# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
.rowTickmarks <- function(hasGRanges, maxGap) {
gr <- granges(hasGRanges)
# NOTE: This relies on 'gr' being sorted, so really want to be sure of this!
clusters <- reduce(gr, min.gapwidth = maxGap, with.revmap = TRUE)
# TODO: Remove other uses of this function, if possible.
# TODO: Rename to .makeClusters() since it's an internal function
makeClusters <- function(hasGRanges, maxGap = 10^8) {
chrOrder <- as.character(runValue(seqnames(hasGRanges)))
stop("argument 'hasGRanges' is not properly order")
grBase <- granges(hasGRanges)
clusters <- reduce(resize(grBase, width = 2*maxGap + 1, fix = "center"))
start(clusters) <- pmax(rep(1, length(clusters)), start(clusters))
clusters.sp <- split(clusters, seqnames(clusters))
stopifnot(all(sapply(clusters.sp, function( {
if(length( <= 1) return(TRUE)
all(start([-length(] < end([-1])
}))) # are the clusters ordered within the chromosome? This is probably guranteed
clusters <- Reduce(c, clusters.sp[chrOrder])
stopifnot(all(chrOrder == runValue(seqnames(clusters))))
ov <- findOverlaps(grBase, clusters)
clusterIdx <- split(as.matrix(ov)[,1], as.matrix(ov)[,2])
names(clusterIdx) <- NULL
.BSmooth <- function(b, M, Cov, pos, coef_sink, se.coef_sink, sink_lock, grid,
pos_grid, ns, h, {
# Load packages on worker (required for SnowParam) -------------------------
# Construct inputs for smoothing -------------------------------------------
# NOTE: 'bb' indexes over elements of pos_grid by cycling `ncol(M)` times
# over 1, ..., nrow(pos_grid).
bb <- (b - 1L) %% nrow(pos_grid) + 1L
# NOTE: unname() is necessary because M and Cov may carry colnames
sdata <- data.frame(
pos = read_block(pos, pos_grid[[bb]]),
M = unname(read_block(M, grid[[b]])),
Cov = unname(read_block(Cov, grid[[b]])))
# Ensure 0 < M < Cov to avoid boundary issues (only relevant at loci with
# non-zero coverage, so doesn't matter what M is for loci with zero
# coverage).
sdata[["M"]] <- pmin(pmax(sdata[["M"]], 0.01), pmax(sdata[["Cov"]] - 0.01))
n_loci <- nrow(sdata)
n_loci_with_non_zero_coverage <- sum(sdata[["Cov"]] > 0)
# Fit local binomial regression model --------------------------------------
# NOTE: Require (ns + 1) loci with non-zero coverage to run smooth.
if (n_loci_with_non_zero_coverage <= ns) {
coef <- rep(NA_real_, n_loci)
if ( {
se.coef <- rep(NA_real_, n_loci)
} else {
se.coef <- NULL
} else {
# Set 'nearest neighbour' smoothing parameter.
nn <- ns / n_loci_with_non_zero_coverage
# Fit model only using loci with non-zero coverage.
fit <- locfit(
M ~ lp(pos, nn = nn, h = h),
data = sdata,
weights = Cov,
family = "binomial",
subset = Cov > 0,
maxk = 10000)
# Evaluate smooth at all loci (regardless of coverage).
pp <- preplot(
object = fit,
newdata = sdata["pos"],
band = "local")
coef <- pp$fit
if ( {
se.coef <- pp$
} else {
se.coef <- NULL
# Return the results of the smooth or write them to the RealizationSink ----
if (is.null(coef_sink)) {
return(list(coef = coef, se.coef = se.coef))
# Write to coef_sink and se.coef_sink while respecting the IPC lock.
write_block(coef_sink, viewport = grid[[b]], block = as.matrix(coef))
if ( {
viewport = grid[[b]],
block = as.matrix(se.coef))
# Exported functions -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: verbose = TRUE should report timings.
# TODO: BSmooth() should warn if BSseq object contains mix of strands.
# TODO: Consider having BSmooth() create a 'smoothed' assay in addition to or
# instead of the 'coef' and 'se.coef' assays.
BSmooth <- function(BSseq,
ns = 70,
h = 1000,
maxGap = 10^8, = FALSE,
BPPARAM = bpparam(),
chunkdim = NULL,
level = NULL,
verbose = getOption("verbose")) {
# Argument checks-----------------------------------------------------------
# Check validity of 'BSseq' argument
if (!is(BSseq, "BSseq")) {
stop("'BSseq' must be a BSseq object.")
if (!isTRUE(all(width(BSseq) == 1L))) {
stop("All loci in 'BSseq' must have width == 1.")
if (is.unsorted(BSseq)) {
stop("'BSseq' must be sorted before smoothing. Use 'sort(BSseq)'.")
# Set appropriate BACKEND and check compatability with BPPARAM.
BACKEND <- .getBSseqBackends(BSseq)
if (!.areBackendsInMemory(BACKEND)) {
if (!.isSingleMachineBackend(BPPARAM)) {
stop("The parallelisation strategy must use a single machine ",
"when using an on-disk realization backend.\n",
"See help(\"BSmooth\") for details.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
if (!is.null(BACKEND)) {
# NOTE: Currently do not support any in-memory realization
# backends. If 'BACKEND' is NULL then an ordinary matrix
# is returned rather than a matrix-backed DelayedMatrix.
stop("The '", BACKEND, "' realization backend is not ",
"See help(\"BSmooth\") for details.",
call. = FALSE)
# If using HDF5Array, check if BSseq object is updateable.
if (identical(BACKEND, "HDF5Array")) {
is_BSseq_updateable <- .isHDF5BackedBSseqUpdatable(BSseq)
if (is_BSseq_updateable) {
h5_path <- path(assay(BSseq, withDimnames = FALSE))
if (any(c("coef", "se.coef") %in% rhdf5::h5ls(h5_path)[, "name"])) {
# TODO: Better error message; what should be done in this case?
stop("The HDF5 file '", h5_path, "' already contains a ",
"dataset named 'coef' or 'se.coef'.")
} else {
h5_path <- NULL
wmsg("'BSseq' was not created with either read.bismark() or ",
"HDF5Array::saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment(). BSmooth() is ",
"using automatically created HDF5 file(s) (see ",
"?HDF5Array::setHDF5DumpFile) to store smoothing result. ",
"You will need to run ",
"HDF5Array::saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment() on the ",
"returned object if you wish to save the returned ",
# Smoothing ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Extract pieces of BSseq object required for smoothing
M <- getCoverage(BSseq, type = "M", withDimnames = FALSE)
Cov <- getCoverage(BSseq, type = "Cov", withDimnames = FALSE)
pos <- matrix(start(BSseq), ncol = 1)
# Set up ArrayGrid so that each block contains data for a single sample and
# single cluster of loci.
row_tickmarks <- .rowTickmarks(BSseq, maxGap)
col_tickmarks <- seq_len(ncol(M))
grid <- ArbitraryArrayGrid(list(row_tickmarks, col_tickmarks))
# Set up "parallel" ArrayGrid over pos
pos_grid <- ArbitraryArrayGrid(list(row_tickmarks, 1L))
# Construct RealizationSink objects (as required)
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
coef_sink <- NULL
se.coef_sink <- NULL
sink_lock <- NULL
} else if (BACKEND == "HDF5Array") {
coef_sink <- HDF5RealizationSink(
dim = dim(M),
dimnames = NULL,
type = "double",
filepath = h5_path,
name = "coef",
chunkdim = chunkdim,
level = level)
on.exit(close(coef_sink), add = TRUE)
sink_lock <- ipcid()
on.exit(ipcremove(sink_lock), add = TRUE)
if ( {
se.coef_sink <- HDF5RealizationSink(
dim = dim(M),
dimnames = NULL,
type = "double",
filepath = h5_path,
name = "se.coef",
chunkdim = chunkdim,
level = level)
on.exit(close(se.coef_sink), add = TRUE)
} else {
se.coef_sink <- NULL
} else {
# TODO: This branch should probably never be entered because we
# (implicitly) only support in-memory or HDF5Array backends.
# However, we retain it for now (e.g., fstArray backend would
# use this until a dedicated branch was implemented).
coef_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(dim(M), type = "double")
on.exit(close(coef_sink), add = TRUE)
sink_lock <- ipcid()
on.exit(ipcremove(sink_lock), add = TRUE)
if ( {
se.coef_sink <- DelayedArray::AutoRealizationSink(
type = "double")
on.exit(close(se.coef_sink), add = TRUE)
} else {
se.coef_sink <- NULL
# Set number of tasks to ensure the progress bar gives frequent updates.
# NOTE: The progress bar increments once per task
# (
# Although it is somewhat of a bad idea to overrides a user-specified
# bptasks(BPPARAM), the value of bptasks(BPPARAM) doesn't affect
# performance in this instance, and so we opt for a useful progress
# bar. Only SnowParam (and MulticoreParam by inheritance) have a
# bptasks<-() method.
if (is(BPPARAM, "SnowParam") && bpprogressbar(BPPARAM)) {
bptasks(BPPARAM) <- length(grid)
smooth <- bptry(bplapply(
X = seq_along(grid),
FUN = .BSmooth,
M = M,
Cov = Cov,
pos = pos,
coef_sink = coef_sink,
se.coef_sink = se.coef_sink,
sink_lock = sink_lock,
grid = grid,
pos_grid = pos_grid,
ns = ns,
h = h, =,
if (!all(bpok(smooth))) {
stop("BSmooth() encountered errors: ",
sum(!bpok(smooth)), " of ", length(smooth),
" smoothing tasks failed.")
# Construct coef and se.coef from results of smooth().
if (is.null(BACKEND)) {
# Returning matrix objects.
coef <-, lapply(smooth, "[[", "coef"))
attr(coef, "dim") <- dim(M)
if ( {
se.coef <-, lapply(smooth, "[[", "se.coef"))
attr(se.coef, "dim") <- dim(M)
} else {
se.coef <- NULL
} else {
# Returning DelayedMatrix objects.
coef <- as(coef_sink, "DelayedArray")
if ( {
se.coef <- as(se.coef_sink, "DelayedArray")
} else {
se.coef <- NULL
# Construct BSseq object, saving it if it is HDF5-backed -------------------
# NOTE: Using BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(..., check = FALSE) to avoid
# triggering the validity method.
assays <- c(assays(BSseq, withDimnames = FALSE)[c("M", "Cov")],
SimpleList(coef = coef))
if ( {
assays <- c(assays, SimpleList(se.coef = se.coef))
BSseq <- BiocGenerics:::replaceSlots(
object = BSseq,
assays = Assays(assays),
trans = plogis,
parameters = list(
smoothText = sprintf(
"BSmooth (ns = %d, h = %d, maxGap = %d)", ns, h, maxGap),
ns = ns,
h = h,
maxGap = maxGap),
check = FALSE)
if (identical(BACKEND, "HDF5Array") && is_BSseq_updateable) {
# NOTE: Save BSseq object; mimicing
# HDF5Array::saveHDF5SummarizedExperiment().
dir <- dirname(h5_path)
x <- BSseq
x@assays <- HDF5Array:::.shorten_assay2h5_links(x@assays)
saveRDS(x, file = file.path(dir, "se.rds"))
# TODOs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: Use the logging facilities of BiocParallel. This is a longterm goal.
# For example, we could set custom messages within .BSmooth() using the
# futile.logger syntax; see the BiocParalell vignette 'Errors, Logs and
# Debugging in BiocParallel'.
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