
Defines functions hasProbesBetween hasProbesIn hasProbesAtleast hasProbes unreliable intergenic intronic exonic .filter.whatever isUnreliable isIntergenic isIntronic isExonic .score.filter .get.stats.cache .generate.stats.bits

Documented in exonic hasProbes hasProbesAtleast hasProbesBetween hasProbesIn intergenic intronic isExonic isIntergenic isIntronic isUnreliable unreliable

# Extra functions that are not generated automagically from the schema

.generate.stats.bits = function( probesets=NULL ) {
  if( is.null( probesets ) ) {
    probesets = allProbesets( as.vector=FALSE )
  else {
    probesets = probesetDetails( probesets )
  if( is.null( probesets ) ) {
    bits = NULL
  else {
    bits = data.frame( probesets[,'probe_count'],
                   ( ( probesets[,'hit_score'] == 1 ) & ( probesets[,'gene_score'] >  0 ) & ( probesets[,'exon_score'] >  0 ) ) + # exonic
                   2 * ( ( probesets[,'hit_score'] == 1 ) & ( probesets[,'gene_score'] >  0 ) & ( probesets[,'exon_score'] == 0 ) ) + # intronic
                 4 * ( ( probesets[,'hit_score'] == 1 ) & ( probesets[,'gene_score'] == 0 ) & ( probesets[,'exon_score'] == 0 ) ) + # intergenic
                 8 * ( ( probesets[,'hit_score'] > 1 ) | ( probesets[,'hit_score'] == 0 ) ),                                        # unreliable
           row.names=probesets[,'stable_id'] )
    colnames( bits ) = c( 'probe_count', 'scores' )

.get.stats.cache = function( probeset.names=NULL ) {
  bits = NULL
  if( is.null( .xmap.internals$connected ) || !.xmap.internals$connected ) {
    stop( "You need to connect to a database. -- see annmapConnect()")
  if( .xmap.internals$use.cache ) {
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( "Loading specificity cache" )
    key = paste( .xmap.internals$array, .xmap.internals$version, .xmap.internals$species, ".probeset.cache", sep=':' )
    bits = .cache.retrieve( key )
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( "Done..." )
    if( is.null( bits ) ) {
      cat( "Building probeset specificity cache..." )
      bits = .generate.stats.bits()
      .cache.store( key, bits )
      cat( "...done\n" )
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Filtering specificity cache down to", length( probeset.names ), "required probesets" ) )
    bits = bits[ rownames( bits ) %in% probeset.names,, drop=F ]
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( "...done" )
  else {
    bits = .generate.stats.bits( probeset.names )

.score.filter = function( probesets, column.name, score.function ) {
    # Get a vector of probeset names
  probesets = .get.correct.column( 'probeset', probesets )

  # Get the stats for these probesets (if cache is off) or all probesets
  stats = .get.stats.cache( unique( probesets ) )

    if( is.null( stats ) ) {
    ret = rep( NA, length( probesets ) )
  else {
    # Generate a truth table based on the score
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( c( "Generating truth table for stats dim=", dim(stats) ) )
    ret = score.function( stats[ probesets, column.name ] )
    .xmap.internals$debugFn( "...done" )

  # And set the names of the truth table values
  names( ret ) = probesets

isExonic = function( probesets ) {
  .score.filter( probesets, 'scores', function( a ) a == 1 )

isIntronic = function( probesets ) {
  .score.filter( probesets, 'scores', function( a ) a == 2 )

isIntergenic = function( probesets ) {
  .score.filter( probesets, 'scores', function( a ) a == 4 )

isUnreliable = function( probesets ) {
  .score.filter( probesets, 'scores', function( a ) a == 8 )

.filter.whatever = function( probesets, score.function, exclude ) {
  r = score.function( probesets )
  if( is.data.frame( probesets ) ) {
    probesets = probesets[ xor( !is.na( r ) & r, exclude ), ]
  else {
    probesets = probesets[ xor( !is.na( r ) & r, exclude ) ]
  if( length( probesets ) == 0 ) {
    probesets = NULL

exonic = function( probesets, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, isExonic, exclude )

intronic = function( probesets, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, isIntronic, exclude )

intergenic = function( probesets, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, isIntergenic, exclude )

unreliable = function( probesets, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, isUnreliable, exclude )

hasProbes = function( probesets, num.probes=4, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, function( a ) .score.filter( a, 'probe_count', function( b ) b == num.probes ), exclude )

hasProbesAtleast = function( probesets, num.probes=4, exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, function( a ) .score.filter( a, 'probe_count', function( b ) b >= num.probes ), exclude )

hasProbesIn = function( probesets, num.probes=c( 1, 2, 3, 4 ), exclude=FALSE ) {
  .filter.whatever( probesets, function( a ) .score.filter( a, 'probe_count', function( b ) b %in% num.probes ), exclude )

hasProbesBetween = function( probesets, min.probes=1, max.probes=4, exclude=FALSE, inclusive=TRUE ) {
  fn = if( inclusive ) { 
    function( b ) { ( b >= min.probes ) & ( b <= max.probes ) }
  else {
    function( b ) { ( b > min.probes ) & ( b < max.probes ) }
  .filter.whatever( probesets, function( a ) .score.filter( a, 'probe_count', fn ), exclude )

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annmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.