## Note: Hierarchy of helper function calls:
##1..biosign methods-biosign_class
## 2..getTierF helpers_significance
## 3..getBootSignificanceF helpers_significance
## 4..getBootModelF helpers_model
## 5..getBootExtract helpers_bootstrap
## 5..getModelAccuRankF helpers_model
## 6..getBootTrainxF helpers_bootstrap
## 6..getBootTrainyF helpers_bootstrap
## 6..getBootTestxF helpers_bootstrap
## 6..getBootTestyF helpers_bootstrap
## 6..getModelF helpers_model
## 6..getPredictionF helpers_model
## 6..getAccuracyF helpers_model
## 6..getImportanceF helpers_model
## 5..getBootTestIndF helpers_bootstrap
## 5..getBootSummaryF helpers_model
## 4..getSignificanceF helpers_significance
## 5..getPredictionF helpers_model
## 5..getAccuracyF helpers_model
## 2..getBootSignificanceF helpers_significance
## 3..getModelF helpers_model
## helpers_bootstrap ##
## Package: biosigner
## Details: functions to generate and manipulate bootstrap from dataLs objects
## Authors: Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
## INPUT: dataLs: a dataLs object,
## bootI (interger): the size of the number of obervations to sample
## (default is set to the number of observations of dataLs)
## bootSubSampL (boolean): Should only 80% of the samples be used for bootstraping
## (ensuring 20% of out of the bag samples)
## respC (character): a response name, i.e. name of a column of the observations
## of dataLs
## OUTPUT: returns the dataLs input with a supplementary dataframe (bootDF) contaning
## all needed information to extract train and test sub dataLs.
bootExtractF <- function(dataLs = NULL,
bootI = 0,
bootSubSampL = FALSE,
respC = NULL){
## Initialization of bootDF
bootDF <- data.frame(row.names = row.names(dataLs$sampleMetadata))
bootDF$freqVn <- numeric(nrow(bootDF))
if(bootI == 0)
bootI <- nrow(dataLs$sampleMetadata)
## Bootstrapping of the observations
bootFreqVi <- numeric()
if(bootSubSampL && !is.null(respC)){
## gets the responses
## for all responses gets the relative number of samples by bootstrapping
classVc <- unique(dataLs$sampleMetadata[[respC]])
## classI <- min(table(dataLs$sampleMetadata[[respC]]))
for(classC in classVc){
classI <- sum(dataLs$sampleMetadata[[respC]] == classC)
## Removing 0.2 samples to ensure 0.2 OOB samples
sampleMetaClassDF <- dataLs$sampleMetadata[which(dataLs$sampleMetadata[, respC] == classC), , drop = FALSE]
bootClassVi <- sort(sample(1:nrow(sampleMetaClassDF),
size = round(0.8 * nrow(sampleMetaClassDF)),
replace = FALSE))
bootFreqVi <- c(bootFreqVi,
table(sample(row.names(sampleMetaClassDF[bootClassVi, , drop = FALSE]),
size = classI,
replace = TRUE)))
} else
bootFreqVi <- table(sample(row.names(dataLs$sampleMetadata),
size = bootI,
replace = TRUE))
## Updating the bootDF
bootVi <- match(names(bootFreqVi), rownames(bootDF))
bootDF$freqVn[bootVi] <- bootFreqVi
## Set TRUE or FALSE in the trainVl column
bootDF$trainVl <- bootDF$freqVn != 0
## Checking for constant variables
## Adding the bootDF to the dataLs object
dataLs$bootDF <- bootDF
## INPUT: dataLs: a dataLs object,
## OUTPUT: a profile matrix, generated from the bootstrap dataframe of dataLs and corresponding to the observations tagged as TRAIN=TRUE with their frequencies
getBootTrainxF <- function(dataLs = NULL){
## get profile with only training observations
xTrainMN <- dataLs$dataMatrix[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
bootTrainDF <- dataLs$bootDF[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
bootI <- sum(dataLs$bootDF$freqVn)
## Duplicating profile sample relatively to the bootstrap freq
xTrainMN <- matrix(rep(xTrainMN,
colnames(xTrainMN) <- colnames(dataLs$dataMatrix)
## INPUT: dataLs: a dataLs object,
## respC (character): a response name, i.e. name of a column of the observations of dataLs
## OUTPUT: a factor response, generated from the bootstrap dataframe of dataLs and corresponding to the observations tagged as TRAIN=TRUE with their frequencies
getBootTrainyF <- function(dataLs=NULL, respC=NULL){
return(dataLs$sampleMetadata[, respC])
# get only training observations
yTrainFc <- dataLs$sampleMetadata[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == TRUE), , drop = FALSE][, respC]
bootTrainDF <- dataLs$bootDF[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == TRUE), , drop = FALSE]
# Duplicating sample response relatively to the bootstrap freq
yTrainFc <- factor(rep(yTrainFc, bootTrainDF$freqVn))
## INPUT: dataLs: a dataLs object,
## OUTPUT: a profile matrix, generated from the bootstrap dataframe of dataLs and corresponding to the observations tagged as TRAIN=FALSE
getBootTestxF <- function(dataLs=NULL){
# get profile with only test observations
xTestMN <- dataLs$dataMatrix[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == FALSE), , drop=FALSE]
## INPUT: dataLs: a dataLs object,
## respC (character): a response name, i.e. name of a column of the observations of dataLs
## OUTPUT: a factor response, generated from the bootstrap dataframe of dataLs and corresponding to the observations tagged as TRAIN=FALSE
getBootTestyF <- function(dataLs=NULL, respC=NULL){
return(dataLs$sampleMetadata[, respC])
# get only test observations
yTestFc <- factor(dataLs$sampleMetadata[which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl==FALSE), , drop=FALSE][, respC])
getBootTestIndF <- function(dataLs = NULL)
return(which(dataLs$bootDF$trainVl == FALSE))
## helpers_model ##
## Project: biosigner
## Details: Helper functions to build models on dataLs subsets generated by bootstraping
## Computes the accuracy of the models, and the rank of the features
## Authors: Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
## INPUT: predTestFc: a factor of prediction
## yTestFc: a factor of responses
## OUTPUT: accuracyN: accuracy of the prediction:
## for regression: R square (not used)
## for classification: balanced accuracy
getAccuracyF <- function(predTestFc = NULL,
yTestFc = NULL){
if (class(yTestFc) != "numeric") {
yTestVc <- as.character(yTestFc)
yClassVc <- unique(yTestVc)
if (length(yClassVc) != 2)
stop("Computing accuracy for 2-class discrimination only")
if (class(predTestFc) == "numeric")
stop("Predicted output is numeric and original output is not numeric (factor or character)")
predTestVc <- as.character(predTestFc)
accuracyN <- 0
for (yClassC in yClassVc){
yClassVi <- which(yTestVc == yClassC)
accuracyN <- accuracyN + (sum(predTestVc[yClassVi] == yTestVc[yClassVi]) / length(yClassVi))
accuracyN <- accuracyN / length(yClassVc)
## else{ ## not used currently (for future regression applications)
## SSE <- sum( (yTestFc - predTestFc)^2 )
## SST <- sum( (yTestFc - mean(yTestFc))^2 )
## accuracyN <- 1 - SSE/SST
## return(accuracyN)
## }
} ## getAccuracyF
## SPECIFICATIONS: generates a list of models from bootstrap,
## see getModelAccuRankF for more details
## INPUT: dataLs: data and metadata,
## respC: the response name (column of the sampleMetadata)
## bootI: number of bootstraps
## see getModelAccuRankF for the other arguments
## OUTPUT: a list of bootI models with accuracy and variable ranking
getBootModelF <- function(dataLs = NULL,
respC = NULL,
methC = NULL,
methNamLs = list(x = "x", y = "y"),
methArgLs = NULL,
predNamLs = list(object = "object", newdata = "newdata"),
predArgLs = NULL,
bootI = 0,
fixRankL = FALSE){
## generate the all the modelAccuRank generated by bootstrap
modelAccuRankLs <- list()
if (bootI != 0) {
for (i in 1:bootI) {
# generate the bootstrap
dataLs <- bootExtractF(dataLs,
bootSubSampL = TRUE,
respC = respC)
# generate the corresponding modelAccuRank
modelAccuRank <- getModelAccuRankF(getBootTrainxF(dataLs),
getBootTrainyF(dataLs, respC),
methC = methC,
methNamLs = methNamLs,
methArgLs = methArgLs,
xTestMN = getBootTestxF(dataLs),
yTestFc = getBootTestyF(dataLs, respC),
predNamLs = predNamLs,
predArgLs = predArgLs)
modelAccuRank$ind.test <- getBootTestIndF(dataLs)
## add to the heap
modelAccuRankLs <- c(modelAccuRankLs, list(modelAccuRank))
## generate general evaluation, score...
summaryLs <- getBootSummaryF(modelAccuRankLs)
if (fixRankL) {
fixed.model <- getModelF(dataLs$dataMatrix,
methC = methC,
methNamLs = methNamLs,
methArgLs = methArgLs)
summaryLs$rankVn <- getImportanceF(fixed.model,
## dataLs$dataMatrix,
## dataLs$sampleMetadata$respC,
## summaryLs$accuracyN,
## predNamLs,
## predArgLs)
bootModelLs <- list(dataLs = dataLs,
modelAccuRankLs = modelAccuRankLs,
rankVn = summaryLs$rankVn,
accuracyN = summaryLs$accuracyN,
varImpVn = summaryLs$varImpVn,
varNamVc = summaryLs$varNamVc)
} ## getBootModelF
## SPECIFICATIONS: generates the mean accuracy, median importance
## and corresponding rank from a list of modelAccuRank
## (generated from a same dataLs)
## INPUT: bootModelLs: a list of models with accuracy and variable rankings,
## generated by bootstrap (getBootModelF)
## OUTPUT: a list containing the mean evaluation, importance
## and corresponding rank and feature names
getBootSummaryF <- function(bootModelLs = NULL){
bootI <- length(bootModelLs)
## get the cumulative evaluation and scores evaluation
accuCumN <- 0
varI <- length(bootModelLs[[1]]$varImpVn)
varImpMN <- matrix(nrow = bootI, ncol = varI)
for(i in 1:bootI){
accuCumN <- accuCumN + bootModelLs[[i]]$accuracyN
varImpMN[i, ] <- rank(-bootModelLs[[i]]$varImpVn)
accuracyN <- accuCumN / bootI
varImpVn <- apply(varImpMN, 2, median)
rankVn <- rank(varImpVn, ties.method="max")
return(list(rankVn = rankVn,
accuracyN = accuracyN,
varImpVn = varImpVn,
varNamVc = bootModelLs[[1]]$varNamVc))
## INPUT: model: object containing a model
## xTrainMN: the training set on which the model has been trained
## xTestMN: a matrix of numerics (row: observations, column: features), used to test the model
## yTestFc: response to predict with xTestMN as data
## accuracyN: evaluation of the model generated with xTestMN and yTestFc
## predNamLs: list of arguments names for the input model and the input newdata of responses of the prediction method (object, newdata by default)
## predArgLs: a list of arguments for the prediction "methC" (except model and newdata)
## OUTPUT: numerical vector of feature importance
getImportanceF <- function(model = NULL,
xTrainMN = NULL
## xTestMN = NULL,
## yTestFc = NULL,
## accuracyN = NULL,
## predNamLs = list(object = "object",
## newdata = "newdata"),
## predArgLs=NULL
if (class(model) == "svm"){ ## weights (w)
varImpVn <- (t(model[["coefs"]]) %*% xTrainMN[model[["index"]],])^2
else if (class(model) == "opls"){ ## VIP
## initialize
varImpVn <- rep(0, ncol(xTrainMN))
## get the variable with a VIP:
vipVn <- ropls::getVipVn(model)
vipVi <- which(colnames(xTrainMN) %in% names(vipVn))
varImpVn[vipVi] <- vipVn
else if (class(model) == "randomForest"){
varImpVn <- model[["importance"]][, 1]
## else{ ## not currently used
## ## generic metric to measure variable importance
## ## TODO: generalize this given a score criteria in input (make a function), for example make a variable importance function
## varImpVn <- numeric(ncol(xTrainMN))
## for(j in 1:length(varImpVn)){
## xTestMN.perm <- xTestMN
## xTestMN.perm[, j] <- sample(xTestMN[, j])
## predTestFc.perm <- getPredictionF(model,
## xTestMN.perm,
## predNamLs,
## predArgLs)
## varImpVn[j] <- accuracyN - getAccuracyF(predTestFc.perm,
## yTestFc)
## }
## }
names(varImpVn) <- colnames(xTrainMN)
} ## getImportanceF
## INPUT: xMN: a numerical matrix of predictors (row: observations, column: features),
## used to train the model
## yFc: a response factor (number of responses must match the number of
## observations/row of xMN), used to train the model
## methC: name of the classifier, i.e. an R function, with at least 2 inputs:
## a numerical matrix and a response factor
## methNamLs: arguments name for the input matrix and the input factor of
## responses of the method (x, y by default)
## methArgLs: a list of arguments for the 'methC' R classifier
getModelF <- function(xMN = NULL,
yFc = NULL,
methC = NULL,
methNamLs = list(x = "x", y = "y"),
methArgLs = NULL){
## generating the full arguments for the model training
## generating the names of the args (to match the x and y)
argNamFulVc <- c(methNamLs[["x"]],
## generating the args list with the arg names just created
argFulLs <- c(list(xMN, yFc), methArgLs)
names(argFulLs) <- argNamFulVc
## generates the model from training set
if (methC == "opls") {
optWrnN <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1)
model <- try(, argFulLs), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(model, "try-error") &&
substr(unclass(attr(model, "condition"))$message, 1, 85) == "No model was built because the first predictive component was already not significant") {
argFulLs <- c(argFulLs, list(predI = 1))
model <-, argFulLs)
options(warn = optWrnN)
} else
model <-, argFulLs)
## SPECIFICATIONS: trains a model from a training data set and a training method (with args)
## then tests the model on a test set and compute the accuracy
## then evaluates the feature importance by feature permutation
## INPUT: xMN: a matrix of numerics (row: observations, column: features),
## used to train the model
## yFc: a response factor (number of responses must match the number of
## observations/row of xMN), used to train the model
## methC: a R function, with at least 2 inputs: a numercial matrix and a
## vector of responses
## methNamLs: list of arguments names for the input matrix and the input
## vector of responses of the method (x,y by default)
## methArgLs: a list of arguments for the R function "methC" (except data and
## response)
## xTestMN: a matrix of numerics (row: observations, column: features),
## used to test the model
## yTestFc: a vector of responses (number of responses must match the number
## of observations/row of xTestMN), used to test the model
## predNamLs: list of arguments names for the input model and the input newdata
## of responses of the prediction method (object,newdata by default)
## predArgLs: a list of arguments for the prediction "methC"
## (except model and newdata)
## TODO: add an argument to choose how to evaluate the model
## (currently accuracy only)
## OUTPUT: a list containing the rank of the features, their importance,
## the accuracy of the model and the model itself.
getModelAccuRankF <- function(xMN = NULL,
yFc = NULL,
methC = NULL,
methNamLs = list(x = "x",
y = "y"),
methArgLs = NULL,
xTestMN = NULL,
yTestFc = NULL,
predNamLs = list(object = "object",
newdata = "newdata"),
predArgLs = NULL){
# removing constant variables
varI <- ncol(xMN)
varNamVc <- colnames(xMN)
varCstVi <- which(apply(xMN, 2, var) <= .Machine["double.eps"])
if(length(varCstVi) > 0)
xMN <- xMN[, -varCstVi, drop = FALSE]
model <- getModelF(xMN = xMN,
yFc = yFc,
methC = methC,
methNamLs = methNamLs,
methArgLs = methArgLs)
if(length(varCstVi) > 0)
xTestMN <- xTestMN[, -varCstVi, drop = FALSE]
predTestFc <- getPredictionF(model = model,
xTestMN = xTestMN,
predNamLs = predNamLs,
predArgLs = predArgLs)
## accuracy
accuracyN <- getAccuracyF(predTestFc = predTestFc,
yTestFc = yTestFc)
## feature importance
varImpVn <- getImportanceF(model = model,
xTrainMN = xMN)
## xTestMN = xTestMN,
## yTestFc = yTestFc,
## accuracyN = accuracyN,
## predNamLs = predNamLs,
## predArgLs = predArgLs)
varImpFulVn <- rep(0, varI)
if(length(varCstVi > 0))
varImpFulVn[-varCstVi] <- varImpVn
varImpFulVn <- varImpVn
## generate the rank
rankVn <- rank(-varImpFulVn, ties.method = "max")
names(rankVn) <- varNamVc
# generate the REM
modelAccuRank <- list(rankVn = rankVn,
accuracyN = accuracyN,
model = model,
varImpVn = varImpFulVn,
varNamVc = varNamVc,
varCstVi = varCstVi)
} ## getModelAccuRankF
## INPUT: model: object containing a model (classifier)
## xTestMN: numerical matrix corresponding to the test subset (row: observations, column: features)
## predNamLs: list of arguments names for the input model and the input newdata of responses of the prediction method (object, newdata by default)
## predArgLs: a list of arguments for the prediction "methC" (in addition to the object model and newdata)
## OUTPUT: factor of predictions
getPredictionF <- function(model = NULL,
xTestMN = NULL,
predNamLs = list(object = "object",
newdata = "newdata"),
predArgLs = NULL){
## generates the prediction
## generates the full arguments for the model prediction
argNamFulVc <- c(predNamLs$object,
## generates the args list with the arg names just created
argFulLs <- c(list(model,xTestMN),predArgLs)
names(argFulLs) <- argNamFulVc
## generates the prediction
predTestFc <-, argFulLs)
} ## getPredictionF
## helpers_significance ##
## Project: biosigner
## Details: Helper functions to evaluate the significance of the features
## by using the models generated by bootstrap
## and to iterate the process to compute the tiers
## Authors: Philippe Rinaudo and Etienne Thevenot (CEA)
## SPECIFICATIONS: For a given method (PLS-DA, Random Forest, and SVM)
## at a given iteration step (i.e. tier; dataset restricted to
## a selected number of features)
## computes the bootstrap models, the aggregated accuracy
## and the variable significance
## INPUT: dataLs: data and metadata
## respC (character): a response name, i.e. name of a column of the
## observations of dataLs
## permI (integer): number permutations
## OUTPUT: list with the FSI, the mean rank (used for stepwise) and the significance of each variable, and the accuracy of the model
getBootSignificanceF <- function(dataLs = NULL,
respC = NULL,
methC = NULL,
bootI = 50,
permI = 1,
pvalN = 0.05,
fixRankL = FALSE,
fullModelL = FALSE){
"plsda" = {
methC = "opls"
methArgLs = list(permI = 0, fig.pdfC = "none", info.txtC = "none")
methNamLs = list(x = "x", y = "y")
predNamLs = list(object = "object", newdata = "newdata")
predArgLs = NULL
"randomforest" = {
methC = "randomForest"
methArgLs = list(importance = TRUE,localImp = TRUE, proximity = TRUE)
methNamLs = list(x = "x", y = "y")
predNamLs = list(object = "object", newdata = "newdata")
predArgLs = NULL
## removing all variables with NA
ind <- unique(which($dataMatrix), arr.ind = TRUE)[, "col"])
if (length(ind)) {
varNamVc <- colnames(dataLs$dataMatrix)[ind]
warning("The following variables(s) contain(s) 'NA' values and will be removed from the RandomForest models: '",
paste(varNamVc, collapse = "', '"),
dataLs$dataMatrix <- dataLs$dataMatrix[, -ind, drop = FALSE]
dataLs$variableMetadata <- dataLs$variableMetadata[-ind, , drop = FALSE]
"svm" = {
methC = "svm"
methArgLs = list(kernel = "linear", cost = 1)
## methArgLs = list(kernel="linear", cost=10)
## methArgLs = list(kernel="radial", cost=10)
methNamLs = list(x = "x", y = "y")
predNamLs = list(object = "object", newdata = "newdata")
predArgLs = list(probability = FALSE)
## removing all variables with NA
ind <- unique(which($dataMatrix), arr.ind = TRUE)[, "col"])
if (length(ind)) {
varNamVc <- colnames(dataLs$dataMatrix)[ind]
warning("The following variables(s) contain(s) 'NA' values and will be removed from the SVM models: '",
paste(varNamVc, collapse = "', '"),
dataLs$dataMatrix <- dataLs$dataMatrix[, -ind, drop = FALSE]
dataLs$variableMetadata <- dataLs$variableMetadata[-ind, , drop = FALSE]
stop(paste0("Undefined method, must be in ('svm', 'plsda', 'randomforest'), but attempt to use ", methC))
bootModelLs <- getBootModelF(dataLs = dataLs,
respC = respC,
methC = methC,
methNamLs = methNamLs,
methArgLs = methArgLs,
predNamLs = predNamLs,
predArgLs = predArgLs,
bootI = bootI,
fixRankL = fixRankL)
if (permI > 0) {
signifVn <- getSignificanceF(bootModelLs = bootModelLs,
dataLs = bootModelLs$dataLs,
respC = respC,
predNamLs = predNamLs,
predArgLs = predArgLs,
permI = permI,
pvalN = pvalN)
bootModelLs$signifVn <- signifVn
full.model <- getModelF(dataLs$dataMatrix,
dataLs$sampleMetadata[, respC],
methC = methC,
methNamLs = methNamLs,
methArgLs = methArgLs)
bootModelLs$model <- full.model
} ## getBootSignificanceF
## Looks for the significant feature closest to pvalN by dichotomy
## returns a numeric vector indicating for each variable if it is relevant (0) or not (-1)
getSignificanceF <- function(bootModelLs = NULL,
dataLs = NULL,
respC = NULL,
predNamLs = list(object = "object",
newdata = "newdata"),
predArgLs = NULL,
permI = 0,
pvalN = 0.05){
bootI <- length(bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs)
rankOrdVi <- order(bootModelLs$rankVn)
boundMinI <- 1
boundMaxI <- length(rankOrdVi)
## stopL <- FALSE
i <- boundMinI
boundMinSignifN <- 1
while((boundMinI < boundMaxI) |
(boundMinI == boundMaxI & length(rankOrdVi) == 1)){
accuracyVn <- rep(0, permI * bootI)
## generate the permutated data permI times
highRankVi <- which(bootModelLs$rankVn >= bootModelLs$rankVn[rankOrdVi[i]])
for(bI in 1:bootI){ ## number of bootstraps
for(pI in 1:permI){ ## number of permutations
## permute variables
xTrainPermMN <- dataLs$dataMatrix
xTrainPermMN[, highRankVi] <- apply(dataLs$dataMatrix[, highRankVi, drop=FALSE], 2, sample)
## generate prediction model
## get test profile
if(length(bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$varCstVi) > 0){
xTestPermMN <- xTrainPermMN[bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$ind.test,
-bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$varCstVi, drop = FALSE]
} else
xTestPermMN <- xTrainPermMN[bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$ind.test, , drop=FALSE]
## predict
predTestPermFc <- getPredictionF(bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$model,
predNamLs = predNamLs,
predArgLs = predArgLs)
## generate evaluation
yTestFc <- dataLs$sampleMetadata[, respC][bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$ind.test]
accuracyVn[(pI - 1) * bootI + bI] <- bootModelLs$modelAccuRankLs[[bI]]$accuracyN - getAccuracyF(predTestPermFc,
yTestFc = yTestFc)
## negative if the model prediction on the randomized test subset
## performs better than on the true test subset
signifN <- sum(accuracyVn <= 0, na.rm = TRUE) / (bootI * permI)
if(signifN <= pvalN){
## i.e. predictions on the randomized test subset rarely outperforms the true test subset
## i.e. some of the permutated features are relevant
## i.e. the searched interval is shifted to the features of highest ranks
boundMinI <- i
boundMinSignifN <- signifN
boundMaxI <- i - 1
if(length(rankOrdVi) == 1)
boundMaxI <- boundMinI - 1
i <- ceiling((boundMinI + boundMaxI) / 2)
signifVn <- rep(-1, length(bootModelLs$rankVn))
names(signifVn) <- rownames(dataLs$variableMetadata)
if(boundMinSignifN <= pvalN)
signifVn[rankOrdVi[1:boundMinI]] <- 0
} ## getSignificanceF
getTierF <- function(datasetLs,
fixRankL) {
fsiResLs <- list()
tierVn <- numeric(ncol(datasetLs[["dataMatrix"]]))
names(tierVn) <- colnames(datasetLs[["dataMatrix"]])
stopIterL <- FALSE
fsiResLs <- getBootSignificanceF(datasetLs,
bootI = bootI,
permI = permI,
pvalN = pvalN,
fixRankL = fixRankL)
## Begin iteration step
## extract significant variable in the last recursive step
varSelVc <- names(which(fsiResLs$signifVn <= pvalN &
fsiResLs$signifVn >= 0))
if (length(varSelVc) < 1) {
varSelVc <- fsiResLs$varNamVc[which(fsiResLs$rankVn %in% 1:(nrow(datasetLs$variableMetadata)/2))]
varSelVi <- which(rownames(datasetLs$variableMetadata) %in% varSelVc)
tierVn[varSelVi] <- tierVn[varSelVi] - 1
stopIterL <- FALSE
nb.rec <- 0
## fsi.rec <- rep(-1, nrow(datasetLs$variableMetadata))
## Next line is not actually used
## permI.rec <- permI * ceiling(nrow(datasetLs$variableMetadata) / length(varSelVc))
while (length(varSelVc) >= 1 && stopIterL == FALSE) {
## while the significant variables of the current step is not the same as the ones of the previous step (stop.rec)
## extract the data with only the significant variable of the previous step
datasetLs.rec <- datasetLs
varSelVi <- which(rownames(datasetLs$variableMetadata) %in% varSelVc)
## increase the tiers of the previous significant variables
tierVn[varSelVi] <- tierVn[varSelVi] + 1
## extraction
datasetLs.rec$dataMatrix <- datasetLs.rec$dataMatrix[, varSelVi, drop = FALSE]
datasetLs.rec$variableMetadata <- datasetLs.rec$variableMetadata[varSelVi, , drop = FALSE]
## computing the fsi for current step
fsi.rec <- getBootSignificanceF(datasetLs.rec,
bootI = bootI,
permI = permI,
pvalN = pvalN,
fixRankL = fixRankL)
## checking if the number of significant variables has changed, else stop the rec
if (length(varSelVc) != length(names(which(fsi.rec$signifVn <= pvalN &
fsi.rec$signifVn >= 0)))) {
## check if we need to iterate on the best half part (ie no significant variable found).
if(length(varSelVc) > 1 & length(names(which(fsi.rec$signifVn <= pvalN & fsi.rec$signifVn >= 0))) < 1 ){
varSelVc <- fsi.rec$varNamVc[which(fsi.rec$rankVn %in% 1:(nrow(datasetLs.rec$variableMetadata)/2))]
varSelVi <- which(rownames(datasetLs$variableMetadata) %in% varSelVc)
tierVn[varSelVi] <- tierVn[varSelVi] - 1
varSelVc <- names(which(fsi.rec$signifVn <= pvalN & fsi.rec$signifVn >= 0))
## permI.rec <- permI.rec * ceiling(nrow(datasetLs.rec$variableMetadata) / length(varSelVc))
stopIterL <- TRUE
varSelVi <- which(rownames(datasetLs$variableMetadata) %in% varSelVc)
fsiResLs$signifVn[varSelVi] <- fsi.rec$signifVn
fsiResLs$signifVn[-varSelVi] <- -1
return(list(tierVn = tierVn,
accuracyN = fsiResLs$accuracyN,
stopIterL = stopIterL))
} ## getTierF
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