BSmooth.fstat <- function(BSseq, design, contrasts, verbose = TRUE){
stopifnot(is(BSseq, "BSseq"))
## if(any(rowSums(getCoverage(BSseq)[, unlist(groups)]) == 0))
## warning("Computing t-statistics at locations where there is no data; consider subsetting the 'BSseq' object first")
if(verbose) cat("[BSmooth.fstat] fitting linear models ... ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
allPs <- getMeth(BSseq, type = "smooth", what = "perBase",
confint = FALSE)
allPs <- as.array(allPs)
fit <- lmFit(allPs, design)
fitC <-, contrasts)
## Need
## fitC$coefficients, fitC$stdev.unscaled, fitC$sigma, fitC$cov.coefficients
## actuall just need
## tstats <- fitC$coefficients / fitC$stdev.unscaled / fitC$sigma
## rawSds <- fitC$sigma
## cor.coefficients <- cov2cor(fitC$cov.coefficients)
rawSds <- as.matrix(fitC$sigma)
cor.coefficients <- cov2cor(fitC$cov.coefficients)
rawTstats <- fitC$coefficients / fitC$stdev.unscaled / fitC$sigma
names(dimnames(rawTstats)) <- NULL
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("done in %.1f sec\n", stime))
parameters <- c(BSseq@parameters,
list(design = design, contrasts = contrasts))
stats <- list(rawSds = rawSds,
cor.coefficients = cor.coefficients,
rawTstats = rawTstats)
out <- BSseqStat(gr = granges(BSseq),
stats = stats,
parameters = parameters)
smoothSds <- function(BSseqStat, k = 101, qSd = 0.75, mc.cores = 1,
maxGap = 10^8, verbose = TRUE) {
smoothSd <- function(Sds, k, qSd) {
k0 <- floor(k/2)
if(all( return(Sds)
thresSD <- pmax(Sds, quantile(Sds, qSd, na.rm = TRUE), na.rm = TRUE)
addSD <- rep(median(Sds, na.rm = TRUE), k0)
sSds <- as.vector(runmean(Rle(c(addSD, thresSD, addSD)), k = k))
maxGap <- BSseqStat@parameters[["maxGap"]]
stop("need to set argument 'maxGap'")
if(verbose) cat("[smoothSds] preprocessing ... ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
clusterIdx <- makeClusters(granges(BSseqStat), maxGap = maxGap)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("done in %.1f sec\n", stime))
smoothSds <-"c",
mclapply(clusterIdx, function(idx) {
rawSds <- getStats(BSseqStat,
what = "rawSds")[idx, ]
rawSds <- as.array(rawSds)
smoothSd(rawSds, k = k, qSd = qSd)
}, mc.cores = mc.cores))
smoothSds <- as.matrix(smoothSds)
if("smoothSds" %in% names(getStats(BSseqStat)))
BSseqStat@stats[["smoothSds"]] <- smoothSds
BSseqStat@stats <- c(getStats(BSseqStat), list(smoothSds = smoothSds))
# Quieten R CMD check
# NOTE: Realises in memory a matrix with nrow = length(BSseqStat) and
# ncol = length(coef)
computeStat <- function(BSseqStat, coef = NULL) {
stopifnot(is(BSseqStat, "BSseqStat"))
if(is.null(coef)) {
coef <- 1:ncol(getStats(BSseqStat, what = "rawTstats"))
raw_tstats <- getStats(BSseqStat, what = "rawTstats")[, coef, drop = FALSE]
scaled_sds <- getStats(BSseqStat, what = "rawSds") /
getStats(BSseqStat, what = "smoothSds")
scaled_sds_matrix <- matrix(
rep(scaled_sds, ncol(raw_tstats)),
ncol = ncol(raw_tstats))
tstats <- raw_tstats * scaled_sds_matrix
if(length(coef) > 1) {
cor.coefficients <- getStats(BSseqStat,
what = "cor.coefficients")[coef,coef]
# NOTE: classifyTestsF() calls as.matrix(tstats) and so realises this
# array
stat <- as.matrix(
classifyTestsF(tstats, cor.coefficients, fstat.only = TRUE))
stat.type <- "fstat"
} else {
stat <- tstats
stat.type <- "tstat"
if("stat" %in% names(getStats(BSseqStat))) {
BSseqStat@stats[["stat"]] <- stat
BSseqStat@stats[["stat.type"]] <- stat.type
} else {
BSseqStat@stats <- c(getStats(BSseqStat),
list(stat = stat, stat.type = stat.type))
localCorrectStat <- function(BSseqStat, threshold = c(-15,15), mc.cores = 1, verbose = TRUE) {
compute.correction <- function(idx) {
xx <- start(BSseqTstat)[idx]
yy <- tstat[idx] ## FIXME
if(!is.null(threshold)) {
stopifnot(is.numeric(threshold) && length(threshold) == 2)
stopifnot(threshold[1] < 0 && threshold[2] > 0)
yy[yy < threshold[1]] <- threshold[1]
yy[yy > threshold[2]] <- threshold[2]
drange <- diff(range(xx, na.rm = TRUE))
if(drange <= 25000)
tstat.function <- approxfun(xx, yy)
xx.reg <- seq(from = min(xx), to = max(xx), by = 2000)
yy.reg <- tstat.function(xx.reg)
fit <- locfit(yy.reg ~ lp(xx.reg, h = 25000, deg = 2, nn = 0),
family = "huber", maxk = 50000)
correction <- predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(xx.reg = xx))
yy - correction
maxGap <- BSseqStat$parameters$maxGap
if(verbose) cat("[BSmooth.tstat] preprocessing ... ")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
clusterIdx <- makeClusters(BSseqStat$gr, maxGap = maxGap)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) cat(sprintf("done in %.1f sec\n", stime))
stat <- BSseqStat$stat
stat.corrected <-, mclapply(clusterIdx, compute.correction,
mc.cores = mc.cores))
BSseqTstat@stats <- cbind(getStats(BSseqTstat),
"tstat.corrected" = stat.corrected)
BSseqTstat@parameters$local.local <- TRUE
fstat.pipeline <- function(BSseq, design, contrasts, cutoff, fac, nperm = 1000,
coef = NULL, = 10 ^ 8, maxGap.dmr = 300,
type = "dmrs", mc.cores = 1) {
type <- match.arg(type, c("dmrs", "blocks"))
bstat <- BSmooth.fstat(BSseq = BSseq, design = design,
contrasts = contrasts)
bstat <- smoothSds(bstat)
bstat <- computeStat(bstat, coef = coef)
dmrs <- dmrFinder(bstat, cutoff = cutoff, maxGap = maxGap.dmr)
if (is.null(dmrs)) {
stop("No DMRs identified. Consider reducing the 'cutoff' from (",
paste0(cutoff, collapse = ", "), ")")
idxMatrix <- permuteAll(nperm, design)
nullDist <- getNullDistribution_BSmooth.fstat(BSseq = BSseq,
idxMatrix = idxMatrix,
design = design,
contrasts = contrasts,
coef = coef,
cutoff = cutoff, =,
maxGap.dmr = maxGap.dmr,
mc.cores = mc.cores)
fwer <- getFWER.fstat(null = c(list(dmrs), nullDist), type = type)
dmrs$fwer <- fwer
meth <- getMeth(BSseq, dmrs, what = "perRegion")
meth <- t(apply(meth, 1, function(xx) tapply(xx, fac, mean)))
dmrs <- cbind(dmrs, meth)
dmrs$maxDiff <- rowMaxs(meth) - rowMins(meth)
list(bstat = bstat, dmrs = dmrs, idxMatrix = idxMatrix, nullDist = nullDist)
fstat.comparisons.pipeline <- function(BSseq, design, contrasts, cutoff, fac, = 10 ^ 8, maxGap.dmr = 300,
verbose = TRUE) {
bstat <- BSmooth.fstat(BSseq = BSseq,
design = design,
contrasts = contrasts,
verbose = verbose)
bstat <- smoothSds(bstat, maxGap =, verbose = verbose)
# NOTE: Want to keep the bstat object corresponding to the original fstat
# and not that from the last t-tsts in the following lapply()
bstat_f <- bstat
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("[fstat.comparisons.pipeline] making ", ncol(contrasts),
" comparisons ... \n"))
l <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(contrasts)), function(coef) {
if (verbose) {
cat(paste0("[fstat.comparisons.pipeline] ",
colnames(contrasts)[coef], "\n"))
bstat <- computeStat(bstat, coef = coef)
dmrs <- dmrFinder(bstat, cutoff = cutoff, maxGap = maxGap.dmr,
verbose = verbose)
if (!is.null(dmrs)) {
meth <- getMeth(BSseq, dmrs, what = "perRegion")
meth <- t(apply(meth, 1, function(xx) tapply(xx, fac, mean)))
dmrs <- cbind(dmrs, meth)
dmrs$maxDiff <- rowMaxs(meth) - rowMins(meth)
names(l) <- colnames(contrasts)
list(bstat = bstat, dmrs = l)
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