#' Assign vector elements into chunks
#' @param x Vector of elements
#' @param nElems Numeric: number of chunks
#' @keywords internal
#' @return List of chunks with the original vector elements divided
chunkVector <- function(x, nElems) {
groups <- ceiling(length(x)/nElems)
split(x, factor(sort(rank(x) %% groups)))
processChunk <- function(chunk, data, FUN, ..., progress) {
zscores <- loadCMapZscores(data[ , chunk], verbose=FALSE)
processCall(zscores, chunk, FUN, ..., progress=progress)
processCall <- function(data, cols, calledFUN, ..., progress) {
data <- unclass(data)
setFUNprogress <- function(col, data, ..., progress, calledFUN) {
res <- calledFUN(col, data, ...)
setpb(progress, getpb(progress) + 1)
# Suppress warnings to avoid "Cannot compute exact p-value with ties"
res <- suppressWarnings(lapply(cols, setFUNprogress, data, ...,
progress=progress, calledFUN=calledFUN))
# res <- plyr::compact(res) # in case of NULL elements for GSEA
#' Process data column by chunks
#' Columns will be processed per chunk if argument \code{data} is a
#' \code{perturbationChanges} object containing a file path instead of a data
#' matrix. Otherwise, the data will be processed as a single chunk.
#' For instance, loading a chunk of 10000 CMap pertubations requires ~1GB of RAM
#' compared to loading the whole dataset.
#' @param data Data matrix or \code{perturbationChanges} object
#' @param FUN Function: function to run for each chunk
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{FUN}
#' @param chunkSize Integer: number of columns to load on-demand (a higher value
#' increases RAM usage, but decreases running time)
#' @importFrom pbapply startpb getpb setpb closepb
#' @return Results of running \code{FUN}
#' @keywords internal
processByChunks <- function(data, FUN, ..., chunkSize=10000) {
pb <- startpb(max=ncol(data))
loadFromFile <- is.character(data)
if (loadFromFile && !file.exists(data)) {
msg <- "%s not found: has the CMap z-scores file been moved or deleted?"
stop(sprintf(msg, data))
if (loadFromFile) {
chunks <- chunkVector(colnames(data), chunkSize)
res <- lapply(chunks, processChunk, data, FUN, ..., progress=pb)
res <- unlist(res, recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
} else {
res <- processCall(data, colnames(data), FUN, ..., progress=pb)
#' Rank columns in a dataset
#' @details The rank product's rank is calculated if more than one method is
#' ranked.
#' @note The first column of \code{data} and \code{rankingInfo} must contain
#' common identifiers.
#' @param table Data table: data; first column must be identifiers
#' @param rankingInfo Data table: boolean values of which rows to rank based on
#' columns (column names to be ranked must exactly match those available in
#' argument \code{table}); first column must be identifiers
#' @param sort Boolean: sort data based on rank product's rank (if multiple
#' methods are available) or by available ranks
#' @inheritParams compareAgainstReference
#' @importFrom data.table setkeyv
#' @return Data table with the contents of \code{table} and extra columns with
#' respective rankings
#' @keywords internal
rankColumns <- function(table, rankingInfo, rankByAscending=TRUE, sort=FALSE) {
setkeyv(table, colnames(table)[[1]])
colsToRank <- colnames(rankingInfo)[-1]
rankedCols <- NULL
for(col in colsToRank) {
toRank <- rankingInfo[[col]]
rowsToRank <- rankingInfo[[1]][toRank]
dataToRank <- table[rowsToRank][[col]]
if (rankByAscending) dataToRank <- -dataToRank
ranked <- rank(dataToRank, na.last="keep")
newCol <- paste0(gsub("(.*)_.*$", "\\1", col), "_rank")
table[rowsToRank, newCol] <- ranked
rankedCols <- c(rankedCols, newCol)
if (length(rankedCols) > 1) {
# Calculate rank product's rank
ranks <- table[rowsToRank, rankedCols, with=FALSE]
rankProd <- apply(ranks, 1, prod) ^ (1 / ncol(ranks))
table[rowsToRank, "rankProduct_rank"] <- rank(rankProd, na.last="keep")
sortingCol <- "rankProduct_rank"
} else {
sortingCol <- rankedCols
if (sort) table <- table[order(table[[sortingCol]])]
#' Correlate against data columns
#' @inheritParams rankSimilarPerturbations
#' @param pAdjust Character: method to use for p-value adjustment
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust cor.test
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @return Data frame with correlation results per data column
#' @keywords internal
correlateAgainstReference <- function(diffExprGenes, reference, method,
pAdjust="BH") {
# Subset based on intersecting genes
genes <- intersect(names(diffExprGenes), rownames(reference))
diffExprGenes <- diffExprGenes[genes]
reference <- reference[genes, ]
# Correlate per data column
corPerColumn <- function(k, data, diffExprGenes, method) {
cor.test(data[ , k], diffExprGenes, method=method)
cors <- processByChunks(reference, corPerColumn,
diffExprGenes=diffExprGenes, method=method)
cor <- sapply(cors, "[[", "estimate")
pval <- sapply(cors, "[[", "p.value")
qval <- p.adjust(pval, pAdjust)
names(cor) <- names(pval) <- names(qval) <- colnames(reference)
res <- data.table(names(cor), cor, pval, qval)
cols <- sprintf("%s_%s", method, c("coef", "pvalue", "qvalue"))
names(res) <- c("identifier", cols)
attr(res, "colsToRank") <- cols[[1]]
#' Prepare GSEA gene sets
#' @inheritParams compareAgainstReferencePerMethod
#' @return List of gene sets
#' @keywords internal
prepareGSEAgenesets <- function(input, geneSize) {
input <- prepareGeneInput(input)
isGeneset <- isTRUE(attr(input, "isGeneset"))
if(isGeneset) {
geneset <- list("custom"=input)
geneSize <- c(length(input), 0)
} else {
# Check if length of input is too small for geneSize
genes <- names(input)
if (length(geneSize) == 1) {
isGeneNumberLow <- floor(length(genes)/2) < geneSize
} else if (length(geneSize) == 2) {
isGeneNumberLow <- length(genes) < sum(geneSize)
if (isGeneNumberLow) {
geneSize <- floor(length(genes)/2)
msg <- paste(
"'input' contains a smaller number of genes than available for",
"'geneSize'; 'geneSize' parameter was reduced to", geneSize)
warning(msg, immediate.=TRUE)
if (length(geneSize) == 1) geneSize <- rep(geneSize, 2)
ordered <- order(input, decreasing=TRUE)
topGenes <- genes[head(ordered, geneSize[[1]])]
if (geneSize[[1]] <= 0) topGenes <- NULL
bottomGenes <- genes[tail(ordered, geneSize[[2]])]
if (geneSize[[2]] <= 0) bottomGenes <- NULL
geneset <- list("top"=topGenes, "bottom"=bottomGenes)
attr(geneset, "geneSize") <- unique(geneSize)
#' Perform gene set enrichment (GSA) against data columns
#' @inheritParams rankSimilarPerturbations
#' @inheritParams fgsea::fgsea
#' @importFrom fgsea fgsea
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows
#' @return Data frame containing gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) results per
#' data column
#' @keywords internal
performGSEAagainstReference <- function(reference, geneset) {
# Calculate GSEA per data column
gseaPerColumn <- function(k, data, geneset) {
signature <- data[ , k]
names(signature) <- rownames(data)
signature <- sort(signature)
score <- fgsea(pathways=geneset, stats=signature,
minSize=15, maxSize=500, nperm=1)
gsa <- processByChunks(reference, gseaPerColumn, geneset)
gsaRes <- bind_rows(gsa)
calcWTCS <- all(sort(unique(gsaRes$pathway)) == c("bottom", "top"))
if (calcWTCS) {
# Weighted connectivity score (WTCS) as per CMap paper (page e8)
isTop <- gsaRes$pathway == "top"
top <- gsaRes[["ES"]][isTop]
bottom <- gsaRes[["ES"]][!isTop]
wtcs <- ifelse(sign(top) != sign(bottom), (top - bottom) / 2, 0)
score <- wtcs
} else {
score <- gsaRes[["ES"]]
if (length(score) == 0) score <- NA
results <- data.table("identifier"=colnames(reference), "GSEA"=score)
attr(results, "colsToRank") <- "GSEA"
#' Compare single method
#' @param input \code{Named numeric vector} of differentially expressed genes
#' whose names are gene identifiers and respective values are a statistic that
#' represents significance and magnitude of differentially expressed genes
#' (e.g. t-statistics); or \code{character} of gene symbols composing a gene
#' set that is tested for enrichment in reference data (only used if
#' \code{method} includes \code{gsea})
#' @param geneSize Numeric: number of top up-/down-regulated genes to use as
#' gene sets to test for enrichment in reference data; if a 2-length numeric
#' vector, the first index is the number of top up-regulated genes and the
#' second index is the number of down-regulated genes used to create gene
#' sets; only used if \code{method} includes \code{gsea} and if \code{input}
#' is not a gene set
#' @param method Character: one or more methods to compare data
#' (\code{spearman}, \code{pearson} or \code{gsea})
#' @param reference Data matrix or \code{perturbationChanges} object (CMap
#' perturbations; see \code{\link{prepareCMapPerturbations}()})
#' @param cellLines Integer: number of unique cell lines
#' @param cellLineMean Boolean: add a column with the mean score across cell
#' lines? If \code{cellLineMean = "auto"} (default), the mean score will be
#' added when data for more than one cell line is available.
#' @param rankByAscending Boolean: rank values based on their ascending
#' (\code{TRUE}) or descending (\code{FALSE}) order?
#' @param rankPerCellLine Boolean: rank results based on both individual cell
#' lines and mean scores across cell lines (\code{TRUE}) or based on mean
#' scores alone (\code{FALSE})? If \code{cellLineMean = FALSE}, individual
#' cell line conditions are always ranked.
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @importFrom R.utils capitalize
#' @keywords internal
#' @return Data frame containing the results per method of comparison
compareAgainstReferencePerMethod <- function(method, input, reference,
geneSize=150, cellLines=NULL,
rankPerCellLine=FALSE) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
# Check immediately if there is something wrong with the geneset(s)
if (method == "gsea") geneset <- prepareGSEAgenesets(input, geneSize)
type <- attr(reference, "type")
if (is.null(type)) type <- "comparisons"
compareMsg <- paste(c(ncol(reference),
attr(reference, "source"), type), collapse=" ")
if (method %in% c("spearman", "pearson")) {
methodStr <- paste0(capitalize(method), "'s correlation")
if (is.null(cellLines) || cellLines == 0) {
msg <- methodStr
} else {
msg <- sprintf("%s cell line%s; %s", cellLines,
ifelse(cellLines == 1, "", "s"), methodStr)
message(sprintf("Correlating against %s (%s)...", compareMsg, msg))
geneset <- NULL
rankedRef <- correlateAgainstReference(input, reference, method)
} else if (method == "gsea") {
if (is.null(cellLines) || cellLines == 0) {
msg <- compareMsg
} else {
cellLinesMsg <- sprintf("(%s cell line%s)...", cellLines,
ifelse(cellLines == 1, "", "s"))
msg <- paste(compareMsg, cellLinesMsg)
message(sprintf("Performing GSEA against %s...", msg))
geneSize <- attr(geneset, "geneSize")
rankedRef <- performGSEAagainstReference(reference, geneset)
colsToRank <- attr(rankedRef, "colsToRank")
# Set whether to calculate the mean value across cell lines
if (cellLineMean == "auto") cellLineMean <- cellLines > 1
# Retrieve ranking information
if (is(reference, "perturbationChanges")) {
cellLine <- parseCMapID(rankedRef[["identifier"]], cellLine=TRUE)
names(cellLine) <- rankedRef[["identifier"]]
} else {
cellLine <- rankedRef[["identifier"]]
names(cellLine) <- cellLine
metadata <- attr(reference, "metadata")
if (cellLineMean) {
aggregated <- calculateCellLineMean(rankedRef, cellLine, metadata,
rankedRef <- aggregated$reference
rankingInfo <- aggregated$rankingInfo
metadata <- aggregated$metadata
} else {
rankingInfo <- data.table(names(cellLine), TRUE)
names(rankingInfo) <- c("cTRAP_id", colsToRank)
# Inherit information of interest
attr(rankedRef, "rankingInfo") <- rankingInfo
attr(rankedRef, "metadata") <- metadata
attr(rankedRef, "geneset") <- geneset
# Report run settings and time
diffTime <- format(round(Sys.time() - startTime, 2))
msg <- "Comparison against %s using '%s' %sperformed in %s\n"
extra <- ifelse(method == "gsea",
sprintf("(gene size of %s) ", geneSize), "")
message(sprintf(msg, compareMsg, method, extra, diffTime))
prepareGeneInput <- function(input) {
if (is.null(names(input)) && is.character(input)) {
isGeneset <- TRUE
geneSymbols <- input
} else if (!is.null(names(input)) && is.numeric(input)) {
isGeneset <- FALSE
geneSymbols <- names(input)
} else {
stop("argument 'input' must be a named numeric vector or a character",
" vector with gene symbols.")
attr(input, "isGeneset") <- isGeneset
attr(input, "geneSymbols") <- geneSymbols
#' Compare multiple methods and rank reference accordingly
#' @inheritParams compareAgainstReferencePerMethod
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @keywords internal
#' @return List of data frame containing the results per methods of comparison
compareAgainstReference <- function(input, reference,
method=c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea"),
geneSize=150, cellLines=NULL,
cellLineMean="auto", rankByAscending=TRUE,
rankPerCellLine=FALSE) {
startTime <- Sys.time()
# Check if any of supplied methods are supported
supported <- c("spearman", "pearson", "gsea")
method <- unique(method)
method <- method[method %in% supported]
if (length(method) == 0) {
"Argument 'method' must contain one of the following supported",
"comparison methods:", paste(supported, collapse=", ")))
input <- prepareGeneInput(input)
if (attr(input, "isGeneset")) {
if (!"gsea" %in% method) {
msg <- paste("Method 'gsea' is automatically performed if argument",
"'input' is a gene set.")
method <- "gsea"
# Summary of intersecting genes
genes <- intersect(attr(input, "geneSymbols"), rownames(reference))
intersected <- length(genes)
total <- length(input)
"Subsetting data based on %s intersecting genes",
"(%s%% of the %s input genes)..."),
intersected, round(intersected / total * 100, 0), total))
if (intersected == 0) {
stop("No intersecting genes found. Check if argument 'input' is a",
" named numeric vector or a character vector with gene symbols.")
names(method) <- method
res <- lapply(method, compareAgainstReferencePerMethod, input=input,
reference=reference, geneSize=geneSize, cellLines=cellLines,
cellLineMean=cellLineMean, rankPerCellLine=rankPerCellLine)
# Rank columns
rankingInfo <- Reduce(merge, lapply(res, attr, "rankingInfo"))
replaceNAsWithFALSE <- function(DT) {
for (i in names(DT)) DT[, (i):=FALSE]
rankingInfo <- replaceNAsWithFALSE(rankingInfo)
merged <- Reduce(merge, res)
ranked <- rankColumns(merged, rankingInfo, rankByAscending=rankByAscending,
# Inherit metadata
attr(ranked, "metadata") <- Reduce(merge, lapply(res, attr, "metadata"))
attr(ranked, "geneInfo") <- attr(reference, "geneInfo")
attr(ranked, "compoundInfo") <- attr(reference, "compoundInfo")
attr(ranked, "zscoresFilename") <- attr(reference, "zscoresFilename")
# Inherit from input
attr(ranked, "input") <- input
attr(ranked, "rankingInfo") <- rankingInfo
attr(ranked, "geneset") <- c(attr(res[["gsea"]], "pathways"), # legacy
attr(res[["gsea"]], "geneset"))
attr(ranked, "runtime") <- Sys.time() - startTime
class(ranked) <- c("referenceComparison", class(ranked))
# referenceComparison object ---------------------------------------------------
convertToTable <- function(x, clean=TRUE) {
metadata <- attr(x, "metadata")
isMetadataUseful <- !is.null(metadata) && nrow(metadata) > 0
if (isMetadataUseful) {
nonCellID <- "non_cell_id"
summaryID <- parseCMapID(metadata$sig_id, cellLine=FALSE)
metadata[[nonCellID]] <- summaryID
metadataSubset <- metadata[unique(match(summaryID, summaryID)), ]
metadataSubset[ , c("sig_id", "distil_id")] <- NULL
x[[nonCellID]] <- parseCMapID(x[[1]], cellLine=FALSE)
res <- merge(x, metadataSubset, all.x=TRUE, by=nonCellID)
res[[nonCellID]] <- NULL
} else {
res <- x
geneInfo <- attr(x, "geneInfo")
isGeneInfoUseful <- !is.null(geneInfo) && any(
res[["pert_iname"]] %in% geneInfo[["pr_gene_symbol"]])
if (isGeneInfoUseful) {
res <- merge(res, geneInfo, by.x="pert_iname",
by.y="pr_gene_symbol", all.x=TRUE)
# Place "pert_iname" column after "pert_id" one
m <- match("pert_id", colnames(res))
res <- res[ , c(2:m, 1, (m+1):(ncol(res))), with=FALSE]
compoundInfo <- attr(x, "compoundInfo")
if (is(x, "similarPerturbations")) {
compoundCol1 <- compoundCol2 <- "pert_iname"
} else {
compoundCol1 <- "compound"
compoundCol2 <- names(compoundInfo)[[1]]
isCompoundInfoUseful <- !is.null(compoundInfo) && any(
res[[compoundCol1]] %in% compoundInfo[[compoundCol2]])
if (isCompoundInfoUseful) {
res[[compoundCol1]] <- as.character(res[[compoundCol1]])
compoundInfo[[compoundCol2]] <- as.character(
res <- merge(res, compoundInfo, by.x=compoundCol1, by.y=compoundCol2,
pos <- match("pert_id", colnames(res))
if (! {
# Place "pert_iname" column after "pert_id"
res <- res[ , c(2:pos, 1, (pos + 1):(ncol(res))), with=FALSE]
if (clean) {
hideCols <- c(colnames(res)[endsWith(colnames(res), "value") |
endsWith(colnames(res), "value_rank")],
"pert_dose", "pert_dose_unit",
"pert_time", "pert_time_unit")
hideCols <- hideCols[hideCols %in% colnames(res)]
if (length(hideCols) > 0) res <- res[ , -hideCols, with=FALSE]
res <- data.table(res)
# Reorder table based on original ordering
if (all(x[[1]] %in% res[[1]])) {
res <- res[match(x[[1]], res[[1]]), , drop=FALSE]
#' Cross Tabulation and Table Creation
#' @param x \code{referenceComparison} object
#' @param ... Extra parameters not currently used
#' @param clean Boolean: only show certain columns (to avoid redundancy)?
#' @family functions related with the ranking of CMap perturbations
#' @family functions related with the prediction of targeting drugs
#' @return Complete table with metadata based on a \code{targetingDrugs} object
#' @export
as.table.referenceComparison <- function(x, ..., clean=TRUE) {
return(convertToTable(x, clean=clean))
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