# Internal classes -------------------------------------------------------------
# The FWGRanges class is a container for the fixed-width genomic locations and
# their associated annotations.
# NOTE: The intention is to make this a fully-fledged GenomicRanges subclass
# that is part of the GenomicRRanges package. For now, this class is
# internal to bsseq and only a subset of methods are properly implemented.
.FWGRanges <- setClass(
contains = "GenomicRanges",
seqnames = "Rle",
ranges = "FWIRanges",
strand = "Rle",
seqinfo = "Seqinfo"
seqnames = Rle(factor()),
strand = Rle(strand())
# Internal methods -------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Combine the new "parallel slots" with those of the parent class. Make
# sure to put the new parallel slots **first**. See R/Vector-class.R file
# in the S4Vectors package for what slots should or should not be
# considered "parallel".
function(x) {
c(GenomicRanges:::extraColumnSlotNames(x), "seqnames", "ranges",
"strand", callNextMethod())
setMethod("seqnames", "FWGRanges", function(x) x@seqnames)
setMethod("strand", "FWGRanges", function(x) x@strand)
setMethod("seqinfo", "FWGRanges", function(x) x@seqinfo)
function(x, use.names = TRUE, use.mcols = FALSE) {
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.names)) stop("'use.names' must be TRUE or FALSE")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(use.mcols)) stop("'use.mcols' must be TRUE or FALSE")
# TODO: This is a work-around the requirement in the GenomicRanges
# validity method that ranges(GenomicRanges) returns a IRanges or
# IPos instance.
# ans <- x@ranges
ans <- as(x@ranges, "IRanges")
if (!use.names) names(ans) <- NULL
if (use.mcols) mcols(ans) <- mcols(x)
# TODO: These wouldn't be necessary if ranges(FWGRanges) returned a FWIRanges
# instead of an IRanges.
setMethod("start", "FWGRanges", function(x) start(x@ranges))
setMethod("width", "FWGRanges", function(x) width(x@ranges))
setMethod("end", "FWGRanges", function(x) {
if (x@ranges@width == 1L) {
} else {
width(x) - 1L + start(x)
# TODO: Follow shift,GRanges-method
setMethod("shift", "FWGRanges", function(x, shift = 0L, use.names = TRUE) {
new_ranges <- shift(x@ranges, shift, use.names)
x@ranges <- new_ranges
# NOTE: Needed for seqinfo<-,FWGRanges-method
setMethod("update", "FWGRanges", function(object, ...) {
BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(object, ...)
# NOTE: This is pieced together in order to get something up and running. It
# should, however, be possible to this 'properly' via inheritance. Most
# of this hack is to work around the fact that ranges(FWGRanges)
# currently has to return a IRanges instance instead of a FWIRanges
# instance.
.findOverlaps_FWGRanges <- function(query, subject, maxgap = -1L,
minoverlap = 0L,
type = c("any", "start", "end", "within",
select = c("all", "first", "last",
ignore.strand = FALSE) {
# findOverlaps,GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges-method ----------------------
type <- match.arg(type)
select <- match.arg(select)
# GenomicRanges:::findOverlaps_GNCList() -------------------------------
if (!(is(query, "FWGRanges") && is(subject, "FWGRanges"))) {
stop("'query' and 'subject' must be FWGRanges objects")
if (!isTRUEorFALSE(ignore.strand)) {
stop("'ignore.strand' must be TRUE or FALSE")
si <- merge(seqinfo(query), seqinfo(subject))
q_seqlevels <- seqlevels(query)
s_seqlevels <- seqlevels(subject)
common_seqlevels <- intersect(q_seqlevels, s_seqlevels)
NG <- length(common_seqlevels)
q_group_idx <- match(common_seqlevels, q_seqlevels)
s_group_idx <- match(common_seqlevels, s_seqlevels)
# Extract 'q_groups' and 's_groups' (both of length NG).
q_groups <- GenomicRanges:::.extract_groups_from_GenomicRanges(
s_groups <- GenomicRanges:::.extract_groups_from_GenomicRanges(
# Extract 'nclists' and 'nclist_is_q' (both of length NG).
if (is(subject, "GNCList")) {
nclists <- subject@nclists[s_group_idx]
nclist_is_q <-, NG)
} else if (is(query, "GNCList")) {
nclists <- query@nclists[q_group_idx]
nclist_is_q <-, NG)
} else {
# We'll do "on-the-fly preprocessing".
nclists <- vector(mode = "list", length = NG)
nclist_is_q <-, NG)
# Extract 'circle_length' (of length NG).
circle_length <- GenomicRanges:::.get_circle_length(si)[q_group_idx]
##Extract 'q_space' and 's_space'.
if (ignore.strand) {
q_space <- s_space <- NULL
} else {
q_space <- as.integer(strand(query)) - 3L
s_space <- as.integer(strand(subject)) - 3L
# IRanges:::find_overlaps_in_groups_NCList() ---------------------------
q <- query@ranges
s <- subject@ranges
circle.length <- circle_length
if (!(is(q, "IntegerRanges") && is(s, "IntegerRanges"))) {
stop("'q' and 's' must be IntegerRanges object")
if (!is(q_groups, "CompressedIntegerList")) {
stop("'q_groups' must be a CompressedIntegerList object")
if (!is(s_groups, "CompressedIntegerList")) {
stop("'s_groups' must be a CompressedIntegerList object")
if (!isSingleNumber(maxgap)) {
stop("'maxgap' must be a single integer")
if (!is.integer(maxgap)) {
maxgap <- as.integer(maxgap)
if (!isSingleNumber(minoverlap)) {
stop("'minoverlap' must be a single integer")
if (!is.integer(minoverlap)) {
minoverlap <- as.integer(minoverlap)
q_circle_len <- circle.length
q_circle_len[which(nclist_is_q)] <- NA_integer_
q <- IRanges:::.shift_ranges_in_groups_to_first_circle(
x = q,
x_groups = q_groups,
circle.length = q_circle_len)
s_circle_len <- circle.length
s_circle_len[which(!nclist_is_q)] <- NA_integer_
s <- IRanges:::.shift_ranges_in_groups_to_first_circle(
x = s,
x_groups = s_groups,
circle.length = s_circle_len)
start(q), end(q), q_space, q_groups,
start(s), end(s), s_space, s_groups,
nclists, nclist_is_q,
maxgap, minoverlap, type, select, circle.length,
PACKAGE = "IRanges")
setMethod("findOverlaps", c("FWGRanges", "FWGRanges"), .findOverlaps_FWGRanges)
# TODO: A dedicated duplicated method would be faster than
# duplicated,GenomicRanges, because it could use end(x) instead of
# width(x) in call to duplicatedIntegerQuads().
# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Warn if x contains mix of + and * or - and * loci?
.strandCollapse <- function(x) {
stopifnot(is(x, "GenomicRanges"))
if (all(strand(x) == "*")) return(x)
# Shift loci on negative strand by 1 to the left
x[strand(x) == "-"] <- IRanges::shift(x[strand(x) == "-"], -1L)
# Unstrand all loci
x <- unstrand(x)
# Extract unique loci
# TODO: Document that the default 'sort = TRUE' applies sort(sortSeqlevels())
# to the output. This is the default behaviour because it results in
# the smallest returned object (albeit at the small cost of a sort).
.readBismarkAsFWGRanges <- function(file, rmZeroCov = FALSE,
strandCollapse = FALSE, sort = TRUE,
nThread = 1L, verbose = FALSE) {
# Argument checks ----------------------------------------------------------
# Quieten R CMD check about 'no visible binding for global variable'
M <- U <- NULL
# Read file to construct data.table of valid loci --------------------------
if (rmZeroCov) {
dt <- .readBismarkAsDT(
file = file,
col_spec = "BSseq",
check = TRUE,
verbose = verbose)
if (strandCollapse && !is.null(dt[["strand"]]) &&
!dt[, all(strand == "*")]) {
# Shift loci on negative strand by 1 to the left and then remove
# strand since no longer valid.
dt[strand == "-", start := start - 1L][, strand := NULL]
# Aggregate counts at loci with the same 'seqnames' and 'start'.
dt <- dt[,
list(M = sum(M), U = sum(U)), by = c("seqnames", "start")]
# Identify loci with non-zero coverage then drop 'M' and 'U' as no
# longer required.
dt <- dt[(M + U) > 0][, c("M", "U") := list(NULL, NULL)]
} else {
dt <- .readBismarkAsDT(
file = file,
col_spec = "GRanges",
check = FALSE,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = verbose)
if (strandCollapse && !is.null(dt[["strand"]]) &&
!dt[, all(strand == "*")]) {
# Shift loci on negative strand by 1 to the left and then remove
# strand since no longer valid.
dt[strand == "-", start := start - 1L][, strand := NULL]
dt <- data.table:::funique(dt)
# Construct FWGRanges from 'dt' --------------------------------------------
# NOTE: Sorting results in a smaller FWGRanges object because the
# 'seqnames' and 'strand' slots are more compressible in their Rle
# representation.
if (sort) {
if (is.null(dt[["strand"]])) {
setkey(dt, seqnames, start)
} else {
setkey(dt, seqnames, strand, start)
seqnames <- Rle(dt[["seqnames"]])
dt[, seqnames := NULL]
seqinfo <- Seqinfo(seqnames = levels(seqnames))
ranges <- .FWIRanges(start = dt[["start"]], width = 1L)
dt[, start := NULL]
mcols <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(ranges))
if (is.null(dt[["strand"]])) {
strand <- strand(Rle("*", length(seqnames)))
} else {
strand <- Rle(dt[["strand"]])
dt[, strand := NULL]
fwgranges <- .FWGRanges(
seqnames = seqnames,
ranges = ranges,
strand = strand,
seqinfo = seqinfo,
elementMetadata = mcols)
# NOTE: Final sort is to re-order with respect to sorted seqlevels.
if (sort) {
fwgranges <- sort(sortSeqlevels(fwgranges))
# TODO: Document that this applies sort(sortSeqlevels()) to the output. It is
# deliberate that there is no option to override this behaviour.
.contructFWGRangesFromBismarkFiles <- function(files,
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0L)
# TODO: Instead of using the 'largest' file, use the largest
# 'cytosine report' file, which will have all loci in the
# reference genome; provided all samples were aligned to the same
# reference genome, this means it contains all loci.
# TODO: Initialise using the 'largest' file (i.e. largest number of lines)?
# Would like to do this without reading the data into memory.
# Some benchmarks can be found at
# My initial tests using /users/phickey/GTExScripts/FlowSortingProject/hdf5/extdata/methylation/nonCG/5248_BA9_neg_CHG_report.txt (32 GB) give:
# wc -l: 77.000s
# R.utils::readLines(): 1165.299s
# nrow(fread(..., select = 1, nThread = 1)): 582.721s (359s re-run)
# nrow(fread(..., select = 1, nThread = 10)): 82.029s
# nrow(fread(..., select = 1, nThread = 40)): 81.408s
# file.size(): 0.000s
# Of course, fread() only works directly with non-[b]gzipped files.
# And subsequent runs of fread() benefit from some cacheing effect
# that I don't fully understand except to know that subsequent runs
# are 'artificially' faster.
# And using file.size() will be innaccurate if files are a mix of
# compressed and uncompressed files.
# Initalise `loci_dt` using the first file.
if (verbose) {
message("[.contructFWGRangesFromBismarkFiles] Extracting loci from ",
"'", files[1L], "'")
loci_from_first_file <- .readBismarkAsFWGRanges(
file = files[[1L]],
rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
nThread = nThread,
verbose = subverbose)
# Identify loci not found in first file.
# TODO: Pre-process loci as a GNCList?
# Set number of tasks to ensure the progress bar gives frequent updates.
# NOTE: The progress bar increments once per task
# (
# Although it is somewhat of a bad idea to overrides a user-specified
# bptasks(BPPARAM), the value of bptasks(BPPARAM) doesn't affect
# performance in this instance, and so we opt for a useful progress
# bar. Only SnowParam (and MulticoreParam by inheritance) have a
# bptasks<-() method.
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam") && bpprogressbar(BPPARAM)) {
bptasks(BPPARAM) <- length(files) - 1L
list_of_loci_from_other_files_not_in_first_file <- bplapply(
files[-1L], function(file, loci_from_first_file) {
# Read this file.
loci_from_this_file <- .readBismarkAsFWGRanges(
file = file,
rmZeroCov = rmZeroCov,
strandCollapse = strandCollapse,
verbose = subverbose)
x = loci_from_this_file,
ranges = loci_from_first_file,
type = "equal",
invert = TRUE)
}, loci_from_first_file = loci_from_first_file,
# Identify unique FWGRanges.
loci_non_found_in_first_file <- unique(, list_of_loci_from_other_files_not_in_first_file))
loci <- c(loci_from_first_file, loci_non_found_in_first_file)
# Sort the loci
# TODOs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Document internal classes, methods, and functions for my own sanity.
# Also, some may be useful to users of bsseq (although I still won't
# export these for the time being). Ultimately, I'd like to promote
# FWGRanges and FWIRanges to 'official' GenomicRanges and IntegerRanges
# subclasses.
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