
Defines functions boxplotParaCheckPercentSamples boxplotParaChecknSamples boxplotParaCheckPercent boxplotParaCheckTypDef getMatrixBQBoxLevels boxplotParagMedIQR getNumberPlots drawnBxp getTotalBoxToDrawn boxplotSplit boxplotParaDrawn drawHistDiff boxplotParagLimits boxplotParacheckCritSamp boxplotParagCrSamp getDifferenceBox boxplotParaCalAllDiff boxplotParagMdMnDef boxplotParaComStatsM boxplotParaSFgParBox

# file: boxplotParaFunctions.R
# Additional functions for the parallelization of the affybatch.boxplot function
# History
# 10.10.2008 : Version 0.1 - added to package
# 17.10.2008 : Version 0.2 - parameter plot, !plotAllBoxes (improved with colors), function boxplotParaChecknSamples
# 18.10.2008 : Version 0.3 - code and output cleaning
# 10.11.2008 : Version 0.4 - Samples' problem to be ploted (function getNumberPlots) and color/label (function boxplotParaDrawn) in plot corrected.
# 14.11.2008 : Version 0.5 - boxplotParaDrawn function corrected when : 'bad' quality samples aren't found or the number of samples to be ploted
#                            are smaller than the parameter nSamples or sample to be ploted is 1. 
# 21.11.2008 : Version 0.6 - function getMatrixBQBoxLevels is added to convert the quality sample levels as matrix to facility the analysis. 
# 26.11.2008 : Version 0.7 - function boxplotParaDrawn and getNumberPlots improved for nplot =1 and lastplot. Small bug fixed to plot=TRUE
# 30.11.2008 : Version 0.8 - function boxplotParaDrawn improved for the parameter plotAllBoxes=FALSE and  nSamples
# 23.03.2009 : Version 0.9 - Option verbose set to getOption("verbose") and added . to names of internatl functions
# 24.04.2009 : Version 1.0 - bagplot graphical representation is added to facility the boxplots interpretations for iqrMethod 
#Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 : Esmeralda Vicedo <e.vicedo@gmx.net>, Markus Schmidberger <schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de> 

# This is the slave function to create the boxplot-stats at the slaves
# return the boxplot.stats object calculate from AffyBatch object and
# the function boxplot( plot=false)
boxplotParaSFgParBox <- function()
  if (exists("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
           affyBatch <- get("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)

           #calculate boxplot statistics for every sample
           affyBatch.stats <- boxplot(affyBatch, plot=FALSE)
           #but despite a error with the $names slot, it will be extra saved from the Affybatch object
           affyBatch.stats$names <- sampleNames(affyBatch)

# This is the function to  summarize the boxplot-stats values from slaves
# return the boxplot.stats object calculate from AffyBatch object and
# the function boxplot( plot=false)
boxplotParaComStatsM <- function(matrix.list, 
  if (verbose) cat("\n\tRebuild Statistic matrix\n")
  #create the summarized affyBatch.stat as null list with the name from boxplot.stats
  sumAffyBatch.stats <- vector("list",6)
  names(sumAffyBatch.stats) <-c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")
  index <- length(matrix.list)
  #Dimension of matrix
  if(index > 1){
    for(i in 1:index){
      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$stats)> 1)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$stats <- cbind(sumAffyBatch.stats$stats, matrix.list[[i]]$stats)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$stats <- matrix.list[[i]]$stats

      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$n)> 0)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$n <- c(sumAffyBatch.stats$n, matrix.list[[i]]$n)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$n <- matrix.list[[i]]$n

      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$conf) > 1)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$conf <- cbind(sumAffyBatch.stats$conf, matrix.list[[i]]$conf)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$conf <- matrix.list[[i]]$conf

      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$out)> 0)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$out <- c(sumAffyBatch.stats$out, matrix.list[[i]]$out)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$out <- matrix.list[[i]]$out

      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$group)> 1)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$group <- c( sumAffyBatch.stats$group, matrix.list[[i]]$group)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$group <- matrix.list[[i]]$group

      if(length( sumAffyBatch.stats$names)> 0)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$names <- c( sumAffyBatch.stats$names, matrix.list[[i]]$names)
        sumAffyBatch.stats$names <- matrix.list[[i]]$names

# function to calculate the default sample from boxplot.stats$stats object
boxplotParagMdMnDef <- function(statsObject, 
		typSample, verbose=getOption("verbose"))

 if( length(typSample) == 1){

  default <- vector("list",6)
  names(default) <-c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")

  if( typSample == "median"){
    default$stats <- matrix(apply(statsObject$stats, 1,median), ncol=1, nrow=5)
    colnames(default$stats) <- typSample
    default$n <- sum(statsObject$n)
    default$conf <- matrix(apply(statsObject$conf, 1,median),ncol=1, nrow=2)
    colnames(default$conf) <- typSample

    if( length(statsObject$out) > 0 ){
      default$out <- median(statsObject$out)
      default$out <- NULL

    if( length(statsObject$group) > 0 ){
      default$group <- median(statsObject$group)
      default$group <- NULL

    default$names <- typSample

   else if(typSample == "mean"){
    default$stats<- matrix(rowMeans(statsObject$stats), ncol=1, nrow=5)
    colnames(default$stats) <- typSample
    default$n <- sum(statsObject$n)
    default$conf <- matrix(rowMeans(statsObject$conf),ncol=1, nrow=2)
    colnames(default$conf) <- typSample
    if( length(statsObject$out) > 0 ){
     default$out <-mean(statsObject$out)
     default$out <- NULL

   if( length(statsObject$group) > 0 ){
     default$group <- mean(statsObject$group)
     default$group <- NULL
   default$names <- typSample
 }else {
    default <- vector("list",2)
    names(default)<- c("median", "mean")
    default$median <- vector("list",6)
    default$mean <- vector("list",6)
     names(default$median) <- c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")
     names(default$mean) <- c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")

    default$median$stats<- matrix(apply( statsObject$stats, 1,median), ncol=1, nrow=5)
    default$mean$stats<-matrix(rowMeans(statsObject$stats),ncol=1, nrow=5)

    default$median$n <- sum(statsObject$n)
    default$mean$n <- sum(statsObject$n)

    default$median$conf <- matrix(apply(statsObject$conf, 1,median), ncol=1, nrow=2)
    default$mean$conf <- matrix(rowMeans(statsObject$conf), ncol=1, nrow=2)

    if( length(statsObject$out) > 0 ){
      default$median$out <- median(statsObject$out)   
      default$mean$out <- mean(statsObject$out) 
      default$median$out <- 0
      default$mean$out <- 0

    if( length(statsObject$group) > 0 ){
      default$median$group <- median(statsObject$group)  
      default$mean$group <- mean(statsObject$group)
      default$median$group <- 0
      default$mean$group <- 0

    default$mean$names <- "mean"
    default$median$names <- "median"


   return (default)

# Function to calculate the medians and IQRs Difference between default Sample
# and the other Samples. These medians and IQRs are obtained from the boxplot$stats
# parameter: objecte boxplot.stats.$stats
boxplotParaCalAllDiff <- function(boxplotStats, 
		defaultSstats, verbose=getOption("verbose"))

  defaultSname <- colnames(defaultSstats)

  if (verbose) cat("Start Difference calculation trought ", defaultSname,  "\n")
  nS<- dim(boxplotStats)[2]
  if (verbose) cat(paste("Calculate the Difference on:  ", nS, "samples\n"))

  if(length(defaultSname) < 2 ){
     samp1<- boxplotStats[c(2,3,4),1]
     defaultMd <- defaultSstats[c(2,3,4)]
     getDif<- getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMd[1], defaultMd[2], defaultMd[3], defaultSname)

      if(nS > 1){
        for(i in 2:nS){
          samp1<- boxplotStats[c(2,3,4),i]

          getDif<- rbind( getDif, getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMd[1], defaultMd[2], defaultMd[3], defaultSname ))


      samp1<- boxplotStats[c(2,3,4),1]
      if (verbose) cat(paste("Calculate the Difference of Median-Mean:", defaultSstats[c(2,3,4)], "\n"))
      defaultMd <- defaultSstats[c(2,3,4),"median"]
      defaultMn <- defaultSstats[c(2,3,4),"mean"]
      getDif.Md<- getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMd[1], defaultMd[2], defaultMd[3],"median")
      getDif.Mn<- getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMn[1], defaultMn[2], defaultMn[3], "mean")

      if(nS > 1){
      for(i in 2:nS){
            samp1<- boxplotStats[c(2,3,4),i]

          getDif.Md <- rbind( getDif.Md, getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMd[1], defaultMd[2], defaultMd[3], "median"))
          getDif.Mn <- rbind( getDif.Mn, getDifferenceBox(samp1[1], samp1[2], samp1[3], defaultMn[1], defaultMn[2], defaultMn[3], "mean"))

  #to test with the both :median and mean
  getDifT<-cbind(getDif.Md, getDif.Mn)



# aid function used in boxplotParaCalAllDiff function to calculate separatly differences
# hl1:Lower hinge ,md1: median  hu1:upper hinge of any boxplot
# hld:Lower hinge ,mdd: median  hud:upper hinge of default boxplot calculated with the function getMedianDefault
# hl: boxplot.stats$stats[2] , md: boxplot.stats$stats[3]  hu: boxplot.stats$stats[4]
getDifferenceBox <- function(hl1, 
		md1, hu1, 
		hld, mdd, 
		hud, nm)

  mdDif = abs(md1 - mdd)
  iqr1 =abs(hu1 - hl1)
  iqrd = hud - hld
  iqrDif = abs(iqr1 - iqrd)

  tDif <- cbind(mdDif, iqrDif)
  iqrnm <- paste("IQRDif_",nm, sep="")
  nmd <- paste("MedDif_", nm ,sep="")
  colnames(tDif)<-c(nmd, iqrnm)

  return (tDif)

# Function to calculate the 'bad' quality Samples from the limits calculated as
# percent when parameter iqrMethod=FALSE
# parameter: differencen for every sample, limits to be considered as critical, iqrL(iqrMethod)=TRUE/FALSE

boxplotParagCrSamp <- function(differencen, 
		limits, iqrL, 
     n<- dim(differencen)[2]
     nam<- colnames(limits)
 #to calcualte the Quality Problem Index under the percent methode 

       index <- vector("list",n+2)
       for(i in 1:n){
           index[l]<- list(which(differencen[,i] < limits[1,l]))
           index[l]<- list(which(differencen[,i] > limits[1,l]))
       names(index) <- nam
       index <- vector("list",n)
         for(i in 1:n){
            index[i]<- list(which(differencen[,i] >= limits[1,i]))
        names(index) <- nam

# function to class the critical samples in 3 types :
# 1- Samples with med and IQR classfied as critical
# 2- Samples with only med classified as critical
# 3- Samples with only IQR classified as critical
# when the critical samples are classified based on the median or mean default Sample (for the differences Method)
boxplotParacheckCritSamp <- function(index, 
		iqrL, verbose=getOption("verbose"))
 n <- length(index)
 # when the critical samples are classified based on the median or mean (for the differences Method)
 # media and mean should be considered
 criticTmd <- NULL
 criticTmn <- NULL
 # when used method to calculate the problem samples is the IQR-Method
 #save the critical Samples as list from the colnames
 criticIQR<- unlist(index[grep("IQR_[a-zA-Z]+", names(index))])
 criticMd<- unlist(index[grep("med_[a-zA-Z]+", names(index))])
 criticTmd <- vector("list",3)
 #class the samples in the 3 types
 criticTmd[1] <- list(intersect(criticIQR, criticMd))
 criticTmd[2]<- list(setdiff(criticMd, criticIQR))
 criticTmd[3]<- list(setdiff(criticIQR, criticMd))
 #gives the name of the different classes
 names(criticTmd) <- c("crit.mdIQR", "crit.md",  "crit.IQR")

 }else{ # when used method to calculate the problem samples is the difference-Method
 if(length(index[[1]])>0 & length(index[[2]])> 0){
   criticTmd <- vector("list",3)
   criticTmd[1] <- list(intersect(index[[1]], index[[2]]))
   criticTmd[2] <- list(setdiff(index[[2]], index[[1]]))
   criticTmd[3] <- list(setdiff(index[[1]], index[[2]]))

   if(names(index[1]) == "MedDif_median" ){
     names(criticTmd) <- c("critMd.mdIQR", "critMd.md",  "critMd.IQR")
     names(criticTmd) <- c("critMn.mdIQR", "critMn.md",  "crititMn.IQR")
 }else if(length(index[[1]])>0  & length(index[[2]])== 0){
   criticTmd <- list(index[[1]])
    if(names(index[1]) == "MedDif_median" ){
     names(criticTmd) <-  "critMd.md"
     names(criticTmd) <-  "critMn.md"
 }else if(length(index[[1]])==0  & length(index[[2]])>0){
    criticTmd<- list(index[[2]])

    if(names(index[1]) == "MedDif_median" ){
      names(criticTmd) <- "critMd.md"
     names(criticTmd) <- "critMn.mdIQR"
 # When default samples has been calculated from the median and mean
   if(length(index[[3]])>0 & length(index[[4]]) > 0) {
     criticTmn <-vector("list", 3)
     criticTmn[1] <- list(intersect(index[[3]], index[[4]]))
     criticTmn[2] <- list(setdiff(index[[3]], index[[4]]))
     criticTmn[3] <- list(setdiff(index[[4]], index[[3]]))
     names(criticTmn) <- c("critMn.mdIQR", "critMn.md",  "critMn.IQR")
   }else if (length(index[[3]])>0  & length(index[[4]])== 0){
     criticTmn<- list(index[[3]])
     names(criticTmn) <-  "critMd.md"
   }else if (length(index[[3]])==0  & length(index[[4]])>0){
     criticTmn<- list(index[[4]])
     names(criticTmn) <-  "critMd.mdIQR"

 # to return the values of the critical samples if the median and mean are been used
 if(length(criticTmd)>0 & length(criticTmn)> 0 ){
     criticTotal <- c(criticTmd, criticTmn)
   }else if(length(criticTmd)>0 & length(criticTmn) == 0 ){ #when only media has been used
     criticTotal <- criticTmd
   }else{ criticTotal <- criticTmn} #when only mean has been used



# function to calculate the histogram with the bevor calculated differences between samples and
# calculate default and the limit line (calculated from the percent) which indicate
# where are the problematic Samples
# parameter : differencen =matrix with the calculate differences at the  histMdWhisker function,
# percent= to be considered as limit between critical Samples and ok samples
boxplotParagLimits <- function(differencen, 
		percent, plot, 

  n<- length(differencen[1,])
  #built the matrix to save the limit values from percent and total samples
  r<- matrix(rep(0, (n*3)),c(3,n))
  rownames(r) <- c(paste("limit values for", percent, "%"), paste(((1-percent)*100),"% Samples"), paste((percent*100),"% Samples"))
  file_txt <- paste("Hist_",percent,"percent", sep="")
  op <- par(mfrow=c(2,n/2))
  #loop to drawn the histogram from the calculated differences(2 or 4 columns)
  for(i in 1:n){
	  #sort differences as decreasing (greader - smaller) values
	  differencenS <-sort(differencen[,i], decreasing=T)
	  #calculate from porcent and total samples, the index value of the sample
	  # to be considered as limit between problematic samples and "normal" samples
	  ltH<- length(differencenS)
	  ltHp<-  ltH*percent
	  per.l <- ceiling(length(differencenS)*percent)
	  r[1,i] <- differencenS[per.l]
	  if (verbose) print(paste("limit value: ", r[1,i]))
	  #amount of values to be considered as "normal"
	  r[2,i] <- ltH - per.l
	  #amount of values to be considered as "normal"
	  r[3,i] <- per.l
	  #function to drawn the histogram
	   drawHistDiff(differencenS,r[1,i], nam[i])
  #End of the drawHist, reset to previous settings
  if(plot) par(op)
  #saved the colnames of the matrix from the origin of the calculated differences: med, IQR

# aids function for boxplotParagLimits to drawn the histogram in every loop
drawHistDiff <- function(differencenS, 
		r1i, nami)
  #formatted limits values with 2 digits
  r1if<- format(r1i, digits=2)
  #text to be wroten at the line
  line_txt <- paste( "critic value: ",r1if)
  hist(differencenS, breaks=12, main= nami, xlab="Absolut Intensities Differences\n(Samples-defaultSample)")
  #draw the limit line
  abline(v= r1i, col="red", lty=1)
  text(r1if, 6, line_txt, col ="red" )

#Function to drawn the boxplotPara
boxplotParaDrawn <- function(boxpl.st,
		defaultS, qualityProblem,
		lim, nSample,
		plotAllBoxes, verbose=getOption("verbose"))

  if (verbose) cat("\n\tPlot will be generated\n")

  if (verbose) cat("\tPlot ALL ? : ", plotAllBoxes,"\n")
  #When default is calculate for only one typDef or two (he median and mean)
  mNdef <- 0
  mDdef <- 0
  limmD <- 0
  limmN <- 0
  defaultSmD<- 0
  defaultSmN<- 0
  #when default has been calculated with median and mean
  if(length(defaultS) < 3){
    #save the median values of the defaultSample
    mDdef<- defaultS$median$stats[3,]
    mDHL <- defaultS$median$stats[2,]
    mDHU <- defaultS$median$stats[4,]
    defaultSmD<- defaultS$median
    #save the mean values of the defaultSample
    mNdef <- defaultS$mean$stats[3,]
    mNHL <- defaultS$mean$stats[2,]
    mNHU <- defaultS$mean$stats[4,]
    defaultSmN<- defaultS$mean
    # the limits values to be considered
    limmD<- lim[1, c(1,2)]
    limmN<- lim[1, c(3,4)]
  }else{ # when defaultSample only has been calculated as median or mean
    if(defaultS$names =="median"){
       mDdef  <- defaultS$stats[3,]
       mDHL<- defaultS$stats[2,]
       mDHU<- defaultS$stats[4,]
       limmD<- lim[1,]
       defaultSmD<- defaultS

       mNdef <-defaultS$stats[3,]
       mNHL <- defaultS$stats[2,]
       mNHU <- defaultS$stats[4,]
       limmN<- lim[1,]
       defaultSmN<- defaultS
  #Indexes list of the Quality Problem Sanples
  uQP<- unlist(qualityProblem)
  namesuQP<- names(uQP)
  #number of samples to be ploted
  toBoxpl <- NULL
  #number of plots necessary to plot all Samples
  nplot <- 1
  #when parameter plotAllBoxes =FALSE we need to drawn a boxpl.st whith only the Quality problem Samples
    #get only the bad quality Problem samples
    toBoxpl <- getTotalBoxToDrawn(boxpl.st, uQP)
    if(length(toBoxpl) >1){
       nbxp <- length(toBoxpl$names)
       tmpnames <- toBoxpl$names
       cols <- rep("lightblue",nbxp )
       cols[which(is.element(tmpnames, uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]mdIQR[1-9]?", namesuQP)]))] <- "red"
       cols[which(is.element(tmpnames, uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+.md[1-9]?[0-9]?$",namesuQP)]))] <- "orange"
       cols[which(is.element(tmpnames, uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]IQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]))] <- "pink"
       if (verbose) cat(nbxp, " Samples will be used to create the boxplot \n")
       warning("No 'bad' quality Samples are been detected. No plots will be generated\n", call. = FALSE)
  }else{ # When all samples should be ploted
    toBoxpl <- boxpl.st
    nbxp<- length(boxpl.st$stats[1,])
    tmpnames <- toBoxpl$names
    #to gives the color and the names of the qualityProblem Sample
    nam <- rep("", nbxp)
    cols <- rep("lightblue", nbxp)
    #if not "bad" quality arrays found, then names to labeled are the number of the Samples in Affybatch object
    #class 1: color=red, Samples as medIQR
    nam[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]mdIQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]] <-uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]mdIQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]
    cols[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]mdIQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]] <- "red"
    #class 2: color=orange, Samples as med
    cols[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.md][1-9]?[0-9]?$",namesuQP)]] <- "orange"
    nam[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.md][1-9]?[0-9]?$",namesuQP)]] <- uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.md][1-9]?[0-9]?$",namesuQP)]
    #class 3: color= pink, Samples as IQR
    cols[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]IQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]] <- "pink"
    nam[uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]IQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]] <- uQP[grep("[a-zA-Z]+[.]IQR[1-9]?",namesuQP)]
      nam<- c(1:nbxp)
    #remplace the names of the boxplot$name with only the names of the critical Samples
    toBoxpl$names <- nam
 #to test if  are necessary more as one boxplot(nplot)
 necBoxplot <- NULL
 lastPlot <- NULL
 if(nbxp > nSample){
   necBoxplot <- getNumberPlots(nbxp, nSample)
   nplot<- necBoxplot[1]
   nSample <- necBoxplot[2]
   lastPlot <- necBoxplot[3]
   if(verbose) cat(nplot, "plots will be used to plot ",nSample, "nSample/plot\n" )
   nSample = nbxp
   nplot <- 1
 #the boxplot are separated in median and mean to drawn the defaultSample
 #when the media for the DefaultSample has been calculated
 if(!mDdef == 0){
   nS <- 1
   nE <- nSample
   colBox<- NULL
  #loop to drawn the boxplots
    for (n in 1:nplot){
    bxp.plot <- boxplotSplit(toBoxpl,nS, nE)
    file_txt <- paste( "boxplot_", nS, "-", nE, "Samples",sep="")
    main_txt <- paste("Median", file_txt, sep="")
    colBox<- cols[c(nS:nE)] 
    drawnBxp(bxp.plot, defaultSmD, colBox, main_txt, mDdef, mDHL, mDHU, "median","darkviolet")
    #nS and nE values for the next loop
    #test the plot number, if it is the last, check if the last plot shoudl be greater as nSample
    if(n == (nplot-1) && (lastPlot > 0) ){ 
      nE = nE + lastPlot    
      nE = nE +nSample 
      nS = nS+nSample
      #check the End sample at set it as last sample when greader than number of total samples to be ploted
      if(nE > nbxp) nE = nbxp
      file_txt <- paste( "boxplot_1_",nSample,"_Samples", sep="")                                                 
      main_txt <- paste("Median_", file_txt, sep="")                                            
      colBox <- cols                                                                         
      drawnBxp(toBoxpl, defaultSmD, colBox, main_txt, mDdef, mDHL, mDHU, "median","darkviolet")                         
 #when the media for the DefaultSample has been calculated
 if(!mNdef == 0){
  nS <- 1
  nE <- nSample
  colBox<- NULL
  #loop to drawn the boxplots
   for (n in 1:nplot){
    bxp.plot <- boxplotSplit(toBoxpl,nS, nE) 
    file_txt <- paste( "boxplot_", nS, "-", nE, "_Samples",sep="")
    main_txt <- paste("Mean", file_txt, sep="")
    colBox<- cols[c(nS:nE)]
    drawnBxp(bxp.plot, defaultSmN, colBox, main_txt, mNdef, mNHL, mNHU, "mean","green")
    #nS and nE values for the next loop
    #test the plot number, if it is the last, check if the last plot shoudl be greater as nSample
    if(n == (nplot-1) && (lastPlot > 0) ){ 
      nE = nE + lastPlot    
      nE = nE +nSample 
    nS = nS+nSample
   #check the End sample at set it as last sample when greader than number of total samples to be ploted
   if(nE > nbxp) nE <- nbxp
     file_txt <- paste( "boxplot_1_",nSample,"_Samples", sep="")                                                 
     main_txt <- paste("Mean_", file_txt, sep="")                                            
     colBox <- cols
     drawnBxp(toBoxpl, defaultSmN, colBox, main_txt, mNdef, mNHL, mNHU, "mean","green")   
 #set back the correct names for the boxplot$names
 toBoxpl$names <- tmpnames


#Function to split automatically the Samples in plots with a total from n Samples when total Samples > 250
#parameter:  StatsObject = boxplot.stats, nSamplesS = start box, nSamplesE = Ende box
boxplotSplit <- function(StatsObject,
		nSamplesS, nSamplesE)
  #create a new stats list with the samples to be ploted at once
  bxp.plot<- vector("list", 6)
  names(bxp.plot)<-c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")
	nCols<-	nSamplesE - nSamplesS +1
    bxp.plot$stats <- matrix(StatsObject$stats[,c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)],ncol=nCols, nrow=5)
    bxp.plot$n <- StatsObject$n[c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)]
    bxp.plot$conf <-  matrix(StatsObject$conf[,c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)], ncol=nCols, nrow=2)

    if(length(StatsObject$out) == 0) bxp.plot$out <- StatsObject$out[c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)]
    bxp.plot$out <- NULL
    if(length(StatsObject$group) == 0)   bxp.plot$group <- StatsObject$group[c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)]
    bxp.plot$group <- NULL
    bxp.plot$names <- StatsObject$names[c(nSamplesS:nSamplesE)]


# Function to get out  only the problematic quality box, only them should be ploted
# when parameter plotAllBoxes= FALSE
getTotalBoxToDrawn <- function(boxpl.st, 
  n <- length(uqp)
  if(is.unsorted(uqp)) uqp <- sort(uqp)
  if(n > 0){
   bxp.plot<- vector("list", 6)
   names(bxp.plot)<-c("stats", "n","conf", "out", "group", "names")
   bxp.plot$stats <- matrix(boxpl.st$stats[,uqp],ncol=n, nrow=5)
   bxp.plot$n <- boxpl.st$n[c(1:n)]
   bxp.plot$conf <- matrix(boxpl.st$conf[,uqp], ncol=n, nrow=2)

   bxp.plot$out <- 0
   if (!is.null(boxpl.st$out) & length(boxpl.st$out)>0 ){ bxp.plot$out <- boxpl.st$out[,uqp]}

   bxp.plot$group <- 0
   if(!is.null(boxpl.st$group) & length(boxpl.st$group)>0) bxp.plot$group <- boxpl.st$group[,uqp]
   tempName<- NULL
   if(n ==1) bxp.plot$names <- uqp[[1]]
    for(i in 1:n){
    tempName<- c(tempName, uqp[[i]])
     bxp.plot$names <- tempName 

# Function to dranw the boxplot with default Sample and limit lines as different colors
drawnBxp <- function(bxp.plot, 
		defaultS, cols, 
		main_txt, mdef, 
		typ, colTyp ){

 #boxplot for all samples
 bxp(bxp.plot, boxfill=cols, main=main_txt, lwd=0.5, medcol="white", varwidth=TRUE, xlab="Probe Arrays from the Dataset" , ylab="Unprocesed log scale probe intensities", las=2)
 #boxplot for the defaultSample
 bxp(defaultS, add=TRUE, at=0.8, boxfill="blue", axes=FALSE, show.names=FALSE)
 #limit lines from the defaultSample
 abline(h= mdef, lty=1, lwd=2, col=colTyp)
 abline(h= mHL, lty=2, lwd=2, col=colTyp)
 abline(h= mHU, lty=2, lwd=2, col=colTyp)
 legend(x="topright", inset=0.005, bty="0", bg="gray90", cex=0.8, title = "Color explanation", legend= c("Bad Quality Sample", "Bad Quality only Media", "Bad Quality only IQR", "Good Quality Sample", "calculated default Sample", typ), fill = c("red", "orange", "pink", "lightblue", "blue", colTyp))


# function to calculate how many plots at the same File (loops) are necessary
# to plot all samples. Parameter:
# nSample:numeric, as parameter in the function boxplotPara.Indicates how many samples
# should be ploted at once.
getNumberPlots <- function(nbxp, 
   #calculate the number of boxplots
    lastPlot <- NULL  
    if(nSample < 1){
      if(nbxp < 200){
         nSample <- nbxp
         nplot <- 1
         nSample <- 200 
         nSample<- getNumberPlots(nbxp,  nSample)[2]
          cat("5 nSample" , nSample,"\n")
      nplot <- ceiling(nbxp / nSample)
      lastPlot <- nbxp %% nSample
      if(lastPlot > 0 && (lastPlot < nSample) && (lastPlot + nSample)< 250&& nplot > 1){
          nplot<- nplot-1
          nSample <- nSample + ceiling(lastPlot/nplot)
          if(nplot==1) nSample<- nSample + lastPlot
          lastPlot <- 0           
  #to start variable whith the first and the last sample to be ploted
    return(c(nplot, nSample, lastPlot)) 

# function to calculate the median and IQR from all Samples
# calculated the limits and get the bad quality Samples
# at the last drawn the boxplot with these values
boxplotParagMedIQR <- function(IQRmedMatrix, 
		plotDraw, verbose=getOption("verbose"))
 #calculate IQR
   iqrSam<- abs(IQRmedMatrix[,1] - IQRmedMatrix[,2])

 # IQR critical values
    iqr.st <- boxplot(iqrSam, plot=FALSE)
    iqrCriticl <- iqr.st$stats[1]
    iqrCriticu <- iqr.st$stats[5]

 #Calculated critical values for median from all Samples
    med.st <- boxplot(IQRmedMatrix[,3], plot=FALSE)
    medCriticl <- med.st$stats[1]
    medCriticu <- med.st$stats[5]
    medMedian <- med.st$stats[3]

 #first boxplot with the medians from all samples
    iqrnam <- "IQR_Samples"
    mednam <- "Med_Samples"
    if (plotDraw){ 
    op<- par(mfrow=c(1,2))
    #First boxplot: median
    bxp(med.st, main="Medians Boxplot from all Samples", ylab="log2(Median) from Intensities")
    abline(h= medCriticl, lty=2, lwd=1, col="red")
    abline(h= medCriticu, lty=2, lwd=1, col="red")

    #Second boxplot with the IQR from all Samples
    bxp(iqr.st, main="IQRs Boxplot from all Samples", ylab="log2(IQR) from Intensities")
    abline(h= iqrCriticl, lty=2, lwd=1, col="red")
    abline(h= iqrCriticu, lty=2, lwd=1, col="red")
    #End of the bxp, reset to previous settings
      # bagplot from median of all Samples (IQRmedMatrix[,3]) and iqr (iqrSam)
      iqrMed.bagplot <- bagplot(IQRmedMatrix[,3], iqrSam, ylab="IQRs", xlab="Medians", verbose=getOption("verbose"))
      title("bagplot median - IQR all Samples")
      nOut<-  dim(iqrMed.bagplot$pxy.outlier)[1]
      if( !is.null(nOut) ){
         for( i in 1: nOut){
            y<- iqrMed.bagplot$pxy.outlier[i,2]
            x<- iqrMed.bagplot$pxy.outlier[i,1]
            index<- which(iqrSam == y &  IQRmedMatrix[,3] ==x )
            print(paste("I :", i, "Sample:", index))
            if(x> 6) text(x,y, paste(index, "Array"),pos=3)
            else text(x,y, paste("Array",index ),pos=1) 
    #return a matrix with the limits to calculate the Quality Problem Samples
    boxplotCrT <- matrix(c(iqrCriticl, iqrCriticu, medCriticl, medCriticu),nrow=1, ncol=4)
    colnames(boxplotCrT) <- c("IQR_HL", "IQR_HU", "med_HL", "med_HU" )
    rownames(boxplotCrT) <- c("limit values")


# function convert the results of the 'bad' quality samples as matrix                              
# to facility the further possible calculations and analysis                                        

getMatrixBQBoxLevels <- function(calQCSampleName, qualityProblem){

     lSN <- length(calQCSampleName)
     levelsNam <- names(qualityProblem)
     lbQC <- length(levelsNam)
     #built matrix
     sampleLevel <- matrix( c(calQCSampleName,rep(default,lbQC)),  nrow=lSN , ncol=(lbQC+1))
     colnames(sampleLevel) <- c("sampleNames", levelsNam)
     #remplace the default values with the correct value: 0 is FALSE and 1 TRUE
     for(i in 1: lbQC){
         indexL<- unlist(qualityProblem[levelsNam[i]])
         if(length(indexL) > 0)  sampleLevel[indexL,levelsNam[i]] <- 1


# Necessary functions to check the Parameter of the boxplotPara function:
#  typDef, percent, nSample

########################################### #########################################
# function to check the parameter typDef: how the default Sample should be calculated
 boxplotParaCheckTypDef<- function(typDCheck)
    cht<- TRUE
   if(length(typDCheck) == 1){
       if(!is.character(typDCheck) | !(typDCheck == "median" | typDCheck == "mean"))
            cht<- FALSE
          cht <- TRUE
   }else if(length(typDCheck) == 2) {
            else cht <- FALSE


# function to check the parameter percent
boxplotParaCheckPercent <- function(perc)

     chp <- FALSE

      if(trunc(perc) == 0 & (perc <= 0 | perc >=1 ))
        chp<- FALSE

      else if(trunc(perc)> 0)
        chp<- FALSE

        chp <- TRUE



# function to check the parameter nSample
boxplotParaChecknSamples <- function(nS, 
  print(paste("1", nS, lnAffyB))
  if(!is.numeric(nS)  | nS >lnAffyB){ 
     chn<- FALSE 
     print(paste("2", nS, lnAffyB))           
  }else if ((nS > 0) &  (nS/trunc(nS)> 1)){  
     chn<- FALSE 
      print(paste("3", nS, lnAffyB))         
     print(paste("4", nS, lnAffyB))         
    chn <-TRUE
  print(paste("5", nS, lnAffyB))           
# function to check the parameter percent
boxplotParaCheckPercentSamples <-  function(perc, 
      if(trunc(perc) == 0 & perc*lobject < 0.5){
        if(lobject <50) chps <- 2
        else chps<- FALSE
      } else if (trunc(perc) > 0 & perc/100*lobject < 0.5){
        if(lobject <50) chps <- 2
        else chps <- FALSE
        chps <- TRUE


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affyPara documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:08 p.m.