# Used in ..plot_chipenrich_spline(...)
avg_binned_peak = function(gpw) {
bygroup = stats::aggregate(cbind(peak, length) ~ group, gpw, mean)
bygroup$log_avg_length = log10(bygroup$length)
names(bygroup) = c("group", "peak", "avg_length", "log_avg_length")
# Used in ..plot_chipenrich_spline(...)
calc_weights_chipenrich = function(gpw) {
# Create model.
model = "peak ~ s(log10_length, bs = 'cr')"
# Compute binomial spline fit.
fit = gam(as.formula(model), data = gpw, family = "binomial")
# Compute weights for each gene, based on the predicted prob(peak) for each gene.
ppeak = fitted(fit)
# These are not used, likely part of development
# Perhaps of use for Chris in weighted polyenrich
w0 = 1 / (ppeak / mean(gpw$peak, na.rm = TRUE))
w0 = w0 / mean(w0, na.rm = TRUE)
gpw$weight = w0
gpw$ = resid(fit, type="deviance")
# This is the only part that gets used
gpw$prob_peak = ppeak
#' QC plot for ChIP-Enrich
#' A plot showing an approximation of the empirical spline used to model the
#' relationship between a gene having a peak and the locus length. For visual
#' clarity, genes are binned into groups of 25 after sorting by locus length.
#' Expected fits assuming independence of locus length and presence of a peak,
#' and assuming proportionality of locus length and presence of a peak are given
#' to demonstrate deviation from either for the dataset.
#' @param peaks Either a file path or a \code{data.frame} of peaks in BED-like
#' format. If a file path, the following formats are fully supported via their
#' file extensions: .bed, .broadPeak, .narrowPeak, .gff3, .gff2, .gff, and .bedGraph
#' or .bdg. BED3 through BED6 files are supported under the .bed extension. Files
#' without these extensions are supported under the conditions that the first 3
#' columns correspond to 'chr', 'start', and 'end' and that there is either no
#' header column, or it is commented out. If a \code{data.frame} A BEDX+Y style
#' \code{data.frame}. See \code{GenomicRanges::makeGRangesFromDataFrame} for
#' acceptable column names.
#' @param locusdef One of: 'nearest_tss', 'nearest_gene', 'exon', 'intron', '1kb',
#' '1kb_outside', '1kb_outside_upstream', '5kb', '5kb_outside', '5kb_outside_upstream',
#' '10kb', '10kb_outside', '10kb_outside_upstream'. For a description of each,
#' see the vignette or \code{\link{supported_locusdefs}}. Alternately, a file path for
#' a custom locus definition. NOTE: Must be for a \code{supported_genome()}, and
#' must have columns 'chr', 'start', 'end', and 'gene_id' or 'geneid'. For an
#' example custom locus definition file, see the vignette.
#' @param genome One of the \code{supported_genomes()}.
#' @param mappability One of \code{NULL}, a file path to a custom mappability file,
#' or an \code{integer} for a valid read length given by \code{supported_read_lengths}.
#' If a file, it should contain a header with two column named 'gene_id' and 'mappa'.
#' Gene IDs should be Entrez IDs, and mappability values should range from 0 and 1.
#' For an example custom mappability file, see the vignette. Default value is NULL.
#' @param legend If true, a legend will be drawn on the plot.
#' @param xlim Set the x-axis limit. NULL means select x-lim automatically.
#' @return A trellis plot object.
#' @examples
#' # Spline plot for E2F4 example peak dataset.
#' data(peaks_E2F4, package = '')
#' # Create the plot for a different locus definition
#' # to compare the effect.
#' plot_chipenrich_spline(peaks_E2F4, locusdef = 'nearest_gene', genome = 'hg19')
#' @export
#' @include constants.R utils.R supported.R setup.R randomize.R
#' @include read.R assign_peaks.R peaks_per_gene.R
plot_chipenrich_spline = function(peaks, locusdef = "nearest_tss", genome = supported_genomes(), mappability = NULL, legend = TRUE, xlim = NULL) {
genome = match.arg(genome)
ldef_list = setup_locusdef(locusdef, genome)
ldef = ldef_list[['ldef']]
tss = ldef_list[['tss']]
mappa = setup_mappa(mappa_code = mappability, genome = genome, ldef_code = locusdef, ldef_obj = ldef)
if (class(peaks) == "data.frame") {
peakobj = load_peaks(peaks)
} else if (class(peaks) == "character") {
peakobj = read_bed(peaks)
num_peaks = length(peakobj)
assigned_peaks = assign_peaks(peakobj, ldef, tss)
ppg = num_peaks_per_gene(assigned_peaks, ldef, mappa)
# Make plot.
plotobj = ..plot_chipenrich_spline(gpw = ppg, mappability = mappability, num_peaks = num_peaks, legend = legend, xlim = xlim)
..plot_chipenrich_spline = function(gpw, mappability, num_peaks, legend = TRUE, xlim = NULL) {
# Prepare the gpw table
gpw = gpw[order(gpw$log10_length), ]
gpw$group = ceiling((1:nrow(gpw)) / 25)
# Quantities for the plot
# Scatterplot stuff
avg_bins = avg_binned_peak(gpw)
# Spline stuff
gpw = calc_weights_chipenrich(gpw) # gpw = genes, peaks, weights
genome_length = sum(as.numeric(gpw$length))
gpw$false_prob = 1 - (1 - (gpw$length / genome_length))^(num_peaks)
# Plotting parameters
col_rand_gene = "grey35"
col_rand_peak = "grey74"
col_spline = "darkorange"
panel_func = function(x,y,...) {
lattice::panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
lattice::panel.abline(h = mean(y), col = col_rand_gene, lwd = 3)
custom_key = list(
text = list(
"Expected Fit - Peaks Independent of Locus Length",
"Expected Fit - Peaks Proportional to Locus Length",
"Binomial Smoothing Spline Fit",
"Proportion of Genes in Bin with at Least 1 Peak"
lines = list(
pch = c(20, 15, 17, 20),
type = c("l", "l", "l", "p"),
col = c(col_rand_gene, col_rand_peak, col_spline, "black"),
lwd = 3
cex = 1.2
if (!legend) {
custom_key = NULL
if (is.null(mappability)) {
xlab = expression(paste(Log[10], " Locus Length"))
} else {
xlab = expression(paste(Log[10], " Mappable Locus Length"))
xmin_nopad = base::ifelse(is.null(xlim[1]), floor(min(gpw$log10_length)), floor(xlim[1]))
xmax_nopad = base::ifelse(is.null(xlim[2]), ceiling(max(gpw$log10_length)), ceiling(xlim[2]))
scales = list(
x = list(
axs = 'i',
at = seq(xmin_nopad, xmax_nopad, 1)
y = list(
axs = 'i',
at = seq(0, 1, 0.2)
# Plot
plotobj = lattice::xyplot(
false_prob + prob_peak ~ log10_length,
xlab = list(label = xlab, cex = 1.4),
ylab = list(label = "Prop. of Genes with at Least 1 Peak", cex = 1.4),
ylim = c(-0.05, 1.05),
xlim = c(xmin_nopad - 0.5, xmax_nopad + 0.5),
panel = panel_func,
type = "l",
lwd = 3,
key = custom_key,
scales = list(cex = 1.4),
par.settings = lattice::simpleTheme(pch = c(15,17), col = c(col_rand_peak, col_spline))
) + latticeExtra::as.layer(lattice::xyplot(peak ~ log_avg_length, avg_bins, pch = 20, cex = 0.4, col = "black"))
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