plotImage <- function(cel) {
cel <- readCel(cel, readXY = TRUE)
levelplot(log2(cel[["intensities"]])~cel[["x"]]*cel[["y"]], cuts = 16, col.regions=rainbow(22)[1:17], xlab="Y position", ylab="X position",region=T)
plotMA <- function(eSet, ip=NULL, control=NULL, col=NULL) {
if(is.null(col)) {
col <- "#00000040"
if(inherits(eSet, "ExpressionSet")) {
eSet <- exprs(eSet)
xy <- windowxy(length(which(ip == T)) * length(which(control == T)))
par(mfcol=c(xy[1], xy[2]))
names <- colnames(eSet)
#combinations <- list()
cat("Plotting ")
for(i in 1:length(ip)) {
for(j in 1:length(control)) {
if(ip[i] == T & control[j] == T) {
cat(paste(names[i], names[j], sep="vs"), " ")
#combinations[[length(combinations)+1]] <- c(i, j)
M <- eSet[,i] - eSet[,j]
A <- (eSet[,i] + eSet[,j])/2
ma.plot(A, M, pch=".", cex=0.8, col=col, main=paste(names[i], names[j], sep="vs"))
plotBoxes <- function(eSet, col=NULL) {
if(inherits(eSet, "ExpressionSet")) {
eSet <- exprs(eSet)
cols <- c("#666666", "#999966", "#669966", "#996666", "#996699", "#669699", "#666999", "#999696", "#696966")
if(is.null(col) & length(cols) < dim(eSet)[2]) {
boxplot(eSet, names=NA, varwidth=T)
mtext(side=1, at=1:dim(eSet)[2], colnames(eSet), padj=1, font=2, line=2)
else if(is.null(col) & length(cols) >= dim(eSet)[2]) {
boxplot(eSet, col=cols, names=NA, varwidth=T)
mtext(side=1, at=1:dim(eSet)[2], colnames(eSet), padj=1, font=2, line=2)
else if(!is.null(col)) {
boxplot(eSet, col=col, names=NA, varwidth=T)
mtext(side=1, at=1:dim(eSet)[2], colnames(eSet), padj=1, font=2, line=2)
plotDensity <- function(eSet, oneDevice=T, main="") {
if(inherits(eSet, "ExpressionSet")) {
eSet <- exprs(eSet)
cols <- rainbow(dim(eSet)[2])
expr <- NULL
if(class(eSet) == "matrix") {
expr <- eSet
else {
expr <- eSet
densities <- list()
ymax <- c()
ymin <- c()
for(i in 1:dim(eSet)[2]) {
densities[[i]] <- density(expr[,i])
ymax[i] <- max(densities[[i]]$y)
ymin[i] <- min(densities[[i]]$y)
if(oneDevice) {
plot(densities[[1]]$x, densities[[1]]$y, col=cols[1], lwd=2, ylim=c(min(ymin), max(ymax)), xlim=c(min(expr), max(expr)), main=main, type="l", xlab="intensity", ylab="density")
for(i in 2:dim(eSet)[2]) {
lines(densities[[i]], col=cols[i], lwd=2)
legend("topleft", colnames(eSet), col=cols, lty=rep(1, dim(eSet)[2]) , lwd=rep(2, dim(eSet)[2]))
else {
for(i in 1:dim(eSet)[2]) {
plot(densities[[1]], col=cols[i], lwd=2, main=colnames(expr)[i])
plotGCbias <- function (intensity, sequence, main = "")
gc <- sapply(strsplit(sequence, ""), function(x) sum(x %in%
c("C", "G")))
boxplot(split(intensity-mean(intensity, na.rm=TRUE), gc), main = main, varwidth = TRUE,
xlab = "GC bases", ylab = "intensity")
plotPosBias <- function (intensity, sequence, main = "", ylim = NULL)
m <- mean(intensity, na.rm=TRUE)
means <- list()
bases <- c("A", "T", "C", "G")
seq <- lapply(sequence, function(x) {
unlist(strsplit(x, ""))
cat("Calculating mean intensities for ")
indices <- list()
for (i in 1:length(bases)) {
cat(bases[i], " ")
pos <- lapply(seq, function(x) {
which(x == bases[i])
for_split <- sapply(1:length(pos), function(x) {
rep(x, length(pos[[x]]))
indices <- split(unlist(for_split), unlist(pos))
means[[bases[i]]] <- sapply(indices, function(x) {
mean(intensity[x], na.rm = T)-m
if (is.null(ylim)) {
plot(means[["A"]], pch = "A", col = "green", ylim = c(min(unlist(means)),
max(unlist(means))), xlab = "position in sequence",
ylab = "intensity", main = main)
else {
plot(means[["A"]], pch = "A", col = "green", ylim = ylim,
xlab = "position in sequence", ylab = "intensity",
main = main)
points(means[["T"]], pch = "T", col = "blue")
points(means[["G"]], pch = "G", col = "orange")
points(means[["C"]], pch = "C", col = "red")
plotScatter <- function(eSet, density=F, cluster=T, sample=NULL, cex=1) {
if(inherits(eSet, "ExpressionSet")) {
eSet <- exprs(eSet)
if(! is.null(sample)) {
eSet <- eSet[sample(1:nrow(eSet), sample),]
if(cluster) {
correlation <- cor(eSet, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
dist <- dist(correlation)
clust <- hclust(dist, method="average")
eSet <- eSet[,clust$labels[clust$order]]
if(density) {
pairs(eSet, lower.panel=function(x,y) {text(mean(sum(range(x, na.rm=T)))/2, mean(sum(range(y, na.rm=T)))/2, labels=round(cor(x,y, use="pairwise.complete.obs"), 2), cex=1.5)}, upper.panel=function(x,y) {densityscatter(x,y,add=T,cex=cex)})
else {
pairs(eSet, lower.panel=function(x,y) {text(mean(sum(range(x, na.rm=T)))/2, mean(sum(range(y, na.rm=T)))/2, labels=round(cor(x,y, use="pairwise.complete.obs"), 2), cex=1.5)}, upper.panel=function(x, y) {points(x,y,pch="."); lines(lowess(x, y), col="red")})#, pch=".", lwd=1)#, col="#00000040")
plotRatioScatter <- function(eSet, ip, control, density=F, sample=NULL, cluster=T, cex=1) {
if(inherits(eSet, "ExpressionSet")) {
eSet <- exprs(eSet)
mat <- matrix(nrow=nrow(eSet), ncol=length(which(ip == T)) * length(which(control == T)))
names <- colnames(eSet)
counter <- 1
colnames <- c()
for(i in 1:length(ip)) {
for(j in 1:length(control)) {
if(ip[i] == T & control[j] == T) {
colnames[counter] <- paste(names[i], names[j], sep="vs")
mat[,counter] <- eSet[,i]-eSet[,j]
counter <- counter + 1
colnames(mat) <- colnames
if(! is.null(sample)) {
mat <- mat[sample(1:nrow(mat), sample),]
if(cluster) {
correlation <- cor(mat, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
dist <- dist(correlation)
clust <- hclust(dist, method="average")
mat <- mat[,clust$labels[clust$order]]
if(density) {
pairs(mat, lower.panel=function(x,y) {text(mean(sum(range(x, na.rm=T)))/2, mean(sum(range(y, na.rm=T)))/2, labels=round(cor(x,y, use="pairwise.complete.obs"), 2), cex=1.5)}, upper.panel=function(x,y) {densityscatter(x,y,add=T,cex=cex)})
pairs(mat, lower.panel=function(x,y) {text(mean(sum(range(x, na.rm=T)))/2, mean(sum(range(y, na.rm=T)))/2, labels=round(cor(x,y, use="pairwise.complete.obs"), 2), cex=1.5)}, upper.panel=function(x, y) {points(x,y,pch="."); lines(lowess(x, y), col="red")})
kde2dplot <- function(x,y, # a 2d density computed by kde2D
grid=50, ncol=30,nlevels=10,main="" # the number of colors to use
d = kde2d(x,y,n=grid)
z <- d$z
nrz <- nrow(z)
ncz <- ncol(z)
couleurs <- tail(topo.colors(trunc(1.4 * ncol)),ncol)
densityscatter = function(x,y,pch=19,cex=1,ncol=30,grid=100,
palette="heat", add=F,...){
getfrommat = function(a){d$z[a[1],a[2]]}
palette = switch(palette,
heat = c("grey","dark blue","red","orange","gold"),
red = c("#E0C6C6","red"),
green = c("#C6E0C6","green"),
blue = c("#C6C6E0","blue"),
black = c("#E5E5E5","black"),
mountain = c("light green","dark green","black","dark grey","#F0F0F0"),
todiscrete = function(t,tmin,tmax,bins){
erg = round((t-tmin)/(tmax-tmin)*bins+0.5)
erg = pmin(pmax(erg,1),bins)
colpal = colfct(ncol)
d <- kde2d(x,y,n=grid)
xdiscrete = todiscrete(x,min(x),max(x),bins=grid)
ydiscrete = todiscrete(y,min(y),max(y),bins=grid)
heatvec = unlist(apply(cbind(xdiscrete,ydiscrete),1,getfrommat))
coldiscrete = todiscrete(heatvec,min(d$z),max(d$z),bins=ncol)
if(add) {
else {
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