# function to make a boxplot of the RI deviations of a given metabolite.
plotRIdev <- function(Lib, peaks, libId = 1) {
n <- length(libId)
j <- ceiling(sqrt(n))
i <- ceiling(n/j)
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(i,j), mar = c(3,3,3,2), mgp = c(1.5,0.75,0))
for(id in libId) {
stop(sprintf("Error: libId=%d not found", id))
x <- t(retIndex(peaks)[[id]]) <- libName(Lib)[id]
mz <- selMass(Lib)[[id]]
if(any(mz != colnames(x)))
mz <- topMass(Lib)[[id]]
if(any(mz != colnames(x)))
stop("LibraryID Error: Library object and tsMSdata object don't match.")
if(all( {
warning(sprintf("All values are NAs for libId=%d", id))
plot.NA(main =, xlab = "mz", ylab = "RI")
} else {
boxplot(data.frame(x), names = mz, main =, xlab = "mz", ylab = "RI")
abline( h = medRI(Lib)[id], col = "red")
# a wrapper function to make a PDF of all the RIdev of all metabolites
plotAllRIdev <- function(Lib, peaks, pdfFile, width = 8, height = 8,...) {
n <- length(Lib)
pdf(pdfFile, width, height, ...)
for(i in 1:ceiling(n/9)) {
x <- 9*i - 8
y <- min(9*i, n)
plotRIdev(Lib, peaks, x:y)
# function to plot a empty box with "NA" text.
plot.NA <- function(...) {
plot(1, type = "n", axes = FALSE, ...)
text(1,1, "NA", cex = 2)
# function to plot a chromatographic peak.
plotPeakSimple <- function(rawpeaks, time.range, masses, cdfFile = NULL, useRI = FALSE, rimTime = NULL,
standard = NULL, massRange = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(cdfFile) == FALSE)
rawpeaks <- peakCDFextraction(cdfFile, massRange)
if(length(time.range) != 2)
stop("time.range length must be equal to 2.")
if(is.null(massRange)) {
massRange <- rawpeaks$massRange
stop("mass range definition is missing.")
if(useRI == TRUE) {
tm <- rt2ri(rawpeaks$Time,rimTime, standard)
xlab <- "RI"
} else {
tm <- rawpeaks$Time
xlab <- "RT"
op <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)
ms <- masses - massRange[1] + 1
idx <- which(tm > time.range[1] & tm < time.range[2] )
par(mar = c(5,4,5,2)+0.1, mgp = c(2,0.8,0))
matplot(tm[idx], rawpeaks$Peaks[idx, ms ], type = 'l', xlab = xlab, ylab = "Intensity", ...)
if(useRI == TRUE) {
axis(3, at = tm[idx[1:(length(idx/10)/10)*10]], labels = rawpeaks$Time[idx[1:(length(idx/10)/10)*10]])
legend("topright", legend = masses, col = 1:6, lty = 1:5)
# a new version
plotPeak <- function(samples, Lib, metProf, rawpeaks, which.smp=1, which.met=1, massRange=NULL, corMass=FALSE)
grep2 <- function(pattern, x) {
out <- grep(tolower(pattern), tolower(x), fixed=TRUE)
if(length(out) == 0) # trying regular expression
out <- grep(tolower(pattern), tolower(x),
if(is.character(which.smp)) {
which.smp <- grep2(which.smp[1], sampleNames(samples))
if(length(which.smp) > 1) {
message("Multiple samples found. Using the first match.")
message(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", which.smp, sampleNames(samples)[which.smp]))
} else if(length(which.smp) == 0) {
stop("No samples matching pattern found")
which.smp <- which.smp[1]
if(is.character(which.met)) {
which.met <- grep2(which.met[1], libName(Lib))
if(length(which.met) > 1) {
message("Multiple metabolites found. Using the first match.")
message(sprintf("[%d] %s\n", which.met, libName(Lib)[which.met]))
} else if(length(which.met) == 0) {
stop("No metabolites found.")
which.met <- which.met[1]
cdfFile <- CDFfiles(samples)[which.smp]
riFile <- RIfiles(samples)[which.smp]
rawpeaks <- peakCDFextraction(cdfFile, massRange)
rawpeaks <- peakCDFextraction(cdfFile, massRange)
if(is.null(massRange)) {
massRange <- rawpeaks$massRange
stop("mass range definition is missing.")
# code to transform from RI to RT
opt <- get.file.format.opt(riFile)
if(opt[1] == 0) {
# retention index and retention time columns (only for text RI files)
ri_col <- opt[4] + 1
rt_col <- opt[5] + 1
tmp <- read.delim(riFile, = TRUE)
ri <- rt2ri(rawpeaks$Time, tmp[, rt_col], tmp[, ri_col])
} else if(opt[1] == 1) {
tmp <- readRIBin(riFile)
ri <- rt2ri(rawpeaks$Time, tmp$retTime, tmp$retIndex)
id <- as.character(which.met)
topMz <- topMass(Lib)[[which.met]]
topMz <- topMz[topMz >= massRange[1] & topMz <= massRange[2]]
corMz <- profileInfo(metProf)[id, "Masses"]
corMz <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(corMz,";")))
if(corMass) topMz <- corMz
font <- lwd <- rep(1, length(topMz))
lwd[topMz %in% corMz] <- 3
font[topMz %in% corMz] <- 2
libOriRI <- libRI(Lib)[which.met]
libMedRI <- medRI(Lib)[which.met]
smpMedRI <- median(retIndex(metProf)[[which.met]][, which.smp], na.rm=T)
rdev <- RIdev(Lib)[which.met,]
riRange <- range(c(c(libOriRI,libMedRI,smpMedRI)-rdev,
c(libOriRI,libMedRI,smpMedRI)+rdev), na.rm=T)
idx <- which( ri >= riRange[1] & ri <= riRange[2])
mz <- topMz - massRange[1] + 1
intRange <- range(rawpeaks$Peaks[idx, mz ])
main <- sprintf("Sample: %s | Metab: %s", sampleNames(samples)[which.smp], libName(Lib)[which.met])
plot(NA, type="n", xlab = 'Retention Index (RI)', ylab = "Intensity", xlim=range(ri[idx]), ylim=intRange)
mtext(main, 3, font=2, line=2)
axis(3, at = ri[idx[1:(length(idx/10)/10)*10]], labels = rawpeaks$Time[idx[1:(length(idx/10)/10)*10]])
rect(libMedRI-rdev[2], -intRange[2]*2, libMedRI+rdev[2], intRange[2]*2, col=gray(0.95), lty=0)
rect(smpMedRI-rdev[3], -intRange[2]*2, smpMedRI+rdev[3], intRange[2]*2, col=gray(0.9), lty=0)
matlines(ri[idx], rawpeaks$Peaks[idx, mz ], lwd=lwd)
legend("topright", legend = topMz, col = 1:6, lty = 1:5, lwd=lwd, text.col=font)
# function to plot the median intensities across all the samples with the reference spectrum
# for a given metabolite.
plotSpectra <- function(Lib, peaks, libId = 1, type = "ht") {
ptype <- pmatch(type, c("ht", "ss", "diff"))
stop("Unknown type parameter ", type)
id <- libId
x <- t(Intensity(peaks)[[id]])
if(all( {
plot.NA(main = libName(Lib)[id], xlab = "mz", ylab = "Intensity")
} else {
# remove samples with no data.
x <- x[apply(x, 1, function(x) all( == FALSE,,drop=FALSE]
# remove masses with no data
bar <- apply(x, 2, function(x) all( == FALSE
x <- x[,bar,drop=FALSE]
# x <- apply(x, 1,median,na.rm = T), FUN = "/")
x.median <- apply(x, 2, median, na.rm = T)
x.median <- 999 * x.median / max(x.median)
mz <- topMass(Lib)[[id]][bar]
if(length(spectra(Lib)) > 0 ) { <- spectra(Lib)[[id]][,1] <- spectra(Lib)[[id]][,2]
} else { <- mz <- rep(0, length(
if(ptype == 1) {
plot (mz, x.median, type = 'h', col = 'blue', ylim = c(-1000,1000), main = libName(Lib)[id],
xlab = "mz", ylab = "Intensity", yaxt = "n")
points(, -, type = 'h', col = 'red')
axis(2, at = c(-1000,-500,0,500,1000), labels = c(1000,500,0,500,1000))
o1 <- order(x.median, decreasing = TRUE)[1:min(6,length(x.median))]
o2 <- order(, decreasing = TRUE)[1:min(6,length(]
text(mz[o1], x.median[o1], as.character(mz[o1]), cex = 0.7)
text([o2],[o2], as.character([o2]), cex = 0.7)
legend("bottomright", "reference spectrum", box.lty = 0, cex = 0.8)
legend("topright", "median spectrum", box.lty = 0, cex = 0.8)
} else if (ptype == 2) {
plot (mz, x.median, type = 'h', col = 'blue', ylim = c(0,1000), main = libName(Lib)[id],
xlab = "mz", ylab = "Intensity")
points(,, type = 'h', col = 'red')
o1 <- order(x.median, decreasing = TRUE)[1:min(6,length(x.median))]
text(mz[o1], x.median[o1], as.character(mz[o1]), cex = 0.7)
legend("topright", c("reference spectrum", "median spectrum"), text.col = c("red","blue"), box.lty = 0, cex = 0.8)
} else if (ptype == 3) {
plot(mz, x.median, type = 'n', ylim = c(-1000,1000), main = libName(Lib)[id],
xlab = "mz", ylab = "Intensity", yaxt = "n")
axis(2, at = c(-1000,-500,0,500,1000), labels = c(1000,500,0,500,1000))
foo <- mz %in%
points(mz[!foo], x.median[!foo], col = "blue", type = 'h')
bar <- %in% mz
points([!bar],[!bar], col = "red", type = 'h')
mz <- mz[foo]
x.median <- x.median[foo] <- apply(cbind(mz, x.median), 1, function(x) x[2] -[ == x[1]])
points(mz,, col = "darkgreen", type = 'h')
legend("bottomright", "reference spectrum", box.lty = 0, cex = 0.8)
legend("topright", "median spectrum", box.lty = 0, cex = 0.8)
# a wrapper function to plotSpectrum to plot all spectra
plotAllSpectra <- function(Lib, peaks, type = "ht", pdfFile, width = 8, height = 8, ...) {
pdf(pdfFile, width, height, ...)
for(i in 1:length(Lib)) {
plotSpectra(Lib, peaks, i, type)
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