# file: MAplotParaFunctions.R
# Additional functions for the parallelization of the maplot function
# History
# 10.10.2008 : Version 0.1 - added to package
# 14.11.2008 : Version 0.2 - fix small bug and plot parameters improvements
# 18.11.2008 : Version 0.3 - add function to convert the results of the 'bad' quality samples as matrix
# 28.11.2008 : Version 0.4 - getMatrixBQLevels function improved and fix small bugs to plot
# 01.12.2008 : Version 0.5 - function getBoxplot improvd for the parameter plot=FALSE
# 04.12.2008 : Version 0.6 - fix small bugs for the function getMatrixBQLevels when number of Samples are smaller than number of slaves
# 04.12.2008 : Version 0.7 - set.seed for verbose > 3 added in getValuesChips
# 11.12.2008 : Version 0.8 - improve MAplot graphics - number of plots per page is limited to 8.
# 23.03.2009 : Version 0.9 - Option verbose set to getOption("verbose") and added . to names of internatl functions
# Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 : Esmeralda Vicedo <>, Markus Schmidberger <>
# function to calculate the mean Array at the slaves
MAplotParaSFgMean <- function(type,
if (exists("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
affyBatch <- get("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)
#there are 3 possibilties to take the intensities, as : pm, mm and both
if (type == "both"){
pms <- unlist(indexProbes(affyBatch, "both"))
} else if (type == "pm"){
pms <- unlist(pmindex(affyBatch))
} else if (type == "mm"){
pms <- unlist(mmindex(affyBatch))
x <- log2(intensity(affyBatch)[pms, ])
} else {
x <- intensity(affyBatch)[pms, ]
assign("x", x, envir= .GlobalEnv)
#it possible that only a chip at the slave has been sand
#calculate reference Chip as mean from every Chip at the slave
aB.meanchip <- rowMeans(x)
}else{ #whne onbly a chip thne we take it as reference Chip and not mean is necessary
aB.meanchip <- x
# function to get the "bad" Quality Chips at every slave
getValuesChips <- function(meanchip,
affyBatch <- NULL
intensChip <- NULL
s_absSumM <- NULL
if (exists("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)) {
affyBatch <- get("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (exists("x", envir = .GlobalEnv)){
intensChip <- get("x", envir = .GlobalEnv)
if (type == "both"){
pms <- unlist(indexProbes(affyBatch, "both"))
} else if (type == "pm"){
pms <- unlist(pmindex(affyBatch))
} else if (type == "mm"){
pms <- unlist(mmindex(affyBatch))
intensChip <- log2(intensity(affyBatch)[pms, ])
} else {
intensChip <- (intensity(affyBatch)[pms, ])
#Calculate the M for one or more Chips
M <- sweep(intensChip,1,meanchip,FUN='-')
A <- 1/2*sweep(intensChip,1,meanchip,FUN='+')
# to calculate the loess.Smoother
J <- dim(intensChip)[2]
} else {
M <- (intensChip - meanchip)
A <- 1/2*(intensChip + meanchip)
J <- 1
#The absolute sum of M for every Prove on a Chip(array) will be calculated as described in the outlier
# detection from quality Metrics : S_i= Sum_k abs(M_ik) M_ik : log(ratio) of probe k on array i
qualityValues<- vector("list",6)
names(qualityValues) <-c("sampleName","S", "sigma", "aproxAM_Y","Var_loess", "Var_sigma")
subsets <- NULL
if(J > 1){
for(j in 1:J){
#For Debugging
if(verbose>2) set.seed(1234)
if(is.null(subset)) subsets=sample(1:length(M[,j]),min(c(10000, length(M[,j]))))
else subsets = subset
#Median and sigma for every Sample
sigma <- IQR(M[,j])
mean <- median(M[,j])
# Summe absolute values ob M for every sample
s_absSumM <- sum(abs(M[,j]))
#check for every calculate loess.smother
aux <- loess(M[,j][subsets]~A[,j][subsets],degree=1,span=span,family=family.loess)$fitted
o <- order(A[,j][subsets])
A.sub <- A[,j][subsets][o]
M.sub <- aux[o]
o <-which(!duplicated(A.sub))
# to drawn the loess.smooth line
aproxAM<- approx(A.sub[o],M.sub[o])
# aproxAM delivered two list of values:
# $x -> exes x (A values)
# $y <- exes y (M values)
# to decide if the loess.smooth line oscilated, we take the $y value
osc.loess <- is.unsorted(aproxAM$y)
if(verbose) print(paste("osc.loess : ", osc.loess, "\n"))
# the sigam value of the statics MAplot will be considered as a
Var.sigma <- sigma > cuttof
if(verbose) print(paste(" Var.sigma : ", Var.sigma, "\n" ))
#to write all calculates values in a list and return it as result
if(length(qualityValues$sampleName) > 0)
qualityValues$sampleName <- c(qualityValues$sampleName, sampleNames(affyBatch[,j]))
qualityValues$sampleName <- sampleNames(affyBatch[,j])
if(length(qualityValues$S) > 0)
qualityValues$S<- c(qualityValues$S, s_absSumM)
qualityValues$S <- s_absSumM
if(length(qualityValues$sigma) > 0)
qualityValues$sigma <- c(qualityValues$sigma, sigma)
qualityValues$sigma <- sigma
if(length(qualityValues$aproxAM_Y )> 1)
qualityValues$aproxAM_Y <- cbind(qualityValues$aproxAM_Y, aproxAM$y)
qualityValues$aproxAM_Y <- aproxAM$y
if(length(qualityValues$Var_loess) > 0)
qualityValues$Var_loess <- c(qualityValues$Var_loess, osc.loess)
qualityValues$Var_loess <- osc.loess
if(length(qualityValues$Var_sigma ) > 0)
qualityValues$Var_sigma <- c(qualityValues$Var_sigma, Var.sigma)
qualityValues$Var_sigma <- Var.sigma
if(is.null(subset)) subsets=sample(1:length(M),min(c(10000, length(M))))
else subsets = subset
sigma <- IQR(M)
mean <- median(M)
# Summe absolute values ob M
s_absSumM <- sum(abs(M))
#check for every calculate loess.smother
aux <- loess(M[subsets]~A[subsets],degree=1,span=span,family=family.loess)$fitted
o <- order(A[subsets])
A.sub <- A[subsets][o]
M.sub <- aux[o]
o <-which(!duplicated(A.sub))
# to drawn the loess.smooth line
aproxAM<- approx(A.sub[o],M.sub[o])
# aproxAM delivered two list of values:
# $x -> exes x (A values)
# $y <- exes y (M values)
# to decide if the loess.smooth line oscilated, we take the $y value
osc.loess <- is.unsorted(aproxAM$y)
if(verbose) print(paste("osc.loess : ", osc.loess, "\n"))
# the sigam value of the statics MAplot will be considered as a
Var.sigma <- sigma > cuttof
if(verbose) print(paste(" Var.sigma : ", Var.sigma, "\n" ))
#to write TRUE if the array is a "bad" quality array
qualityValues$sampleName <- sampleNames(affyBatch)
qualityValues$S <- s_absSumM
qualityValues$sigma <- sigma
qualityValues$aproxAM_Y <- aproxAM$y
qualityValues$Var_loess <- osc.loess
qualityValues$Var_sigma <- Var.sigma
# function to get the "bad" Quality Chips from the S values
getBoxplot <- function(sValues,
verbose=getOption("verbose"), plot=FALSE)
#calculate the statistical values
if(plot) op<-par(mfrow=c(2,2))
Sboxpl <- boxplot(sValues, plot=plot, main="S boxplot to detect outliers")
S.stats <- Sboxpl$stats
#take out only the Lower 'whisker' and Upper 'whisker'. These values will
# be considered as limit to classified the Samples as "outliers"("bad" quality Arrays)
S.statsWL <- Sboxpl$stats[1,]
S.statsWU <- Sboxpl$stats[5,]
abline(h= S.statsWL, lty=1, lwd=1, col="red")
abline(h= S.statsWU, lty=1, lwd=1, col="red")
# index of the "outliers" Samples are saved together
S.badQC <- which(sValues < S.statsWL)
S.badQC<- c(S.badQC, which(sValues > S.statsWU))
# return only the name of the samples which are considered "outliers" from its S values
# function to get the "bad" Quality Chips from:
# a) Loess Smooth (TRUE/FALSE) or
# var.sigma (TRUE/FALSE)
getBadQCLoessSigma <- function(lSValues,
lS.badQC<- which(lSValues == 1)
# function to give out the index/Name of the arrays in affybatch, which are classified as "bad" quality. The samples will be classified
# in three levels:
# 1 - badQC.sLoessSigma : samples which are classified as "bad" in checkBadQC.S, checkBadQC.loess and checkBadQC.sigma
# 2 - badQC.sloess badQC.sSigma / badQC.loessSigma : samples which are classified as "bad" only in two of three checkBAdCQ group (S- Loess, S-sigma, Loess-sigma)
# 3 - badQC.loess/ badQC.S / badQC.sigma(samples which are classified as "bad" only in checkBadQC.loess
#return a list with only the index of the samples
getLevelsBQ<- function(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.loess, checkBadQC.sigma, verbose=getOption("verbose") ){
#Samples of the second level but the first level isn�t considered yet:
badQC.sLoess <- sort(intersect(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.loess))
badQC.sSigma<- sort(intersect(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.sigma))
badQC.loessSigma<- sort(intersect(checkBadQC.loess, checkBadQC.sigma))
#Samples of the first level: intersect (sLoes(s , loess) , sigma) the three methods
badQC.sLoessSigma <- sort(intersect(badQC.sLoess ,checkBadQC.sigma))
#Samples of the second level: the samples of the second level whitout first level:
#badQC.Sec_sLoess <- setdiff(badQC.sLoess, badQC.sLoessSigma)
# badQC.Sec_sSigma <- setdiff(badQC.sSigma, badQC.sLoessSigma)
#badQC.Sec_loessSigma <- setdiff(badQC.loessSigma, badQC.sLoessSigma)
#badQC.secondL <- list(badQC.Sec_sLoess, badQC.Sec_sSigma, badQC.Sec_loessSigma)
badQC.secondL <-list(badQC.sLoess, badQC.sSigma, badQC.loessSigma)
names(badQC.secondL) <- c("s-loess", "s-sigma", "loess-sigma")
#Samples of the third level:
#badQC.unLoessSigma <- union(checkBadQC.loess, checkBadQC.sigma)
#badQC.s_LoessSigma <- sort(setdiff(checkBadQC.s, badQC.unLoessSigma))
# badQC.unSSigma <- union(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.sigma)
#badQC.l_SSigma <- sort(setdiff(checkBadQC.loess, badQC.unSSigma))
#badQC.unSLoess <- union(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.loess)
#badQC.sigma_SLoess <- sort(setdiff(checkBadQC.sigma, badQC.unSLoess))
# badQC.thirdL <- list(badQC.s_LoessSigma, badQC.l_SSigma, badQC.sigma_SLoess)
badQC.thirdL<- list(checkBadQC.s, checkBadQC.loess, checkBadQC.sigma)
names(badQC.thirdL) <- c("s", "loess", "sigma")
#the three levels are grouped to be ploted
badQC.MAplots <- list(badQC.sLoessSigma, badQC.secondL, badQC.thirdL)
names( badQC.MAplots) <- c("firstLevel", "secondLevel", "thirdLevel")
# drawMAplot function to draw MAplot from only the "bad quality Arrays.
# object: Affybatch object
# index: parameter which contains the index of the samples to be ploted
# meanchip : calculated reference chip as mean
# type: which kind of intensities should be considered : "PM", "MM", "both"
# log : logical - if true the intensities should be calculated as log2
# subset: used to calculate the loess.Smoother line
drawMAplot <- function(object,
lindex<- length(indexSamp)
namesInd<- names(indexSamp)
lobject<- length(object)
if (verbose) cat(paste("Samples to be ploted: ", lindex, "\n"))
# it is needed to calculate the M and A values only for the Arrays to be ploted
if (type == "both"){
pms <- unlist(indexProbes(object, "both"))
} else if (type == "pm"){
pms <- unlist(pmindex(object))
} else if (type == "mm"){
pms <- unlist(mmindex(object))
if (verbose) cat(paste("Samples to be ploted : " , lindex, "\n"))
#to prepare the graphic window for the number of necessary MAplots
old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
#to send individually the 'bad' quality index to the ma.plot function
for(i in 1:lindex){
#calculate the intensity for every array. it is necessary to calculate the M and A values
x <- log2(intensity(object[,indexSamp[i]])[pms, ])
} else {
x <- intensity(object[,indexSamp[i]])[pms, ]
M <- x - meanchip
A <- (x + meanchip)/2
if(verbose) cat("Sample ", i , " will be ploted \n")
if(is.null(subset)) subsets=sample(1:length(M),min(c(10000, length(M))))
else subsets = subset
main.plot<-paste("Sample : ", indexSamp[i], "-", ref.title)
#call the generic function ma.plot for only the array i
check<- ma.plot(A, M, subset=subsets, show.statistics =show.statistics, span=spans, family.loess=family.loess, pch=pchs, main=main.plot, ...)
if(verbose) print(check)
# function convert the results of the 'bad' quality samples as matrix
# to facility the further possible calculations and analysis
getMatrixBQLevels <- function(calQCSampleName, badQC.MAplots){
lSN <- length(calQCSampleName)
levelsNam <- names(badQC.MAplots)
lbQC <- length(levelsNam)
#built matrix
sampleLevelAll <- matrix( c(calQCSampleName, rep(default,lbQC)), nrow=lSN , ncol=2)
#second and third level Quality will be splited for a better analysis
#remplace the default values with the correct value: 0 is FALSE and 1 TRUE
tempNamCol <- NULL
temp<- 1
for(i in 1: lbQC){
NamIndexL<- sub("^[a-zA-Z]*[.]","",names(unlist(badQC.MAplots[levelsNam[i]])))
NamIndex <- unique(sub("[1-9]*[0-9]*$","", NamIndexL))
li <- length(NamIndex)
#for subclasses of a class
if(li > 1){
for( j in 1: li){
temp<- temp +1
if(dim(sampleLevelAll)[2]< temp) sampleLevelAll<- cbind(sampleLevelAll, rep(0,lSN))
sampleLevelAll[badQC.MAplots[[i]][[NamIndex[[j]]]], temp] <- 1
tempNamCol <- c(tempNamCol, NamIndex[j])
}else if(li ==1){
temp<- temp +1
if(dim(sampleLevelAll)[2]< temp) sampleLevelAll<- cbind(sampleLevelAll, rep(0,lSN))
tempNamCol <- c(tempNamCol, NamIndex)
if(data.class(badQC.MAplots[[i]]) == "list") sampleLevelAll[badQC.MAplots[[i]][[NamIndex]],temp] <- 1
else sampleLevelAll[badQC.MAplots[[i]],temp] <- 1
colnames(sampleLevelAll) <- c("sampleNames", tempNamCol)
#second and third level Quality will be splited for a better analysis
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