printf <- function(...) print(noquote(sprintf(...)))
runTests <- function()
} # runTests
test_getAssayData <- function()
printf("--- test_getAssayData")
trena <- TReNA(matrix(1:10, nrow=2), solver = "lasso")
checkEquals(class(getAssayData(getSolverObject(trena))), "matrix")
checkEquals(matrix(1:10, nrow=2), getAssayData(getSolverObject(trena)))
} # test_getAssayData
test_developAndFitDummyTestData <- function(quiet=FALSE)
printf("--- test_developAndFitDummyTestData")
gene.count <- 50
sample.count <- 20
mtx <- matrix(100 * abs(rnorm(sample.count * gene.count)), sample.count, gene.count)
colnames(mtx) <- sprintf("gene.%02d", 1:ncol(mtx))
rownames(mtx) <- sprintf("samp.%02d", 1:nrow(mtx))
# arbitrarily designate 10 of the genes as transcription factors
TF.genes <- sort(sprintf("gene.%02d", sample(1:gene.count, 10)))
target.genes <- setdiff(colnames(mtx), TF.genes)
TF.1 <- TF.genes[1]
TF.2 <- TF.genes[2]
target.gene <- target.genes[1]
mtx[, target.gene] <- jitter((mtx[, TF.1]+mtx[, TF.2]), amount=10)
mtx[, TF.2] <- (mtx[, TF.1] - mtx[, target.gene])
# make sure that the target is the sum of the two TFs
checkTrue(all( mtx[, target.gene] == mtx[, TF.1] - mtx[, TF.2]))
# make sure other correlations are low
exclude.these.columns <- unlist(lapply(c(TF.1, TF.2, target.gene), function(g) grep(g, colnames(mtx))))
mtx.sub <- mtx[, -exclude.these.columns]
other.correlations <- apply(mtx.sub, 2, function(col) cor(col, mtx[, TF.1]))
# random chance could produce another gene well-correlated to TF.1, but with our seed has not
checkTrue(max(other.correlations) < 0.5)
target.col <- grep(target.gene, colnames(mtx))
target <- mtx[, target.col]
features <- mtx[ , -target.col]
# learn lambda.min
cv.out <- cv.glmnet(features, target, grouped=FALSE)
#suppressWarnings(cv.out <- cv.glmnet(features, target, grouped=FALSE))
lambda.min <- cv.out$lambda.min
weights <- rep(1, nrow(features))
fit = glmnet(features, target, weights=weights, lambda=lambda.min)
# extract the exponents of the fit
betas <- as.matrix(t(coef(cv.out, s="lambda.min")))
# only TF.1 should contribute to a model of the target gene
checkTrue(betas[1, "(Intercept)"] > 1)
checkTrue(betas[1, TF.1] > 0.9)
checkTrue(betas[1, TF.2] < -0.9)
# return this for other tests to use.
# learned belatedly: genes as rownames, samples as colnames is the standard
# so transpose this matrix before returning it
invisible(list(assay=t(mtx), tf.genes=TF.genes, target.genes=target.genes,
correlated.tfs=c(TF.1, TF.2),
} # test_developAndFitDummyTestData
test_fitDummyData <- function()
printf("--- test_fitDummyData")
x <- test_developAndFitDummyTestData(quiet=TRUE)
mtx <- x$assay
#asinh-transform the data
mtx <- asinh(mtx)
target.gene <- x$
tfs <- x$tf.genes
trena <- TReNA(mtx.assay=mtx, solver="lasso", quiet=FALSE)
tf1 <- x$correlated.tfs[1]
tf2 <- x$correlated.tfs[2]
target.gene <- x$
target.values <- as.numeric(x$assay[target.gene,])
tf1.values <- as.numeric(x$assay[tf1,])
tf2.values <- as.numeric(x$assay[tf2,])
# we expect an intercept and a coef for tfs gene.02 and gene.03
# which predict the value of the target.gene
tbl.betas <- solve(trena, target.gene, tfs, extraArgs =list(alpha=1.0, lambda=NULL))
checkTrue(all(c(tf1,tf2) %in% rownames(tbl.betas)))
checkEquals(colnames(tbl.betas), c("beta", "intercept", "gene.cor"))
intercept <- tbl.betas[1, "intercept"]
coef.tf1 <- tbl.betas[tf1, "beta"]
coef.tf2 <- tbl.betas[tf2, "beta"]
predicted <- intercept + (coef.tf1 * mtx[tf1,]) + (coef.tf2 * mtx[tf2,])
actual <- mtx[target.gene, ]
# on average, the prediction should be reasonable
checkEqualsNumeric(sum(actual - predicted), 0, tol=1e-8)
} # test_fitDummyData
# one possible source of down-weighting data from TFs is the frequency of their putative
# binding sites across the genome. the SP1-n family has a motif-in-footprint about every
# 5k, for example.
# db <- dbConnect(dbDriver("SQLite"), "~/github/snpFoot/inst/misc/sqlite.explorations/fpTf.sqlite")
# tbl.fpTfFreqs <- dbGetQuery(db, "select * from fpTfFreqs")
# as.integer(fivenum(values)) # [1] 241 4739 9854 22215 658334
test_scalePredictorPenalties.lasso <- function()
printf("--- test_scalePredictorPenalties.lasso")
raw.values <- c(241, 4739, 9854, 22215, 658334)
ls <- LassoSolver(matrix())
min.observed <- 1 # just one footprint in the genome for some possible gene
max.observed <- 658334 # max observed putative binding sites for SPx family of tfs
cooked.values <- rescalePredictorWeights(ls, rawValue.min=1, rawValue.max=1000000, raw.values)
checkEqualsNumeric(cooked.values[1], 0.99976, tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(cooked.values[2], 0.99526, tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(cooked.values[3], 0.99015, tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(cooked.values[4], 0.97778, tol=1e-3)
checkEqualsNumeric(cooked.values[5], 0.34166, tol=1e-3)
} # test_scalePredictorPenalties.lasso
test_eliminateSelfTFs <- function()
printf("--- test_eliminateSelfTFs")
load(system.file(package="TReNA", "extdata/ampAD.154genes.mef2cTFs.278samples.RData"))
target.gene <- "MEF2C"
mtx.asinh <- asinh(mtx.sub)
trena <- TReNA(mtx.assay=mtx.asinh, solver="lasso", quiet=FALSE)
tfs <- rownames(mtx.asinh)
checkTrue(target.gene %in% tfs) # our test case
tbl.betas <- solve(trena, target.gene, tfs)
checkTrue(!target.gene %in% rownames(tbl.betas))
checkTrue(cor(tbl.betas$beta, tbl.betas$gene.cor) > 0.6)
trena2 <- TReNA(mtx.assay=mtx.asinh, solver="bayesSpike", quiet=FALSE)
tbl.betas2 <- solve(trena2, target.gene, tfs)
checkTrue(!target.gene %in% rownames(tbl.betas2))
checkTrue(cor(tbl.betas2$beta[1:10], tbl.betas2$gene.cor[1:10]) > 0.6)
} # test_eliminateSelfTFs
test_MatrixWarnings <- function()
printf("--- test_MatrixWarnings")
# Change warnings to errors
options(warn = 2)
# Check that a skewed matrix produces an error
test.mtx <- matrix(1:10000, nrow = 100)
test.mtx[1,1] <- 1e7
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx), silent = TRUE)
# Check that a matrix with a row of 0's produces an error for most solvers
test.mtx[1,] <- 0
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "bayesSpike"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "lassopv"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "sqrtlasso"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "randomForest"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "pearson"), silent = TRUE)
checkException(TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "spearman"), silent = TRUE)
# Check that a target gene with low expression causes a warning for a solver
test.mtx[1,] <- 0.1
rownames(test.mtx) <- 1:100
target.gene <- 1
tfs <- 2:100
trena <- TReNA(test.mtx, solver = "ensemble")
checkException(solve(trena, target.gene, tfs), silent = TRUE)
# Change warnings back to warnings
options(warn = 1)
} #test_MatrixWarnings
if(!interactive()) runTests()
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