### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Train the Dirichlet mixture model from matrice
### Exported!
setMethod("dmmEM", signature(x="matrix"),
function(x, K=6, alg=c("C", "R")){
alg <- match.arg(alg)
if(alg == "C"){
fit <- lapply(1:K, dmn, count=x, verbose=TRUE)
lplc <- sapply(fit, laplace)
best <- fit[[which.min(lplc)]]
ans <- list(alpha0=fitted(best), pmix=mixturewt(best)$pi,
ans <- dirichletMixtureEMEstimation(t(x), K, alpha0=NULL,
setMethod("dmmEM", signature(x="PFMatrixList"),
function(x, K=6, alg=c("C", "R")){
allMatrix <-, Matrix(x))
#dirichletMixtureEMEstimation(t(allMatrix), K, alpha0, pmix)
dmmEM(t(allMatrix), K, alg=alg)
setMethod("dmmEM", signature(x="ANY"),
function(x, K=6, alg=c("C", "R")){
allMatrix <- getMatrixSet(x, opts=list(all=TRUE))
dmmEM(allMatrix, K, alg=alg)
dirichletMixtureEMEstimation <- function(inputMatrix, K,
alpha0=NULL, pmix=NULL){
## inputMatrix: the samples summarized as counts for each of A letters, N x A
## A <- 4 for DNA. This matrix should be concatenated by all matrices
## from Jaspar.
## K: the number of sought component.
## alpha0: the estimated Dirichlet parameters A x K
## pmix: mixing proportions 1 x K
K = as.integer(K)
N <- nrow(inputMatrix)
A <- ncol(inputMatrix)
rowSumsInputMatrix <- rowSums(inputMatrix)
oN <- rep(1, N)
oK <- rep(1, K)
oA <- rep(1, A)
gam <- matrix(0, nrow=N, ncol=K)
contrib_n <- matrix(0, nrow=A, ncol=K)
contrib_d <- rep(0, K)
## random initialization
epsilon <- 0.1
alpha0 <- epsilon * (2 * matrix(runif(A * K), nrow=A, ncol=K) - 1) + 2
stopifnot(all(dim(alpha0) == c(nrow(inputMatrix), K)))
Alpha0 <- colSums(alpha0)
pmix <- rep(1, K) / K
stopifnot(sum(pmix) == 1)
## minimum alpha0 value
alpha0_min <- 1e-8
ftol <- 1e-10
iteouter_max <- 10000
iteinner_max <- 1
dll_min <- 1e-6
ite <- 0;
dll <- Inf;
ll <- numeric(iteouter_max)
while(ite < iteouter_max && (dll > dll_min || ite == 1)){
ite <- ite + 1;
## E-step
contrib <- log(pmix) + lgamma(Alpha0) - colSums(lgamma(alpha0))
for(k in 1:K){
alpha0_k <- alpha0[ , k]
gam[ ,k] <- rowSums(lgamma(inputMatrix +
matrix(rep(alpha0_k, N), nrow=N, ncol=A,
byrow=TRUE))) -
lgamma(rowSumsInputMatrix + rep(Alpha0[k], N))
gam <- gam + matrix(rep(contrib, N), nrow=N, ncol=K, byrow=TRUE)
maxgam <- apply(gam, 1, max)
gam <- exp(gam - matrix(rep(maxgam, K), nrow=N, ncol=K, byrow=FALSE))
ll[ite] <- sum(maxgam + log(rowSums(gam)))
dll <- ll[ite] - ll[max(ite-1,1)]
sumgam <- 1 / rowSums(gam)
gam <- gam * matrix(rep(sumgam, K), nrow=N, ncol=K, byrow=FALSE)
## M-step
pmix <- colSums(gam) / N
dalpha0 <- Inf
iteinner <- 0
while(sum(abs(dalpha0)) > ftol && iteinner < iteinner_max){
iteinner = iteinner + 1
for(k in 1:K){
alpha0_k <- alpha0[ , k]
contrib_n[ , k] <- psigamma(t(inputMatrix) +
matrix(rep(alpha0_k, N), nrow=A,
ncol=N, byrow=FALSE)) %*% gam[ , k]
contrib_d[k] <- sum(psigamma(rowSumsInputMatrix + Alpha0[k]) *
gam[ ,k]) - pmix[k] * N * psigamma(Alpha0[k])
contrib_n <- contrib_n - N * psigamma(alpha0) *
matrix(rep(pmix, A), nrow=A, ncol=length(pmix), byrow=TRUE)
dalpha0 <- pmax(alpha0 * (contrib_n /
matrix(rep(contrib_d, A), nrow=A,
ncol=length(contrib_d), byrow=TRUE)),
alpha0_min) - alpha0
alpha0 <- alpha0 + dalpha0
Alpha0 <- colSums(alpha0)
if(isTRUE(all.equal(ite %% iteouter_max / 10, 0))){
cat("Iteration: ", ite, "\n")
return(list(alpha0=alpha0, pmix=pmix, ll=ll))
repmat <- function(a,n,m) {kronecker(matrix(1,n,m),a)}
## Sampling from Dirichlet distribution is implemented in gtools::rdirichlet.
#dirichletSample <- function(a, n=1){
## Sample from Dirichlet distribution.
## DIRICHLET_SAMPLE(a) returns a probability vector sampled from a
## Dirichlet distribution with parameter vector A.
## DIRICHLET_SAMPLE(a,n) returns N samples, collected into a matrix, each
## vector having the same orientation as A.
## References:
## [1] L. Devroye, "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation",
## Springer-Verlag, 1986
## This is essentially a generalization of the method for Beta rv's.
## Theorem 4.1, p.594
#rgamma(n*length(a), rep(a, n))
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### sample the matrix from Dirichlet mixture model
### Exported!
setMethod("rPWMDmm", signature(x="matrix"),
function(x, alpha0, pmix, N=1, W=6){
PWMrandomizeBayes(x, alpha0, pmix, N, W)
setMethod("rPWMDmm", signature(x="PFMatrix"),
function(x, alpha0, pmix, N=1, W=6){
PWMrandomizeBayes(Matrix(x), alpha0, pmix, N, W)
setMethod("rPWMDmm", signature(x="PFMatrixList"),
function(x, alpha0, pmix, N=1, W=6){
allMatrix <-, Matrix(x))
PWMrandomizeBayes(allMatrix, alpha0, pmix, N, W)
#setMethod("rPWMDmm", signature(x="ANY"),
# function(x, alpha0, pmix, N=1, W=6){
# allMatrix <- getMatrixSet(x, opts=list(all=TRUE))
# rPWMDmm(allMatrix, alpha0, pmix, N, W)
# }
# )
PWMrandomizeBayes <- function(PCM, alpha0, pmix, N=1, W=6){
## generates N (default 1) random PWM of width drawn from
## the posterior distribution
## of PWMs. The posterior is propertional to the
## Dirichlet prior distribution Dprior (which
## might be a mixture) times the mulitnomial likelihood with count matrix PCM.
A <- nrow(PCM)
Win <- ncol(PCM)
### parameters of prior
#alpha0 <- Dprior$alpha0
##alpha0 is the estimated Dirichlet parameters A x K
#pmix <- Dprior$pmix
## pmix mixing proportions 1 x K
K <- length(pmix)
### accumulative distribution for mixing proportions
apmix <- cumsum(pmix)
PWM = list()
for(n in 1:N){
PWM[[n]] <- matrix(NA, ncol=W, nrow=nrow(alpha0))
if(W == Win){
for(w in 1:W){
## draw from the mixture component
k = which(runif(1) < apmix)[1]
## draw from component k of dirichlet posterior
PWM[[n]][ ,w] <-
rdirichlet(n=1, alpha=(alpha0[ ,k] + PCM[ ,w]))
for(w in 1:W){
## draw from the mixture component
k = which(runif(1) < apmix)[1]
## draw from component k of dirichlet posterior and use random
## column in PCM
PWM[[n]][, w] <-
rdirichlet(n=1, alpha=(alpha0[ ,k] +
PCM[ ,ceiling(Win * runif(1))]))
## Make sure colSums is almost 1.
stopifnot(all(sapply(PWM, function(x){all(sapply(colSums(x),
all.equal, 1))})))
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