#### plot (biosignMultiDataSet) ####
#' Plot method for biosign signatures
#' This function plots signatures obtained by \code{biosign}.
#' @aliases plot.biosignMultiDataSet plot,biosignMultiDataSet-method
#' @examples
#' # Loading the 'NCI60_4arrays' from the 'omicade4' package
#' data("NCI60_4arrays", package = "omicade4")
#' # Selecting two of the four datasets
#' setNamesVc <- c("agilent", "hgu95")
#' # Creating the MultiDataSet instance
#' nciMset <- MultiDataSet::createMultiDataSet()
#' # Adding the two datasets as ExpressionSet instances
#' for (setC in setNamesVc) {
#' # Getting the data
#' exprMN <- as.matrix(NCI60_4arrays[[setC]])
#' pdataDF <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(exprMN),
#' cancer = substr(colnames(exprMN), 1, 2),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' fdataDF <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(exprMN),
#' name = rownames(exprMN),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Building the ExpressionSet
#' eset <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = exprMN,
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = pdataDF),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = fdataDF),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = setC))
#' # Adding to the MultiDataSet
#' nciMset <- MultiDataSet::add_eset(nciMset, eset, dataset.type = setC,
#' GRanges = NA, warnings = FALSE)
#' }
#' # Restricting to the 'ME' and 'LE' cancer types
#' sampleNamesVc <- Biobase::sampleNames(nciMset[["agilent"]])
#' cancerTypeVc <- Biobase::pData(nciMset[["agilent"]])[, "cancer"]
#' nciMset <- nciMset[sampleNamesVc[cancerTypeVc %in% c("ME", "LE")], ]
#' # Summary of the MultiDataSet
#' nciMset
#' # Selecting the significant features for PLS-DA, RF, and SVM classifiers, and getting back the updated MultiDataSet
#' nciBiosign <- biosigner::biosign(nciMset, "cancer")
#' # Plotting the selected signatures
#' plot(nciBiosign)
#' @rdname plot
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "biosignMultiDataSet"),
fig.pdfC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.pdf")[2],
info.txtC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2],
...) {
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive"))) {
sink(info.txtC, append = TRUE)
infTxtC <- info.txtC
if (infTxtC != "none")
infTxtC <- "interactive"
if (!(fig.pdfC %in% c("none", "interactive"))) {
figPdfC <- fig.pdfC
if (figPdfC != "none")
figPdfC <- "interactive"
biosignLs <- x@biosignLs
for (setI in 1:length(biosignLs)) {
plot(x@biosignLs[[setI]], subC = paste0("[", names(biosignLs)[setI], "]"),
typeC = "tier",
fig.pdfC = figPdfC,
info.txtC = infTxtC,
plot(x@biosignLs[[setI]], subC = paste0("[", names(biosignLs)[setI], "]"),
typeC = "boxplot",
fig.pdfC = figPdfC,
info.txtC = infTxtC,
if (!(fig.pdfC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
#### plot (biosign) ####
#' Plot method for 'biosign' signature objects
#' Displays classifier tiers or individual boxplots from selected features
#' @aliases plot.biosign plot,biosign-method
#' @param x An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by the \code{biosign}
#' function.
#' @param y Currently not used.
#' @param tierMaxC Character: Maximum level of tiers to display: Either 'S' and
#' 'A', (for boxplot), or also 'B', 'C', 'D', and 'E' (for tiers) by decreasing
#' number of selections
#' @param typeC Character: Plot type; either 'tier' [default] displaying the
#' comparison of signatures up to the selected 'tierMaxC' or 'boxplot' showing
#' the individual boxplots of the features selected by all the classifiers
#' @param plotSubC Character: Graphic subtitle
#' @param fig.pdfC Character: File name with '.pdf' extension for the figure;
#' if 'interactive' (default), figures will be displayed interactively; if 'none',
#' no figure will be generated
#' @param info.txtC Character: File name with '.txt' extension for the printed
#' results (call to sink()'); if 'interactive' (default), messages will be
#' printed on the screen; if 'none', no verbose will be generated
#' @param file.pdfC Character: deprecated; use the 'fig.pdfC' argument instead
#' @param .sinkC Character: deprecated; use the 'info.txtC' argument instead
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A plot is created on the current graphics device.
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' ## individual boxplot of the selected signatures
#' plot(diaSign, typeC = "boxplot")
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname plot
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "biosign"),
tierMaxC = "S",
typeC = c("tier", "boxplot")[1],
plotSubC = NA,
fig.pdfC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.pdf")[2],
info.txtC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2],
file.pdfC = NULL,
.sinkC = NULL,
...) {
if (!is.null(file.pdfC)) {
warning("'file.pdfC' argument is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- file.pdfC
if (!is.null(.sinkC)) {
warning("'.sinkC' argument is deprecated; use 'info.txtC' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- .sinkC
if (is.null(info.txtC)) {
warning("'info.txtC = NULL' argument value is deprecated; use 'info.txtC = 'none'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- 'none'
if ( {
warning("'info.txtC = NA' argument value is deprecated; use 'info.txtC = 'interactive'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- 'interactive'
if (is.null(fig.pdfC)) {
warning("'fig.pdfC = NULL' argument value is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC = 'none'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- 'none'
if ( {
warning("'fig.pdfC = NA' argument value is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC = 'interactive'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- 'interactive'
if (fig.pdfC == "none")
stop("'fig.pdfC' cannot be set to 'none' in the 'plot' method.",
call. = FALSE)
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
sink(info.txtC, append = TRUE)
tierFullVc <- c("S", LETTERS[1:5])
if (length(tierMaxC) != 1 || any(!(tierMaxC %in% tierFullVc))) {
stop("'tierMaxC' argument must be either '",
paste(tierFullVc, collapse = "', '"),
"' for the 'tier' plot.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (typeC == "boxplot" && any(!(tierMaxC %in% c("S", "A")))) {
stop("'tierMaxC' argument must be either 'S' or 'A' for the 'boxplot'.",
call. = FALSE)
} else
tierVc <- tierFullVc[1:which(tierFullVc == tierMaxC)]
tier = {
if (sum(x@tierMC %in% tierVc) == 0) {
stop("No signature up to tier '",
"' to be plotted.",
call. = FALSE)
boxplot = {
S = {
sgnAllVc = x@signatureLs[["complete"]]
xSubMN <- x@xSubMN
A = {
sgnAllVc = x@AS[["signatureLs"]][["complete"]]
xSubMN <- x@AS[["xSubMN"]]
if (length(sgnAllVc) == 0) {
stop("No signature up to tier '",
tail(tierVc, 1), "' to be plotted.", call. = FALSE)
if (fig.pdfC != "interactive")
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
tier = {
if (length(setdiff(tierVc, c(x@tierMC)))) {
tierNotFoundVc <- tierFullVc[tierFullVc %in% setdiff(tierVc, c(x@tierMC))]
warning("tierMC does not contain the following values: '",
paste(tierNotFoundVc, collapse = "', '"), "'",
call. = FALSE)
inputMC <- x@tierMC[apply(x@tierMC, 1,
function(rowVc) sum(rowVc %in% tierVc) > 0), ,
drop = FALSE]
tierFullVi <- 1:length(tierFullVc)
names(tierFullVi) <- tierFullVc
inputMN <- inputMC
for (j in 1:ncol(inputMN))
inputMN[, j] <- tierFullVi[inputMC[, j]]
mode(inputMN) <- "numeric"
imageMN <- inputMN
colnames(imageMN) <- gsub("plsda", "PLS-DA",
gsub("randomforest", "Random Forest",
gsub("svm", "SVM", colnames(imageMN))))
if (length(rownames(imageMN)) == 0) {
rownameInVc <- rep("", times = nrow(imageMN))
} else {
rownameInVc <- rownames(imageMN)
warnOpN <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
rownameInCharVsNumL <- NA %in% as.numeric(rownameInVc)
options(warn = warnOpN)
if (rownameInCharVsNumL) {
rownameInDuplicateVc <- duplicated(rownameInVc)
rownameInVc <- sapply(1:length(rownameInVc), function(i) ifelse(!rownameInDuplicateVc[i],
yes = rownameInVc[i],
no = ""))
colnameInVc <- colnames(imageMN)
imageMN <- t(imageMN[nrow(imageMN):1, , drop = FALSE])
par(bg = "white",
font = 2,
lwd = 2)
layout(matrix(c(2, 1),
nrow = 1,
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE),
widths = c(8, 2))
tierFullColVc <- c("#1A9850", "#91CF60", "#D9EF8B", "#FEE08B", "#FC8D59", "#D73027")
names(tierFullColVc) <- tierFullVc
## draw color scale
par(mar = c(1.1, 0.6, 7.6, 4.1))
plot(x = 0,
y = 0,
font.axis = 2,
font.lab = 2,
type = "n",
xlim = c(0, 1),
ylim = c(0, 6),
xlab = "",
ylab = "",
xaxs = "i",
yaxs = "i",
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n")
rect(xleft = 0,
ybottom = 0:5,
xright = 1,
ytop = 1:6,
col = rev(tierFullColVc),
border = NA)
axis(at = tierFullVi - 0.5,
font = 2,
font.axis = 2,
labels = rev(tierFullVc),
las = 1,
lwd = 2,
lwd.ticks = 2,
side = 4)
code = 0,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
## draw image
par(mar = c(1.1,
image(x = 1:nrow(imageMN),
y = 1:ncol(imageMN),
z = imageMN,
col = tierFullColVc[min(inputMN):max(inputMN)],
font.axis = 2,
font.lab = 2,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
xlab = "",
ylab = "")
xLabelAtVn <- 1:ncol(imageMN)
yLabelAtVn <- 1:nrow(imageMN)
## if(colnameInCharVsNumL) {
xLabelVc <- colnameInVc[colnameInVc != ""]
xLabelLowIndiceVn <- which(colnameInVc != "")
xLabelSpanVn <- diff(c(xLabelLowIndiceVn, length(colnameInVc) + 1))
xLabelAtVn <- xLabelLowIndiceVn - rep(1, times = length(xLabelLowIndiceVn)) + xLabelSpanVn / 2 + rep(0.5, times = length(xLabelLowIndiceVn))
par(cex = 1)
axis(side = 3,
at = xLabelAtVn,
font = 2,
labels = xLabelVc,
las = 2,
line = -0.5,
tick = FALSE)
par(cex = 1)
if (rownameInCharVsNumL) {
yLabelVc <- rownameInVc[rownameInVc != ""]
yLabelLowIndiceVn <- which(rownameInVc != "")
yLabelSpanVn <- diff(c(yLabelLowIndiceVn, length(rownameInVc) + 1))
yLabelAtVn <- ncol(imageMN) - rev(yLabelLowIndiceVn) + rep(1, times = length(yLabelLowIndiceVn)) - rev(yLabelSpanVn) / 2 + rep(0.5, times = length(yLabelLowIndiceVn))
par(cex = 1)
axis(side = 2,
at = yLabelAtVn,
font = 2,
hadj = 1,
labels = rev(yLabelVc),
las = 2,
line = -0.5,
tick = FALSE)
} else {
rownameVn <- as.numeric(rownameInVc)
prettyVn <- pretty(rownameVn)
prettyVn <- prettyVn[min(rownameVn) <= prettyVn & prettyVn <= max(rownameVn)]
indiceVn <- numeric()
for (k in 1:length(prettyVn))
indiceVn[k] <- which(abs(rownameVn - prettyVn[k]) == min(abs(rownameVn - prettyVn[k])))[1]
axis(side = 2,
at = nrow(imageMN) - rev(indiceVn),
font = 2,
labels = as.character(prettyVn))
par(cex = 1)
## additional lines
if (rownameInCharVsNumL)
abline(h = ncol(imageMN) - which(rownameInVc != "") + 1 + 0.5,
lwd = 1)
## if (colnameInCharVsNumL)
abline(v = which(colnameInVc != "") - 0.5,
lwd = 1)
## border
box(lwd = 2)
## arrows at the end of the axes
length = 0.1,
lwd = 2,
xpd = TRUE)
box(lwd = 3)
## Title
mainC <- "Tiers of the selected features"
if (!
mainC <- paste0(mainC, " \n", plotSubC)
title(mainC, adj = 0.1, outer = TRUE, line = -2.5)
boxplot = {
palVc <- c(code100_plsda = "#CB181D",
## code110_plsda_randomforest = "#F16913",
code010_randomforest = "#238B45",
## code011_randomforest_svm = "#807DBA",
code001_svm = "#2171B5")
## code101_plsda_svm = " #BF812D",
## code111_plsda_randomforest_svm = "black"
## )
palDF <- data.frame(row.names = substr(names(palVc), 5, 7),
classifier = substr(names(palVc), 9, nchar(names(palVc))),
color = palVc,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
dimN <- ceiling(sqrt(length(sgnAllVc)))
layout(matrix(1:dimN^2, nrow = dimN, byrow = TRUE))
par(font = 2, font.axis = 2, font.lab = 2, las = 1,
mar = c(2.1, 2.6, 2.6, 1.1),
oma = c(0, 0, 2.1, 0))
for (bmkC in sgnAllVc) {
bmkTirVc <- x@tierMC[bmkC, ]
names(bmkTirVc) <- colnames(x@tierMC)
bmkTirSigVl <- bmkTirVc %in% tierVc
bmkModVc <- paste(names(bmkTirVc)[bmkTirSigVl], collapse = ", ")
bmkModVc <- gsub("plsda", "PLSDA", gsub("randomforest", 'RF', gsub("svm", "SVM", bmkModVc)))
bmkColC <- ifelse(sum(bmkTirSigVl) == 1,
palDF[paste(as.numeric(bmkTirSigVl), collapse = ""), "color"],
boxplot(xSubMN[, bmkC] ~ x@yFc,
border = bmkColC,
main = "")
mtext(ifelse(nchar(bmkC) > 23, paste0(substr(bmkC, 1, 20), "."), bmkC),
cex = 0.8,
line = 1.1)
mtext(bmkModVc, line = 0.1, cex = 0.6)
mainC <- paste0("'", switch(tierMaxC, S = "S", A = "S+A"), "' signature")
if (!
mainC <- paste0(mainC, " ", plotSubC)
title(main = mainC,
line = 0.5, cex.main = 1.5, outer = TRUE)
if (fig.pdfC != "interactive")
## Closing connection
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
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