readIdatFiles <- function(idatFiles = NULL) {
if(is.null(idatFiles)) {
stop("At least one file must be specified")
## are there any files with "Red" in the name
## if so we should read all the green channel first, then the red.
twoChannel <- any(grepl("Red", idatFiles))
if(twoChannel) {
greenfiles <- idatFiles[grep("Grn", idatFiles)]
redfiles <- idatFiles[grep("Red", idatFiles)]
## make sure they match up
redfiles <- redfiles[match(strtrim(redfiles, 12), strtrim(greenfiles, 12))]
idatFiles <- c(greenfiles, redfiles)
## get the array section names
sectionNames <- basename(idatFiles)[grep("Grn", basename(idatFiles))]
sectionNames <- substr(sectionNames, 1, regexpr("_Grn", sectionNames)-1)
BSData <- new("ExpressionSetIllumina")
## loop through IDAT files, reading one at a time.
for(file in idatFiles) {
idatData <- readIDAT(file)
ProbeID <- idatData$Quants[,"CodesBinData"]
## add the expression values, std errors and n observations.
## if this is the first file we stick them straight in, if not we cbind() with existing data
if( file == idatFiles[1] ) {
eMat <- matrix(idatData$Quants[,"MeanBinData"], ncol = 1)
nObs <- matrix(idatData$Quants[,"NumGoodBeadsBinData"], ncol = 1)
varMat <- matrix(idatData$Quants[,"DevBinData"] / sqrt(idatData$Quants[,"NumGoodBeadsBinData"]), ncol = 1)
else {
eMat <- cbind(eMat, idatData$Quants[,"MeanBinData"])
nObs <- cbind(nObs, idatData$Quants[,"NumGoodBeadsBinData"])
varMat <- cbind(varMat, idatData$Quants[,"DevBinData"] / sqrt(idatData$Quants[,"NumGoodBeadsBinData"]) )
assayData(BSData) <- assayDataNew(exprs = eMat, se.exprs = varMat, nObservations = nObs, storage.mode="list")
## try and work out what platform we've got here
BSData <- setFeatureData(BSData, ProbeID)
## set row and column names
for(index in names(assayData(BSData))) {
if(length(assayData(BSData)[[ index ]]) > 0) {
rownames(assayData(BSData)[[ index ]]) <- rownames(pData(featureData(BSData)))
colnames(assayData(BSData)[[ index ]]) <- sectionNames
## phenoData
phenoData(BSData) <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data.frame(sectionNames, row.names=sectionNames))
## set the channel data
if(twoChannel) {
channelFac <- c(rep("Green", length(idatFiles)/2, rep("Red", length(idatFiles)/2)))
channelList <- c("Green", "Red")
else {
channelFac <- rep("Green", length(idatFiles))
channelList <- "Green"
BSData@channelData <- list(channelFac, channelList)
setFeatureData <- function(BSData, probeIDs) {
annoName <- suggestAnnotation_Vector(probeIDs)
if(!is.null(annoName)) {
annoLoaded <- require(paste("illumina", annoName, ".db",sep=""), character.only=TRUE)
mapEnv <-"illumina", annoName, "ARRAYADDRESS",sep=""))
IlluminaIDs = as.character(unlist(mget(as.character(probeIDs), revmap(eval(mapEnv)),ifnotfound=NA)))
status = rep("Unknown", length(probeIDs))
annoPkg <- paste("illumina", annoName, ".db",sep="")
annoVers <- packageDescription(annoPkg, fields = "Version")
message(paste("Annotating control probes using package ", annoPkg, " Version:", annoVers, sep=""))
mapEnv <-"illumina", annoName, "REPORTERGROUPNAME",sep=""))
t <- try(eval(mapEnv),silent=TRUE)
if(class(t) == "try-error"){
message(paste("Could not find a REPORTERGROUPNAME mapping in annotation package ", annoPkg,". Perhaps it needs updating?", sep=""))
status[which(!] = unlist(mget(IlluminaIDs[which(!], eval(mapEnv), ifnotfound=NA))
status[which(] = "regular"
## if we have some ArrayAddressIDs that don't map to an IlluminaID we'll remove the bead-type
for(index in names(assayData(BSData))) {
if(length(assayData(BSData)[[ index ]]) > 0) {
assayData(BSData)[[ index ]] <- assayData(BSData)[[ index ]][-which(, ,drop=FALSE ]
probeIDs <- probeIDs[ -which( ]
status <- status[ -which( ]
IlluminaIDs <- IlluminaIDs[ -which( ]
features <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(ArrayAddressID = probeIDs, IlluminaID = IlluminaIDs, Status = status, row.names = IlluminaIDs))
else {
features <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = data.frame(ArrayAddressID=probeIDs, row.names=probeIDs))
featureData(BSData) <- features
annotation(BSData) <- annoName
return( BSData )
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