possible either at cluster number or cluster size, not both.')
m@points <- m@points[rownames(d@d),] # Reindex internally to revert possible splitMDS
# Resampling if wanted, consider deprecating...
if (samplesize<1)
sel <- sample(1:as.integer(nrow(d@d)*samplesize),replace=FALSE)
d@d <- d@d[sel,sel]
m@points <- m@points[sel,]
# Clustering, consider deprecating internal clustering and performing it outside of this function...
if (type=='hclust') {
if (missing(h)) {
if (verbose) cat(sprintf('\nPerforming Hierarchical Clustering, method=%s\n',method))
h <- as.hclust(hclust(as.dist(d@d),method=method,...))
# If we want to work within a certain cluster only to subdivide it, subset accordingly
if (!is.null(sel)) {
cat(sprintf('\nSubselecting points from cluster'))
#sel <- cutree(h,k=sel$k)==sel$clus # Subselect elements from the specified cluster at the specified cut
m@points <- m@points[sel,]; d@d <- d@d[sel,sel]
# Since we must evaluate the density of all clusters over a common grid, we first obtain the grid for all the map points unless a specific grid is given
if (missing(grid)) {
if (verbose) cat('\nPrecalculating Grid\n')
grid <- preCalcGrid(m,densgrid,ngrid)
names(k) <- as.character(k)
# Establishing iteration item, either k or minpoints
if (length(k)>1 & length(minpoints)==1) iter <- k else if (length(k)==1 & length(minpoints)>1) iter <- minpoints else iter <- k
names(iter) <- as.character(iter)
clus <- lapply(iter,function(x,m,p.adjust) {
id <- cutree(h,k=x) # ID of cluster to which each element is assigned
if (!is.null(sel)) id <- id[sel] # If we want to work just with a subcluster, subselect only those points
if (preMerge) id <- premergeClusters(m,id,minpoints,recalcDist=TRUE,retCentroids=FALSE,plt=FALSE,verbose=FALSE)
if (length(k)>1 & length(minpoints)==1) idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id))[table(id)>=minpoints]) # We iterate over k
else if (length(k)==1 & length(minpoints)>1) idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id))[table(id)>=x]) # We iterate over minpoints
else idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id)[table(id)>=minpoints])) # By default we iterate over k
if (mc.cores>1) {
if ('parallel' %in% loadedNamespaces()) {
pden <- parallel::mclapply(idx,function(y) {
mpoints <- m@points[as.numeric(id)==y,]
if (verbose)
if (length(k)>1) cat("Calculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
else if (length(minpoints)>1) cat("Calculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
else cat("Calculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
else stop('parallel library has not been loaded!')
} else {
pden <- lapply(idx,function(y) {
mpoints <- m@points[as.numeric(id)==y,]
if (verbose)
if (length(k)>1) cat("Calculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
else if (length(minpoints)>1) cat("Calculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
else cat("\nCalculating posterior density of mis-classification for cluster:",y)
names(pden) <- as.character(idx) #DPdensity object for each cluster in the partition for k=x where ngenes >= minpoints
probs <- lapply(pden,function(x) { x$dens }) # Posterior density for each element in clusters 1:k in the partition for k=x
## New assignation of mds points to gridpoints, now valid for regular and irregular grids
normx <- unlist(lapply(m@points[,1],function(x) sum(x>grid[,1])+1))
normy <- unlist(lapply(m@points[,2],function(x) sum(x>grid[,2])+1))
normpoints <- cbind(normx,normy)
pointprob <- t(apply(normpoints,1,function(x) unlist(lapply(probs,function(y) y[x[1],x[2]]))))
# On the fly p.adjust, takes less time and memory
if (p.adjust)
cat('\nAdjusting posterior probabilities...\n')
priorprob <- as.numeric(prop.table(table(idx)))
pointprob <- t(t(pointprob) * priorprob) # A = T( T(A) * PriorProb)
pointprob <- pointprob/rowSums(pointprob) # A = A / rowSums(A)
pointprob <- cbind(normpoints,pointprob)
colnames(pointprob) <- c('X','Y',paste('C',idx,sep=''))
propclass <- lapply(idx,function(y) { pointprob[id==y,paste('C',y,sep='')] / rowSums(pointprob[id==y,-1:-2]) } ) # Posterior probability of accurate classification for each element/cluster in partition for k=x
names(propclass) <- names(pden)
return(list(id=id,pden=pden,propclass=propclass,pointprob=pointprob)) # return clus list
ans <- new("clusGPS",h=h,clus=clus,adjusted=p.adjust)
# PP adjustment
else stop('Currently supporting hclust only, supply an external clustering object (h) if you want to use other clustering functions')
### setMethod("clusGPS", signature=c(d='distGPS',m='missing'), function(d,h,id=NULL,type='hclust',method='average',samplesize=1,k,...) {
### # Resampling if wanted
### if (samplesize<1)
### {
### if (!missing(h)) stop('Cannot resample if an initial clustering is already provided')
### sel <- sample(1:as.integer(nrow(d@d)*sample))
### d@d <- d@d[sel,sel]
### }
### if (type=='hclust') {
### if (missing(h)) h <- as.hclust(hclust(as.dist(d@d),method=method,...))
### clus <- lapply(k,function(x,m,p.adjust) {
### id <- cutree(h,k=x)
### list(id=id)
### })
### names(clus) <- as.character(k)
### #new("clusGPS",h=h,clus=list(clus=clus,pden=NA,propclass=NA,pointprob=NA),adjusted=FALSE)
### new("clusGPS",h=h,clus=clus,adjusted=FALSE)
### }
### else stop('Currently supporting hclust only, supply an external clustering object (h) if you want to use other clustering functions')
### })
setMethod("plot", signature=c(x="clusGPS"), function(x,m,type='stats',cut=.7,cut.col='red',cut.lwd=4,cut.lty=2,k,value=FALSE,probContour=.7,contour.col=NULL,drawlabels=FALSE,labels='',labcex=1,...) {
# If type=='stats' prints stats of correct classification for each individual cluster
# If type=='avgstat' prints stats of avg correct classification for clustering
# If type=='contours' draws contour information over existing map
# If type=='density' draws full contour lines and information about the DPdensity object
if (type=='stats') {
i <- as.character(k)
#for (i in 1:length(x@clus)) {
#plot(unlist(lapply(x@clus[[i]]$propclass,mean)),type='o',main=sprintf('Posterior density for %s clusters',names(x@clus[i])),xlab='Cluster ID',ylab='avg agreement score',...)
wmean <- weighted.mean(unlist(lapply(x@clus[[i]]$propclass,mean)),unlist(lapply(x@clus[[i]]$propclass,length)))
else if (type=='avgstat')
#ans <- lapply(x@clus,function(x) lapply(x$propclass,mean))
#plot(c(1,as.numeric(unlist(lapply(ans,function(x) mean(unlist(x)))))),type='o',...)
#plot(c(1,as.numeric(unlist(lapply(ans,function(x) mean(unlist(x)))))),type='o',main='Avg Posterior density / k',xlab='Number of clusters (k)',ylab='avg agreement score',...)
wmean <- lapply(x@clus, function(y) weighted.mean(unlist(lapply(y$propclass,mean)),unlist(lapply(y$propclass,length))))
else if (type=='contours')
if (!(as.character(k) %in% names(x@clus))) stop('No clustering information for this number of clusters')
pden <- x@clus[[as.character(k)]]$pden
if (length(labels)==1) if (labels=='') labels <- names(pden)
if (is.null(contour.col)) contour.col <- rainbow(length(pden))
for (i in 1:length(pden)) {
den <- pden[[i]]
prob <- den$dens/sum(den$dens)
probo <- prob[order(prob)]
cutoff <- probo[match(TRUE,cumsum(probo) > 1-probContour)]
else if (type=='density')
if (!(as.character(k) %in% names(x@clus))) stop('No clustering information for this number of clusters')
pden <- x@clus[[as.character(k)]]$pden
if (is.null(contour.col)) contour.col <- rainbow(length(pden))
for (i in 1:length(pden)) { den <- pden[[i]]; contour(x=den$grid1,y=den$grid2,z=matrix(den$dens,nrow=length(den$grid1),ncol=length(den$grid2)),col=contour.col[i],add=TRUE,axes=FALSE,...) }
for (i in 1:length(pden)) { den <- pden[[i]]; plot(den,...) }
else stop("Invalid type of contour plot. Valid types are 'avgstat', 'stats', 'contours', 'density' ")
normCoords <- function(coords,newrange)
# First make origin in 0,0
# Then divide by max to turn them to 0,1
# Finally expand or contract to the new range
coords <- apply(coords,2,function(x) x-min(x))
coords <- apply(coords,2,function(x) x/max(x))
newrange <- newrange[2] - newrange[1]
coords <- coords * newrange
### profileClusters <- function(x,uniqueCount=TRUE,clus,i,minpoints,merged=FALSE,log2=TRUE,plt=FALSE)
### # Computes enrichment or depletion of marks in a given cluster
### # X is table with epigenes / factors, h is a valid clustering for that matrix, k is a cluster cut configuration
### # n is used to consider only clusters with more than or n points, 0 for all points
### # Univ is used to compute average factor distribution, if TRUE all genes are considered, if FALSE only genes in clusters where ngenes>=n are considered
### # Result is given in the shape of a heatmap
### {
### if (missing(minpoints) & !merged) stop('For non-merged clusterings the minimum cluster size considered in the clustering is needed')
### if (uniqueCount) { x <- uniqueCount(x); x <- x[,-c(1,ncol(x))] }
### id <- clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$id # If this come from merged clusters, cluster 0 is the one for elements from clusters below the minpoint number specified when creating
### if (merged) idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id))) else idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id)[table(id)>=minpoints])) # For non-merged clusters, ignore cluster ID for clusters below minpoints
### # Compute observed proportion of factor distribution in full dataset
### tprop <- colSums(x)/nrow(x); names(tprop) <- colnames(x)
### # Compute same proportion for each cluster and return ratios against tprop
### cprop <-,lapply(idx, function(y) {
### xx <- x[id==y,]
### ans <- colSums(xx)/nrow(xx)
### ans <- ans / tprop
### if (log2)
### {
### ans <- log2(ans)
### ans[ans==-Inf] <- min(ans[is.finite(ans)]) - .1 # To remove -Inf
### ans[ans==Inf] <- max(ans[is.finite(ans)]) + .1 # To remove +Inf
### }
### ans
### }))
### if (merged) rownames(cprop) <- c('None',colnames(clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$pointprob)[-1:-2]) else rownames(cprop) <- colnames(clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$pointprob)[-1:-2]
### cprop
### }
profileClusters.old <- function(x,uniqueCount=TRUE,weights,clus,i,minpoints,merged=FALSE,log2=TRUE,plt=FALSE)
# Computes enrichment or depletion of marks in a given cluster
# X is table with epigenes / factors, h is a valid clustering for that matrix, k is a cluster cut configuration
# n is used to consider only clusters with more than or n points, 0 for all points
# Univ is used to compute average factor distribution, if TRUE all genes are considered, if FALSE only genes in clusters where ngenes>=n are considered
# Result is given in the shape of a heatmap
if (missing(minpoints) & !merged) stop('For non-merged clusterings the minimum cluster size considered in the clustering is needed')
if (uniqueCount) { x <- uniqueCount(x); x <- x[,-c(1,ncol(x))] }
id <- clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$id # If this come from merged clusters, cluster 0 is the one for elements from clusters below the minpoint number specified when creating
if (merged) idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id))) else idx <- as.numeric(names(table(id)[table(id)>=minpoints])) # For non-merged clusters, ignore cluster ID for clusters below minpoints
# Compute observed proportion of factor distribution in full dataset
tprop <- colSums(x)/nrow(x); names(tprop) <- colnames(x)
# Compute same proportion for each cluster and return log2 ratios against tprop
cprop <-,lapply(idx, function(y) {
xx <- x[id==y,]
ans <- colSums(xx)/nrow(xx)
if (log2)
#ans <- ifelse(ans>=tprop,ans/tprop,-1*(1/(ans/tprop)))
ans <- log2(ans/tprop)
ans[ans==-Inf] <- min(ans[is.finite(ans)]) - .1 # To remove -Inf
ans[ans==Inf] <- max(ans[is.finite(ans)]) + .1 # To remove +Inf
#ans <- sign(ans) * log2(abs(ans))
else ans <- ans-tprop
if (merged) rownames(cprop) <- c('None',colnames(clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$pointprob)[-1:-2]) else rownames(cprop) <- colnames(clus@clus[[as.character(i)]]$pointprob)[-1:-2]
if (!missing(weights))
colnames(cprop) <- names(weights)
cprop <-,lapply(sort(unique(colnames(cprop))),function(i) rowMeans([,colnames(cprop) %in% i]))))
colnames(cprop) <- sort(unique(names(weights)))
clusOverlap <- function(cluspoints,clusgenes,i,j,method='unweighted',overlap=TRUE)
# Compute cluster overlap, that is the correct classification rate just for clusters i and j
if (method=='unweighted') {
sel.i <- clusgenes[,i]==1 # Points from cluster i
sel.j <- clusgenes[,j]==1 # Points from cluster j
pclus1 <- mean(cluspoints[sel.i,i] / rowSums(cluspoints[sel.i,c(i,j)]))
pclus2 <- mean(cluspoints[sel.j,j] / rowSums(cluspoints[sel.j,c(i,j)]))
clus.ov <- (pclus1 + pclus2) / 2
# This is the CCR for two clusters, the higher the CCR, the better separated the clusters are
if (overlap) clus.ov <- 2*(1-clus.ov) # Transform CCR in two cluster overlap, 0 no overlap at all, 1 total overlap
else stop('Currently only unweighted overlap method is supported')
setGeneric("mergeClusters", function (clus, clus.method = "unweighted", cpt.method = "mean", logscale = TRUE, brake = rep(1,length(clus@clus)), plt = TRUE, mc.cores = 1) standardGeneric("mergeClusters"))
setMethod("mergeClusters", signature=c(clus="clusGPS"), function (clus, clus.method = "unweighted", cpt.method = "mean", logscale = TRUE, brake = rep(1,length(clus@clus)), plt = TRUE, mc.cores = 1) {
#names(brake) <- names(clus@clus)
cnames <- names(clus@clus) # We iterate using indexes and not names, thus, save them
clus@clus <- lapply(1:length(clus@clus),function(i) mergeClusters(clus@clus[[i]],clus.method=clus.method,cpt.method=cpt.method,logscale=logscale,brake=brake[i],plt=plt,mc.cores=mc.cores))
names(clus@clus) <- cnames # Restore cluster names
setMethod("mergeClusters", signature=c(clus="list"), function (clus, clus.method = "unweighted", cpt.method = "mean", logscale = TRUE, brake = 1, plt = TRUE, mc.cores = 1) {
# Init of mergeClusters function code
doMerge <- TRUE
x <- clus$pointprob
xx <- cluspoints <- cbind(x[, c("X", "Y")], x[, paste("C", names(sort(table(clus$id),decreasing = TRUE)), sep = "")[1:(ncol(x) - 2)]])
#xx <- cluspoints <- cbind(x[, c("X", "Y")], x[, paste("C", order(table(clus$id),decreasing = TRUE), sep = "")[1:(ncol(x) - 2)]])
#xx <- cluspoints <- x
clusgenes <- cbind(xx[, 1:2],, lapply(as.numeric(gsub("C","", colnames(xx)[-1:-2])), function(x) as.numeric(x == clus$id))))
colnames(clusgenes) <- colnames(cluspoints)
if (doMerge) { pden <- clus$pden[gsub("C", "", colnames(xx)[-1:-2])]; names(pden) <- paste("C", names(pden), sep = ""); mclus <- vector("list", ncol(cluspoints)); z <- 1 }
maxOverlap <- vector("numeric", 0)
clusovs <- vector("list", 0)
while (ncol(cluspoints) > 3) {
if ("parallel" %in% loadedNamespaces())
clusov <-, parallel::mclapply(colnames(cluspoints[,-1:-2]), function(x) unlist(lapply(colnames(cluspoints[,-1:-2]), function(y) clusOverlap(cluspoints, clusgenes, x, y, method = clus.method))), mc.cores = mc.cores, mc.preschedule=FALSE))
else clusov <-, lapply(colnames(cluspoints[,-1:-2]), function(x) unlist(lapply(colnames(cluspoints[,-1:-2]), function(y) clusOverlap(cluspoints, clusgenes, x, y, method = clus.method)))))
if ((nrow(clusov) == ncol(clusov)) & nrow(clusov) >= 2) diag(clusov) <- -1
maxOverlap <- c(maxOverlap, max(clusov))
clusovs <- c(clusovs, clusov)
i <- which(clusov == max(clusov), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,1] + 2
j <- which(clusov == max(clusov), arr.ind = TRUE)[1,2] + 2
sel.i <- clusgenes[, i] == 1
sel.j <- clusgenes[, j] == 1
# Update cluspoints
cluspoints[, i] <- (cluspoints[, i] * (sum(sel.i)/(sum(sel.i) + sum(sel.j)))) + (cluspoints[, j] * (sum(sel.j)/(sum(sel.i) + sum(sel.j))))
colnames(cluspoints)[i] <- colnames(clusgenes)[i] <- paste(colnames(cluspoints)[i], colnames(cluspoints)[j], sep = ".")
cluspoints <- cluspoints[, -c(j)]
# Update clusgenes
clusgenes[, i] <- as.numeric(clusgenes[, i] | clusgenes[,j])
clusgenes <- clusgenes[, -c(j)]
# Update pden if needed (only if doMerge==TRUE)
if (doMerge) {
pden[[i - 2]]$dens <- (pden[[i - 2]]$dens * (sum(sel.i)/(sum(sel.i) + sum(sel.j)))) + (pden[[j - 2]]$dens * (sum(sel.j)/(sum(sel.i) + sum(sel.j))))
names(pden)[i - 2] <- colnames(cluspoints)[i]
pden <- pden[-c(j - 2)]
clus$pden <- pden
# Assign to current clus
clus$pointprob <- cluspoints
clus$id <- colSums(1:ncol([, -1:-2])) * t([,-1:-2])))
clus$propclass <- lapply(colnames([-1:-2]), function(x) cluspoints[clusgenes[, x] == 1, x]/rowSums([clusgenes[,x] == 1, -1:-2])))
names(clus$pden) <- colnames(cluspoints)[-1:-2] # Fix bug in cluster names for density information
if (doMerge) { mclus[[z]] <- clus; z <- z + 1 }
# Computing changepoint to identify 'cliff' in the maximum overlap between all possible pairwise merging
if (cpt.method == "mean") cpt <- cpt.mean(log(maxOverlap),Q=1) else if (cpt.method == "var") cpt <- changepoint::cpt.var(log(maxOverlap),Q=1)
mycpt <- maxOverlap[[cpt@cpts[1] - brake]] <- maxOverlap[[cpt@cpts[1] - 1]]
if (plt==TRUE) {
cptdata <- data.set(cpt)
cptpoints <- cpts(cpt)
changepoint::plot(cpt,pch=19,cex=1.5,ylim=c(min(cptdata),1),cpt.col=NA,xlab='Merging step',ylab=ifelse(logscale,'maxOverlap (log)','maxOverlap')) # Draw points but not cpt line
text(x=.5*length(maxOverlap),y=0.5,'# of clusters by overlap threshold')
points(x = cptpoints[1], cex = 1.5, y = log(maxOverlap)[cptpoints[1]], col = "red", pch = 19);
return(mclus[[cpt@cpts[1] - brake]])
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