#### biosign (MultiDataSet) ####
#' @rdname biosign
#' @export
setMethod("biosign", signature(x = "MultiDataSet"),
seedI = NULL,
fig.pdfC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.pdf")[2],
info.txtC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2],
...) {
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
sink(info.txtC, append = TRUE)
infTxtC <- info.txtC
if (infTxtC != "none")
infTxtC <- "interactive"
if (!(fig.pdfC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
figPdfC <- fig.pdfC
if (figPdfC != "none")
figPdfC <- "none"
biosignMsetLs <- vector(mode = "list",
length = length(names(x)))
names(biosignMsetLs) <- names(x)
for (setC in names(x)) {
if (info.txtC != "none")
cat("\n\nSelecting the features for the '", setC, "' dataset:\n", sep = "")
plotL <- TRUE
setBiosign <- tryCatch(biosigner::biosign(x[[setC]],
y = y,
fig.pdfC = figPdfC,
info.txtC = infTxtC,
error = function(e) NULL)
if (is.null(setBiosign)) {
setBiosign <- new("biosign")
setBiosign@eset <- x[[setC]]
plotL <- FALSE
} else {
tierMC <- setBiosign@tierMC
if (is.null(tierMC) ||
sum(apply(setBiosign@tierMC, 2,
function(colVc) sum(colVc == "S"))) < 1)
plotL <- FALSE
biosignMsetLs[[setC]] <- setBiosign
if (fig.pdfC != "none" && plotL) {
typeC = "tier",
plotSubC = paste0("[", setC, "]"),
typeC = "boxplot",
plotSubC = paste0("[", setC, "]"),
if (!(fig.pdfC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
biosignMset <- new("biosignMultiDataSet")
biosignMset@biosignLs <- biosignMsetLs
#### biosign (ExpressionSet) ####
#' @rdname biosign
#' @export
setMethod("biosign", signature(x = "ExpressionSet"),
function(x, y, ...) {
if (!(y %in% colnames(Biobase::pData(x)))) {
stop("'y' must be the name of a column of the phenoData slot of the 'ExpressionSet' object", call. = FALSE)
} else {
rspFcVc <- Biobase::pData(x)[, y]
bsg <- biosign(t(Biobase::exprs(x)), rspFcVc, ...)
tierMC <- bsg@tierMC
fdaDF <- Biobase::fData(x)
if (!is.null(tierMC)) {
for (colI in 1:ncol(tierMC)) {
tierVc <- ropls:::.genVec(x, "feature", "character")
tierVc[rownames(tierMC)] <- tierMC[, colI]
fdaDF[, paste(y,
gsub("randomforest", "forest", colnames(tierMC)[colI]),
sep = "_")] <- tierVc
Biobase::fData(x) <- fdaDF
bsg@eset <- x
#### biosign (data.frame) ####
#' @rdname biosign
#' @export
setMethod("biosign", signature(x = "data.frame"),
function(x, y, ...) {
if (!all(sapply(x, data.class) == "numeric")) {
stop("'x' data frame must contain columns of 'numeric' vectors only", call. = FALSE)
} else
x <- as.matrix(x)
bsg <- biosign(x, y, ...)
#### biosign (matrix) ####
#' Builds the molecular signature.
#' Main function of the 'biosigner' package. For each of the available
#' classifiers (PLS-DA, Random Forest, and SVM), the significant features are
#' selected and the corresponding models are built.
#' @name biosign
#' @aliases biosign biosign,data.frame-method biosign,matrix-method
#' biosign,ExpressionSet-method
#' @docType methods
#' @param x Numerical data frame or matrix (observations x variables), or
#' ExpressionSet object with non empty assayData and phenoData; NAs are allowed
#' for PLS-DA but for SVM, samples with NA will be removed
#' @param y Two-level factor corresponding to the class labels, or a character
#' indicating the name of the column of the pData to be used, when x is an
#' ExpressionSet object
#' @param methodVc Character vector: Either one or all of the following
#' classifiers: Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis ('plsda'), or
#' Random Forest ('randomforest'), or Support Vector Machine ('svm')
#' @param bootI Integer: Number of bootstaps for resampling
#' @param pvalN Numeric: To speed up the selection, only variables which
#' significantly improve the model up to two times this threshold (to take into
#' account potential fluctuations) are computed
#' @param permI Integer: Random permutation are used to assess the significance
#' of each new variable included into the model (forward selection)
#' @param fixRankL Logical: Should the initial ranking be computed with the
#' full model only, or as the median of the ranks from the models built on the
#' sampled dataset?
#' @param seedI integer: optional seed to obtain exactly the same signature when
#' rerunning biosigner; default is '123'; set to NULL to prevent seed setting
#' @param plotSubC Character: Graphic subtitle
#' @param fig.pdfC Character: File name with '.pdf' extension for the figure;
#' if 'interactive' (default), figures will be displayed interactively; if 'none',
#' no figure will be generated
#' @param info.txtC Character: File name with '.txt' extension for the printed
#' results (call to sink()'); if 'interactive' (default), messages will be
#' printed on the screen; if 'none', no verbose will be generated
#' @param printL Logical: deprecated: use the 'info.txtC' argument instead
#' @param plotL Logical: deprecated: use the 'fig.pdfC' argument instead
#' @param .sinkC Character: deprecated: use the 'info.txtC' argument instead
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return An S4 object of class 'biosign' containing the following slots: 1)
#' 'methodVc' character vector: selected classifier(s) ('plsda',
#' 'randomforest', and/or 'svm'), 2) 'accuracyMN' numeric matrix: balanced
#' accuracies for the full models, and the models restricted to the 'S' and
#' 'AS' signatures (predictions are obtained by using the resampling scheme
#' selected with the 'bootI' and 'crossvalI' arguments), 3) 'tierMC' character
#' matrix: contains the tier ('S', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', or 'E') of each feature
#' for each classifier (features with tier 'S' have been found significant in
#' all backward selections; features with tier 'A' have been found significant
#' in all but the last selection, and so on), 4) modelLs list: selected
#' classifier(s) trained on the subset restricted to the 'S' features, 5)
#' signatureLs list: 'S' signatures for each classifier; and 6) 'AS' list: 'AS'
#' signatures and corresponding trained classifiers, in addition to the dataset
#' restricted to tiers 'S' and 'A' ('xMN') and the labels ('yFc')
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @seealso \code{\link{predict.biosign}}, \code{\link{plot.biosign}}
#' @rdname biosign
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' # signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' # a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' # we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' ## Application to an ExpressionSet
#' diaSet <- ExpressionSet(assayData = t(dataMatrix),
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sampleMetadata),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = variableMetadata),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = "diaplasma"))
#' diaSign <- biosign(diaSet, "type", bootI = 5)
#' diaSet <- getEset(diaSign)
#' head(fData(diaSet))
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' ## Application to a MultiDataSet
#' # Loading the 'NCI60_4arrays' from the 'omicade4' package
#' data("NCI60_4arrays", package = "omicade4")
#' # Selecting two of the four datasets
#' setNamesVc <- c("agilent", "hgu95")
#' # Creating the MultiDataSet instance
#' nciMset <- MultiDataSet::createMultiDataSet()
#' # Adding the two datasets as ExpressionSet instances
#' for (setC in setNamesVc) {
#' # Getting the data
#' exprMN <- as.matrix(NCI60_4arrays[[setC]])
#' pdataDF <- data.frame(row.names = colnames(exprMN),
#' cancer = substr(colnames(exprMN), 1, 2),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' fdataDF <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(exprMN),
#' name = rownames(exprMN),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Building the ExpressionSet
#' eset <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = exprMN,
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = pdataDF),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = fdataDF),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = setC))
#' # Adding to the MultiDataSet
#' nciMset <- MultiDataSet::add_eset(nciMset, eset, dataset.type = setC,
#' GRanges = NA, warnings = FALSE)
#' }
#' # Restricting to the 'ME' and 'LE' cancer types
#' sampleNamesVc <- Biobase::sampleNames(nciMset[["agilent"]])
#' cancerTypeVc <- Biobase::pData(nciMset[["agilent"]])[, "cancer"]
#' nciMset <- nciMset[sampleNamesVc[cancerTypeVc %in% c("ME", "LE")], ]
#' # Summary of the MultiDataSet
#' nciMset
#' # Building PLS-DA models for the cancer type, and getting back the updated MultiDataSet
#' nciPlsda <- ropls::opls(nciMset, "cancer", predI = 2)
#' nciMset <- ropls::getMset(nciPlsda)
#' # Selecting the significant features for PLS-DA, RF, and SVM classifiers, and getting back the updated MultiDataSet
#' nciBiosign <- biosigner::biosign(nciMset, "cancer")
#' nciMset <- biosigner::getMset(nciBiosign)
setMethod("biosign", signature(x = "matrix"),
methodVc = c("all", "plsda", "randomforest", "svm")[1],
bootI = 50,
pvalN = 0.05,
permI = 1,
fixRankL = FALSE,
seedI = 123,
plotSubC = NA,
fig.pdfC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.pdf")[2],
info.txtC = c("none", "interactive", "myfile.txt")[2],
printL = TRUE,
plotL = TRUE,
.sinkC = NULL,
...) {
if (!printL) {
warning("'printL' argument is deprecated; use 'info.txtC' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- "none"
if (!plotL) {
warning("'plotL' argument is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- "none"
if (!is.null(.sinkC)) {
warning("'.sinkC' argument is deprecated; use 'info.txtC' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- .sinkC
if (is.null(info.txtC)) {
warning("'info.txtC = NULL' argument value is deprecated; use 'info.txtC = 'none'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- 'none'
if ( {
warning("'info.txtC = NA' argument value is deprecated; use 'info.txtC = 'interactive'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
info.txtC <- 'interactive'
if (is.null(fig.pdfC)) {
warning("'fig.pdfC = NULL' argument value is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC = 'none'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- 'none'
if ( {
warning("'fig.pdfC = NA' argument value is deprecated; use 'fig.pdfC = 'interactive'' instead.",
call. = FALSE)
fig.pdfC <- 'interactive'
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
sink(info.txtC, append = TRUE)
if (mode(x) != "numeric")
stop("'x' matrix must be of 'numeric' mode", call. = FALSE)
xMN <- x
if (any(apply(xMN, 2, function(colVn) all(
stop("'x' contains columns with 'NA' only", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(colnames(xMN))) {
colnames(xMN) <- paste0("V", 1:ncol(xMN))
warning(paste0("Missing column names in 'x' (i.e., variable names): Names are being set to '",
head(colnames(xMN), 1),
"' ... '",
tail(colnames(xMN), 1),
call. = FALSE)
if (is.character(y)) {
y <- factor(y)
# warning("'y' character vector converted to a factor with levels '",
# paste(levels(y), collapse = "', '"),
# "'",
# call. = FALSE)
} else if (!is.factor(y)) {
stop("'y' must be a character vector or a factor", call. = FALSE)
if (length(y) != nrow(xMN)) {
stop("'y' factor length must be equal to the number of rows of 'x'", call. = FALSE)
} else if (length(levels(y)) != 2) {
stop("'y' must have two levels", call. = FALSE)
} else if (any( {
stop("'y' must not contain missing ('NA') values", call. = FALSE)
} else
yFc <- y
methodAllVc <- c("plsda", "randomforest", "svm")
if (length(methodVc) == 1 && methodVc == "all") {
methodVc <- methodAllVc
} else if (!all(methodVc %in% methodAllVc))
stop("The following method(s) is/are not available: '",
paste(methodVc[!(methodVc %in% methodAllVc)], collapse = "', '"),
call. = FALSE)
if (pvalN < 0 || pvalN > 1)
stop("The p-value threshold 'pvalN' (",
") must be between 0 and 1",
call. = FALSE)
## signatures
datasetLs <- list(dataMatrix = xMN,
sampleMetadata = data.frame(row.names = rownames(xMN),
respC = yFc),
variableMetadata = data.frame(row.names = colnames(xMN),
name. = colnames(xMN)))
tierMN <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(xMN), ncol = length(methodVc))
rownames(tierMN) <- colnames(xMN)
colnames(tierMN) <- methodVc
accuVn <- numeric(length(methodVc))
stopIterVl <- logical(length(methodVc))
names(stopIterVl) <- names(accuVn) <- methodVc
for (methodC in methodVc) {
if (!is.null(seedI))
optWrnN <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
tierMetLs <- getTierF(datasetLs = datasetLs,
methodC = methodC,
bootI = bootI,
permI = permI,
pvalN = pvalN,
fixRankL = fixRankL)
options(warn = optWrnN)
if (!is.null(seedI))
tierMN[, methodC] <- tierMetLs[["tierVn"]]
accuVn[methodC] <- tierMetLs[["accuracyN"]]
stopIterVl[methodC] <- tierMetLs[["stopIterL"]]
## Formatting, ordering, and displaying results
xSubMNAS <- xSubMN <- signatureLsAS <- signatureLs <- modelLsAS <- modelLs <- tierMC <- NULL
## Accuracy of full, S+A and S models
accuracyMN <- matrix(NA, nrow = 3, ncol = length(methodVc),
dimnames = list(c("Full", "AS", "S"), methodVc))
modelLs <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(methodVc))
names(modelLs) <- methodVc
signatureLs <- modelLsAS <- modelLs ## void models are empty lists
for (sgnI in 1:length(signatureLs))
signatureLs[[sgnI]] <- character() ## void signatures are character(0)
signatureLsAS <- signatureLs
## translating tiers (building tierMC)
if (max(tierMN) > 0) {
for (methodC in methodVc) {
tierVn <- tierMN[, methodC]
translate <- rep("E", length(unique(tierVn)))
if (max(tierVn) > 0) {
## if(stop.rec[[methodC]]) {
if (stopIterVl[methodC]) {
translate[max(tierVn) + 1] <- "S"
if (max(tierVn) > 1)
translate[max(tierVn)] <- "A"
if (max(tierVn) > 2)
translate[max(tierVn) - 1] <- "B"
if (max(tierVn) > 3)
translate[max(tierVn) - 2] <- "C"
if (max(tierVn) > 4)
translate[max(tierVn) - 3] <- "D"
translate[max(tierVn) + 1] <- "A"
if (max(tierVn) > 1)
translate[max(tierVn)] <- "B"
if (max(tierVn) > 2)
translate[max(tierVn) - 1] <- "C"
if (max(tierVn) > 3)
translate[max(tierVn) - 2] <- "D"
tierVn <- translate[tierVn + 1]
tierMC <- cbind(tierMC, tierVn)
dimnames(tierMC) <- dimnames(tierMN)
## ordering tiers (ordering tierMC)
tierFullVc <- c("S", LETTERS[1:5])
tierFullVn <- length(tierFullVc):1
names(tierFullVn) <- tierFullVc
tierOrdMC <- NULL
for (tierC in tierFullVc) {
if (any(tierC %in% c(tierMC))) {
rowSelVl <- rowSums(tierMC == tierC) > 0
tierMaxMC <- tierMC[rowSelVl, , drop = FALSE]
tierMaxMN <- tierMaxMC
for (j in 1:ncol(tierMaxMC))
tierMaxMN[, j] <- tierFullVn[tierMaxMC[, j]]
mode(tierMaxMN) <- "numeric"
tierMaxMC <- tierMaxMC[order(rowSums(tierMaxMN), decreasing = TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
tierOrdMC <- rbind(tierOrdMC, tierMaxMC)
tierMC <- tierMC[!rowSelVl, , drop = FALSE]
tierMC <- tierOrdMC
## Accuracy of full, S+A and S models
for (methodC in methodVc) {
## accuracyMN["Full", methodC] <- fsiResLs[[methodC]]$accuracyN
accuracyMN["Full", methodC] <- accuVn[methodC]
## 'S+A' outputs
datasetMethodLs <- datasetLs
signatureLsAS[[methodC]] <- rownames(tierMC)[which(tierMC[, methodC] %in% c("S","A"))]
if (length(signatureLsAS[[methodC]])) {
datasetMethodLs$variableMetadata <- datasetMethodLs$variableMetadata[signatureLsAS[[methodC]], , drop = FALSE]
datasetMethodLs$dataMatrix <- datasetMethodLs$dataMatrix[ , signatureLsAS[[methodC]], drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(seedI))
optWrnN <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
my.fsi <- getBootSignificanceF(datasetMethodLs,
bootI = bootI,
permI = 0,
fullModelL = TRUE)
options(warn = optWrnN)
if (!is.null(seedI))
accuracyMN["AS", methodC] <- my.fsi$accuracyN
modelLsAS[[methodC]] <- my.fsi$model
## 'S' outputs
datasetMethodLs <- datasetLs
signatureLs[[methodC]] <- rownames(tierMC)[which(tierMC[, methodC] == "S")]
if (length(signatureLs[[methodC]])) {
datasetMethodLs$variableMetadata <- datasetMethodLs$variableMetadata[signatureLs[[methodC]], , drop = FALSE]
datasetMethodLs$dataMatrix <- datasetMethodLs$dataMatrix[ , signatureLs[[methodC]], drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(seedI))
optWrnN <- options()$warn
options(warn = -1)
my.fsi <- getBootSignificanceF(datasetMethodLs,
bootI = bootI,
permI = 0,
fullModelL = TRUE)
options(warn = optWrnN)
if (!is.null(seedI))
accuracyMN["S", methodC] <- my.fsi$accuracyN
modelLs[[methodC]] <- my.fsi$model
signatureLs[["complete"]] <- rownames(tierMC)[apply(tierMC, 1, function(rowVc) sum(rowVc == "S") > 0)]
xSubMN <- xMN[, signatureLs[["complete"]], drop = FALSE] ## for boxplotting
signatureLsAS[["complete"]] <- rownames(tierMC)[apply(tierMC, 1, function(rowVc) sum(rowVc %in% c("S", "A")) > 0)]
xSubMNAS <- xMN[, signatureLsAS[["complete"]], drop = FALSE] ## for boxplotting
} else {
tierMC <- matrix("E", nrow = nrow(tierMN), ncol = ncol(tierMN),
dimnames = dimnames(tierMN))
## Accuracy of full model
for (methodC in methodVc) {
accuracyMN["Full", methodC] <- accuVn[methodC]
xSubMN <- xMN[, signatureLs[["complete"]], drop = FALSE] ## for boxplotting
xSubMNAS <- xMN[, signatureLsAS[["complete"]], drop = FALSE] ## for boxplotting
AS <- list(modelLs = modelLsAS,
signatureLs = signatureLsAS,
xSubMN = xSubMNAS)
bsg <- new("biosign")
bsg@methodVc <- methodVc
bsg@accuracyMN <- accuracyMN
bsg@tierMC <- tierMC
bsg@yFc <- yFc
bsg@modelLs <- modelLs
bsg@signatureLs <- signatureLs
bsg@xSubMN <- xSubMN
bsg@AS <- AS
## Printing
if (info.txtC != "none") {
## Plotting
if (!all(["S", ])) && fig.pdfC != "none")
plot(bsg, typeC = "tier", plotSubC = plotSubC, fig.pdfC = fig.pdfC)
## Closing connection
if (!(info.txtC %in% c("none", "interactive")))
## Returning
#### predict ####
#' Predict method for 'biosign' signature objects
#' This function predicts values based upon \code{biosign} classifiers trained
#' on the 'S' signature
#' @aliases predict.biosign predict,biosign-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by
#' \code{biosign} function.
#' @param newdata Either a data frame or a matrix, containing numeric columns
#' only, with column names identical to the 'x' used for model training with
#' 'biosign'.
#' @param tierMaxC Character: Maximum level of tiers to display: Either 'S'or
#' 'A'.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return Data frame with the predictions for each classifier as factor
#' columns.
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## training the classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' ## fitted values (for the subsets restricted to the 'S' signatures)
#' sFitDF <- predict(diaSign)
#' ## confusion tables
#' print(lapply(sFitDF, function(predFc) table(actual = sampleMetadata[,
#' "type"], predicted = predFc)))
#' ## balanced accuracies
#' sapply(sFitDF, function(predFc) { conf <- table(sampleMetadata[,
#' "type"], predFc)
#' conf <- sweep(conf, 1, rowSums(conf), "/")
#' mean(diag(conf))
#' })
#' ## note that these values are slightly different from the accuracies
#' ## returned by biosign because the latter are computed by using the
#' ## resampling scheme selected by the bootI or crossvalI arguments
#' getAccuracyMN(diaSign)["S", ]
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname predict
#' @export
setMethod("predict", signature(object = "biosign"),
function(object, newdata, tierMaxC = "S", ...)
if (any(!(tierMaxC %in% c("S", "A"))))
stop("'tierMaxC' argument must be 'S' or 'A' for predictions", call. = FALSE)
S = {
signatureLs <- object@signatureLs
modelLs <- object@modelLs
A = {
signatureLs <- object@AS[["signatureLs"]]
modelLs <- object@AS[["modelLs"]]
if (missing(newdata)) {
fitLs <- lapply(modelLs,
function(model) {
opls = fitted(model),
randomForest = model[["predicted"]],
svm = model[["fitted"]]))
fitLs <- fitLs[!sapply(fitLs, is.null)]
if (length(fitLs) == 0) {
warning("Empty signatures for all classifiers up to tier '", tierMaxC, "'; fitted output is set to NULL", call. = FALSE)
} else
} else {
if ( {
if(!all(sapply(newdata, data.class) == "numeric")) {
stop("'newdata' data frame must contain numeric columns only", call. = FALSE)
} else if(is.matrix(newdata)) {
if(mode(newdata) != "numeric") {
stop("'newdata' matrix must be of 'numeric' mode", call. = FALSE)
} else
newdata <-
} else
stop("'newdata' must be either a data.frame or a matrix", call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(colnames(newdata))) {
colnames(newdata) <- paste0("V", 1:ncol(newdata))
warning(paste0("Missing column names in 'newdata' (i.e., variable names): Names are being set to '",
head(colnames(newdata), 1),
"' ... '",
tail(colnames(newdata), 1),
call. = FALSE)
if (length(signatureLs[["complete"]]) == 0){
warning("Signatures from all classifiers up to tier '", tierMaxC, "' are empty; prediction output is set to NULL", call. = FALSE)
} else {
predDF <-,
function(methodC) {
signVc <- signatureLs[[methodC]]
if(length(signVc)) {
signOutVc <- signVc[!(signVc %in% colnames(newdata))]
if(length(signOutVc)) {
stop("The following variables from the ", methodC, " ", switch(tierMaxC, S = "S", A = "S+A"), " signature are not found as column names in 'newdata': '", paste(signOutVc, collapse = "', '"), "'.", call. = FALSE)
} else
newdata = newdata[, signVc, drop = FALSE]))
} else
return(rep(NA, nrow(newdata))) ## /!\ logical mode
colnames(predDF) <- object@methodVc
predDF <- predDF[, !apply(predDF, 2, function(predVn) all(, drop = FALSE]
#### show ####
#' Show method for 'biosign' signature objects
#' Prints the selected features and the accuracies of the classifiers.
#' @aliases show.biosign show,biosign-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by the
#' \code{biosign} function.
#' @return Invisible.
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' diaSign
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname show
#' @export
tierMaxC <- "S"
## if(is.null(object@accuracyMN)) {
if(all(["S", ]))) {
cat("No significant variable found for the selected classifier(s): '", paste(object@methodVc, collapse = "', '"), "'\n", sep = "")
} else {
tierFullVc <- c("S", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E")
if (any(!(tierMaxC %in% tierFullVc))) {
stop("'tierMaxC' argument must be in '", paste(tierFullVc, collapse = "', '"), "'", call. = FALSE)
} else
tierVc <- tierFullVc[1:which(tierFullVc == tierMaxC)]
if (sum(object@tierMC %in% tierVc)) {
if (length(setdiff(tierVc, c(object@tierMC)))) {
tierNotFoundVc <- tierFullVc[tierFullVc %in% setdiff(tierVc, c(object@tierMC))]
warning("tierMC does not contain the following values: '", paste(tierNotFoundVc, collapse = "', '"), "'", call. = FALSE)
cat("Significant features from '", paste(tierVc, collapse = "', '"), "' groups:\n", sep = "")
print(object@tierMC[apply(object@tierMC, 1, function(rowVc) sum(rowVc %in% tierVc) > 0), ,
drop = FALSE])
cat("Accuracy:\n", sep = "")
print(round(object@accuracyMN, 3))
#### getEset ####
#' getEset method
#' Extracts the complemented ExpressionSet when biosign has been applied to an ExpressionSet
#' @aliases getEset getEset, biosign-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by \code{biosign}
#' function.
#' @return An S4 object of class \code{ExpressionSet} which contains the dataMatrix (t(exprs(eset))),
#' and the sampleMetadata (pData(eset)) and variableMetadata (fData(eset)) with the additional columns
#' containing the computed tiers for each feature and each classifier.
#' @author Etienne Thevenot, \email{}
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## building the ExpresssionSet instance
#' diaSet <- Biobase::ExpressionSet(assayData = t(dataMatrix),
#' phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = sampleMetadata),
#' featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame",
#' data = variableMetadata),
#' experimentData = new("MIAME",
#' title = "diaplasma"))
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' diaSet <- diaSet[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(diaSet, "type", bootI = 5)
#' diaSet <- biosigner::getEset(diaSign)
#' head(Biobase::pData(diaSet))
#' head(Biobase::fData(diaSet))
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname getEset
#' @export
setMethod("getEset", "biosign",
function(object) {
#### getAccuracyMN ####
#' Accuracies of the full model and the models restricted to the signatures
#' Balanced accuracies for the full models, and the models restricted to the
#' 'S' and 'AS' signatures
#' @aliases getAccuracyMN getAccuracyMN,biosign-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by the
#' \code{biosign} function.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A numeric matrix containing the balanced accuracies for the full
#' models, and the models restricted to the 'S' and 'AS' signatures
#' (predictions are obtained by using the resampling scheme selected with the
#' 'bootI' and 'crossvalI' arguments)
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' ## individual boxplot of the selected signatures
#' getAccuracyMN(diaSign)
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname getAccuracyMN
#' @export
setMethod("getAccuracyMN", "biosign",
function(object) {
#### getSignatureLs ####
#' Signatures selected by the models
#' List of 'S' (or 'S' and 'A') signatures for each classifier
#' @aliases getSignatureLs getSignatureLs,biosign-method
#' @param object An S4 object of class \code{biosign}, created by the
#' \code{biosign} function.
#' @param tierC Character: defines whether signatures from the 'S' tier only
#' (default) or the ('S' and 'A') tiers should be returned
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return List of 'S' (or 'S' and 'A') signatures for each classifier
#' @author Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
#' @examples
#' ## loading the diaplasma dataset
#' data(diaplasma)
#' attach(diaplasma)
#' ## restricting to a smaller dataset for this example
#' featureSelVl <- variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] >= 490 & variableMetadata[, "mzmed"] < 500
#' dataMatrix <- dataMatrix[, featureSelVl]
#' variableMetadata <- variableMetadata[featureSelVl, ]
#' ## signature selection for all 3 classifiers
#' ## a bootI = 5 number of bootstraps is used for this example
#' ## we recommend to keep the default bootI = 50 value for your analyzes
#' set.seed(123)
#' diaSign <- biosign(dataMatrix, sampleMetadata[, "type"], bootI = 5)
#' ## individual boxplot of the selected signatures
#' getSignatureLs(diaSign)
#' detach(diaplasma)
#' @rdname getSignatureLs
#' @export
setMethod("getSignatureLs", "biosign",
function(object, tierC = c("S", "AS")[1]) {
if(tierC == "S") {
} else if(tierC == "AS") {
} else
stop("'tierC' argument must be either 'S' or 'AS'")
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