## code for integrating with ReportingTools package
#' Add links to data when using ReportingTools
#' These functions are intended to add links to the Affymetrix, Entrez Gene, Nuccore,
#' and AmiGO databases when creating HTML tables using ReportingTools.
#' These functions are not actually intended to be called directly. Instead,
#' they are used as targets for the .modifyDF argument of the \code{publish}
#' function of ReportingTools. See the example below for more detail.
#' @aliases entrezLinks affyLinks goLinks nuccoreLinks ensemblLinks
#' @param df A data.frame, usually created using the \code{select} function of
#' the AnnotationDbi package. For Entrez ID data, the column name must be
#' ENTREZID. For Affy data, the column name must be PROBEID, and for GO data
#' the column name must be Term. For Nuccore the column name can be any of
#' "GI", "REFSEQ", "ACCNUM". Any other names will fail.
#' @param ... Allows one to pass arbitrary arguments to lower level functions.
#' Currently unsupported.
#' @return A data.frame is returned, with links included.
#' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## say we have an ExpressionSet from HuGene 1.0 ST array
#' dat <- read.celfiles()
#' eset <- rma(dat)
#' ## annotate the ExpressionSet
#' eset <- annotateEset(eset, hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db,
#' columns = c("ENTREZID","ACCNUM","SYMBOL"))
#' ## and fit a model using limma
#' fit <- lmFit(eset, design)
#' fit2 <- eBayes(fit)
#' ## and create an HTML page with links to Affy and Entrez
#' out <- topTable(fit2, coef=2)
#' htab <- HTMLReport("The title","a_short_name")
#' publish(out, htab, .modifyDF = list(affyLinks, entrezLinks, nuccoreLinks))
#' finish(htab)}
#' @export entrezLinks affyLinks goLinks nuccoreLinks ensemblLinks
entrezLinks <- function (df, ...) {
naind <-$ENTREZID)
df$ENTREZID <- hwrite(as.character(df$ENTREZID), link = paste0("",
as.character(df$ENTREZID)), table = FALSE)
df$ENTREZID[naind] <- ""
affyLinks <- function(df, ...){
df$PROBEID <- hwrite(as.character(df$PROBEID),
link = paste0("",
as.character(df$PROBEID)), table = FALSE)
goLinks <- function(df, ...){
## first column likely to be links. Extract out the GO IDs
linkpart <- as.character(df[,1])
if(length(grep("href", linkpart)) > 0)
linkpart <- sapply(strsplit(linkpart, ">|<"), "[", 3)
df$Term <- hwrite(as.character(df$Term),
link = paste0("",
linkpart), table = FALSE)
nuccoreLinks <- function(df, ...){
col <- grep("GI|REFSEQ|ACCNUM", colnames(df), = TRUE)
if(length(col) == 0) {
stop(paste("There needs to be a column labeled 'GI', 'REFSEQ', or 'ACCNUM'",
"to add links to the nuccore database."), call. = FALSE)
} else if(length(col) > 1) {
stop(paste("There can only be one column labeled 'GI', 'REFSEQ', or 'ACCNUM'",
"to add links to the nuccore database."), call. = FALSE)
naind <-[,col])
df[,col] <- hwrite(as.character(df[,col]),
link = paste0("",
as.character(df[,col])), table = FALSE)
df[naind,col] <- ""
ensemblLinks <- function(df, ...){
naind <-$ENSEMBL)
df$ENSEMBL <- hwriter::hwrite(as.character(df$ENSEMBL),
link = paste0(";g=",
as.character(df$ENSEMBL)), table = FALSE)
df$ENSEMBL[naind] <- ""
#' Select and Output Genelists Based on Venn Diagrams
#' This function is designed to output text and/or HTML tables based on the
#' results of a call to \code{\link[limma]{decideTests}}, using the
#' ReportingTools package.
#' The purpose of this function is to output HTML and text tables with lists of
#' genes that fulfill the criteria of a call to
#' \code{\link[limma]{decideTests}} as well as the direction of differential
#' expression.
#' Some important things to note: First, the names of the HTML and text tables
#' are extracted from the \code{colnames} of the \code{TestResults} object,
#' which come from the contrasts matrix, so it is important to use something
#' descriptive. Second, the method argument is analogous to the \code{include}
#' argument from \code{\link[limma:venn]{vennCounts}} or
#' \code{\link[limma:venn]{vennDiagram}}. Choosing "both" will select genes
#' that are differentially expressed in one or more comparisons, regardless of
#' direction. Choosing "up" or "down" will select genes that are only
#' differentially expressed in one direction. Choosing "same" will select genes
#' that are differentially expressed in the same direction. Choosing "sameup"
#' or "samedown" will select genes that are differentially expressed in the
#' same direction as well as 'up' or 'down'.
#' Note that this is different than sequentially choosing "up" and then "down".
#' For instance, a gene that is upregulated in one comparison and downregulated
#' in another comparison will be listed in the intersection of those two
#' comparisons if "both" is chosen, it will be listed in only one comparison
#' for both the "up" and "down" methods, and it will be listed in the union
#' (e.g., not selected) if "same" is chosen.
#' Unlike \code{vennSelect}, this function automatically creates both HTML and
#' CSV output files.
#' @param fit An \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}} object, from a call to
#' \code{\link[limma:ebayes]{eBayes}}.
#' @param contrast A contrasts matrix, produced either by hand, or by a call to
#' \code{\link[limma]{makeContrasts}}
#' @param design A design matrix.
#' @param groups This argument is used when creating a legend for the resulting
#' HTML pages. If NULL, the groups will be generated using the column names of
#' the design matrix.
#' @param cols A numeric vector indicating which columns of the fit, contrast
#' and design matrix to use. If \code{NULL}, all columns will be used.
#' @param p.value A p-value to filter the results by.
#' @param lfc A log fold change to filter the results by.
#' @param method One of "same", "both", "up", "down", "sameup", or "samedown".
#' See details for more information.
#' @param adj.meth Method to use for adjusting p-values. Default is 'BH', which
#' corresponds to 'fdr'. Ideally one would set this value to be the same as was
#' used for \code{\link[limma]{decideTests}}.
#' @param titleadd Additional text to add to the title of the HTML tables.
#' Default is NULL, in which case the title of the table will be the same as
#' the filename.
#' @param fileadd Additional text to add to the name of the HTML and CSV
#' tables. Default is NULL.
#' @param baseUrl A character string giving the location of the page in terms
#' of HTML locations. Defaults to "."
#' @param reportDirectory A character string giving the location that the
#' results will be written. Defaults to "./venns"
#' @param affy Boolean; are these Affymetrix arrays, and do you want hyperlinks
#' for each probeset to the Affy website to be generated for the resulting HTML tables?
#' @param probecol If the "affy" argument is \code{TRUE}, what is the column header
#' for the Affymetrix probeset IDs? Defaults to "PROBEID", which is the default if
#' the data are annotated using a Bioconductor annotation package.
#' @param \dots Used to pass arguments to lower level functions.
#' @return A list with two items. First, a list of \code{HTMLReport} objects
#' from the ReportingTools package, which can be used to create an index page
#' with links to the HTML pages created by this function. See the help page for
#' HTMLReport in ReportingTools as well as the vignettes for more information.
#' The second item is a \code{vennCounts} object from limma, which can be used
#' to create a Venn diagram, e.g., in a report if this function is called
#' within a Sweave or knitR pipeline.
#' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
#' @keywords manip
#' @export vennSelect2
vennSelect2 <- function(fit, contrast, design, groups = NULL, cols = NULL, p.value = 0.05,
lfc = 0, method = "same", adj.meth = "BH", titleadd = NULL, fileadd = NULL,
baseUrl = ".", reportDirectory = "./venns", affy = TRUE, probecol = "PROBEID", ...){
## design is a design matrix from limma
## contrast is a conrast matrix
## output is a list containing the probe IDs of genes from each comparison
lattice.options(default.theme = reporting.theme())
## do this before we subset
groups <- factor(colnames(design)[apply(design, 1, function(x) which(x !=0))])
groups <- factor(groups)
contrast <- contrast[,cols]
fit <- fit[,cols]
dtmat <- decideTests(fit, adjust.method = adj.meth, p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc)
if(all(apply(dtmat, 2, sum) == 0)) return(list(vennout = NULL, venncounts = vennCounts2(dtmat, method = method)))
colind <- getCols(design, contrast)
ncontrasts <- ncol(dtmat)
if(ncontrasts < 2 || ncontrasts > 4)
stop("This function only works for 2-4 comparisons at a time.\n",
call. = FALSE)
if(ncontrasts == 2)
name <- c(paste("Genes unique to", colnames(dtmat)),
paste("Genes in intersection of", intNames(dtmat)))
if(ncontrasts == 3)
name <- c(paste("Genes unique to", colnames(dtmat)),
paste("Genes in intersection of", intNames(dtmat)),
"Genes common to all comparisons")
if(ncontrasts == 4)
return(venn4Way(fit = fit, contrast = contrast, p.value = p.value,
lfc = lfc, adj.meth = adj.meth, baseUrl = baseUrl, reportDirectory = reportDirectory,
affy = affy, probecol = probecol, ...))
coefind <- switch(ncol(dtmat)-1,
list(1,2,3,1:2,c(1,3), 2:3, 1:3))
## Remove illegal characters from filenames
if(length(grep("[/|\\|?|*|:|<|>|\"|\\|]", name)) > 0)
warning(paste("Some illegal characters have been removed from the filenames",
name, sep = " "), call. = FALSE)
name <- gsub("[/|\\|?|*|:|<|>|\"|\\|]", "", name)
titles <- paste(name, titleadd)
titles <- name
name <- paste(name, fileadd)
indices <- makeIndices(dtmat, method = method)
ind <- which(sapply(indices, sum) > 0)
venncounts <- vennCounts2(dtmat, method = method)
vennout <- lapply(seq(along = indices), function(x) HTMLReport(gsub(" ", "_", name[x]), titles[x],
baseUrl = baseUrl,reportDirectory = reportDirectory))
## require(annotation(eset), character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
ps <- apply(fit$p.value, 2, p.adjust, method = adj.meth)
colnames(ps) <- paste0(colnames(ps), ".p.value")
coefs <- fit$coefficients
colnames(coefs) <- paste0(colnames(coefs), ".logFC")
csvlst <- lapply(seq(along = indices), function(x) cbind(coefs[indices[[x]], coefind[[x]], drop = FALSE],
ps[indices[[x]], coefind[[x]], drop = FALSE]))
## previously we used the ExpressionSet only to figure out the annotation source.
## instead of that, we now rely upon the MArrayLM object containing the annotations we want to use
rn <- row.names(fit$coef)
if(is.null(rn)) rn <- seq_len(nrow(fit$coef))
warning(paste("\nThere are no annotations in the MArrayLM object, using",
if(is.null(row.names(fit$coef))) "row indices" else "row names",
"from the MArrayLM object instead"))
annotlst <- lapply(indices, function(x) if(sum(x) > 0) data.frame(ID = rn[x]))
} else {
annotlst <- lapply(indices, function(x) if(sum(x) > 0) fit$genes[x,,drop = FALSE])
csvlst <- mapply(data.frame, annotlst, csvlst, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
fixed.dflst <- lapply(csvlst[ind], fixHeaderAndGo, affy = affy, probecol = probecol)
csvlst[ind] <- lapply(fixed.dflst, function(x) x$df)
mdf <- fixed.dflst[[1]]$mdf
if(length(mdf) > 0)
lapply(ind, function(x) publish(csvlst[[x]], vennout[[x]], .modifyDF = mdf))
lapply(ind, function(x) publish(csvlst[[x]], vennout[[x]]))
vennpaths <- gsub("html$", "txt", sapply(vennout, path))
lapply(ind, function(x) write.table(csvlst[[x]], vennpaths[x],
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = ""))
lapply(vennout[ind], finish)
return(list(vennout = vennout, venncounts = venncounts))
## makeLegend <- function(groups, dir, fname){
## nam <- paste(dir, fname, sep = "/")
## png(nam, height = 250, width = 300)
## plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "")
## cols <- lattice.options()$default.theme$superpose.symbol$col
## legend(1,1, levels(groups), pch = 16, col = cols[sort(unique(as.numeric(groups)))],
## xjust = 0.5, yjust=0.5, cex = 1.5, bty="n")
## fname
## }
##' This function is designed to output CSV and HTML tables based on an analysis
##' using the limma or edgeR packages, with output generated using the ReportingTools
##' package. Please note that a DGEGLM object from edgeR is simply converted to an
##' MArrayLM object from limma and then used in the default MArrayLM method, so all
##' arguments for the MArrayLM object pertain to the DGEGLM method as well.
##' The purpose of this function is to output HTML and text tables with lists of
##' genes that fulfill the criteria of a call to
##' \code{\link[limma]{decideTests}} as well as the direction of differential
##' expression. This is a high-level function that calls \code{vennSelect2}
##' internally, and is intended to be used with \code{vennPage} to create a set
##' of Venn diagrams (on an HTML page) that have clickable links in each cell of
##' the diagram. The links will then pass the end user to individual HTML pages
##' that contain the genes that are represented by the counts in a given cell of
##' the Venn diagram.
##' In general, the only thing that is needed to create a set of Venn diagrams
##' is a list of numeric vectors that indicate the columns of the contrast
##' matrix that are to be used for a given diagram. See the example below for a
##' better explanation.
##' Some important things to note: First, the names of the HTML and text tables
##' are extracted from the \code{colnames} of the \code{TestResults} object,
##' which come from the contrasts matrix, so it is important to use something
##' descriptive. Second, the method argument is analogous to the \code{include}
##' argument from \code{\link[limma:venn]{vennCounts}} or
##' \code{\link[limma:venn]{vennDiagram}}. Choosing "both" will select genes
##' that are differentially expressed in one or more comparisons, regardless of
##' direction. Choosing "up" or "down" will select genes that are only
##' differentially expressed in one direction. Choosing "same" will select genes
##' that are differentially expressed in the same direction. Choosing "sameup"
##' or "samedown" will select genes that are differentially expressed in the
##' same direction as well as 'up' or 'down'.
##' Note that this is different than sequentially choosing "up" and then "down".
##' For instance, a gene that is upregulated in one comparison and downregulated
##' in another comparison will be listed in the intersection of those two
##' comparisons if "both" is chosen, it will be listed in only one comparison
##' for both the "up" and "down" methods, and it will be listed in the union
##' (e.g., not selected) if "same" is chosen.
##' Unlike \code{vennSelect}, this function automatically creates both HTML and
##' CSV output files.
##' Also please note that this function relys on annotation information contained in
##' the "genes" slot of the "fit" object. If there are no annotation data, then
##' just statistics will be output in the resulting HTML tables.
##' @title High-level function for making Venn diagrams and outputting the results from
##' the diagrams in HTML and CSV files.
##' @param object An \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}} or \code{\link[edgeR:DGEGLM-class]{DGEGLM}} object.
##' @param contrast A contrasts matrix, produced either by hand, or by a call to
##' \code{\link[limma]{makeContrasts}}
##' @param design A design matrix.
##' @param groups This argument is used when creating a legend for the resulting
##' HTML pages. If NULL, the groups will be generated using the column names of
##' the design matrix. In general it is best to leave this NULL.
##' @param collist A list containing numeric vectors indicating which columns of
##' the fit, contrast and design matrix to use. If \code{NULL}, all columns will
##' be used.
##' @param p.value A p-value to filter the results by.
##' @param lfc A log fold change to filter the results by.
##' @param method One of "same", "both", "up", "down", "sameup", or "samedown".
##' See details for more information.
##' @param adj.meth Method to use for adjusting p-values. Default is 'BH', which
##' corresponds to 'fdr'. Ideally one would set this value to be the same as was
##' used for \code{\link[limma]{decideTests}}.
##' @param titleadd Additional text to add to the title of the HTML tables.
##' Default is NULL, in which case the title of the table will be the same as
##' the filename.
##' @param fileadd Additional text to add to the name of the HTML and CSV
##' tables. Default is NULL.
##' @param baseUrl A character string giving the location of the page in terms
##' of HTML locations. Defaults to "."
##' @param reportDirectory A character string giving the location that the
##' results will be written. Defaults to "./venns"
##' @param affy Boolean. Are these Affymetrix data, and should hyperlinks to the affy website
##' be generated in the HTML tables?
##' @param probecol This argument is used in concert with the preceding argument. If these are Affymetrix data
##' , then specify the column header in the \code{\link[limma:marraylm]{MArrayLM}} object that contains the Affymetrix IDs. Defaults to
##' "PROBEID", which is the expected result if the data are annotated using a BioC annotation package.
##' @param ... Used to pass other arguments to lower level functions.
##' @return A list containing the output from calling \code{vennSelect2} on the
##' columns specified by the collist argument. This is intended as input to
##' \code{vennPage}, which will use those data to create the HTML page with Venn
##' diagrams with clickable links.
##' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
##' @keywords manip
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' mat <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), ncol = 20)
##' design <- model.matrix(~factor(1:4, each=5))
##' colnames(design) <- LETTERS[1:4]
##' contrast <- matrix(c(1,-1,0,0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,0,-1,0,1,-1,0,0,1,0,-1),
##' ncol = 5)
##' colnames(contrast) <- paste(LETTERS[c(1,1,1,2,2)],
##' LETTERS[c(2,3,4,3,4)], sep = " vs ")
##' fit <- lmFit(mat, design)
##' fit2 <-, contrast)
##' fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
##' ## two Venn diagrams - a 3-way Venn with the first three contrasts
##' ## and a 2-way Venn with the last two contrasts
##' collist <- list(1:3,4:5)
##' venn <- makeVenn(fit2, contrast, design, collist = collist)
##' vennPage(venn, "index.html", "Venn diagrams")
##' }
##' @describeIn makeVenn Make a Venn diagram using an MArrayLM object.
##' @export makeVenn
setMethod("makeVenn", "MArrayLM",
function(object, contrast, design, groups = NULL, collist = NULL,
p.value = 0.05, lfc = 0, method = "both", adj.meth = "BH",
titleadd = NULL, fileadd = NULL, baseUrl = ".", reportDirectory = "./venns",
affy = TRUE, probecol = "PROBEID", ...){
if(ncol(object$coef) > 4) stop("You can only make Venn diagrams with four or fewer contrasts!\n\n",
call. = FALSE)
collist <- list(seq_len(ncol(object$coef)))
vennlst <- lapply(seq(along = collist), function(x)
vennSelect2(fit = object, contrast = contrast, design = design,
groups = groups, cols = collist[[x]], p.value = p.value, lfc = lfc,
method = method, adj.meth = adj.meth, titleadd = titleadd,
fileadd = fileadd, baseUrl = baseUrl,
reportDirectory = paste0(reportDirectory, "/venn", x),
affy = affy, probecol = probecol, ...))
##' @param comp.method Character. For DGEGLM objects, the DGEGLM object must first be processed using one of \code{\link[edgeR:glmfit]{glmLRT}},
##' \code{\link[edgeR]{glmQLFTest}}, or \code{\link[edgeR]{glmTreat}}. Choose glmLRT if you fit a model using
##' \code{\link[edgeR:glmfit]{glmFit}}, glmQLFTest if you fit a model using \code{\link[edgeR]{glmQLFit}}, or glmTreat if
##' you fit either of those models, but want to incorporate the log fold change into the comparison.
##' @describeIn makeVenn Make a Venn diagram using a DGEGLM object.
##' @export
setMethod("makeVenn", "DGEGLM",
function(object, contrast, design, comp.method = c("glmLRT","glmQLFTest", "glmTreat"), lfc = 0, ...){
comp.method <- match.arg(comp.method, c("glmLRT","glmQLFTest", "glmTreat"))
if(comp.method == "glmTreat" && lfc <= 0)
stop(paste("When using the glmTreat method you must also choose a non-zero lfc value."), call. = FALSE)
lst <- switch(comp.method,
glmLRT = lapply(seq_len(ncol(contrast)), function(x) glmLRT(object, contrast = contrast[,x])),
glmQLFTest = lapply(seq_len(ncol(contrast)), function(x) glmQLFTest(object, contrast = contrast[,x])),
glmTreat = lapply(seq_len(ncol(contrast)), function(x) glmTreat(object, contrast = contrast[,x], lfc = lfc)))
object <- new("MArrayLM", list(p.value =, lapply(lst, function(x) x$table$PValue)),
coefficients =, lapply(lst, function(x) x$table$logFC)),
t =, lapply(lst, function(x) {col <- grep("LR|F", names(x$table))
genes = object$genes))
colnames(object$p.value) <- colnames(object$coefficients) <- colnames(contrast)
makeVenn(object, contrast, design, lfc = lfc, affy = FALSE, ...)
##' High-level function for making Venn diagrams with clickable links to HTML
##' pages with the underlying genes.
##' This function is designed to be used in conjunction with the \code{makeVenn}
##' function, to first create a set of HTML pages containing the genes that are
##' represented by the cells of a Venn diagram, and then create an HTML page
##' with the same Venn diagrams, with clickable links that will point the end
##' user to the HTML pages.
##' This function is intended to be used as part of a pipeline, by first calling
##' \code{makeVenn} and then using the output from that function as input to
##' this function to create the HTML page with clickable links.
##' @param vennlst The output from \code{makeVenn}.
##' @param pagename Character. The file name for the resulting HTML page.
##' Something like 'venns' is reasonable. Note that the .html will automatically
##' be appended.
##' @param pagetitle Character. The heading for the HTML page.
##' @param cex.venn Numeric. Adjusts the size of the font in the Venn diagram.
##' Usually the default is OK.
##' @param shift.title Boolean. Should the right contrast name of the Venn
##' diagram be shifted down? Useful for long contrast names. If a two-way Venn
##' diagram, this will shift the right name down so they don't overlap. If a
##' three-way Venn diagram, this will shift the top right name down.
##' @param baseUrl Character. The base URL for the resulting HTML page. The
##' default of "." is usually optimal.
##' @param reportDirectory If \code{NULL}, the reportDirectory will be extracted
##' from the vennlst. This is usually what one should do.
##' @param ... To allow passing other arguments to lower level functions.
##' Currently not used.
##' @return An HTMLReport object. If used as input to the ReportingTools
##' \code{publish} function, this will create a link on an index page to the
##' Venn diagram HTML page. See e.g., the microarray analysis vignette for
##' ReportingTools for more information.
##' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
##' @keywords manip
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' mat <- matrix(rnorm(1e6), ncol = 20)
##' design <- model.matrix(~factor(1:4, each=5))
##' colnames(design) <- LETTERS[1:4]
##' contrast <- matrix(c(1,-1,0,0,1,0,-1,0,1,0,0,-1,0,1,-1,0,0,1,0,-1),
##' ncol = 5)
##' colnames(contrast) <- paste(LETTERS[c(1,1,1,2,2)],
##' LETTERS[c(2,3,4,3,4)], sep = " vs ")
##' fit <- lmFit(mat, design)
##' fit2 <-, contrast)
##' fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
##' ## two Venn diagrams - a 3-way Venn with the first three contrasts
##' ## and a 2-way Venn with the last two contrasts
##' collist <- list(1:3,4:5)
##' venn <- makeVenn(fit2, contrast, design, eset, collist = collist)
##' vennreport <- vennPage(venn, "index.html", "Venn diagrams")
##' indexPage <- HTMLReport("index", "My results", reportDirectory =
##' ".", baseUrl = ".")
##' publish(vennreport)
##' finish(indexPage)
##' }
##' @export vennPage
vennPage <- function(vennlst, pagename, pagetitle, cex.venn = 1, shift.title = FALSE,
baseUrl = ".", reportDirectory = NULL, ...){
notnull <- sapply(vennlst, function(x) !is.null(x$vennout))
use.this <- which(notnull)[1]
use.this <- 1
tmp <- strsplit(path(vennlst[[use.this]]$vennout[[1]]), "/")[[1]]
reportDirectory <- paste(tmp[1:2], collapse = "/")
hpage <- openPage(paste0(pagename, ".html"), dirname = reportDirectory)
hwrite(paste("The Venn diagrams all contain clickable links. Click on the counts",
"in any cell to see a table of the genes in that cell.",
"Also please note that the tables are sortable - simply click",
"on any header to sort on that column."), hpage,
br = TRUE)
lapply(seq(along = vennlst), function(x) drawVenn(vennlst[[x]], page = hpage,
dir = reportDirectory, num = x, cex = cex.venn, shift.title = shift.title, ...))
paste0(reportDirectory, "/", pagename, ".html")
##' A function to generate Venn diagrams for use within Rmarkdown documents, particularly for
##' those using the Bioconductor BiocStyle package for formatting.
##' This function is intended for those who use Rmarkdown documents to present results
##' and who would like to include Venn diagrams showing the overlap between two to four
##' contrasts. The Venn diagrams that are generated include links for each cell of the
##' diagram that will open HTML pages that contain results for the genes that are found
##' within the cell of the Venn diagram.
##' Please note that this function is tailored specifically for use within Rmarkdown documents,
##' particularly those that use the Bioconductor BiocStyle package. The function call should be present in a
##' code block using the argument results = "asis", because we are directly generating HTML rather
##' than placing a figure.
##' @title Generate Venn diagrams with links for Rmarkdown documents
##' @param vennlst The output from \code{makeVenn}.
##' @param caplst A list of captions to accompany each Venn diagram.
##' @param cex.venn Adjustment parameter for the numbers in the Venn diagram. The default is usually OK.
##' @param shift.title Boolean. Should the titles for the Venn diagram be shifted to accommodate long contrast names?
##' @param reportDirectory Directory containing the Venn diagram. This is usually set by \code{makeVenn} and for most
##' people, the default \code{NULL} argument should be used.
##' @param ... Allows users to pass arbitrary arguments to lower level functions.
##' @return This function returns the required HTML text to generate the Venn diagram
##' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
##' @keywords manip
##' @seealso \code{vennPage} particularly for the example.
##' @export vennInLine
vennInLine <- function(vennlst, caplst, cex.venn = 1, shift.title = FALSE, reportDirectory = NULL, ...){
notnull <- sapply(vennlst, function(x) !is.null(x$vennout))
use.this <- which(notnull)[1]
use.this <- 1
tmp <- strsplit(path(vennlst[[use.this]]$vennout[[1]]), "/")[[1]]
reportDirectory <- paste(tmp[1:2], collapse = "/")
lapply(seq(along = vennlst), function(x)
drawVenn(vennlst[[x]], page = "", dir = reportDirectory, num = x,
shift.title = shift.title, inline = TRUE, caption = caplst[[x]], ...))
drawVenn <- function(lst, page, dir, num, cex = 1, shift.title = FALSE, inline = FALSE, ...){
nam <- paste0(dir, "/venn", num, ".png")
nam2 <- paste0("venn", num, ".png")
mapname <- paste0("#venn", num)
png(nam, height = 800, width = 800)
if(is(lst$venncounts, "VennCounts")){
if(shift.title) colnames(lst$venncounts)[1] <- paste0(colnames(lst$venncounts)[1], "\n\n")
vennDiagram(lst$venncounts, cex = cex)
} else if(is(lst$venncounts, "venn")) {
} else {
stop(paste("You cannot create a Venn diagram with an object of class",
class(lst$venncounts)), call. = FALSE)
hwrite(hmakeTag("img", border = 0, width = 800, height = 800,
src = nam2, alt = nam2, usemap = mapname), page)
hwriteImage(paste("Venn Diagram", num), page)
vennLinks(lst, page, mapname, dir)
} else {
inLineVennLinks(nam, mapname, lst, tabindex = TRUE, ...)
vennLinks <- function(lst, page, mapname, reportDirectory){
if(is.null(page)) page <- ""
fun <- function(x,y) paste0('<area shape="circle" coords=',
x, ' href=', y, '>')
if(is(lst$venncounts, "VennCounts")){
if(ncol(lst$venncounts) == 3){
loclst <- list("250,400,30","550,400,30","400,400,30")
} else {
loclst <- list("260,310,30","540,300,30","400,550,30",
} else {
loclst <- list("140,315,30", "315,215,30","510,215,30","685,325,30","230,270,30",
urlst <- gsub(reportDirectory, ".", sapply(lst$vennout, path))
strng <-"c", mapply(fun, loclst, urlst, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
strng <- c(paste0('<map name="', sub("#", "", mapname), '">'),
strng, "</map>")
cat(strng, file = page, sep = "\n")
## Used to generate the <area> links for an inline Venn diagram
inLineVennLinks <- function(png, mapname, links, caption = NULL, tabindex = TRUE, ...){
if(substr(mapname, 1, 1) != "#") mapname <- paste0("#", mapname)
fun <- function(x, y) paste0("<area shape=\"circle\" coords=",
x, " href=", y, ">")
cat("<div class=\"figure\">\n")
cat(hwrite(hmakeTag("img", border = 0, width = 800,
height = 800, src = png, alt = png,
usemap = mapname)), "\n")
loclst <- list(one = NULL, two = list("180,250,30","350,250,30","265,250,30"),
three = list("157,197,30","350,202,30","250,354,30",
four = list("100,215,30", "200,125,30","330,135,30","435,205,30","155,175,30",
loclst <- loclst[[ncol(links$venncounts)-1]]
urlst <- sapply(links$vennout, path)
if(tabindex) for(i in seq(along = urlst)) urlst[[i]] <- paste0(urlst[[i]], " tabindex=\"", i, "\"")
strng <-"c", mapply(fun, loclst, urlst, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
strng <- c(paste0("<map name=\"", sub("#", "", mapname),
"\">"), strng, "</map>")
cat(strng, sep = "\n")
cat(paste0("<p class=\"caption\">\n(#fig:", sub("#", "", mapname), ") ",
caption, "\n</p>\n</div>"), "\n")
## code for 4-way venn diagrams with colored lines under the counts
addLines <- function(comps, col = c("#66FF33","#FF9933", "#000000","#9900CC")){
x <- rep(c(35,140,260,365,90,95,200,200,300,310,130,245,155,270,200),
y <- rep(c(250,315,315,250,280,110,50,290,110,280,230,95,95,230,150),
x0 <- x - 10
x1 <- x + 10
ind <- c(rep(1, 4), rep(1:2, times=6), rep(1:3, times=4), 1:4)
y <- y - c(7.5, 10, 12.5, 15)[ind]
ind2 <- c(1,2,3,4,1,2,1,3,1,4,2,3,2,4,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,4,1,3,4,2,3,4,1,2,3,4)
segments(x0, y, x1, y, col = col[ind2], lwd = 2)
legend("topleft", comps, lty = 1, lwd = 2, col = col, bty = "n",
cex = 0.8)
##' A function to create a 4-way Venn diagram
##' This function is an internal function and not really intended to be called by the end user. It is generally called by the \code{vennPage}
##' function. The goal is to create a 4-way Venn diagram in an HTML page with clickable links to tables of the genes found in a given cell.
##' In addition, the numbers in each cell are underlined with colored bars that help end users tell what contrasts are captured by that cell.
##' @title 4-way Venn Diagrams
##' @param fit An \code{MArrayLM} object, created by the limma package.
##' @param contrast A contrasts matrix, used by limma to generate the comparisons made.
##' @param p.value A p-value cutoff for significance
##' @param lfc A log fold change cutoff
##' @param adj.meth The method used to adjust for multiple comparisons.
##' @param baseUrl The base directory for the tables generated. Defaults to ".", meaning the current directory.
##' @param reportDirectory The directory in which to put the results. Defaults to a "venns" subdirectory.
##' @param affy Boolean. Set to \code{TRUE} if using Affymetrix microarrays.
##' @param probecol The column containing either the Affymetrix probeset IDs (if the affy argument is set to \code{TRUE}) or
##' the name of a column in the output tables that contains uinque identifiers (Entrez Gene IDs, gene symbols, etc).
##' @param ... Allows arbitrary arguments to be passed to lower level functions
##' @return Returns a list. The first item is a (list of) HTMLReportRef objects that can be used by ReportingTools to create HTML links.
##' The second item is the output from the \code{venn} function in gtools, and the third item is the name of the contrasts used to generate
##' the Venn diagram.
##' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
venn4Way <- function(fit, contrast, p.value, lfc, adj.meth, baseUrl = ".", reportDirectory = "./venns", affy = TRUE,
probecol = "PROBEID", ...){
##require("gplots", character.only = TRUE) || stop("The gplots package is required for 4-way Venns.\n", call. = FALSE)
nam <- paste0(gsub(" ", ".", colnames(contrast)), ".")
## do some munging to get the right columns
allcols <- c("PROBEID","ID","SYMBOL","GENENAME","logFC","t",switch(adj.meth, none = "P.Value", "adj.P.Val"))
shortcols <- c("logFC","t",switch(adj.meth, none = "P.Value", "adj.P.Val"))
outlst <- lapply(1:ncol(contrast), function(x) tableFilt(fit, x, pfilt = p.value, fldfilt = lfc, adjust = adj.meth))
allcols <- match(allcols[allcols %in% names(outlst[[1]])], names(outlst[[1]]))
shortcols <- match(shortcols[shortcols %in% names(outlst[[1]])], names(outlst[[1]]))
theplot <- venn(lapply(outlst, function(x) x[,1]), show.plot = FALSE)
for(i in seq_len(length(nam))) names(outlst[[i]][allcols]) <- paste0(rep(c("", nam[i]),
c(length(setdiff(allcols, shortcols)),length(shortcols))),
vcind <- c(1,4,9,16)
colind <- grep(probecol, names(outlst[[1]]))
colind <- if(length(colind) > 0) {
} else {
warning(paste("Using the", names(outlst[[1]])[allcols[1]], "column to uniquely identify genes."), call. = FALSE)
vennlst2 <-"rbind", lapply((1:4)[sapply(outlst, nrow) > 0], function(x) data.frame(PROBEID = outlst[[x]][,colind], grp = vcind[x])))
vennlst2[,1] <- factor(vennlst2[,1])
vennlst2 <- sapply(split(vennlst2[,2], vennlst2[,1]), sum)
vennlst3 <- lapply(c(1,4,5,9,10,13,14,16,17,20,21,25,26,29,30), function(x) names(vennlst2[vennlst2 == x]))
indmat <- rbind(diag(4),cbind(1, diag(3)), cbind(0,1,diag(2)), c(0,0,1,1))
z <- matrix(1, 4, 4)
diag(z) <- 0
indmat <- rbind(indmat, z[4:1,], rep(1,4))
indmat <- matrix(as.logical(indmat), ncol = 4)
theind <- c(1,2,4,8,3,5,9,6,10,12,7,11,13,14,15)
fn <- LETTERS[1:4]
out <- lapply(seq_len(length(theind)), function(x) {
if(sum(indmat[x,]) == 1) {
return(outlst[[which(indmat[x,])]][outlst[[which(indmat[x,])]][,colind] %in% vennlst3[[theind[x]]],allcols])
littleind <- which(indmat[x,])
tmp1 <- outlst[[littleind[1]]][match(vennlst3[[theind[x]]], outlst[[littleind[1]]][,colind]),allcols]
tmp2 <-"cbind", lapply(littleind[-1], function(y)
outlst[[y]][match(vennlst3[[theind[x]]], outlst[[y]][,colind]),shortcols]))
return(cbind(tmp1, tmp2))
ind <- which(sapply(out, nrow) > 0)
nam <- sapply(seq_len(length(out)), function(x) paste0(paste(fn[indmat[x,]], collapse = "_"), "_venn"))
vennout <- lapply(seq_len(length(out)), function(x) HTMLReport(nam[x], nam[x], baseUrl = baseUrl, reportDirectory = reportDirectory))
lapply(ind, function(x) publish(out[[x]], vennout[[x]], if(affy) .modifyDF = list(affyLinks)))
lapply(vennout[ind], finish)
lapply(ind, function(x) write.table(out[[x]], paste0(reportDirectory, "/", nam[x], ".txt"), sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, na = ""))
return(list(vennout = vennout, venncounts = theplot, nam = colnames(contrast)))
##' A function to add dotplot glyphs and links to HTML tables
##' This function is intended to create little dotplot glyphs that can be added to an HTML table of
##' results from e.g., a microarray or RNA-Seq experiment, showing graphically how much the different groups
##' are changing. The glyphs have unlabeled axes to make them small enough to fit in an HTML table, and clicking
##' on a glyph will result in a new page loading with a full sized dotplot, complete with axis labels.
##' This function is very similar to the stock functions in the ReportingTools package, but the standard
##' glyphs for that package consist of a dotplot on top of a boxplot, which seems too busy to me. In addition,
##' for most microarray analyses there are not enough replicates to make a boxplot useful.
##' @title Add dotplot images
##' @param df A data.frame from calling \code{topTable}. Note that the row.names for this data.frame must
##' be consistent with the "eset" object. In other words, if "eset" is an \code{ExpressionSet}, then the row.names
##' of the data.frame must consistent with the featureNames of the \code{ExpressionSet}.
##' @param eset A matrix, data.frame, or \code{ExpressionSet}. If using RNA-Seq data, use \code{voom} from edgeR to create
##' an \code{EList} object, and then pass in the "E" list item.
##' @param grp.factor A factor that indicates which group ALL of the samples belong to. This will be subsetted internally,
##' so do not subset yourself.
##' @param design The design matrix used by limma or edgeR to fit the model.
##' @param contrast The contrast matrix used by limma or edgeR to make comparisons.
##' @param colind Which column of the contrast matrix are we using? In other words, for which comparison are we creating a table?
##' @param boxplot Boolean. If \code{TRUE}, the output HTML table will have a boxplot showing differences between groups. If
##' \code{FALSE} (default), the table will have dotplots.
##' @param repdir A directory in which to put the HTML tables. Defaults to a "reports" directory in the working directory.
##' @param extraname By default, the tables will go in a "reports" subdirectory, and will be named based on the column
##' name of the contrast that is specified by the colind argument (after replacing any spaces with an underscore). If this
##' will result in name collisions (e.g., a previous file will be over-written because the resulting names are the same),
##' then an extraname can be appended to ensure uniqueness.
##' @param weights Array weights, generally from \code{arrayWeights} in the limma package. These will affect the size
##' of the plotting symbols, to reflect the relative importance of each sample.
##' @param insert.after Which column should the image be inserted after? Defaults to 3.
##' @param altnam Normally the output file directories are generated from the colnames of the contrast matrix.
##' This argument can be used to over-ride the default, particularly in the case that one is computing an F-test using a
##' set of columns from the contrast matrix.
##' @param \dots Allows arbitrary arguments to be passed down to lower level functions.
##' @return A list, two items. The first item is the input data.frame with the glyphs included, ready to be used with
##' ReportingTools to create an HTML table. The second item is a pdf of the most differentially expressed comparison. This is
##' useful for those who are using e.g., knitr or Sweave and want to be able to automatically insert an example dotplot
##' in the document to show clients what to expect.
##' @author James W. MacDonald \email{}
##' @export makeImages
makeImages <- function(df, eset, grp.factor, design, contrast, colind, boxplot = FALSE, repdir = "./reports", extraname = NULL, weights = NULL,
insert.after = 3, altnam = NULL, ...){
## check that this is going to work
eclass <- class(eset)[1]
addtrailingslash <- function(path){
tmp <- strsplit(repdir, "")[[1]]
if(!tmp[length(tmp)] %in% "/") path <- paste0(path, "/")
repdir <- addtrailingslash(repdir)
rn <- switch(eclass,
ExpressionSet = featureNames(eset),
matrix = row.names(eset),
data.frame = row.names(eset),
DGEList = row.names(eset$counts),
stop(paste0("The 'eset' argument is of class", eclass, ". This function can only use",
"an ExpressionSet, matrix, data.frame or DGEList object"), call. = FALSE))
if(!all(row.names(df) %in% rn))
stop(paste0("The row.names of your input data.frame do not match up with the data in your", eclass, ".",
" You need to fix that before proceeding!\n"), call. = FALSE)
if(is.null(altnam)) <- paste0(repdir, gsub(" ", "_", colnames(contrast)[colind]))
else <- paste0(repdir, gsub(" ", "_", altnam))
if(!is.null(extraname)) <- paste0(, extraname)
dir.create(, recursive = TRUE)
ind <- apply(design[,apply(contrast[,colind, drop = FALSE], 1, function(x) any(x != 0)), drop = FALSE], 1, sum) > 0
grp.factor <- factor(grp.factor[ind])
eset <- eset[,ind]
if(!is.null(weights)) weights <- weights[ind]
colnames(df)[colnames(df) == "SYMBOL"] <- "Symbol"
makeGenePlots(df = df, expression.dat = eset, factor = grp.factor, =,
boxplot = boxplot, weights = weights, ...) <- gsub(repdir, "",
mini.image <- file.path(, paste("mini",
rownames(df), "png", sep = "."))
pdf.image <- file.path(, paste("boxplot",
rownames(df), "pdf", sep = "."))
df <- data.frame(df[,1:insert.after, drop = FALSE], Image = hwriteImage(mini.image, link = pdf.image, table = FALSE),
df[,(insert.after + 1):ncol(df), drop = FALSE])
return(list(df = df, top.pdf = pdf.image[1]))
## convert makeGenePlots to ggplot
makeGenePlots <- function (df, expression.dat, factor,, boxplot, ylab.type = "Expression Value",
xlab = NULL, weights = NULL, ...) {
eclass <- class(expression.dat)[1]
expression.dat <- switch(eclass,
ExpressionSet = exprs(expression.dat),
matrix = expression.dat,
data.frame = as.matrix(expression.dat),
DGEList = cpm(expression.dat, log = TRUE),
stop(paste0("The 'expression.dat' argument is of class", eclass, ". This function can only use",
"an ExpressionSet, matrix, data.frame or DGEList object"), call. = FALSE))
if (any(!rownames(df) %in% rownames(expression.dat))) {
stop(paste("Can't find expression data for some features\n"))
for (probe in rownames(df)) {
if ("Symbol" %in% colnames(df)) {
ylab <- paste(df[probe, "Symbol"], ylab.type)
else {
ylab <- paste(probe, ylab.type)
plotIt <- data.frame(exprs = expression.dat[probe,], factor = factor)
plotIt <- data.frame(exprs = expression.dat[probe,], factor = factor, weights = weights)
bigplot <- ggplot(plotIt, aes(factor, exprs, colour = factor)) + labs(x = "", y = ylab) +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) + theme(legend.position = "none")
if(boxplot) {
bigplot <- bigplot + geom_boxplot()
} else {
if(is.null(weights)) {
bigplot <- bigplot + geom_point()
} else {
bigplot <- bigplot + geom_point(aes(size = weights))
miniplot <- bigplot + theme_blank()
minipng.filename <- paste("mini", probe, "png", sep = ".")
minipng.file <- file.path(, minipng.filename)
png(minipng.file, height = 40, width = 200)
pushViewport(viewport(angle = 270, height = unit(220,
"points"), width = unit(44, "points"), name = "VP"))
print(miniplot, newpage = FALSE)
pdf.filename <- paste("boxplot", probe, "pdf", sep = ".")
pdf.file <- file.path(, pdf.filename)
pdf(pdf.file, height = 4.5, width = 4.5)
## this stolen from ReportingTools as well
remove.axis.and.padding <- function(plot) {
plot$par.settings$layout.heights <- list(top.padding = 0,
main.key.padding = 0, key.axis.padding = 0, axis.xlab.padding = 0,
xlab.key.padding = 0, key.sub.padding = 0, bottom.padding = 0)
plot$par.settings$layout.widths <- list(left.padding = 0,
key.ylab.padding = 0, ylab.axis.padding = 0, axis.key.padding = 0,
right.padding = 0)
plot$x.scales$draw <- FALSE
plot$y.scales$draw <- FALSE
plot$xlab <- NULL
plot$ylab <- NULL
## convert this to ggplot
theme_blank <- function(base_size = 11, base_family = "") {
theme_bw(base_size = base_size, base_family = base_family) %+replace%
theme(axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.title = element_blank(),
axis.text = element_blank(), legend.position = "none",
panel.border = element_blank(), panel.grid = element_blank(), complete = TRUE)
##' A function to create an HTML table showing genes that gave rise to a significant GO term
##' This is an internal function, not intended to be called by the end user. Documentation here for clarity.
##' After running a GO analysis, it is advantageous to output a table listing those
##' genes that gave rise to a significant GO term. This function creates the table, along with links to Netaffx
##' (if the data are Affymetrix) and to the NCBI Gene database (if there are Entrez Gene IDs).
##' @title Make Gene table from GO analysis results
##' @param fit.table The output from \link[limma]{topTable}
##' @param probe.sum.table The output from running \link[GOstats]{probeSetSummary} on a \link[GOstats:GOHyperGResult-class]{GOHyperGResults} object.
##' @param The GO ID of interest
##' @param The contrast name.
##' @param base.dir Character. Where should the HTML tables be generated? Defaults to NULL.
##' @param extraname Character. An extra name that can be used if the contrast name isn't descriptive enough.
##' @param probecol The column name in the topTable object that contains probe IDs. Defaults to PROBEID.
##' @param affy Boolean. Are the arrays from Affymetrix?
##' @return Returns an \link[ReportingTools:HTMLReportRef-class]{HTMLReportRef} object.
##' @author Jim MacDonald
makeGoGeneTable <- function(fit.table, probe.sum.table,,, base.dir = NULL, extraname = NULL,
probecol = "PROBEID", affy = TRUE){
## Windows doesn't like ':' in a file name and will silently replace with '_' anyway <- gsub(":", "_",
prbs <- probe.sum.table$ProbeSetID[as.logical(probe.sum.table$selected)]
out <- fit.table[fit.table[,probecol] %in% prbs, , drop = FALSE]
rep.dir <- gsub(" ", "_",
if(!is.null(extraname)) rep.dir <- paste0(rep.dir, "/", gsub(" ", "_", extraname))
fixed <- fixHeaderAndGo(out, affy = affy, probecol = probecol)
htab <- HTMLReport(, paste0("Genes responsible for significance of ",, " in contrast ",,
if(!is.null(extraname)) paste(",", extraname)),
reportDirectory = rep.dir, basePath = base.dir)
publish(fixed$df, htab, if(length(fixed$mdf) > 0) .modifyDF = fixed$mdf)
##' Internal function used to automatically test for columns that can be converted to links
##' This is an internal function designed to test for the presence of Affymetrix Probeset IDs or
##' Entrez Gene IDs, and if found, generate a list that can be passed to the ReportingTools publish
##' function in order to generate hyperlinks. The underlying assumption is that the data will have been
##' annotated using a Bioconductor annotation package, and thus Affy probeset IDs will have a column header
##' "PROBEID", and Entrez Gene IDs will have a header "ENTREZID" (or any combination of upper and lowercase letters).
##' @title Fix data.frame header for use with ReportingTools
##' @param df A data.frame
##' @param affy Boolean; does the data.frame contain Affymetrix probeset IDs?
##' @param probecol Character. The column header containing Affymetrix probeset IDs. Defaults to "PROBEID".
##' @return Returns a list of length two (with names mdf and df). The mdf object can be passed to the
##' \code{\link[ReportingTools:publish-methods]{publish}} using the .modifyDF argument, and the df object is
##' input dat.frame with column names corrected to conform to \code{affyLinks} and \code{entrezLinks}, so links
##' will be generated correctly.
##' @author Jim MacDonald
fixHeaderAndGo <- function(df, affy = TRUE, probecol = "PROBEID"){
any.entrez <- grep("entrezid", names(df), = TRUE)
if(length(any.entrez) > 0){
names(df)[any.entrez] <- "ENTREZID"
any.entrez <- TRUE
any.affy <- grep(probecol, names(df), = TRUE)
if(length(any.affy) > 0)
names(df)[any.affy] <- "PROBEID"
stop(paste("\n\nFailed trying to generate links to the Affymetrix",
"website. If these are not Affy data, please set affy = FALSE",
"otherwise set the probecol argument to match the column",
"containing the Affymetrix Probeset IDs.\n"), call. = FALSE)
mdf <- list(affyLinks, entrezLinks)[c(affy, any.entrez)]
return(list(mdf = mdf, df = df))
##' This function is used to create HTML tables to present the results from a Gene Ontology (GO) analysis.
##' After running a GO analysis, it is often useful to first present a table showing the set of significant GO terms
##' for a given comparison, and then have links to a sub-table for each GO term that shows the genes that were responsible
##' for the significance of that term. The first table can be generated using the \link[GOstats:GOHyperGResult-class]{summary} function, but
##' it will not contain the links to the sub-table. The ReportingTools package has functionality to make these tables and sub-tables
##' automatically, but the default is to include extra glyphs in the main table that are not that useful.
##'This function is intended to generate a more useful version of the table that one normally gets from ReportingTools.
##' @title Create HTML tables for Gene Ontology (GO) analyses
##' @param fit.table The output from \link[limma]{topTable}
##' @param go.summary The output from running \code{summary} on a \link[GOstats:GOHyperGResult-class]{GOHyperGResults} object.
##' @param probe.summary The output from running \link[GOstats]{probeSetSummary} on a \link[GOstats:GOHyperGResult-class]{GOHyperGResults} object.
##' @param The contrast name.
##' @param base.dir Character. Where should the HTML tables be generated? Defaults to GO_results.
##' @param extraname Character. An extra name that can be used if the contrast name isn't descriptive enough.
##' @param probecol The column name in the topTable object that contains probe IDs. Defaults to PROBEID.
##' @param affy Boolean. Are the arrays from Affymetrix?
##' @return Returns an \link[ReportingTools:HTMLReportRef-class]{HTMLReportRef} object, which can be used when creating an index page to link
##' to the results.
##' @export
##' @author Jim MacDonald
makeGoTable <- function(fit.table, go.summary, probe.summary,, base.dir = "GO_results",
extraname = NULL, probecol = "PROBEID", affy = TRUE){
htablst <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(go.summary)), function(x) makeGoGeneTable(fit.table, probe.summary[[x]],
as.character(go.summary[x,1]),, base.dir, extraname,
probecol, affy))
go.summary[,1] <- hwrite(as.character(go.summary[,1]),
link = sapply(htablst, function(x) gsub(paste0(base.dir, "/"), "", path(x))), table = FALSE) <- paste0(gsub(" ", "_",, if(!is.null(extraname)) paste0("_", gsub(" ", "_", extraname))) <- paste0(, if(!is.null(extraname)) paste(",", extraname))
htab <- HTMLReport(,, reportDirectory = base.dir, baseDir = ".")
publish(go.summary, htab, .modifyDF = goLinks)
#' Filter a topTable object
#' This function is designed to filter genes from a \code{topTable} object
#' based on p-value and/or fold change. This is an internal function and is not
#' intended to be called by thte end user.
#' @param fit An \code{MArrayLM} object, resulting from a call to \code{eBayes}
#' @param coef The contrast to be extracted into the topTable. See ?topTable
#' for more information.
#' @param number The number of genes to output. Only used if both foldfilt and
#' pfilt are NULL.
#' @param fldfilt The absolute value of fold difference to filter on. This
#' assumes the data are log transformed.
#' @param pfilt The p-value to filter on.
#' @param adjust The multiplicity adjustment to use. Options are
#' '"bonferroni"', '"holm"', '"hochberg"', '"hommel"', '"fdr"' and '"none"'. If
#' '"none"' then the p-values are not adjusted. A 'NULL' value will result in
#' the default adjustment method, which is '"fdr"'.
#' @return Returns a \code{data.frame} containing the selected genes.
#' @author James W. MacDonald <>
#' @keywords internal
tableFilt <- function(fit, coef = 1, number = 30, fldfilt = NULL, pfilt = NULL,
adjust = "fdr"){
if(is.null(fldfilt) && is.null(pfilt)){
tab <- topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = number, adjust.method = adjust, = "p")
tab <- topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = dim(fit$coefficients)[1],
adjust.method = adjust, = "p")
## Filter on p-value
tab <- tab[tab[,"adj.P.Val"] < pfilt,]
## Filter on fold change
tab <- tab[abs(tab[,"logFC"]) > fldfilt,]
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